
Broken promise

As Kaneki was still captured by the clad of black wings Yuuka ordered her Familiar Ladybug Heike to get the Crown of Urizen and give it to Kaneki for him to use.

Though she was hesitant Heike did obey and got the Crown to Kaneki.

When the Crown got onto Kaneki's head it latched onto his head and black lightning began shooting out of him and the Clad of black wings began shooting at Kaneki.

Dagon, Batta, Miracle and Heike then began speaking in Kaneki's voice in Unison which creeped out everyone.

And when the Smoke cleared upon Kaneki he was covered in Black flames.

Sachi: Kaneki's on fire?!

Shino: what's happening- Wait! Is that the Crown?!

Miku: Heike has put the Crown on Higanbana-kun?!

Itsuki: this doesn't look good! He's really pissed!

Keiko: why do I have a feeling this is not going to end well?

Emi: same here, that fire coming from him doesn't look like the same flames he used when he fought Shiho-sama.

Ryueki: what the hell is going on?

Chikao & Azusa: what ever it is it doesn't look good!

Natsuki: Insect Familiars! Get back in here!

Ku-kun: Wat?!

Sachi: come back! Kaneki is really pissed off!

Ku-kun: ... Ku!

Most of the insect familiars went back inside Akuma Castle.

Meanwhile in the throne room*

Yuuka: What the? Heike... Kaneki... What's happening?

Yuuka was watching in Horror ad her best friend and her familiar as they started acting weird.

Yuuka: Kaneki!

As she Shout out Kaneki's name something very bad happened.

Kaneki, Batta, Heike, Miracle, & Dagon: Urizen.

Knight slayer: Everyone! Run!

Clad of black wings members: AAHHHHHH!

All the Forces of the Clad of black wings began running.

Ryueki: what the?! Why are tby run-

Azusa: Bleurgh!

Emi: Azusa-chan?!

Azusa: this isn't good!

Everyone: huh?

Sachi: hey somethings Happening!

The scene switche's back to Kaneki who's Black flames gotten more intense.

Kaneki: Akuma, Ryūu, Batta, Tentou, Chō.

Dagon, Batta, Heike & Miracle: ROOOAAAAAR!

As Kaneki spoke those words The 3 insect Familiars began flying towards Kaneki and Dagon gotten out of the Castle and headed straight towards Kaneki while trampling the force's of the clad of black wings and The 3 insect familiars began flying towards Kaneki as well.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(What's happening?! Is Kaneki taking control of them?!)


Everyone: !!!

The chains that held Kaneki suddenly broke and Kaneki fell.

Kaneki: !syeknom uoy llik ll'I

As Kaneki said those words the Insect Familiars and Dagon gotten real close to Kaneki and then something unexpected happened.



Everyone: !!!

Yuuka: what the?!

The insect Familiars and Dagon began changing shape.

Batta whole body became leggings, Dagon & Heike body's became a Chest plate and Arm sleeves, and Dagon's head and Miracle's body fused and became a helmet.

This all happened in an instant and each of them got attached to Kaneki's body.

Sachi: Ka...neki?

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Kaneki looks really scary! Not only that his colors is showing only malice and sadness, More than it was earlier what happened? Is it because Heike?)

Everyone in the expedition team was speechless and most of all.

Yuuka: ...

Yuuka she hasn't seen anything like that before.

Kaneki was wearing armour made out of Dagon, Batta, Heike and Miracle and he looks like a Knight.

C.O.B.W Grunt: run! We'll get the vessel another time let's just escape!

Knight slayer: yeah! We'll get him once he's weaker!

The clad of black wings we're running away towards the tunnels to escape but.

Kaneki held out two of his arms and then.


Ryueki: what the?! What happened?!

Sachi: wha?! Where's my Dragon Scythe?!

Sachi's Dragon scythe disappeared.

Natsuki: what happened?

Sachi: Scythe disappeared!

Miku: Saki-san, I think I know where your Scythe is.

Sachi: Where?!

Chikao: look.

Sachi looked outside and Saw Kaneki holding the Dragon scythe on his right hand and the Kabuto shield in the other.

Sachi: Huh?! How did he got it!

Itsuki: look over there! One of the tunnels are closed!

Chikao: hey you're right, what happened?

At the Throne room*

Yuuka: did Kaneki just destroyed all the tunnels?

Yuuka's thoughts*

(He was also able to summon the Kabuto shield, how is that possible?. How much te do we have left till teleportation?)

Yuuka looked at the timer.

Yuuka: 1 minute?!

Yuuka once again looked outside towards Kaneki.

Kaneki: !eiD Demonic curse! Statue of Rageful sorrows!

