
chapter 7

Just InCommunityForumMoreNatsu Dragneel is END! by Weeb Life Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 9k+, Favs: 96, Follows: 111, Published: Jul 22, 2016 Updated: May 24, 201933Chapter 7

The next morning Happy and Gildarts were on their way to the hospital to see Asher before they went back to Magnolia, Happy had filled Gildarts in on Asher not being Natsu. They were both upset that he wasn't their friend but they wanted to make sure he's going to be alright one last time. When they got to Asher's hospital room they were shocked to see that he wasn't there anymore so they went to the nurse's station to ask what happened.

"He seemed to make a miraculous recovery so we saw no need to keep him here. We discharged him about an hour ago now," explained the nurse.

"So he couldn't have gotten far, especially if he would be on crutches from now on," suggested Gildarts to Happy, "We should go look for him."

"Aye!" Said Happy.


Natsu managed to find his way to the forest on the edge of the city, he found it difficult to use only one crutch to get around since he couldn't use another crutch with his missing arm.

It's a good thing I managed to convince the nurses that I was good to leave, had I stayed any longer they might have figured out who I am for sure then, Asher thought to himself. He was wearing his old clothes again feeling a breeze where his arm and leg used to be.

He was unsure of where to go now, he thought of going to Magnolia just to watch his old friends from afar. He hadn't seen them in five years and he missed them greatly.

I have taken care of all the business I needed to take care of, Natsu reflected on his past five years, I guess I could just stop by for a day, but I can't let them see me.

And so it was decided, Natsu began his long journey to Magnolia. It was approximately a ten days walk from where he was, and Asher has no intention of taking the train to Magnolia due to his motion sickness.

It'll probably take me quite a while longer than ten days to get to Magnolia with this crutch. Ugh if Happy had figured me out then he could've flown me all the way there, but it's better this way, that no one knows who I am, Asher thought to himself. He figured he would take a rest whenever he managed to get to a town which would make his trip even longer, he figured that he would take fifteen to sixteen days to get to his destination.

I wonder what Fairy Tail is up to, knowing them they are likely still rough-housing in the guild hall, acting like nothing has changed, he thought as he set on his journey.

Little did he know, Fairy Tail was never the same without him.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and please leave a review with suggestions on what you'd like to happen next!

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