
Nemesis Addiction

Being rich and having good health is Nicki Landon's definition of a perfect life. But, she was a poor kid and to make it worse, came down with cancer. Thinking of death as the only way to end the hurt and pain she was passing through, Nicki decided to end her life. However, the night of her attempted suicide met some disturbances that she never thought would change her life forever. Bitten by a stranger that night, Nicki thought It was a fairytale when she woke up and discovered she was now a werewolf and completely healed from cancer she thought would forever be a part of her. Reborn as a new being and taken to be part of a pack, Nicki learned and discovered that werewolves weren't fantasies but real-life creatures. Life as a werewolf was intriguing until she was abducted during a hunt and forcefully taken to be the mate to a mateless Alpha known as Nemesis who was notoriously renowned and greatly feared for being one of the most powerful and villainous Alphas. She hated Alpha Nemesis and sought every way to escape him all to avail, and now she is left with two options: learn to love the mateless Alpha or kill him altogether. This story is full of lots of intriguing suspense and romance. You better not miss it!

Lil_Amore · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Angels Don't Lie.

"Thank you for today, Ari, it was fun. I'm so glad I have someone like you I can walk around with" Nicki showed appreciation to Ariana, if it wasn't for her, she would have stayed all alone in that big boring prison called the Luna's Lounge throughout today after her guides left.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Nicki. I only did what friends would do for each other and besides, I had nothing to do and kind of needed to hang out with someone too" Ariana moved closer to her doorstep, preparing to get inside her room.

"You know I thought for a moment that we were going to get punished for moving around. I mean the first time you could have shown me around, you couldn't, to avoid punishment" Nicki recalled the first day she met Ariana and wanted to be shown, however, she couldn't due to the strict rules here.

Have the rules changed now?". 

"That was before your guides showed up, Nicki. Look, as long as I'm not the one put in charge of you, I'm not even allowed to be around you unless your guides permit it. But they are nice people and that's the only reason you and I still hang out. I took you and showed you around today because your guides gave permission, so…" Ariana cleared Nicki on some things she wasn't clear about. 

"You look like you are in a hurry to do something, I will just head back to my room now" Nicki observed Ariana's hand on the doorknob, continuously unlocking and locking it. 

"Okay, see you tomorrow. I will be coming over so we can go to the diner hall together" Ariana let out a nervous laugh and finally had the door unlocked. She waved Nicki goodbye and quickly went inside her room without waiting to watch her leave.

"Uhm, okay….see you tomorrow too" Nicki scratched the back of her head, feeling kind of uneasy. "That was weird".

But she waved the feeling aside and started to find her way over to the Luna's Lounge where she would be bored to death and maybe fall asleep next and wait for nightfall to come and then for tomorrow to come too. The day she has no idea if she would survive or if she would become someone else's food instead.

Nicki was a few feets away from reaching her room when she heard someone call her name from behind. "Hey, Landon!" She turned to see who it was and was surprised to see Nadia Tate and another girl coming in her direction. 

With confusion taking over her mind, Nicki was still able to push through and wonder why Nadia came looking for her. The same troublesome girl she had an encounter with during training earlier, who she has no business with.

"I expected to see you together with Ariana but it seems like she knew we were coming and she scramed like she should" The girl standing next to Nadia was the first to speak up. And Nicki shifted her attention to her, critically thinking if they somehow knew each other from somewhere or had ever talked to one another mistakenly.

"I'm sorry, who are you? I'm pretty sure we've never met before" Nicki asked with doubt the girl knew her from anywhere. They have never met before and she would have probably not even known who Nadia was for the first time if it wasn't for the path that they both crossed by mistake. 

"That doesn't matter, Landon…" The girl didn't give a damn about Nicki's question, and neither did she care to at least not be rude to her. 

"Please I go only by Nicki, you don't have to call me Landon," Nicki chipped in, she didn't like the way the girl called her dad's name with no respect. Also, she talks too rudely.

"You don't get to tell me what I will call you, I'm the one to decide whatever I want to call you and I will call you Landon or maybe even the Alpha's next Luna or concubine if I want to. So, which one do you prefer?" Despite Nicki correcting the girl, she still was rude and even went on an extra level of being extremely rude.

"What?" Nicki scoffed, she was starting to get pissed by the girl's unignorable bad attitude. And getting disrespected was one of the things she hated the most. Especially when it was coming from someone she was quite sure she has never done anything wrong to.

"That's enough, Greta. We are not here to look for trouble" Nadia decided to act like a good person she wasn't and stopped her friend from continuing to act rude to Nicki.

"You are lucky she wants me to stop, Landon. Next time, it wouldn't be the same" Greta said for the last time and then kept her mouth shut and distanced herself from Nicki for her colleague to take over.

"I hope there won't be a next time now I know your name, Greta. You look like a simple problem I can utterly handle," Nicki gave Greta a hostile stare eyeball to eyeball while saying these words. She then took her eyes off her as she wasn't worthy to be admired.

"I might have failed to introduce myself earlier when we met in the hall but since you are friends with Ariana. I guess you must probably know who I am by now, so there's no need to introduce myself" Nadia's lips split into a warm smile that one could easily fall for if they had no idea about who the real Nadia was. 

"What do you want, Nadia? I got no time for this" Nicki showed no interest in knowing who Nadia was, all she needed from her right now was to go straight to the point and let her know why she came looking for her. 

"Woah, you are a fierce one. I think I like you already" Nadia smiled prettily and just like Nicki wanted. She moved straight to the point.

"I saw you earlier with Noah and I don't care to know what you guys talked about but if you want to have no problem with me here. Then the first thing you are going to have to learn is how to stay away from my mate, you and Ariana I mean" Nadia had her serious face back on as she forced the smile away.

"It seems like you are mistaken here, Nadia. But we were on our own when Noah came to us. So I think he's the one that's going to learn how to stay away from us" Nicki made Nadia realize she was mistaken but she didn't care to listen.

"I know Noah too well, he would never do that, so I don't believe you" 

"So you are saying I am a liar?" Nicki was slightly offended Nadia didn't believe her.

"So you are saying my Noah is a liar then?" Nadia scoffed in disbelief. If Nicki wanted this to be done with fast, then she should stop lying. "When I asked, he said you guys were the ones that came to him asking for some damn directions"

"He lied, Ariana was just taking me and showing me around. She has stayed too long in this place for her to go asking some random people for directions" Nicki defended both herself and Ariana, seems like she would be going to talk to Noah later, who she thought was an angel.

He wasn't now anymore because angels don't lie. 

"I'll be letting this go because you are new here…" Nadia saw the points Nicki made, made sense and so she thought of another way to end this without looking like a fool that came to fight for love. 

"You are only letting it go because you know I'm right," Nicki didn't let Nadia finish and corrected her, she was saying those words in the wrong way.

Nadia scoffed again, stunned by how outsmarted Nicki was to defeat her. However, she still held her head high and proudly and said with the hope it would play a weak effect on Nicki before leaving. "We will see about that later, see you tomorrow in the diner hall. I hope you don't end up as my food, Landon"