
NBA & The star writer

Barine_Gift · 都市
2 Chs

The writer

The candle Cherry bought is almost burning to the end when her dad came in all wet it was raining heavily outside Cherry looked out the window still on her medicated glass wondering if her dad could make it out the night, she put dinner in the microwave once in a while taking a break from her writing to heat it so it could stay warm but gave up at past midnight.

"Hey, honey!!! You're still up" he said taking off his hat and putting it on a stand, Cherry and her father shared a one-bedroom in the downtown of Lagos state precisely Ajah area whereas dad worked around lekki-Ekpe express road towards Victoria Island garden as a loader offloading of goods and loading them in his old truck that barely works dad keeps taking it to the mechanic at least three times a week you can tell the mechanic is exhausted repairing dad old truck.

"Yes....finishing up my novel our English teacher asked us to write about" Dad already dashed into the kitchen taking out the dinner he put out the protein back inside the pot.

"Your great writer I'm sure is an A....what are you writing about," her dad asked his mouth full of rice, Cherry looked at her dad in pity she worked so hard yet is not even close enough.

"The island girl asked us to choose a theme so I think it makes sense-

"What do you mean island you haven't been to an island before so how can you tell a story that you have no idea about why not write about politics, war or some community movement something meaningful" Cherry shuffled her books into her backpack without furthering the conversation.

"I'm sorry" he tried to apologise but Cherry is already into the bedcovers they switch turns to use the bed but her father prefer the tacky worn-out couch and let Cherry have the bed.

"I'm just suggesting Cherry you don't have to take my opinion personally-

"Dad is fine I have school tomorrow so please let it go" Cherry knew her dad wasn't satisfied he knew she was a good writer but whatever going on in the world does not matter to her, she was not a blogger or a media news reporter, so many times she had made him understand writhing cool stories Is the only thing that interests her nothing more.

"Good night, and I love you" The candle was down and Dad put out his phone light while he said those words Cherry felt teary seeing how much her dad's struggles hurt her so much, yes he was doing it for her so he can graduate high school then get into any community university.

Cherry has this wild imagination about getting out of poverty with her writings, she sometimes told her dad what is going to happen one day her writing is going to get them to live in a big mansion like the Kardashian.

Cherry woke up Dad was already gone putting a few notes on the kitchen counter for breakfast no one has the time to prepare breakfast since Mom died things have changed especially with Dad he still grieves whereas Cherry thinks and fantasizes.

Cherry get out of bed covers that morning first thing and put water on the gas stove because they didn't have a heater in their house after they run a quick washing of the dishes before sweeping and putting the living room in order.

The water was ready so she mixed it with a full bucket of water in the bathroom, while she allows it cools she brushed her teeth packing her hair into the customized bonnet her best friend Samantha gave to her on her seventeen birthday.

Today is Friday's football and basketball tryout Samantha had signup her name to write about the tryout while she take photos of them, she had to do it because she is done with her novel and had nothing to do, well if she tells her dad about it he will be a little proud that she's putting her talent in Perfect use unlike writing cool stories.

Ever since junior year in Victoria high school, She has had a heavy crush on the green school sweetheart, it's a public school well somehow green is the Apple of an eye everyone wanted him. While taking her bath that morning all that went through her mind is the moment they shared. Well, she's not sure how Green feels about her one thing is sure is better no one knows especially Angela.

"You would have thought about that before sleeping with her boyfriend" Cherry ugh at the thought of that. They weren't together but they always get back together.

Cherry doesn't know how her fate is maybe one of those girls that end up on a nightstand, she was at the party just to see Green is no lie she's drawn to him. Can't stop thinking about how it happen it should be the happiest day of her life but she feels like the worst person on earth so in other to claim her sanity she has to Green that what happened between them meant nothing.

He was in an off-and-on relationship with Angel the school cheerleader and most beautiful girl on campus, thankfully since Wednesday the incident happened she hasn't seen Green, not in class or tryout, she had intentionally gone to the court tryout if Green will be there but he wasn't, so breaking Friday hopefully she faces her fears telling him what happened between them was nothing and they can move on with their lives.

Cherry get down from the school bus when Sam came calling for her she was fat so couldn't run and if she does she will breathe like the air and she have a big problem.

"How are you," Sam asked walking catching up with cherry who waited till sam was close enough standing beside her, she looked around everyone was busy getting into class or sorting out things.

"Cool, I saw your text trust me I'm still doing it I have to submit my literature assignment first-

"About that is cancel Miss Clara made it clear no one with her textbook is not getting any scores she doesn't care if any of us did well in community service or extracurriculars buy her textbook and get sixty per cent plus your writing-

"Seriously" Cherry was freaking out. Sam, they were close to their lockers when a roll of a skateboard crossed them, it was green with his earphone and green hoodie, green combat pant, and a green sneaker thankfully he wore black socks always making his name about himself. Green passed seeing Cherry very well but he just went away curving one of the girls taking her note from the locker, Cherry was no longer listening to Sam all focused on Green gaslighting her.

"Cherry!!!!" Sam called her she got into herself opening her locker feeling hurt about it like is not what she was about to tell him to act as if nothing happened between them.

