
Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay. Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact. But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated. Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death. The cover image is made by UFAN studios! https://discord.gg/aCbKJX permanent discord link. Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Anone · ゲーム
342 Chs

Death Returns (V): An Offer and A Revolt

When priest asked him if he was ready, Rezar wasn't so sure how to answer. Normally he should have replied with a resounding yes, as proof that his conviction was strong, and in a way it was. He was fully prepared, but if he had to be honest he half expected to have already died before he reached this point, and he also thought it would take him a few years before he did, but here he was, with a free path forward and a future all his own.

One of the fundamental things he had learnt from Priest during his training phase was that a life without plans, goals, directions and ambition was worthless. It was at that point Rezar was forced to think deeply about what he wanted, would he be satisfied with just living a life free of worry or prejudice. Did he just want to settle down with one woman and have kids and tell them stories of a dull simple existence?

Or did he want to go on adventures like the player he once was, complete quests and slay dragons. Clear dungeons and forge stronger equipment, living a man's romance. It was quite enticing, one was a life he remembered living, though at the time it was as a human logging in to Elysium and playing around like it was a game. And former was the life he wished for the moment he realized how prejudiced and prosecuted he was.

It took a while, sometimes just gaining a conviction to live isn't enough, an equally strong ambition was required. To be honest Rezar didn't know when it started or how, maybe the seeds were planted during Priest's lessons, or his ability to control death and life as a necromancer had fostered a seed inside him. But right now, everything Rezar wanted was power, power and glory. Why have one woman when he could have ten, why have one house when he could have an empire, why suffer under the pressure and suffering of people who misunderstood him, when they could thrive under his rule… or quake under his fist.

Why would he be forced to give so much, it wasn't fair and he refused to live a life where things would be unfair to him. They all seemed to think he was evil, Rezar has come to realize that they were right. But then again what is evil and what is good, there was a saying from back on earth; one man's food is another man's poison. He didn't want to ravage the lands and bring about an era of death and destruction, no his first goal is still his current goal, only the scope seems to have gotten a wee bit larger.

He wanted to build a place where no one could hurt or prosecute him, but he didn't want a simple farm or island, he wanted an empire. And he wanted the adventures, to pioneer new lands and see just what this bloody virtual world has to offer, to uncover its secrets and somehow find a way to get his hands on the most powerful and elusive treasure of all; the Necron! A book he knows he wouldn't be able to find or possess or even if he does, without the power of an empire and its armies behind him.

If history had taught him anything, it's that there were many amongst humanity who were willing to believe in the visions and capability of the most radical of leaders. Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Hitler, Bin-Laden, Saddam Hussein, Lucifer Morningstar the devil himself! He was going to be all of them and more, and Elysium won't just fear him, it would love him too. Rezar looked up at Priest and asked.

"I take it you're coming with me too?" the old Priest named Priest looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"Of course I'm coming with you, who else is going to pray for the salvation of your corrupt soul and for the mercies of the most high God in response to the hell you're about to unleash." Rezar gave the priest a blank look, not that what he said was wrong, but did he have to be so damn literal about the entire thing.

"What are you planning?" Lenore asked as she mover her hands to the longsword at her waist. Rezar ignored the threatening stance and then said to her.

"I have a job offer for you Red, I'm in need of a personal guard or better yet in need of a fighter that's not a kind of undead to serve me. In return ill not only forgive you for all your mistakes which while I understand you had no choice in much of the matter, I still hold a grudge. You will be paid quite well, and as an added bonus you don't have to keep getting fucked by a dirt bag with a small penis."

Roland's face grew incredibly stiff, the first time Rezar had seen him, he was in the middle of doing the deed with Lenore, unfortunately the young noble was unable to put his rather poor excuse for a tool quickly away from prying eyes scarring the mind of the innocent Rezar for life times. Roland was just as disgrace to men everywhere, but then again it shows why he has such a sucky attitude.

"I told you I'm a slave just like you, plus you have nothing, what can you possibly offer me that would make me give up a comfortable job such as this, and with quite a bit of influence of my own." After what Lenore said Roland had a smug look on his face, it was as if he was saying that there was absolutely nothing that Rezar could offer that could make Lenore want to leave the employ of his family.

Rezar shook his head at what he could only describe as intense naivety, it was hard to imagine that this guy was a noble, because a true noble would have noticed the hint all so scattered in Lenore's voice. She was instantly interested in what Rezar had said, she just needed him to sugar coat it a bit more to hit the entire deal home, and the funny thing was she didn't even know it herself.

Rezar found it weird, eight months away from people and they became incredibly easy to read and understand. But he would play her game, even if she didn't know she had one going on. He stepped closer to her as he started speaking.

"You're a demon, maybe when you first started living in Elysium that wasn't what you started out as, but this is who you are now. And I've seen it in the way that you act, you're at war with yourself. You're a creature or carnal pleasures, greed and a hunger for destruction and power. You like being dominating, but at the same time you love the feeling of being helpless and under the thrall and control of someone who is not even stronger than you, but more powerful than you are.

You want to serve, but he person you serve now is just not giving you what you want. You have a good heart I give you that, you want to protect people, but you also want to see blood, want to see you enemies squirm underneath your feet as you take them apart piece by piece. By an over glorified gate woman is not what you want, so set yourself free and I'll turn all of Bahrenburg into your playground, and your first toy will be him!" Rezar said as he pointed at Roland with a smile, Priest rolled his eyes as he muttered to himself.

"This isn't going to end well." Rezar turned his eyes to Lenore's and asked.

"So what would it be?" he got the answer he wanted, and it came in the form of a severed hand, quickly followed by an ear and an entire arm. Priest shook his head again as he looked to the sky and said.

"Father help us, this fool just started a revolt before setting his plans in motion. Well, this place was going to burn either way, doesn't matter if it was just a few months earlier, death still comes to all."

Thanks for reading and God bless you all.

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