

**Chapter 513: Returning Your Son to You Intact**

In West Sea City, the teleportation array glowed brightly, and then Lin Moyu rushed out from the teleportation array, disappearing instantly at the end of the street.

The two city guards watching over the teleportation array were both shocked and looked at each other.

"Did someone just pass by?"

"Probably, but I didn't see clearly."

"Me neither. Could it be a ghost?"

"Unlikely. The teleportation array did light up, so it must have been a super strong person, just too fast for us to see."

"Should we report this to the city lord?"

"Forget it, let's just pretend it didn't happen."

After a brief discussion, they decided to act as if they had seen nothing.

Such matters were beyond their control, so it was better not to get involved.

Lin Moyu rushed back from Kunlun City at the fastest speed, using multiple teleportation transfers, and returned to West Sea City in just two minutes.

He then headed directly to Gao Yang's house as quickly as possible.

The night in West Sea City was extremely quiet, in stark contrast to the brightly lit Kunlun City. Gao Yang's house was still lit.

Lin Moyu could sense the presence of healing magic.

Only long-term, continuous use of healing magic could leave such a strong residual aura.

In this small house, there were three people.

One person lay on the bed, extremely weak—it was Gao Yang.

The other two were Gao Yang's parents.

Gao Yang's parents were both ordinary professionals with relatively stable jobs.

Their income wasn't substantial, but it was enough to get by.

Originally, with Gao Yang becoming a Sword and Shield Knight, their family's life should have improved and gotten better.

Lin Moyu knocked on the door.

The door opened, and a middle-aged woman with a worried expression came to answer.

"Child, who are you looking for?" The middle-aged woman did not recognize Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu politely said, "Hello, Auntie. I am Gao Yang's classmate from West Sea No. 1 High School. I heard he had an accident, so I came to visit."

Upon hearing that he was Gao Yang's classmate, the middle-aged woman quickly stepped aside, "Oh, you're Yang Yang's classmate. Come in." It turned out that Gao Yang's nickname was Yang Yang. The tall and strong Gao Yang had such a cute nickname, which Lin Moyu found amusing.

When Gao Yang recovered, he could use this to tease him.

Entering the house, Lin Moyu saw Gao Yang's father.

Gao Yang's father bore a resemblance to Gao Yang. Since Gao Yang's accident, both parents had been having a hard time. Gao Yang's father's hair had turned gray, which was not typical for his age.

Lin Moyu entered Gao Yang's room.

The door opened, and Lin Moyu saw Gao Yang lying on the bed.

Gao Yang was awake, staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

Both his legs were severed at the thighs.

His hands were also completely atrophied, skin and bones, looking terrifying.

His breath was extremely weak, as if he was on the verge of death.

Hearing the door open, Gao Yang did not react.

It wasn't until Lin Moyu appeared in his line of sight that a glimmer of light appeared in Gao Yang's eyes. With a hoarse voice, he said, "Why are you here?"

Seeing Gao Yang in such a state, Lin Moyu felt a pang of sorrow.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lin Moyu knew that Gao Yang could have found a way to contact him.

For example, through the principal of West Sea No. 1 High School, through the city lord of West Sea City, or by sending someone to Xia Jing Academy to find him. Even if they couldn't find him, they could have contacted him through Xia Xue.

There were always ways.

Gao Yang struggled to speak, "It's useless."

Lin Moyu snorted, "How do you know it's useless?"

Gao Yang said, "The academy's level 85 healers couldn't help. They said even divine-level healers might not be able to."

Lin Moyu scoffed, "Level 85? I've killed several divine-level beings."

"Did they say if you were poisoned or something?"

Gao Yang shook his head, "I don't know."

Not knowing was the most troublesome part.

Jiangning Academy was a reputable institution with plenty of healers and alchemists.

Yet, they couldn't figure out the problem.

They even said that not even divine-level healers might be able to help, which plunged Gao Yang into despair.

Gao Yang recounted what had happened.

They were in a secret realm for a trial, and it wasn't him who had the accident initially, but someone else.

As a knight, Gao Yang instinctively went to save the person.

