
Nero The Dragon Slayer

Nero dies attempting to save a woman and is reincarnated in the Dragon Ball universe. He is born with a system and some powers of his choosing. Watch as he adventures around and maybe change some things in this universe. He also has powers from the Fairy tail anime and other places. Not limited to only anime powers. Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball or any of the characters in the manga or anime. All are owned by its respective creator.

Wolf_Blood · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Planet Vegeta

Nero wakes up in a dark place. "Where am I? Why can't I move?" Suddenly Nero is blinded by a bright light and feels pain on his butt. He couldn't help but cry out.

He opened his emerald green eyes and saw a man and a woman in doctors clothing. They handed him to his mother. "What's his name gonna be?" The woman thought for a minute. "His name is Nero."

The doctor grabs a scouter and looks at Nero's power level. "His power level is 15,000! Why is this child so strong?" The doctor sends a report to King Vegeta about the child's power level.

King Vegeta Point of view:

"How can this be? A child born with a power level of 15,000 how can this even be possible? His parents are elites but they aren't that strong to produce something like him. The child must be dealt with if my family is to stay in power." King Vegeta thought of a plan to have the child and his parents secretly murdered.

He ordered Nero's parents to meet him at his throne in a few days.

Nero's Point of view:

My mom left me in a pod at the hospital when suddenly I heard a female voice in my head. "Hello Nero I am your system you may call me mini Lydia. I will give you task that you will have to do and each one you complete will result in a reward from me. It seems that King Vegeta has plans to murder you and your parents. Now for your first task."

Task: Survive King Vegeta's murder attempt by any means necessary

Reward: Cooler takes you into his army. Random Bloodline.

"Would you like to see your stats Nero?" Nero gets excited and yells. "Yes!" Which results in a baby noise.

Name: Nero

Sex: Male

Age: 1 day

Power level: 15,000

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Dark Fire Dragon, Elites Saiyan

Transformations: Oozaru Transformation (10x multiplier), Dragon Transformation (50x multiplier)

Abilities: Zenkai, Immortal, Perfect Ki control, Regenerative power of the Goddess of Destruction

Skills: Dark Fire Dragon move set (Locked)

A few days pass and Nero is taken with his parents to King Vegeta's throne room. At this time Nero has figured out how to walk, fly and run also that he can use his tail to attack. Nero holds his mother's hand while they walk closer to the throne. King Vegeta looks confused at the child named Nero. He thinks to himself, "Normal Saiyans don't have blonde hair. His parents both have black hair. Is he a super saiyan? No that would be impossible."

Nero watched King Vegeta closely and looked at all the guards in the room. His mother and father looked around too. Nero's father looked at his wife and gave her a nod. The day before coming here they got informed by one of their friends in the King's personal guard that he was planning to kill them and their son. Nero's father kneeled down and ask. "What have you called us to talk about our King?"

King Vegeta got up and walked over to Nero's father. "I just wanted to see your son. He might be a threat to my family and my reign." King Vegeta shot out a Ki blast at Nero's father catching him off guard. The guards all moved out to kill Nero and his mother.

His mother fought and blasted some guards while his father fought King Vegeta. Nero knew his parents were gonna die and that he could do nothing. His parents were overpowered and killed in front of him. Nero ran away as fast as he could. His parents sacrificed themselves in order to buy him time to escape.

Ok so before dropping the novel why don’t you read the rest before doing that. Ok he ran away who fucking cares. Read the rest and If you don’t like it drop it.

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