
Unintended Consequences*

Alex woke to the smell of fresh pancakes being cooked;

It was January, which meant it was winter again, a season he had always loathed. But now, as he lay in a cosy bed, wrapped in warm sheets, the biting chill of the past almost felt distant. The morning light streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. 

He stretched and followed the scent to the kitchen, where he found Mia. She was standing by the stove, flipping pancakes and humming 'My Boo'. Mia wore a half-sleeve tee and loose-fitting shorts with an apron tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and Alex could tell she'd just showered after finishing her morning workout. He could see her dimples of Venus between the slits of her apron strap.

Without making a sound, Alex approached her from behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close, and pressed a soft kiss to the nape of her neck. Mia shivered under his touch but didn't pull away; she leaned back on him. 

"I hate it when you do that," Mia cooed.

'Lie.' " Which part?

Alex asked as he continued kissing the side of her neck and as his finger traced her belly button. 

"All..all of it."

She turned towards Alex and kissed him with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Good morning."

"Morning." Alex lifted her and put her on the countertop, and Mia locked her legs behind him.

When things were starting to heat up, Alex's phone rang. It was Gibbs.

"Hey Boss, What's up?"

"Something came up. I want you to come in."

"Sure thing, Boss," 


"Duty calls."

An annoyed-looking Mia glared at Alex." It's the weekend, Alex. We had plans."

"I know. I will make up for it. I promise."

But then her phone also rang.


"Work." They chuckled.

"No rest for the wicked, I guess,"

[Bullpen, NCIS HQ]

By the time Alex reached the bullpen, Kate and Ziva were already in their seats. They sat in the same row at opposite ends. When Kate learned Ziva was Ari's half-sister, she started kind of avoiding her. Though Kate didn't show any outward hate or dislike, she kept her distance in a professional manner. But that was old news; something else he noticed was Kate smelled like Tony! Similar to how he smelled like Mia. There was only one logical explanation for that. They had a boxing match at the end of which she got on top of him and punched him for like 2 hours?


"Morning, Ladies."

"Morning Alex."

"Boker tov." 

Of course, Alex didn't say anything; he didn't need his superhuman skills to know that things would end badly for him if he did so. But it did raise a very unsettling question. Alex walked over to his cube and smelled blood on Ziva, not hers and noticed there were blood-stained bandages on her dustbin. Since Tony wasn't here yet, Alex knew he had to say something.

"Well, well, well, Ziva, Rough night or just auditioning for a remake of 'Kill Bill'?" he asked, nodding toward the trash bin.

Ziva looked up from her computer, a smirk quickly forming as she met his gaze. "Oh, Alex, just embracing a new hobby. You know, a little light reading, some yoga, and then bathing in the blood of my enemies," she replied nonchalantly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Ziva, Please tell me you didn't kill Tony." 

Kate chuckled.

Alex, feigning a serious look of concern. "Should I be checking the parking lot for the body?"

Ziva rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitched upwards. "Alex, if I had disposed of anyone, especially Tony, do you really think I'd leave evidence behind? I thought you knew me better."

"True," Alex nodded sagely. "You're the master of clean exits. So... sparring?"

"Sure, you could say that, but it was more like a one-side beatdown."

"Seriously, should I start calling you 'Bloody Mary' from now on? You know, for the workouts that look more like crime scenes?"

"Only if you wanna be on the list of the bloody mess that was once sparring partners."

"Woman, please, I can take you down with my eyes closed and both hands bound."

"Was that a challenge," asked Ziva as she stood up and leaned against her desk; she had a glint in her eyes.

"No, just a fact." Alex rebutted, moving closer to her. 

"You know I can leave if you guys wanna make out." called out Kate.

Alex raised his hand like he was giving up and sat down at his cube

"*hm* coward." Ziva muttered under her breath.

Just then, Tony strolled into the bullpen in a playful manner. "What did I miss?" 

He was soon followed by Gibbs. He looked a bit overdressed in a platinum suit and tie.


Kate stood up.

"We got a possible abduction. A call came in at 0903, Fairfax area code. I was able to identify her as Navy Lieutenant Commander Amanda Wilkerson, stationed at the Department of Navy, Washington, D.C," Kate continued. "She's currently on liberty, scheduled to be back at work tomorrow morning at 07."

Ziva took over. " Her cell wasn't GPS-enabled, but the service provider narrowed the call location to the two-and-a-half-mile radius of Fairfax County. They said they'd contact us if it's used again. Then we might be able to triangulate, get a fix."

Gibbs looked around. "Where's McGee?"

