

**Chapter 561: Do You Think You Are General Lin?**

Lin Moyu's disregard seemed to be a kind of provocation to him. Lin

His expression changed slightly, and just as he was about to say something, his companion pulled him back.

His companion shook his head at him and then quickly dragged him away.

Lin Moyu didn't pay any attention to them. After looking at the scenery for a while, he got up and continued walking upwards.

The man was pulled aside by his companion, still somewhat dissatisfied, "Zheng Guang, why did you pull me?"

Zheng Guang shook his head, "I wasn't pulling you; I was saving you."

The man clearly didn't believe it, "Saving me? What kind of joke is that?"

Zheng Guang's expression was serious, "Yuan Kai, you're also a level 65 ***, has your brain been trained to be stupid by practicing skills?" Yuan Kai shouted angrily, "Zheng Guang, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Zheng Guang looked at him like he was an idiot, "Think about it yourself. Given the other person's age, how strong must he be to get here?"

"Even if that young man isn't as strong as you now, what about in the future?"

Yuan Kai's expression changed slightly. He had to admit that Zheng Guang's words made sense.

He really hadn't considered this point.

He had only seen the other person's young appearance and heard his arrogant words, so he hadn't thought much about it.

Zheng Guang patted him, "Think about it carefully. Once you've thought it through, catch up."

With that, Zheng Guang continued walking upwards.

Soon, he saw Lin Moyu and quickly walked over, "Brother, my companion's words just now were a bit harsh. Please don't mind them."

Lin Moyu glanced at him and said lightly, "It's nothing."

He didn't take it to heart at all.

"Such a small matter, if I couldn't even tolerate that, I wouldn't be Lin Moyu."

Zheng Guang changed the topic, seemingly trying to get closer to Lin Moyu, "Brother, are you also going to the Kunlun Divine Palace?" He was referring to the mid-level dungeon halfway up the mountain.

Lin Moyu just nodded slightly in response.

Zheng Guang said, "It's not easy to find a team by yourself, brother. We are from the Shanhai Guild and have a fixed dungeon team. Although we haven't achieved excellent results, it's no problem to take someone through the dungeon."

"If you need help, you can find me. My name is Zheng Guang, a level 66 archer, from the second team of the Shanhai Guild's Kunlun Divine Palace strategy group."

Lin Moyu responded with a simple "Okay." Zheng Guang chatted with Lin Moyu for a bit before leaving.

Lin Moyu could tell that Zheng Guang was a smart person who generally didn't make enemies and probably had many friends. From his few words, Lin Moyu could also tell that their Shanhai Guild wasn't very strong.

At least not as strong as the Jialan Guild.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be unable to achieve excellent results.

But they weren't too weak either; otherwise, they wouldn't dare to say they could take someone through the dungeon.

Of course, this kind of assistance required payment; it wasn't free.

In a 24-person dungeon, every position was indispensable.

If they could spare one or two spots to take along someone irrelevant, it meant the team's combat power wasn't weak.

This kind of behavior was common in many dungeons.

Especially in high-level dungeons, many teams would take people through for a fee, and the charges were not cheap.

Those being taken through were called "bosses," who didn't need to do anything but follow through the dungeon.

The team earned money, and the boss gained experience.

Sometimes, the boss would also buy equipment that dropped in the dungeon, making the earnings even higher.

Lin Moyu chuckled and shook his head. Zheng Guang clearly thought he was a boss.

In the last thousand meters, the wind and snow weakened, and especially in the last 500 meters, the wind and snow completely disappeared.

The scenery along the way was picturesque. Lin Moyu walked and admired the view, enjoying the experience.

He was no longer flying, stepping into the snow with each step, feeling the cold of the ice and snow, which had its own charm.

Lin Moyu, wearing a short shirt, walked lightly, attracting many curious glances.

Especially since Lin Moyu seemed unaffected by the soul pressure, looking completely relaxed, making him appear mysterious.

"What's he pretending for? I don't believe the pressure here doesn't affect him at all."

Not far from Lin Moyu, the Shanhai Guild team was also moving forward.

Zheng Guang and Yuan Kai had rejoined the team.

Yuan Kai still looked at Lin Moyu with disdain.

At this point, they were only three or four hundred meters from the dungeon, and the pressure was immense. Yuan Kai was also struggling.

In contrast, Lin Moyu showed no signs of struggle and even had the leisure to enjoy the scenery.

Zheng Guang glanced at Yuan Kai, "Say less."