I'm an instant a statue appeared behind Kaneki and it began crying blood and then...

The blood rushed towards all the Clad of black wings and consumed and killed them all in a gruesome and painful way that cannot be described.

Even the ones who were flying did not survived.

Only the relic expedition team survived.

And even then.

Itsuki: Bleurgh! Is that really Kaneki?!

Keiko: so scary!

Chikao: Kaneki...

Sachi: Kaneki...

Shino: he killed so many...

Miku: ...

Emi-kun: no way...

Azusa: zzzz

Azusa had no idea what's happening because she was knocked out when the Crown was placed on Kaneki's head.

Everyone was shocked to see Kaneki kill so many people in a gruesome way they were left speechless.

And for Ryueki.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Wait this is actually good! At this point everyone will be completely afraid of him! And he'll be left all alone and he'll be forever a mob character)

He is still obsessed with his story.

And suddenly.


Everyone: what the?!

They were teleported to another cavern far away.

Yuuka: the teleport finally happened. But What about Kaneki?!

Yuuka looked outside and saw..

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He was hitting his head on the ground and was trying to remove the Crown.

Yuuka: what the?!

Kaneki: !ffo ti teG !ffo ti teG !ffo ti teG

Yuuka: what is he saying?

The scene goes back to everyone else.

Sachi & Chikao: Kaneki!

Sachi and Chikao immediately went running towards Kaneki

Ryueki: hey! Are you two crazy?! It's to dangerous!

Itsuki: hey Kaneki! Are you alright?!

Keiko: are you hurt?!

Emi: Kaneki-san! Azusa-chan is knocked out!

Natsuki: are you alright Higanbana-kun?!

Everyone began running to Kaneki even Natsuki which angered and confused Ryueki.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(What?! Why aren't they afraid of him?! They just saw him kill many people in a gruesome way yet their concerned about him?!)

Sachi: Kaneki!

Sachi jumped towards Kaneki to hug him but.


Kaneki dodged.

Sachi: ow! Hey why did you dodge?!

Shino: hey Kaneki are you alright?

Kaneki: !ffo ti teG !ffo ti teG !ffo ti teG

Sachi: we can't understand what you're saying can you speak normally?

Kaneki was talking in reverse and in a distorted voice while banging his head on the ground.

Ryueki: what is he doing? Had he gone crazy?

Chikao: I don't think so it looks like he's crying.

Sachi looked closely at Kaneki's eye's. And she saw tears.

Sachi: hey you're right! Kaneki what's wrong? Do you need help?

Kaneki pointed at the Crown that was still on his head.

Natsuki: I think He wants to remove the Crown.

Sachi: Alright! Let me help!

Sachi placed her hands on The Crown and began pulling on it.

Sachi: Woah! It really is stuck on your head!

Sachi and Kaneki began pulling to separate the Crown from his head.

Yuuka then arrived.

Yuuka: hey what's happening? I saw Kaneki banging his head on the ground earlier what was that about?

Shino: he was trying to remove the Crown and it looks like it's stuck on his head.

Miku: yeah, and it looks like he is very upset as well.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh crap)

Ku-kun: Wata!

Kaneki: !hcuO

Ku-kun clamped his mandibles on Kaneki and began pulling on him as well.

Sachi: let's get this crown off of you!

Natsuki: hey you two be careful! You might hurt him badly!

Sachi: we're trying!

Chikao then grabbed the crown as well.

Chikao: okay one more pull on the count of 3 got it?

Sachi: yup!

Ku-kun: Ku!

Chikao: 1... 2... 3!

All 3 of them pulled on Kaneki and finally.


The Crown was removed and Dagon, Batta, Heike and Miracle got released.

Batta: what happened?!

Heike: Hei?

Miracle: Mira?

Dagon: what the hell happened?

Sachi: well we rather not tell. So Kaneki-

When Kaneki was back to normal he had a furious face and tears were coming out of his eyes.

Kaneki: I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Sachi: hey Kaneki why are you crying?

Yuuka: hey what's wrong?

Heike: Heike? Hei Ike.

Kaneki looked at Heike dead in the eyes.

Heike was scared when Kaneki looked at her.

Heike: He... Hei?

Kaneki: Heike... Why did you put the Crown on my head?

Kaneki was clearly mad at Heike for that.

Sachi: hey Kaneki calm down she just did it because it looked like you couldn't handle it.

Kaneki: the reason why I didn't break the chains is because my friends were still outside.

Ryueki: c'mon stop joking, you were completely captured by those people there's no wa-

Kaneki raised one of his fingers and a giant fire ball appeared.

Kaneki: If my friends were inside Akuma Castle I would've used this to send all those monkeys to oblivion, the Crown's power was completely unnecessary

Everyone was shocked to see the giant fireball.