"Sunday's a spiritual day in your country, Gibbs....Perhaps.." before Ziva could finish.

"Did you get Lieutenant Commander Wilkerson's home address?'

"I did."

"Yes Boss." Both Kate and Tony responded. 

"Then why are you still here? And Ziva, find McGee." 

"On it."

While Tony and Kate were hurrying away, Alex was deep in thought.

"You got anything to add to all this, Bishop?"

" Commander Wilkerson...she's an acquaintance." 

"Was she part of your fleet, Alex?" asked Ziva, a bit concerned.

"No...But she was part of a joint operation in Kabul. I knew it was only a matter a time until I investigated a familiar. Doesn't make it any less weird though. "

"What can you tell me about the Commander?" asked Gibbs

"She's a straight arrow, kind, smart and an even better Navy Officer. 2 years back, she requested a sudden leave of absence for an extended time; that's the last I heard about her." 

"We need to know about her current assignment in DC; I will contact her XO. Bishop, you are with me." 

'This is going to get ugly.'


The atmosphere in the M-TAC was turning from unfriendly to antagonistic. Commander Amanda Wilkerson CO Captain Martino heard the taped distress call and confirmed that the voice belonged to Cmdr. Wilkerson. Captain Martino's face was set in a rigid line as he glanced from Gibbs to Alex, his eyes narrowing when they settled on Alex. Gibbs stood with his arms to his side, observing with a neutral expression. Alex was more guarded, and his gaze was sharp and focused.

"So, you're telling me we're supposed just to sit here and wait while Commander Wilkerson's life is in jeopardy? You're the one who knows her, Bishop. You should be doing everything in your power to get her back." said CO. Martino

"We are doing everything we can. NCIS agents are currently working a lead. But if you think you can waltz in here and dictate how this operation should go, you're mistaken. This is a civilian-run agency. Your rank does not matter here." It was obvious to the spectators that there was bad blood between them.

"I'm not dictating. I'm merely suggesting we use all available resources. You're aware of how critical this situation is, right? Wilkerson is a key player in the protection of nuclear assets. Her safety is paramount." Martino continued, "I suggest reactivating Kai. He's one of the best search and rescue dogs we've ever had. He could make the difference in locating her faster."

"No. That's not happening," said Alex. His tone was absolute.

"And why not? MWD Kai has been specifically trained for this kind of work."

"Kai is retired. He's injured, and I've made it clear I won't put him back into active duty. Even if I could, it would require SECNAV and SECDEF's permission, which I won't seek. He is my responsibility."

"Ha, there he is. The stubborn and Arrogant Bishop I remember. You might have put on a pretty suit, but I know what you really are, Bishop. You're unreasonable and enigmatic. If you can't see that using Kai might save Wilkerson's life, then I question your judgment."

"Enough. Captain Martino, let's keep this professional. We're all here to find Wilkerson, so we focus on the mission, not argue over resources. We will do everything in our power to ensure Wilkerson's safe return. " interjected Gibbs

"Fine. But if things go south because we didn't use every asset at our disposal, I'm holding you personally responsible, Bishop."

"Fair enough."

"I will be personally making a visit to NCIS HQ to brief your team, Agent Gibbs, and will assist you in finding Commander Wilkerson."

"Thank you, Captain." The large screen of the M-tac was switched off.

As the screen blinked off, the room fell into a brief, heavy silence. Gibbs turned to Alex, his expression and his tone serious. " Explain." 

Since this topic never came up, Alex hasn't talked about Kai with anyone, But from his understanding, the team at least knew of Kai. Hence, Alex gave a brief intro of Kai. 

He rubbed the bridge of his nose before responding. "Boss, Kai... he's not just a military working dog to me. He's family. Our last mission before his retirement, it—it didn't go as planned." Alex paused; the memory still pained him. "We were ambushed. A drone attack. Kai saved my life and basically took a bullet that was meant for me. The injuries he sustained... they were severe. It wasn't just physical scars; the whole incident changed him. " 

"He was lucky to survive. I wasn't sure he would. The medics said he was strong, but the injuries were severe—especially to his legs. After the surgeries and months of rehab, it was clear he couldn't go back to active duty. They retired him, and I took him in."

Gibbs nodded slightly, understanding starting to form in his expression.

"It's been almost a year now, Boss. Kai's just starting to act like a normal dog again. He's less guarded, less... tense. He used to be hyper-vigilant, always in soldier mode. But now... he plays. He's relaxed around other people. He's healing, mentally and physically. If I throw him back into the field now, all that progress, all that healing—it'll be gone. He'll revert, and I don't think he'll come back a second time."

