
NECRO-Driver Dawn

(WARNING: This story is heavily anime inspired. This story takes inspiration from other stories. I DO NOT take credit for any of their works, or ideas. This story is my own original work of art, but was created with both my ideas, and the inspiration from various anime, video games, and movies. The hope is that if you like my story, then perhaps you may give these other stories a chance as well. I edit my own story, so certain parts may change. As I continue to write, I will begin to notice more and more errors and inconsistencies. Please bare with me, as I am always trying to fix such errors. Thank you for your support) Our story takes place on the planet Sarina, where a major conflict is on the horizon. After overpopulating Earth, the humans had no choice but to move to another planet for extra living capacity. Because of the difference in gravity in the two planets, special living accommodations had to be made. This planet also had vast resources that could be used for technological advances. In addition, the effect of having less gravity made the humans able to think and do more. They began to advance in all sorts of weaponry, AI, and mental capacity. They began to think of endless possibilities, and if everything they knew was really what it seemed to be. With all of these advances, the human race looked to be more prosperous than ever. However, there is always bound to be some sort of conflict among humans. And that conflict came in the form of revolution. Tired from corrupt leaders using their power to make everyone but themselves poor, an uprising group called The Principality of Shirina, staged a violent coup. With promises to lead Sarina with peace, freedom, justice, and security, many followed their way. However, there were some, including the master of Shenrei Densetsu, Master Tazz, who would not stand idle for such a violent coup. When people began to speak out against them, they were violently executed. Believing his master to be dead, The Principality took in Shenrei, and turned him into a Shirinan. During this time, The Principality had done everything they could to stop anything related to the belief of the Sarlen, their only opposition. The Sarlen, a celestial race with a mix of human blood and pre human magic, powers come from the belief that they exist, thus they fade away if nobody is actively believing in them. With nobody left to oppose them, The Principality of Shirina (POS) have been able to rule freely with little opposition. With all of their power and resources, they plan to work on new weaponry and continue to spread their influence of power. With Shenrei as the commanding officer of her military, The “Mistress of Evil” Shirina, believes that she has nothing to worry about. The legend of the ”Violet Shock” has instilled fear into all of those who even dare oppose The Principality. Unbeknownst to them, Shenrei has deep hatred for the entire family, and seeks revenge for the “death” of his master. After hearing of a great power in Wabba City, Lady Shirina sends Shenrei and some soldiers to go on a reconnaissance mission. With Shenrei wanting to indulge in his own ambitions, however, he simply leaves. However, the soldiers become reckless, and do things their own way. Despite the efforts of four friends by the name of Jin, Khan, Sonjo, and Skia’, they are entirely powerless to save Sarina. The Sarlen, up to this point, have been gone for millennia. Ever since The Principality had taken over, their life essence had been constantly waning. With their power regained, the Sarlen look to defend those who had forgotten them. Led by C, Ja’Skaar and Baron Hampton, they have declared war on The Principality. The battle for the fate and future for all of Sarina, has officially begun.

MalcolmH25 · アクション
134 Chs

NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 25: Planned Annihilation

(The Shirinan soldier escorts Lalah out of the throne room. Lalah will soon undergo her training, and see what can become of her. Meanwhile…) (Play Xehanort - Birth by Sleep- Extended)

Lady Shirina: Now that they're gone, it's time to get down to the real business.

Shenrei: And that would be…

Lady Shirina: We know where the enemy base is.

Graves: Really?

Shenrei: How did we locate it?

Graves: I'd like to know myself.

Lady Shirina: It was quite simple really. All I needed to do was ask Skia' where it was.

Graves: Oh right… I guess that makes sense.

Shenrei: So tell us, what do you have planned?

Lady Shirina: The complete and total annihilation of it, and everyone in it.

Shenrei: Annihilation?

Graves: Now you're speaking my language.

Lady Shirina: Anyone who opposes us must be dealt with. I know exactly what I want done, and how I want it done. I want the whole world to see us wipe them out. Let it serve as an example of the fate for those who refuse us.

Graves: Uhhh… okay.

Shenrei: Your sadism is showing again Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirina: They don't call me the "Mistress of Evil" for nothing.

Shenrei: Fair enough. So who gets to do what?

Lady Shirina: For now, I want you to help Lalah with her training. The sooner she can develop her skills, the better. Afterwards, I'm sending you on an important mission.

Shenrei: Understood.

Graves: Ahem! What about me?

Lady Shirina: Aw yes, how could I forget about you Graves? I'm sending you on an important mission.

Graves: FINALLY!

Lady Shirina: To the nearest pig pen, where you belong.

Graves: WHAT?!

Shenrei: Lady Shirina getting a jump start on that annihilation it seems.

Lady Shirina: Only kidding Graves, no need to be so pig-headed.

Shenrei: Oh my…

Graves: Why you…!

Lady Shirina: Graves, you and Shenrei are going to be working together this time. I want the two of you to lead the assault on Oasis.