"Green?" Sam asked putting her pieces of stuff in her locker as well.

"What about him" Cherry pretends she doesn't know what Sam is about to talk about.

"This is our last year in Victoria High why not just sleep with him and get over with it, we know he's hot so he's not for keep-

"I don't care about Green besides what will he do with someone like me he has never noticed me ever" Cherry lied to Sam about Green she had always fantasized about having sex with Green for a long time and when it happened she kind of felt bad about it like it wasn't supposed to happen.

Cherry gave Sam the novel she wrote for her she's not good at novels only photographs she took it and shoved it into her bag, Cherry noticed Miss Clara's textbook in her bag.

"Lucky you uh," Cherry said in sarcasm, Sam zipped her bag knowing fully well what she was saying.

"Miss Clara saw my mom and told her so she paid her , I don't care about her course, after I submit my novel I will give it to you that way she wouldn't notice" Sam and Cherry head to class everyone was already in, the boys' football team were all on their desk making loud noise about the match they will be having, the basketball team were at their corner as well talking about their game chart, the coach had stated the last tryout today is their day to shine, if they do better he will choosing the best athletes to the state team.

"This like my dream man if I'm not qualified God forbid I don't know what I will do-

"My dad said basketball contract is like blood money he constantly reminded me how much I need to change our lives around...do you know what's on my mind" They stare in uncertainty.

"Supermodels...ohh shit Cherry just walked in with her ugly fat friend" one of Green's basketball team players commented they all looked at her once and Cherry was looking in the same direction, she freaked out because what happened making all the hottest Boys looked at her she never has that kind of chivalry except about how she whore herself to their captain Green well she would've thought better, he's that type of guy that kiss and tell.

"God Cherry they are looking at you" Sam squealed in excitement, Cherry loudly sat on her seat, backing them. She need to know better while he sat there staying quiet watching his team say whatever they want which she couldn't hear. He already spill their little get together sex night with them she knows the stares.

"She never speaks to anyone I swear before I fucking leave this school I'm going to fuck her and post it on the school blog.... let's make a list, Green already smash Angel so is count one-

"How about your sister on the list" Green retorted back at Amole who became mute angrily looking at Green when the teacher came in, it was Miss Clara.

"Everyone your note in your textbook over here" she pointed at her desk everyone with her textbook went over to summit the fewer that remain were boys and Cherry was the only girl.

"Cherry I announced the WhatsApp group chat didn't you get it" She make it all about Cherry because she is one of her best students.

"I can't afford it so I'm cool to have anything you give me" someone chuckles from the class but she didn't know who the person was, Cherry wasn't the cool girl or nerdy, if it happened to fight she is in and always standing up for herself that for sure.

"Let me have your note" Miss Clara demanded but the entire class booed.

"Everyone shut up before I lash my anger on y'all and don't be the scapegoat because I promise you are going to end up so badly you will regret having this class-

"Why do we have to buy your book and Cherry gets away with it because she writes novels for entertainment-

"The next Shakespeare" someone matched up with Angel, Miss Clara ignored the question taking cherry notes.

"I'm going to have a word with your dad...and yes Cherry do write and she's reporting about the basketball team who else can do it if you can let me see your hand" Miss Clara screamed as she asked who can, she bragged flipping through the novel. No one put their hands up, Cherry looked back Green eyes were on her she quickly looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Cherry thanks for accepting to write for the school sport-

"Thank you miss Clara" cherry replied everyone Knows miss Clara and cherry gets along so easily.

"I see, so where did we stop the rest of you that doesn't have my book that's sixty per cent gone".

The period is over Sam is setting up her camera when Cherry came over with snacks the guys were exercising when everyone pulls out for the big game, Green is famous in the game so everyone was betting on him, Sam will be recording and Cherry will be taking down notes on the scores and performances then write about it to the school board before the blog post first everyone to see.

Cherry's career as a writer started at a very young age and age has desperately needed attention and recognition, freelance writing doesn't pay that much and now writing for school Sam said is the first step into her career.

"Do you think Green said something about me-

"About your fat ass," Cherry is surprised looking over her shoulder checking if it was true.

"You're kidding right because no way my ass is big" Cherry wished it was true but Sam while setting up her camera told her it was a joke.

"You were right there when he and his friend looked at us the moment we walked in I'm still wondering-

"Maybe he likes you he had never noticed you until now so why aren't excited about it that your dream is coming true-

"That was when I was like eleven...look Green got a tattoo are you sure the principal is not going to kick him out of the court" Cherry wasn't the only one that saw it everyone did and was pointing to him curiously talking about it. Sam take a few short from his angle while he kept throwing the ball into the net.

"It looks good on him NBA players are hot shit look at his abs-

"Sam are you this job is for you because you can barely concentrate I'm not sure which of us has a crush on Green-

"You of course" She stops taking shots answering her best friend.

"Stop saying that is like he's having a problem with his coach" Everyone was now worried of Green is going to get kicked out of the game, he was disagreeing and talking walking away without putting his shirt on.

"That boy is arrogant I wonder if Steph Curry the whole school will burn down because of his arrogance-

"Shit, he's leaving the court" his teammate was now going after him if he can disrespect his coach who is his teammate he wouldn't disrespect.