

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · ファンタジー
137 Chs


Vossler took a casting fighting stance while creating Bethra's ember around him in a threatening manner.

"I need to keep him away and occupied as much as possible, summoning scarlet demons now is the best thing to do with the rest of my dark energy, I can only depend on the hounds and scarlet giants for now, summoning stronger demons won't be efficient as I'll lose them too and I won't be able to complete my spell, higher numbers against him even if weak along with my distant casting will be the perfect way to delay him further, but I need to be careful as the Avion beams won't only be shot from the silver judge now.", Thought Vossler while looking seriously at Adam.

"You think she's the crimson child?", Said Adam in a deep pitched voice with a bit of echo, his sound was totally different than before, it's like there's another entity standing now, a glamorous shining body for a royal guard who's standing proudly.

"What makes you say that?", Asked Vossler while looking worried.

"Is he really getting closer to the truth?", Thought Vossler.

"You're getting much active than before, last chance, talk.", Said Adam while tightening his grip on the sword and his left hand started shining dangerously!

"You'll get nothing out of me, I prefer to die mercilessly than betraying my religion and my lord.", Said Vossler seriously while getting ready for Adam's attack.

"Then you can die proudly for seeing my spiritual form.", Said Adam while raising his left hand and pointing its palm towards Vossler, his left hand palm was collecting Avion energy widely!

"A privilege scums like you don't deserve to witness.", Said Adam boldly before releasing a massive Avion beam towards Vossler which is clearly much stronger than the one produced from the silver judge when he was in his human form, the ground wind moved aggressively after the release of the Avion beam and the dust below was blown hard!

Vossler immediately was putting several shields over each other to protect himself as well as his scarlet shroud layer which was ready again in case he got hit by the beam.

And as expected, the Avion beam aggressively broke all the green compact shields as if they were simple glass! The beam strongly hit Vossler causing a strong silver explosion.

"AHHHHHH!", Shouted Vossler in pain while getting knocked away.

"I warned you more than one time to not escalate things, but you insisted on reaching this level.", Said Adam boldly while moving his left hand beside him while pointing its palm behind him and immediately a surge of Avion energy was created backward that lead to a strong dash, Adam depends on the Avion explosions from his hand palms to create fast dashes for him (by the way, it's not faster than the negative dashes for Jaxith but still fast and dangerous as it's pure high energy form), the dash was looking elegant and beautiful due to the phantom behind Adam while dashing from the speed was full of silver Avion particles, Vossler didn't have time to look forward and he saw Adam in the shining silver preserver form close to slashing him in halves with his charged silver judge but suddenly!

"RAGHHHHHHHHH!", Shouted a monstrous demon and Adam's dash was met by a strong red fist and immediately Adam used his left hand create a silver shield to protect him and exactly at impact, Adam used his left hand again to make another side dash while looking at the demon pulling his hand back after the heat of the Avion shield harmed his hand, a scarlet giant!


"And that means he scattered black stones while I was transforming, there are more around that will appear gradually.", Thought Adam while creating another Avion shield to protect him from the fire shot from the hands of the scarlet giant (normal fire, only the demons carrying Bethra's genes can use Bethra's ember, they were his squad during the war against the gods, unlike the scarlet giant which was a main in the scarlet army, not a special squad under the service of one of the scarlet paladins as Bethra), after the scarlet giant finished shooting and before reacting an Avion wave from the silver judge cut the scarlet giant horizontally from the chest, the upper part of the chest and the head gradually fell on the ground accompanied by the rest of the body which fell dead too without a single motion, Adam stood silent before looking at Vossler who was limping back but still ready to fight again, the scarlet shroud is now recharging again, if it wasn't for it Vossler would have dead long time ago.

"RAGHHHH!", Snarled several demon hounds emerging from several black stones around, they were all sprinting towards Adam from everywhere around, about 10 hounds grinding their teeth in anger, Adam looked at them in silence before raising his sword and tightly grasping it with both of his hands, his hands was close to his chest and the middle of the sword's blade was directly in front of Adam's shining blue eyes, he slowly lowered his head calmly while the hounds were seconds close to him, the blue crystal in the middle of the crossguard started shining strongly!