Graves: Okay, that's it! I've had it with all of this disrespect and slander I've been getting!

Lady Shirina: Now Graves, what could you possibly be on about?

Graves: Ever since what went down at Wabba City, all you two have done is disrespect me!

Shenrei: I mean, you DID fail to follow simple instructions…

Lady Shirina: He isn't wrong.

Graves: And yet even though Shenrei was there with me and we BOTH failed, I'm the only one who ever gets any fault for what happened.

Lady Shirina: Because everything that transpired was due to your decision to take matters into your hands. And what did it cost you? Your arm.

Graves: I'm sick and tired of you both treating me like you're both better than me! I'm just as good as the both of you, and I'm more than capable of handling this mission on my own!

Lady Shirina: Really? Then perhaps you'd like to do so.

Graves: What?

Shenrei: Come again?

Lady Shirina: None of us wish to feel like we are inferior to anyone. If you do feel that way, then you should be given the chance to change our views. But considering how things went for you last time, I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Graves: *Scoffs* Your insincerity is comforting. *Graves walks out of the throne room*

Shenrei: You give a challenge like that to Graves, and he'll seriously want to complete it. But you know as well as I do that such a thing could get him killed.

Lady Shirina: That would be an unfortunate denouement to his life. Now then, what to do about the boy?

Shenrei: You mean Jin?

Lady Shirina: Yes… Do you really believe it is necessary for us to bring him here?

Shenrei: You mean you don't?

Lady Shirina: I believe that he has served his purpose already, I see no reason to bring him again.

Shenrei: Then why'd you agree to do so?

Lady Shirina: Because I'm curious to see just how far you're willing to go for this young girl of yours.

Shenrei: Don't say it like that, that's awfully suggestive of you.

Lady Shirina: So is the way that she acts around you, but yes, awfully suggestive of me.

Shenrei: What exactly are you getting at?

Lady Shirina: I want that girl to fight for us as well. So far, she hasn't done anything of value since you've brought her here. I'm starting to think that she's more useless than a rotting corpse.

Shenrei: You've got no right to talk about her that way. She's very useful! In fact, it's been proven that she's one of the smartest people alive. All of our tests show that her abilities are exemplary.

Lady Shirina: And yet all she does is follow you around, acting like less than a vegetable. You've always spoken highly of her abilities. And yet, for all your praise, she's never actually made use of them.

Shenrei: You'll have to forgive me if I'm easily irritated by your lack of respect for my apprentice. Lalah will prove herself in due time, I promise you.

Lady Shirina: Such confidence… Alright then, I'll stop pestering you about it for now. Go, help her get started on her training, I wish to see some speedy results.

Shenrei: Whatever it takes to get this done.

*Shenrei leaves the throne room and goes to check on Lalah's training.* (Play Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 ‒ Story Board: "Creation" (S. Board Theme #1) [⟨4K60res⟩]

Lalah: Captain!

Shenrei: I'd rather we skip the formalities. What's the plan for you here?

Shirinan Soldier: Lady Shirina has asked us to do various simulation training to test her combat ability and knowledge.

Shenrei: What sort of test will this training entail?

Shirinan Soldier: Everything ranging from simulating what it would be like to fly a battleship, engaging someone in artillery warfare, and testing her ability to get out of difficult situations. Since the simulation is based on the user's brain functionality and ability, the results are taken strictly from how they perform. We made some modifications from the system we took from that one Blitzwing member you brought back.

Shenrei: I see… Lalah, I hope you're ready.

Lalah: Me too.

Shirinan Soldier: Begin!

*The simulations begin! Right away, Lalah's ability is displaying off the charts! Her perception and quick reaction time reign supreme as she continuously overcomes each test of the simulations. Even when the system tries to overtake her mind, she remains calm and looks as composed as ever. She seems to be completely unaffected by the modified NERO system.*

Shirinan Soldier: Amazing! Her scores are through the roof! She really is as good as you've said she is commander.

Shenrei: Was there ever any doubt?

Lalah: Captain, I did it!

Shenrei: You did Lalah, and now you're ready to take your place beside me on the battlefield. I warn you though, the battlefield is not a place for those who show fear, or hesitation. Are you ready to join me?

Lalah: I'm ready.

Shenrei: Then I want you to fight beside me. In order to rid the world of my enemies, I'll need your help. Lalah, will you fight with me?

Lalah: Yes captain. I'll gladly help you rid the world of your enemies. I fight for you, and only you.

Shenerei: Thank you Lalah. From now on, we'll be taking the fight to them together.

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

(Narrator: Hey guys! It's me, Baron Hampton! I apologize for the delay between the last episode and this one. It takes time to make these episodes, and the creator has some REALLY big stuff planned for you all. So stick around, because from here on out it's ALL FLAMES! Welp, I better get going, I've got some anime to catch up on. Goodbye!)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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