Kaneki took out the fire ball and brought down his finger. And once again asked

Kaneki: Heike why did you put the Crown on my head?!

He said in an angrier voice.

Heike looked at Yuuka.

And Yuuka just Nodded.

Heike: Sigh~ Heike.

Kaneki: I see...


Kaneki: why did you tell Heike to do that?! Yuuka?!

Everyone: Huh?! She's the one who made Heike/the lady bug do it?!

Kaneki quickly gotten up and went face to face with Yuuka.

Kaneki: you know very well that I didn't want to anyone even myself to take and use the Crown! Why did you make Heike do that?!

Kaneki was really mad at Yuuka.

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun calm down she just wanted to he-

Kaneki: shut up! This is really personal so don't interfere!

Natsuki's thoughts*

(He's acting really weird what's going on?)

Ryueki: hey calm down, why are you so mad? Don't you want power?

Kaneki: I don't want power if it means sacrificing my best friends dream!

Yuuka: what?

Kaneki: I promised my best friend I wouldn't take or use the Demon knight relics because her dream is to be known as one person who found all the Demon knight relics and now that I used the Crown I broke it! The Crown is now worthless!

Yuuka: what?!

Everyone: what?!

Kaneki: I'm sorry for wasting all your time, I'm putting this back into Akuma Castle and I'm sending you all home.

Sachi: wait! Why?! Aren't you going to give that to Miyu-chan?

Kaneki: not anymore I broke my promise so it's completely worthless now.

Natsuki: what do you mean worthless? You can still give it-

Kaneki: you don't understand! The promise I made with Miyu-chan is special to me!

Ryueki: c'mon it's just a promise.

Kaneki: not to me! Mirai-san after I send you all home don't ever talk to me again.

Everyone: huh?

Everyone was confused and Yuuka panicked.

Yuuka: wait Kaneki why are you-

Kaneki: you broke my promise and I can't stand seeing you anymore so don't ever get near me again.

Kaneki was so mad, he didn't want to see Yuuka again.

Yuuka: wait hold on! You can still give the Crown to Miyu-chan!

Kaneki: I can't! It's tainted! I used it and my promise was broken

Yuuka: Miyu-chan would accept it she wouldn't care if you used i-


Shino, Sachi, Natsuki & Chikao: Kaneki!

Miku: Yuuka-Oneechan?!

Itsuki & Keiko: Kaneki!

Emi: Kaneki-san?!

Ryueki: Hey what are you doing?!

Kaneki slapped Yuuka in the face.

Yuuka out her hand on her cheek.

Yuuka: huh?

Kaneki: You're not Miyu-chan so don't talk as if you know her.

Kaneki then walked into Akuma Castle and put the Crown back to where it was originally was.

Kaneki: Darkness travel....

Everyone who was in the expedition had Black goo appear underneath their feet.

Ryueki: what the?!

Chikao: it looks like he's sending us back!

And then.

They were sent back to their homes.

And Kaneki made one last message to everyone.

Kaneki: I'm sorry for wasting all your time, I truly am but remember Mirai-san DONT EVER SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME EVER AGAIN!

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Man that was a waste of time)

Though Ryueki didn't care some others do.

Sachi: No way... Yuuka failed.

At Shino's home*

Shino: Poor Yuuka....

At Chikao's home*

Chikao: no way, Yuuka...

At Natsuki's home*

Natsuki: no way, Kaneki hates her now what can I do?

At the Higanbana residence*

Miku: Onii-chan?

Kaneki: sorry for wasting your time...

Shiho: oh you two are back! So how was the expedition?

Kaneki: you can go home now auntie.

Shiho: c'mon tell me-

Shiho looked at Kaneki's eye's and knew something was wrong.

Shiho: oh I see... Okay then. See ya.

Shiho then left.

Miku: Onii-chan why did yo-

When Miku looked at Kaneki she saw him staring at the hand he used to slap Yuuka.

Miku: Onii... Chan?

Kaneki: I'm heading to my room see you later.

Miku's thoughts*

(Onii-chan... He's looks more sad now!)

At the Mirai Household*

Yuuka: what have I done?

Yuuka could still feel the sensation on her cheek and she began crying.

Yuuka: dammit! What have I done?! I didn't trust him and I broke our promise! And now there's no way he would accept me again!

Yuuka then went to her room and start crying.

Yuuka: I'm sorry Kaneki, I'm sorry I didn't trust you I'm sorry!

Yuuka looked at the Mirror in her room and when she saw herself she remembered what Kaneki said.

"You're not Miyu-chan"

And she said to herself.

Yuuka: who are you?