"The Avion cleansing!", Said Adam in a serious low voice and while the hounds were going to leap a sudden strong wave of Avion energy was created from the tip of the sword and spread aggressively for 3 meters in the diameter around Adam completely burning everything around, even the bones of the hounds vaporized!

Adam calmly lowered his sword again in his right hand while looking again at Vossler who was shocked by Adam's abilities.

"He killed all the hounds in a single move, and what's this attack? he can wipe out everything around him in close range with the strength of the Avion energy like that?", Thought Vossler while looking afraid, Adam in the silver preserver is literally a nightmare to face alone, a wide skills honed perfectly for a true noble knight, the elegant stance with the sword is a clue about his proud and self confidence, Vossler saw the scarlet giant coming from Adam's right side and shooting fire but Adam while still looking at Vossler he used his left hand to create a quick energy release to dash aside then without any time waste he aimed his left hand palm towards the scarlet giant then released another Avion beam (like the one with Vossler but much lower in energy but in the same time it was charged immediately) towards the chest of the scarlet giant piercing it leaving a large hole in the middle of the scarlet giant's chest!

Vossler's surprises were increasing one after another as another two scarlet giants were sprinting towards Adam from behind, Adam used his left hand again to make a back dash dodging the fist that was going to crush him, the dash made him pass between the legs of the giant and without needing to look at them while dashing backwards he used his sword to cut down the right leg of the scarlet giant smoothly as it was a piece of cake!

The silver judge is continuously charged with Avion energy since Adam transformed and that makes the sword very lethal as it can cut through most of the things easily unless special metals and scarlet demons that have specific resistance, also the spiritual knights that have their spiritual form to protect them.

Adam ignored that the scarlet giant was painfully crying while leaning on his right side after losing his leg and made a quick rotating dash to face the other scarlet giant, the dash made him pass aside the fire and while rotating he was swaying his sword from the bottom to the top while grinding against the floor and a strong Avion wave cutting through the air and the floor vertically completely split the scarlet giant into two identical vertical halves!

Adam looked back at the injured scarlet giant behind which tried to punch him but without hesitation Adam was cutting his attacking hand with his right arm like it was a fruit!

The blood gushed out of the arm of the scarlet giant over the place and even on Adam's shining silver armor, even the blue strips were shining and looks like it's the same material like the blue crystals at the pommel and between the crossguard.

Adam looked at the demon crying in pain.

"Quiet.", Said Adam boldly in his echoing voice before creating a strong upward dash towards the neck of the scarlet giant and slashing it completely with the silver judge, all of that great control over the sword was done only by his right hand, he didn't use both of his hands to handle the sword except when he used the Avion cleansing skill, not just because the sword isn't that heavy, the Avion energy is hard to control so having the sword always charged and controlling it like that isn't easy and so another great evidence on the great swordsmanship of Adam.

Adam calmly landed after killing all the demons around then immediately 10 large green shields were around Adam that immediately started releasing a crazy amount of fire relentlessly at Adam in the middle, Vossler was using both of his hands to control all these amounts of green fire.

"Just rest for a couple of seconds you bastard.", Said Vossler angrily, he wasn't seeing Adam in the middle due to the mass amount of intersecting fire.

But as expected from the combat format since Adam transformed, a strong wave of Avion energy was created that destroyed all the Bethra's ember shooting plates around Adam and the wave stopped immediately after breaking the spells then gradually changed into a wide square like field on front of Adam who gradually appeared between the fire!

There was some fire in his armor that gradually disappeared and Looks like he wasn't in pain at all!

"Damn it, I forgot that his spiritual form will protect him.", Thought Vossler while looking at Adam who was walking closer, the silver judge isn't around and both of his hands in the silver gauntlets are shining strongly, it's obvious he's controlling the large field with them.

