
Neglected And Forsaken (Dropped)

From a young age, Kiseki didn't have what normal children have when growing up. No Family, No Friends, Nothing. So when he finally got picked up by a Family, he Swore on his Life, No Matter What or Who tried to take away the only happiness he has wouldn't see the light of day. He did everything to stop this from Isolating himself away to gain power to Hiding in the Shadow and kill anyone who tried to hurt It. What Kind of Road will Kiseki Go Down? Will He Truly Know Love and Happiness without it getting taken away? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. This Fan-Fic was made a month or 2 ago so if my spelling or punctuation was bad than i'm sorry and it's my first one as well when i started reading Fan-Fic's.

TruckkunJr · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - What does It Really Mean to be a Shinobi?

Ever since Minato's Death many men and women that knew the man for his kind personality and upright Honour being respected, loved because of his laid-back and serious attitude when push comes to shove. Thus affected People negatively with the most being, Fugaku Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake (Student of Minato), Jiraiya (Sensei of Minato) and Hiashi Hyuga.

Each Missing The Man they once called Freind/Student and Sensei very dearly. Turning Fugaku and Hiashi into Cold-Hearted men that rarely showed their feelings they once did, Kakashi even more going into despair and guilt for Not doing anything that he believed 'caused' his Sensei's and Kushina's death but was some what happy his Sensei's son was Still alive, Though he looked alright after his student death Jiraiya was absolute hurting inside for not being there when Minato needed him because he was travelling around the world with his spy agency and his 'Research' *cough* Porn... *cough* but like Kakashi, He was glad his son Still lived on and he can teach him also tell Naruto how great of a man his father and mother was.


After the Night that Itachi adopted Kiseki, Itachi and Mikoto had confronted Fugaku about the situation with Kiseki. Explaining to the Man he called his 'Tou-sama' about finding Kiseki in the alley way in his statue, surprising both his 'Father' and Mother but what shocked them both was a 6 year old Awakening Their famed Sharingan at a younger age then there oldest son. After thinking it over Fuagku though the man didn't like the child because he still had Hatred towards what Kiseki had in him he had at least had to admit to him self that the child had gone through a lot that normal people would go insane about over night also finding out the very child was an Uchiha boosted his respect for the child even if he didn't show it, Plus on the bright side he had the Jinchuriki (Human Sacrifice) to help with his plans of the Coup d'eta that hold a lot of power and if he trained him right would become a very strong loyal minion to make the Coup a reality. So either Way it was a win-win In his mind.

In the End Fugaku had agreed to let Kiseki joined the family shocking both Mikoto and Itachi with his Lack of emotion expression that he always had on him. But didn't shock Itachi much because already knowing what was happening behind the scenes so not to bring attention to him and didn't want to his Mother know acted to be shocked. Later discussing the training that Kiseki and 'Sasuke' was gonna begin, Fugaku decided he was gonna Train his 'youngest Son' that he didn't know was a female because of Itachi and Mikoto Putting a Strong Genjustu on Satsuki so even the sharingan was hard to find out about her true gender from when she was a baby so there Husband/Father didn't Neglect her for his pride of women only being housewife.

Itachi was gonna Train Kiseki though not having much time due to being an Anbu would help him get stronger but will at least give him scrolls and notes on chakra Control, basic C Ranked elemental Ninjustu, The Uchiha Interception Taijustu And finally good kunai, Shuriken, Training to build up good stamina and etc.

So After discussing Everything Everyone went to there rooms and Went to bed to start the two Uchiha's training tomorrow.


Next Morning 9:00 am

As the sun shunned upon The Raven and whited haired Boy awakening him from his sleep with a groan, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep he had off them Stood up with little bit of a sway and confused expression said "Wheres Itachi nii-san? All i could remember was being on his back and suddenly i appear here?" Wondering around the room, Kiseki Fount a closet with a bunch of black Short sleeved and skin tight t-shirts with dark blue Anbu skin tight but baggy pants that went to his heel clothes, on the side was a note and bandages? Looking over and reading the note said:

'Kiseki, if you are reading this then get these clothes on and come down stairs so we can explain everything. As for these clothes you could say These are a gift from me and your new family also I hate seeing you in them especially If My bros Gonna be wearing them Yo!' letting out a chuckle he continued'i'll also introduce your new family to you, so hurry the hell up and get down here!'

~From your Bro, Itachi Uchiha Yo!

leaving a rare smile from his face Kiseki looked over the clothed and putted them on and surprisingly fitted perfectly with no issue putting them on unlike the ripped and bloody clothes he had when he was living on the streets then memories of him being constantly beated up with multiple moments of him almost dying. He shook his head almost on the brink on having an emotional breakdown, breathed in and out and walked over the mirror.

After getting dressed Kiseki saw his self for the first except in the hospital with him not actually focusing on his other features but his eyes and to be honest he loved what he saw especially his silky black and white hair that went to his shoulder's with one bang either side of his face that just covered his Midnight blue eyes and Scar that went over his eye which made him look handsome, his black short sleeved t-shirt fitting to him showing his malnourished but lean body with a 4 pack that showed how much exercised to keep himself fit and dark blue Anbu pants with bandages over his heel where his pants stopped with black shinobi sandals.

Overall he looked absolute handsome. Then after realising he was to meet Itachi nii-san downstairs, he walked down the stairs and to the kitchen to see amused Itachi with a smirk on his face facing him with 'Sasuke' and Mikoto sporting small blushes only noticed by itachi facing him and a Fugaku trying to speak to 'Sasuke'.

