
Netori System [Original]

https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [WARNING EXTREME R-18 SEX] In a modern world full of powerful beings a System is given to every human when they are born. Each System is different based on the System's special abilities and title. The origin of these Systems is unknown and remains a mystery. One high school boy named Jon is betrayed by his closest friend and is outcasted from this world. His life soon changes when he gains a new power that takes everything from everyone! He will get his revenge! In this world, only the strong stand above in their own hierarchy and corruption. Even mythical and legendary beings exist in this world hidden in secrecy. Jon will conquer every beauty in this world no matter what! >[Netori System activated!]Warning

GhostyGodZ · 都市
151 Chs

Unexpected Pt.2

'Girlfriend!? Are you fucking kidding me!? I will never date this vexing bitch!' Jon slams his fist on the kitchen table almost smashing it to pieces with his new powerful strength. Rias actually jumps back in fear of Jon's new power.

"Woah! Brother are you alright? Calm down," Asura says as she holds back Jon with a beautiful face full of worry. She was shocked at how powerful he was right now. Asura had always cared about her big brother, but she knew he was always angry cause he had no system. Jon was always fighting and standing up for himself.

'How can I be alright when the bitch who set me up and got me outcasted from Prestige Academy is sitting right in front of me!?' Jon is outraged that Asura doesn't know the feud that happened today when Rias accused Jon as a rapist. But Jon quickly gets that his Memory Wipe skill had erased Asura's memory of the whole day. So the events of Jon being betrayed by Rias, Silver, and Hyssei and the whole Prestige Academy were wiped from her memory. That and also her memory of engaging in sexual acts with her big brother. Emerald, on the other hand, was acting stranger than usual and Jon was thinking this whole time that there was no way in hell that Emerald ever let anyone kiss her, not even Silver, she was too 'famous' for that. It was becoming very clear that Silver must have some sort of mind control skill for his Apex System. Or was it something else? Something more sinister? First off why would someone like Silver or Rias even care about a non-system user? What was their motive? Jon's mind was exploding with so many unanswered questions. Did Silver's whole scheme go deeper and darker? He should have known that Silver was never his friend. He was acting fake this whole time.

'Whatever is going on. I am going to get my revenge no matter what. Next ones on the list are close to me, Emerald and Rias...Should I make a move? No. Not in front of everyone. I need to plan what am I am going to do to Rias. For now, I am just going to play it cool.' Jon quickly grabs Rias hands and holds it tightly. He was trying to act like 'boyfriend'.

"Hehe," Rias blushes as she drinks some water. Jon hated every second of this. Holding her smooth hands brought back memories of their first date together at the fair. He did have a good time with Rias, but she backstabbed him and he will never let something like that happen ever again.

"So what brings someone as popular as you here? There is no way you and Jon are even dating," Asura says with a jealous sharp look, her eyes were furrowed as heck. She was wearing a necklace Jon had given her as a gift when they were little. They always had a close bond.

"Well uh-ahem, but we are... It is just sudden that is all...After having a fun time with Jon at the fair he made feel special," Rias crosses her legs and shyly blushes while placing on finger over her glossy lips. Next to Rias was the Vice Class President or in short the Vice. Her name was Aneko and she had long shiny flowing raven hair and sharp silver eyes that looked like glowing moons. She was very busty and thick in all the right places, her skin was milky-white and creamy like vanilla. She was wearing a white 'virgin-killer sweater' that showed off her sexy muscular back. Rias and Aneko were voted as the most beautiful students in Prestige Academy, and it was clear why.

"Oh well, isn't that so cute! Jon has never had a girlfriend before especially one as beautiful as you! it is like I am looking at an angel," Jon's mom said as she kindly hugged Rias and then Jon. Her huge buxom boobs press up against Jon's pissed off face. Jon's mom's name was Mira, and she was a mature brunette beauty. She had long hazel hair that was now tied up in a delicate ponytail and she had radiant hazel eyes that lit up anyone's life. She was the definition of a perfect mother. Caring and kind, one that brightens everyone's mood.

The front door opens again and Jon's father enters the kitchen. He was wearing a very fancy and lavish black business suit with sunglasses. The suit alone cost about $5,000 or more. Jon's father was a successful CEO of a secretive organization. He never told Mira, Jon, Asura, and Emerald about his job. He always kept to himself at all times.

Jon's father sees that Jon is wearing new clothes, shoes, and he also knows that Mira was spending money on Jon's education, "What did I tell you about wasting money on such useless things!? Jon is worthless! You shouldn't waste a dime on him!"

"But Thomas Jon needs-"Mira is cut-off.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" Thomas goes to slap Mira right in the face for disobeying his orders to not waste money on Jon.

Jon swiftly grabs his father's wrist and angrily stares him down with his sharp rageful golden eyes. "Don't touch her," He snarled. He had always hated his father, the way he abused and hit his mother made him furious every day. But he couldn't do anything cause his father was powerful and rich. Jon had no system to fight back against him, now all of that has changed. No more will he let his father disrespect and hit his mother.

Asura, Rias, Emerald, and Aneko were all shocked by Jon's actions. Asura and Emerald were blown away that Jon was actually standing up for their mother. In truth both Asura and Emerald not like their father as well.

Thomas angrily gritted his teeth and looks directly at Jon, "Do you know what you have just done!"

"I don't give a damn." Jon boldly says as he holds his ground and protects his mom.

"Honey please calm down!" Mira pleaded with sorrow in her gorgeous eyes as she stands up from her kitchen chair and holds back her husband.

"Tch! Get your filithy hands off me! " Thomas snatches away his arm from Jon's powerful grasp. "I need a damn drink," He then takes an eight-pack of beer from the fridge and walks towards his office room and loudly slams the door.

Mira holds back her tears and just smiles, a fake smile that is, deep down inside she was 'hurting'. "So who is hungry?" She passes over bowels of steamy pork ramen.

Jon clenched his fist, he really was thinking about killing his father. He just sighs and then focuses back on Rias and everyone else in the kitchen table.

"So um let's continue our talk. I came here for an important reason," Rias said as she slurps some noddles.

'Better make it quick. Before I lose my 'cool',' Jon gets ready to hear what the she-devil has to say.

This chapter needs to be edited.

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GhostyGodZcreators' thoughts