
chapter 6

Just InCommunityForumMoreNatsu Dragneel is END! by Weeb Life Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 9k+, Favs: 96, Follows: 111, Published: Jul 22, 2016 Updated: May 24, 201933Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Hey guys! I know it's been almost a year since I last updated, wowie I am so sorry! I don't have a good reason for not posting another chapter and I am very sorry about that :( But i do hope that you guys enjoy this chapter.

"...Natsu," said Happy, completely shocked, "It is you...isn't it Natsu?"

"I'm sorry...but I am not the man you think I am, besides shouldn't the two of you finish taking that man wherever he needs to go?" said Asher, gesturing at the annoyed looking man that Gildarts and Happy were supposed to be escorting.

The two of them had completely forgotten about their mission when they first saw Asher, Gildarts began to feel bad for prioritizing this man who may or may not be Natsu at this point over their mission.

"Happy, this is the town we were supposed to take this man anyway, I'll escort him the rest of the way while you stay with Asher...or rather Natsu Dragneel," said Gildarts while leaving the hospital room eyeing the very much injured man

Once they the two men left Happy immediately started bawling, "Natsuuuu! I was so scared I'd never see you again, it's been so lonely without you Natsu!"

Natsu wanted nothing more than to cry with his old friend and truly be reunited, but the Asher in him new what was best at this point in time and resisted the urge, "As I told you before, I don't know this man you think I am, my name is Asher, I make no friends for their own protection, I live a life of solitude. I'm sorry I am not your friend." It broke Natsu's heart to say that but it had to be done.

Happy's heart was crushed once more, he knew he may have gotten his hopes up, just because they had similar faces didn't mean they were the same person after all, "I guess you're not Natsu then, I mean your voice is far more serious and darker, as well as your hair not being pink. And on top that of you're not wearing Natsu's scarf, he would never part with the scarf that Igneel gave him. I'm sorry for accusing you like that of being my friend. If it's alright with you, I'm going to go check up on my teammate Gildarts now. We'll both be back tomorrow morning but I'm not sure if we would be able to stay for long."

"It's okay, don't worry about it young one. I am going to be just fine so don't feel a need to visit me if you have other places to be," said Asher with a tired smile on his face.

And with that Happy left the room to look for Gildarts somewhat sad at the thought that he may never see his old friend Natsu again.

Approximately half an hour later a nurse came into Asher's room, "Have your friends left for the day?"

"They are not my friends, but yes they won't be returning today," replied Asher, "Thank you for not bringing my original clothes until now, I'll be forever grateful."

"No problem at all! I will also bring another round of painkillers in an hour so sit tight," said the nurse setting down a transparent bag with Asher's clothing in it, she then left to tend to her other patients.

I need to leave this hospital quickly, Happy and Gildarts almost figured me out, thought Natsu while staring at his bag of clothes. He noticed that a scarf surrounding the edge of the bag where everyone could. It was the scarf that Igneel gave to Natsu in year 777. It was the scarf that defined Natsu Dragneel.

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