"Woah, guess my brother got his looks from his big brother and even got little Sasuke to sport a blush *laughing*" said Itachi with teasing tone to 'Sasuke' in return 'Sasuke' Looked away so 'his ' brother didn't see his massive blush as he put his fist towards Kiseki and in return Kiseki did the same With a chuckle.

"Mah mah Big bro"Waving his right hand in front of his face lazily" stop teasing people already and" he then went up to Itachi and hugged him and said in a low voice only heard by Itachi "Thanks Itachi nii-san..." after couple minutes of Itachi and Kiseki Standing there, Itachi Said " Its all good otouto"returning his hug but said with an dangerous tone" But serious, be careful of the Species known as fan-girls when you enter the academy they"jolts of shivers went down his spine then said " they are an abomination That even I Your Great Nii-san couldn't Defeat so run at all cost..." Leaving the hug and putting his arm on his shoulder then said with a smile on his face said "okay?" Nodding Furiously with a terrified expression.

"Then Back to the subject i'll introduce the Family to you then Otouto, This is 'Sasuke'" pointing towards a dark blue spiky with charcoal eye 'boy' with high collared blue T-shirt " he Is your other 'brother' so take care of him." with a slight smirk/smile Kiseki puts his hand out with 'Sasuke' Blushing from his smirk/smile and also doing a hand shake.

"This is Our Kaa-san, Mikoto" pointing towards a 28 year old Women that had long Silky dark blue hair that went Lower back with Charcoal eyes like all Uchiha with curvy waist and a good plump ass and DD size breast overall any man would love to Poun*cough* i mean love to be with her yh... that's what i DEFFIneTly mean't. picking up the women's hand and kissed her knuckles Kiseki said with a foxy smile "No wonder where Itachi nii-san got his good looks from, you are a very beautiful women." As he said that with a full faced Blush Mikoto said "W-Why Thank you Kiseki-kun." with a smile.

*coughing* Itachi then said with a surprised but amused faced said " Okay Otouto, You know she is your mother now so don't get any idea's ok?" with Nose dripping with blood of the overload of perverted thoughts of an older Kiseki Smashing a Flushing and gaping Mikoto. Seeing her older son nose bleed knew what he was thinking, this made Mikoto Fully lit with a Tomato Red face.

"Anyway, Here is Tou-sama" Kiseki bowed and said "Thanks For letting me being apart of this family." raising his head with a determined face, Fugaku Replied" Hn. Just thank Mikoto and Itachi."

After done with the introductions Everyone sitted down with Itachi sited Next to Kiseki left and 'Sasuke' and Mikoto in front of him and Fugaku at the end of the table.

Itachi Spoke up " Okay now that you know the family, We have decide to teach you and 'Sasuke' about Being A ninja so if there's any question about anything just speak up at any time." getting confirmed nods from the Young Uchiha's so he continued "We have Decided that Tou-sama will be training 'Sasuke' and i will be getting training Kiseki, so in a minute Kiseki your gotta have to come with me and 'Sasuke you go with Tou-sama" yet Again getting another Determined Nod from both Uchiha's.

"Okay then Kiseki Come with me and 'Sasuke' you go with Tou-sama." As both Uchiha's Followed there respected Uchiha Family member, Kiseki arrived upon a massive water Lake with a dock and open space for training.

"Ok From starting today me and you, otouto will be in a gruelling Training Until now so no excuse's, Do you have any to say before we start?" with a serious tone Itachi got a response a very determined and Firm Voice that showed little of anything else "I don't care how much you put me through Itachi nii-san, I will make you proud and won't let no one Touch you, Mikoto-chan and 'Sasuke'." slowly putting his head up showing his two Tomoe Sharingan Blazing With life.

With a smile plastered on his face, Itachi spoke "You make me Already Proud Otouto, Just with that Speech and the will of fire that burns bright in your eyes alone, i can tell you will be something to behold before your enemies and ally shinobi alike." With Pride and love able Voice, Poked Kiseki forehead.

Then Kiseki exclaimed "Itachi nii-san, what is this Will of Fire that you talk about? and what does it truly mean to be a Shinobi?" Shocking Itachi because he said the same things when he was younger. With a Smile On his face Itachi said "Well The Will of Fire is Something every Shinobi has in the Village that burns deep in them to protect, love and Care for the village but also made from the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Just Like the past Hokage's and current one on Hokage Monument, they all had the same Burn in there eyes just like you do Otouto and for a shinobi..." Thinking to him self he then said with a serious face with closed eyes "many can describe in different words but for me it means... Self-Sacrifice...A Nameless Shinobi Who Protects From within the Shadows...That is a True Shinobi." Opening his eye, unconsciously Activating Mangekyou that looked like a three pointed shuriken with being red and pupil and outside being black.

Just By these Words, Unknown By Itachi had that he spoke inspired Kiseki to walk that same path he spoke of and helped Him cope with The many pain that came in the future.

The End For Chapter 2, Kinda didn't do it on time so sorry!! just tryna sort stuff out but next Chapter it will show you what Kiseki learned while training With Itachi and How will Kiseki react after finding out 'Sasuke' is a girl? Who knows just gotta have to read and wait and ill also be introducing Hinata, Academy will start at 8 not 6 also they will leave academy at 13-14 btw I Still Need Help with the Last Female and Driffting at Kushina After Kiseki Might Get a certain thing to alter his DNA or Fem Haku up 2 u lot or could pick someone else anyway CYA !!!