(Quick note: the spiritual form for any spiritual knight protects the knight from any kind of damage, more precisely it absorbs the damage and compensates it with spiritual energy from the knight, simply it means that the spiritual energy repairs the damage of the spiritual form itself, which means that the higher the damage the higher the spiritual energy that is consumed, so the spiritual knight must balance between his attacks and avoiding taking damage as much as possible because everything about the spiritual knight is connected with his spiritual energy, if it's depleted, be won't be able to use the abilities of his bound spirit or even maintain his spiritual form, only his spiritual weapon without any abilities.)

Adam gradually lowered the shining of his left hand and moved his right hand to his right side and so the field moved to his right side and gradually it started changing into a wide Avion net!

"What? He can even change the shape of the field easily like that!", Thought Vossler while looking astonished, from Adam's control over the Avion energy.

Immediately from Adam's right side appeared a scarlet giant smashing a nearby house and sprinting close, after the house was broken several hounds emerged from around the wreckage that the scarlet giant was stepping on, all of them were running towards Adam aggressively and without hesitation, Adam released the Avion net towards them in a high velocity without even looking and of course.


The demons were all cut into pieces of meat with blood spraying everywhere silently! Just imagining the abilities that Adam can use by the Avion energy is insane, he can destroy almost anything easily.

Adam gradually raised his right hand close to his chest.

"You're getting on my nerves, Vossler.", Said Adam boldly while walking closer and a silver object was placed immediately in his right hand, the silver judge! That's how he summons his spiritual weapon, another ability for the spiritual knights, they can summon or disperse their weapons back whenever they want.

"What? How did he know my name?", Thought Vossler in fear while stepping back.

"Of course I know who you are, I just took some time to recognize you, I only saw you once in a case file from Kozelsk.", Said Adam boldly while still walking close calmly in a manner that sends horror deep inside Vossler's chest.

"Y-you recognize me just from a picture!", Said Vossler in fear while stepping back again.

"Impossible, but he's talking right, everything started in Kozelsk.", Thought Vossler.

"To become a dark caster you chose to offer your brother as a sacrifice for the scarlet army, didn't I tell you that all of you are just a bunch of emotionless people?", Said Adam boldly while walking more closer, Vossler stopped walking back and looked angry.

"You know nothing about what happened.", Said Vossler angrily while gathering Bethra's ember in his hands.

"It won't matter, my opinion won't change about you, psycho.", Said Adam boldly.

"QUIET!", Shouted Vossler while looking furious and casting Bethra's ember at Adam who immediately dashed to the side then forward fast enough to stab Vossler but the scarlet shroud layer protected him and he fell to the side, before he could even react with his spells again, while looking at Adam he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left eye with blood, Adam has already cut vertically with his sword over the left side of Vossler's face and he got his left eye too!

"AHHHHHHHH!", Cried Vossler from pain while falling back and his hands over his left eye and left face side, he didn't have time to react because of Adam's speed in the spiritual form due to the Avion bursts from his hands, the shroud layer was broken and there was no time to recharge again, it was done for the dark caster, he's now under Adam's mercy.

Vossler was screaming in pain, not just the slash that took his eye, the heat from the silver judge blade was still hurting him, Adam was standing in front of him and looking silently at the defeated caster.

"All of you disguste me without any difference, now.", Said Adam boldly while walking closer then putting the blade of the sword near Vossler's neck, Vossler's pain cries was gradually calming down.

"Are you following the hybrid because you think she's the crimson child or there's another reason?", Asked Adam seriously, Vossler gradually calmed down and shifted his head towards Adam silently while still placing his hands over his left eye.

"Answer the question.", Said Adam in a threatening tone while closing the tip of the sword towards Vossler's neck, strangely, Vossler started smiling before removing his hands away from his left eye showing the damage done to his left eye, it wasn't just lost due to the slash but also there was dark red inflammation due to the heat of the silver judge and it looks really painful.

"Why are you smiling? Am I right? You really think that she's your stupid myth?", Asked Adam seriously.

"I'm actually smiling because of two reasons, the first one is that we don't act and plan depending on myths, captain.", Said Vossler in a low weird voice, then he started laughing without a reason!

Adam looked strangely at him, he still thinks that all the Cragmoore zealots are lunatics but he's witnessing a different thing here, another level of madness, he gradually lowered his sword as Vossler calmed down again but Adam started feeling a strange feeling, a threatening one!