Gibbs stood there for a moment, processing what Alex had shared. Then, in typical Gibbs fashion, he gave a small, knowing smile and nodded.

"You did right by him," Gibbs said, his voice softer. "You don't send a soldier back to the front when they're not ready. You made the call, and it's the right one."

Alex was relieved that Gibbs understood.

"Thanks, Boss," 

."We'll find Wilkerson another way. Kai's earned his rest."

*ring* Gibbs's phone rang. "Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs." It was Abby.

[Forensic Lab, NCIS]

Abby, Ziva Gibbs and Alex gathered at the lab.

Abby did a deep analysis of the recorded message of Wilkerson, and she was able to deduce that the commander was trapped inside the trunk of a car. This meant she had at most 7/8 hours before her oxygen ran out. Hearing this, Gibbs went into, well... Gibbs mode and rushed out of the lab to formulate the next plan of action. Just as Alex was about to leave, Abby stopped him.

As Alex was about to walk out of Abby's lab, Abby's voice rang out. "Just a second, mister!" She sounded half-amused, half-serious, and half- pissed? as if she had something important—or mischievous—on her mind.

Alex slowly turned around with a raised brow. "Uh oh, what did I do now?"

Abby crossed her arms, giving him a teasing smirk. "You didn't do anything. But… you caused a little situation yesterday."

Alex blinked, genuinely confused. "Situation?"

Ziva leaned against one of the tables, clearly intrigued. She arched an eyebrow. "This sounds entertaining. What sort of trouble has our dear Alex caused this time?"

Abby reached into her pocket, pulling out several slips of paper, each with a number and name scrawled on it. "These, Alex. These are your problem."

Alex's eyes widened, and he immediately understood. The previous day, they had both been at the Habitat for Humanity event, helping build homes for the homeless. It had been one of those days where the sun was shining, people were smiling, and everyone seemed a little too eager to chat. He had to admit—he liked making people smile, but he hadn't realised just how many people might be interested. Well, there was this one instance when he got a bit sweaty and so he took off his shirt.

"Wait," Alex started, realisation dawning, "those are from…"

Abby nodded dramatically, waving the numbers in front of his face. "Five. Five phone numbers. All from women who were very interested in talking to you again. You know, I'm all for love and connection, but I am not your personal courier service for dates."

Ziva's laughter was immediate, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Let me guess, our resident SEAL was quite the charmer yesterday?"

Alex scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "It's not my fault! People kept asking for help with the building, and I guess I was... kinda approachable?"

"Approachable?" Ziva repeated, smirking. "Is that what they call it now?"

Abby playfully tossed the slips of paper at Alex, watching as they fluttered down toward him. "I don't care how approachable you are, Alex. You are taking these. I will not be the go-between anymore! It's exhausting!"

Alex caught the 5 slips midair. "I didn't ask for this. I was just there to build homes, not to... you know... build relationships."

Ziva chuckled, giving him a sly look. "Well, It appears you built more than just homes. Quite the multitasker, aren't you?"

Abby nodded vigorously. "Exactly! And while I'm all for love and kindness and everything, being your personal matchmaker wasn't in the job description!"

Alex, exasperated, gave Abby a pleading look. "Come on, Abby, you know I am not even interested in these..."

Abby cut him off, waving a finger at him. "Nope! Nope! This is all on you, buddy. I'm done passing along flirtatious notes. You figure out what you want to do with all these."

Alex groaned, rubbing his forehead. "I swear, it's hard to say no to the happy Abby when she asks for help. I didn't expect to end up with... this."

Abby grinned, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "Hey, don't use me as an excuse. You were the one charming your way through the worksite like some kind of... Don Juan."

Ziva's eyebrows shot up. "Don Juan? Oh, this gets better and better."

Alex held up the slips of paper, giving them a final look, burned them with a lighter and put them in the dustbin. " Like I said, not interested, Abby. Believe me, my intentions were pure when I volunteered. I have no idea how this even happened."

"Then maybe don't strip in the middle of the work, Buddy," said Abby putting hands on her hips. 

Ziva chuckled at that.

Abby clapped her hands together. "Alright! Now that this is settled, you guys can get back to finding Commander Wilkerson. And Alex—don't forget when you're on construction duty next time. Maybe bring a helmet, just in case the admirers get too rowdy."

Alex shaking his head as he walked toward the door. "Noted, Abby. Noted." Alex just knew the happy goth was going to keep giving him a hard time over this.