But he couldn't save the person and ended up getting trapped himself.

"I remember pulling him out, but then I fell in."

"It was a small swamp pit. Half of my body was stuck, and I couldn't get out."

"When my classmates pulled me out, my legs were gone."

"Strangely, my legs didn't bleed; the wounds had already healed."

Gao Yang's voice grew weaker.

In just this short time, Lin Moyu noticed that his breath had weakened significantly.

His life force was draining away.

Lin Moyu could clearly sense that Gao Yang's life force was constantly draining.

"Isn't it poisoning?" Lin Moyu asked.

Gao Yang shook his head, "No, I took antidotes, but they had no effect. The academy's alchemists also tested for toxins and confirmed I wasn't poisoned."

Lin Moyu asked, "Did you feel anything at the time?"

Gao Yang shook his head again, "No, no pain, no itch. Not then, and not now."

Lin Moyu used his mental power to sense Gao Yang but found nothing unusual.

"Let's try this first." Lin Moyu thought for a moment and took out the spinal fluid of the Venomous Flood Dragon.

He opened the bottle, and a fragrant aroma filled the room.

"Drink this!"

Gao Yang trusted Lin Moyu completely and drank it without asking what it was.

After drinking the spinal fluid, a flush of color appeared on Gao Yang's face.

Lin Moyu sensed Gao Yang's life force rapidly recovering.

In no time, it reached its peak.

The spinal fluid of the Venomous Flood Dragon not only detoxified but also had strong life force properties.

Moreover, after drinking the spinal fluid, Gao Yang's immunity to poison elements would also improve somewhat.

However, just as Gao Yang's life force peaked, it suddenly plummeted.

It was like falling off a cliff, straight to the bottom.

Lin Moyu frowned, "It seems slightly better than before, but not much."

Gao Yang was used to it, "I've taken many things to boost my life force. It's always like this, useless."

His eyes were filled with despair.

Lin Moyu said, "Don't lose hope. I'll take you to get treated."

Gao Yang said, "Don't bother. It's really useless. It's already good enough that you came to see me. Don't waste your time and energy."

The pain had turned a once cheerful and sunny person into this state, making Lin Moyu feel very sad. "Stop talking and listen to me."

Lin Moyu saw a wheelchair at the corner of the bed and directly placed Gao Yang in it. He pushed Gao Yang out, "Uncle, Auntie, I'm taking Gao Yang to get treated." Gao Yang's parents were stunned. This young man suddenly said he was taking Gao Yang for treatment.

"Child, where are you taking him? We've already sought help from many people, but it was useless."

"Yes, child, it's not that we don't believe you, but ordinary healers and alchemists couldn't help." Gao Yang's parents were kind-hearted. They didn't distrust Lin Moyu but felt that Gao Yang's injury was difficult to treat. Lin Moyu said, "Don't worry, the person I'm taking him to will definitely cure Gao Yang." Gao Yang said softly, "Dad, Mom, trust Moyu."

"Then I'll pack Gao Yang's things." Gao Yang's mother chose to trust Gao Yang and Lin Moyu. Lin Moyu said, "No need to pack. Everything we need is there. We must hurry, so I'll take Gao Yang now."

"I'll return your son to you intact in a few days."

With a thought, Lin Moyu opened the door with a gust of air.

Then, with a flap of his Lightning Undead Wings, Lin Moyu lifted the wheelchair and flew away, "We're leaving."

In the shocked gaze of Gao Yang's parents, Lin Moyu took Gao Yang and left.

The two were stunned, "This child can fly."

"If he can fly, he must be a top-level professional."

"How does Yang Yang have such a powerful classmate?"

"Do you remember what Yang Yang called him just now?"

"Moyu, Moyu... Lin Moyu!"

The two simultaneously opened their mouths wide, shocked to the core.

Who hasn't heard of Lin Moyu's name by now?

"It's actually General Lin, it's actually General Lin." Gao Yang's father muttered, trembling all over.

Gao Yang's mother was overjoyed, "That's great, our Yang Yang is saved!"

"That's great, our Yang Yang is saved!"

She kept repeating, and tears started to fall uncontrollably.