"You're really funny to deal with, you always think we're delusioned, extremist people while actually we're the ones seeing everything right, and all of you will pay the price of your ignorance soon, when the hell opens its gates and everything you fought for appears to be a lie, I'd love to see the faces of fear and betrayal, how you'll fight each other all over again then fall because of you can't trust each other although you share the same religion, the same prayers, the same gods, while we trust each other and have our glorious purpose, that's something you can't achieve because you're all living a big lie.", Said Vossler seriously but Adam didn't seem to care about what he said and angrily punched him making him cough blood from the strength of the punch, no need to mention the stoutness of the silver gauntlets, Adam aggressively grasped the neck of the shirt Vossler was wearing and pulled him up to look into his eyes.

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR ILLUSIONS, BASTARD, WHAT'S THE SUDDEN RELEASE OF THE DARK ENERGY ABOVE?", Shouted Adam as he was feeling something wrong in the sky, Vossler gradually laughed again and Adam's breathing was getting heavier and he dispersed the sword then immediately punched him with his right hand aggressively again.

"ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!", Shouted Adam angrily while Vossler looked at him again while smiling.

"I'm turning this town into a large furnace.", Said Vossler in a sly expression, Adam looked back at the sky and noticed that the sky color is gradually changing into green!

Adam immediately left Vossler to fall on the ground and stepped back.


Suddenly another loud laughter from Vossler picked Adam's attention, he's now standing and stepping back while both his hands are raised (to the side not up, he's proud of himself, the arms are horizontally aligned).

"Welcome my precious spell, Bethra's Skyfall!", Said Vossler proudly while smiling, Adam started noticing that there were large green objects coming closer from the sky, asteroids!

"By the gods.", Thought Adam while looking above, the people in the town who gathered away from the fight between Adam and Vossler noticed the green asteroids raging with Bethra's ember falling closer to the town.

"What's that?", Asked one of the people in fear, panic started to spread as fear controlled them.

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE, WE WILL BE BURNT ALIVE.", Shouted one of the scared woman as the people didn't know what to do and started running around in fear, Troy held Emelia closer so as not to get pushed hard and get hurt, she's a pregnant woman that any hit may lead to a damage for her.

"Is it really the end , Troy? The size of those things and their speed will destroy the town.", Said Emelia in fear.

"Will all of these people die because of me?", Asked Emelia in fear while looking at Troy.

"Stop this, this is not your fault, and don't worry, captain Adam will find a way to save everyone, he always does.", Said Troy in an assuring manner, but what they weren't noticing is that there were several black stones distributed around!

Adam was hearing the cries of the people from away, it's less than a minute for the steroids to reach the town.

"Why did you do this?", Asked Adam angrily.

"That was the only way to get away from you, I was holding most of my dark energy since you appeared to get this spell ready, of course that's not my full potential, no dark caster with Bethra's blessing is stronger than me except only one, I knew I couldn't compete with you alone even if I used my full potential spells, so the right thing was to sacrifice those rodents and you get occupied by them.", Said Vossler boldly.

"You chose to sacrifice thousands just to escape.", Said Adam angrily, he was nearly going to attack again but remembered that he can't lose much time now.

"Don't be so concerned, sooner or later everyone will die in this continent, all of you will die eventually because of your ignorance, every single one that believed in the wretched gods will suffer endlessly.", Said Vossler seriously before stepping back further and creating fire intensely around him this time!

"Now, captain, why don't you come closer and show me how good you're now? By the way, I left some black stones around in the town as a souvenir, they will be activated in,... 20 seconds.", Said Vossler boldly.

"Damn, I got no time to waste over him, people's lives is much more important now.", Thought Adam.

"We're done for now, but this is not over, I'll find you.", Said Adam seriously, the steroids were now very close!

"No you won't, you started interfering in things that don't concern you, everyone has limits, captain.", Said Vossler seriously, Adam was boiling with rage right now that he shot a quick Avion beam from his right hand that Vossler blocked it more efficiently now with a more developed green shield while smiling!