At the front of the team, a burly man covered in armor, with sharp eyes, glanced at Lin Moyu and said in a low voice, "This person is not simple."

Yuan Kai said, "Captain, aren't you overestimating him?"

The burly man shook his head and said nothing, continuing on his way.

But Yuan Kai was still not convinced, "Captain, are you saying our Shanhai Guild should be afraid of him?"

The burly man shook his head again, "It's not about fear."

After saying that, the burly man stopped talking.

Like Zheng Guang, he saw that Lin Moyu was extraordinary.

Although the Shanhai Guild wasn't weak, it wasn't particularly strong either.

At best, it was on par with the Imperial Dynasty Guild, dominating a certain area.

Compared to the Jialan Guild, it wasn't in the same league.

Such guilds had their own ways of dealing with things. Members of the Shanhai Guild preferred to make friends rather than enemies. The area a few hundred meters before the dungeon was sunny.

There was no snow, and the ground was clean and tidy.

The pressure still existed, but the immense soul pressure had a tempering effect on the soul.

Over the years, countless people had come to the dungeon, and this place had long become a base for various forces.

Major guilds and universities had their own camps here.

There was even a large area belonging to the military.

The Kunlun Divine Palace dungeon was also a training ground for soldiers.

Lin Moyu walked straight towards the dungeon.

He had listened to Meng Anwen's advice and visited Bai Yiyuan before coming.

Through Bai Yiyuan's connections, he borrowed several high-level cooling amulets.

Including the original four, he now had ten high-level cooling amulets.

Enough for him to run the dungeon 500 times.

Even at his speed, it would last him a while, enough to level up several times.

"Brother Lin!"

A cheerful voice called out, and Lin Moyu turned to see Jialan Jifeng.

He hadn't seen Jialan Jifeng at the foot of the mountain earlier, so it was clear he had come here after passing the test.

Jialan Jifeng was strong enough to reach this point at level 60.

Jialan Jifeng quickly ran up to Lin Moyu, "Brother Lin, what brings you here?"

Lin Moyu replied, "I'm here to run the dungeon."

Jialan Jifeng laughed heartily, "What a coincidence, we're also here to run the dungeon. We have one spot left in our team. I'll add you."

Jialan Jifeng spoke enthusiastically, thinking Lin Moyu needed to find a team.

Then he added, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to make you a boss. It's free." Lin Moyu smiled slightly, "Thanks, but I'm soloing."

Jialan Jifeng couldn't help but exclaim, "Brother Lin, did I hear you right? You said you're soloing?"

Lin Moyu repeated, "Yes, you heard right!"


A sharp laugh suddenly rang out. Yuan Kai had overheard Lin Moyu's words and laughed loudly, "That's hilarious. You said you're soloing."

Lin Moyu turned to him, "Do you have a problem with that?"

Yuan Kai laughed, clutching his stomach, "No, no, I just heard a funny joke and couldn't help it."

He laughed again, "Young man, there's a limit to boasting. Maybe you have some talent and level up quickly, but saying you're soloing the Kunlun Divine Palace dungeon, who do you think you are? Do you think you're General Lin?"

Jialan Jifeng shouted at Yuan Kai, "Shut up!"

His voice was deafening, cutting off Yuan Kai's laughter.

Yuan Kai glared at Jialan Jifeng, "Who do you think you are!"

At that moment, a large hand reached out from behind and grabbed Yuan Kai by the neck, lifting him like a chicken.

Yuan Kai's captain held him up and apologized to Jialan Jifeng, "Young Master Jifeng, this guy is blind. I apologize on his behalf!"

Jialan Jifeng waved his hand, "It's fine, just make sure he watches himself in the future, or I won't be so polite next time." By now, many members of the Jialan Guild had stood up, looking at Yuan Kai with unfriendly eyes.

After a series of apologies, the captain quickly dragged Yuan Kai away.

Lin Moyu didn't care about such clowns.

Lin Moyu never liked to argue. When he did, he would decisively take action.

Arguing was the most meaningless thing.

Even if you won the argument, the other person wouldn't lose a piece of flesh.

Jialan Jifeng asked Lin Moyu, "Brother Lin, are you really going solo?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "Yes."

Jialan Jifeng wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Are you... Lin Moyu?"

Lin Moyu chuckled, "Yes."

Jialan Jifeng immediately stood at attention, about to salute Lin Moyu, when another voice called out, "Lin Moyu, you're here too."