But Adam didn't have time for this although being angry for letting a dark caster talk to him like that and insult the divine gods, but he's a soldier after all, protecting the people is his top priority even if his job now is protecting the palace and the royal family.

Adam's body started shining silver strongly.

"GUISCARD!", Shouted Adam strongly before a silver flash happened beside him and something quickly appeared and flew upwards without a proper time to notice it but a pair of golden wings were noticeable.

Adam looked back at Vossler who started getting away now then he used both of his hands to release the Avion bursts to dash faster towards the citizens as right now, the scarlet giants and hounds started getting summoned close to the innocent people who screamed more in fear now.

Above the town directly, the steroids are a few seconds away from hitting Bernia but suddenly a humanoid illuminating figure with golden wings appeared above the town, some of the people noticed the strange shining figure above.

Seven and half feet tall, silver armor similar to the silver preserver form of Adam except for more blue strips and being larger as well as a carved large sign all over the breastplate of the armor, the sign was for a helmet with horns which was identical to his helmet, pair of golden curved horns which isn't too long or short, the eyes is different than Adam as Adam's helmet in the silver preserver was like a crystal blue without any presence for the eye lens, here the helmet is actually opened at the eyes but the blue eyes were full of energy that a blue aura was always seeping of them and a faint sign for eye lens inside each eye, the mouth wasn't also closed like Adam's, there was three vertical small openings that he breathed blue breath out of it, that shows the difference between the spiritual form itself, the spiritual knight becomes the form as in Adam he became the armor, his body itself changed to that form, while Guiscard is actually inside that armor, that was his shape before becoming a bound spirit, he was completely elegant like an angel, and that's exactly Guiscard, the royal silver sentinel, Adam's bound spirit that he just summoned.

Guiscard raised both of his hands and formed a large Avion field even thicker than Adam's, the field completely surrounded Bernia while he was inside of this dome now!

Of course that's what would be expected from a royal silver sentinel like Guiscard, if Adam is good with using the Avion energy then Guiscard is perfect with it, his body is always generating Avion energy.

The people started looking upwards at Guiscard and started understanding what's going to happen, but beside them two scarlet giants were sprinting towards them, people started running and immediately.


Adam was landing aggressively after those strong dashes between the people, his sword was in his right hand again and the two giants fell off without their heads!

"Calm down, no one will get hurt under my presence.", Said Adam confidently, the people looked back at him including Troy and Emelia, all of them were looking at him in hope, captain Adam Aravos, once a soldier now the royal family's protector, that doesn't change the soldier in his heart, several demons emerged and Adam immediately dashed towards them.

Guiscard created a second field over the first one to strengthen the shield, then a third one, immediately the steroids started falling over the defensive field that Guiscard created and they started exploding with Bethra's ember all over the field.

Each impact for a steroid caused a faint earthquake that made the people lose their balance more than a time, but their screams gradually disappeared although the danger is even more now, that's because there was someone close to them making them all confident, it's all because of Adam, Vidin's legend at a young age, his stories and accomplishments talk about him, he even summoned his bound spirit just to keep everyone safe, even though it's hard to keep control of all of that and every second the bound spirit spends outside the soul of its possessor wastes a lot of spiritual energy, it's known that Adam's heart mainly contains love, loyalty and complete faithfulness for his kingdom and its people.

A field is broken momentarily and is replaced by another one immediately from Guiscard to ensure that nothing pases inside the field, both of hands were stretched forward and his golden yellow wings were swaying around letting some golden feathers fall around.

A few minutes and everything was done, the sky returned clear again after the effect of Bethra's Skyfall finally disappeared, Guiscard gradually removed the defensive field from around the town.

Adam too has finished all the demons without letting a single soul to die, he did it perfectly!

Guiscard gradually lowered himself until being above Adam closely, people were all looking at the beautiful royal silver sentinel and his spiritual knight, even nobility isn't enough to describe the view of them.

"We're done here, Adam, you did your best, we'll get him soon.", Said Guiscard in Adam's mind.

"No, you're done here, I'm not." Thought Adam before looking at Emelia from between the crowd, she noticed that he was looking at her even if his eyes weren't visible but she understood it, she must tell him what happened.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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