
National Reincarnation: I Can Infinitely Stack the Halo of Protagonist

This is an era of reincarnation for all people. Only by changing your fate against the sky can you soar into the sky! Under the malicious targeting of others, Xia Feng had to face the most difficult task: End the apocalypse! Just when he was desperate. 【Ding! You have awakened the god-level talent: infinite brain domain! 】 [I: The modern world, Resident Evil! 】 Space elevators, nuclear fusion reactors, city-level canopy shields... Xia Feng: "Start [Yu Tian Project]!" [Second World: In the future world, intelligent life rebels! 】 Directed gene compilation, improved version of T cells, continental super life forms... Biochemical army vs mechanical frenzy!! [A certain life: Demons from outside the territory, soaked in souls! 】 Soul plug-in, digitalization of true soul, Gaia consciousness server. The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars! Countless years later, Xia Feng's prestige is on par with Tyranid Zerg, Undead Supreme, Mechanical Emperor, and Chaos Demon. "The Fifth Natural Disaster - Master Xia Feng!"

PeakImmortalGod · ファンタジー
13 Chs

The third chapter finds the son of luck and exchanges the aura of the SSS-level protagonist!

[It is coming to the reincarnation world...]

  [First World: Comprehensive Martial Arts Continent]

  [World background: In the 212th year of the Hongwu calendar, the real Sanfeng retreated from the rivers and lakes, martial arts disputes continued, and the dynasty was divided. The Central Plains region is divided into the Great Qin, Great Tang, Great Ming, Great Sui and other countries, with constant disputes, looking for the secret collection of real dragons lost in the martial arts world. ]

  [Life Template——]

  [Name: Jiang Ye]

  [Age: 0]

  [Identity: Refuge]

  [Boundary: None]

  [Martial Arts Cheats: None]

  [Root bone: E (the average root bone of a warrior is B)]

  [Perception: B+ (average comprehension of warriors is C)]

  [Halo: Blessed after the catastrophe (D grade)]

  [Reputation: 0]

  [Current Rating: None]

  next second.

  Opening his eyes again, what was reflected in front of Jiang Ye was a dim gray sky.

  Hungry refugees lined up to cross the wasteland on foot.

  All the way are frozen bones.

  at this time.

  Jiang Ye's wheel of fortune turned automatically.

  The fate of the next few years emerged in his mind—

  [At the age of 0, the southern city of Daming suffered a massacre. You became a refugee and fled to the southern city with your parents. ]

  [At the age of 1, arrived in Nancheng, was assigned as a slave, barely survived. ]

  [2 years old, with heavy wind, snow and cold, your bones are too weak, coupled with early malnutrition, you died of wind and cold at home. ]

  "Is my luck too bad?"

  Jiang Ye couldn't help complaining in his heart.

  My identity in this life has turned into a refugee!

  In the world of martial arts, the dynasties were separated, and there were countless disputes in the rivers and lakes. It was not a peaceful era.

  In such an era, if you become a refugee, even an adult will find it difficult to survive.

  Let alone a swaddling baby!

  The root of Jiangye's life template is only E-level, and his resistance is weaker than that of ordinary people!

  If it is in such an environment, it may be difficult to guarantee even survival!

  at this time.

  With a slight movement in Jiang Ye's heart, he opened the pupil of luck.

  Immediately, a group of colorful halos appeared above the heads of the people around.

  Black, white, purple...

  Each circle of light represents the aura of luck on their bodies.


  The black halo of luck is the number of catastrophe!

  The white halo of luck is mediocre!

  The blue halo of luck is the number of harmony!

  The purple halo of luck is the number of wealth!

  The red halo of luck is the number of flying!

  The golden halo of luck is the number of real dragons!

  Most of the halos of luck above the heads of the refugees are mostly black, and even white is very rare.

  It is conceivable that the fate of most refugees is not much better, and it is as rare as a giant panda to find a white halo of luck.

  at this time...

  Among the crowd, a golden halo appeared very prominently in front of the team.

  Jiang Ye immediately shifted his gaze over there.

  His [Wheel of Fortune] can not only watch his own life script for the next five years, but also see other people's life templates and their recent fate.

  "There is actually a golden halo of luck?"

  Jiang Ye's mind moved slightly, and his eyes fell on a child about seven years old.

  Unlike others in the wasteland...

  The boy was fair-skinned and looked as if he came from a wealthy family. Although he was young, his face revealed a heroic spirit.

  Jiang Ye immediately recognized this boy as the owner of the golden halo of luck. With a thought, he checked the other person's life template——

  [Name: Zhang Wuji]

  [Age: 7]

  [Identity: Refuge]

  [Repair: None]

  [Martial Arts Cheats: None]

  [Root bone: SSS]

  [Perception: SSS]

  [Halo: Full Level Luck (SSS Level)]


  Entering Nancheng, he was regarded as a disciple by the previous generation of martial arts mythical sweeping monks who valued his fundamental aptitude. He became a master at the age of thirteen, and moved the world with his fame of moving the universe and the god of nine suns.

  Founded the Ming religion, was established by Zhu Yuanzhang as the general of the Ming Dynasty, and slaughtered the Qin army to avenge his parents.

  From Daqin's phantom sound treasure box, he obtained the location of the real dragon's secret treasure. After opening it, he obtained the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber, making him invincible ever since.

  Unify the Central Plains and achieve the myth of martial arts!


  "This... is this the child of luck?"

  Jiang Ye was shocked when he saw the template.

  The aura of [full-level luck] is outrageous to the extreme!

  At the moment of birth, the roots and comprehension are already full, and it turns out to be a martial arts myth of the previous generation if you ask a master casually!

  This is an existence that can shake the entire country by itself!

  According to the history of the Zongwu Continent, the dynasties in the world were divided into separate regimes. It was precisely because of the death of the first martial arts myth—Sanfeng Zhenren, that no one had the ability to unify the world, which caused countless chaos.

  As the martial arts myth of the previous generation, even if the sweeping monk is not as good as Mitutoyo, his strength will definitely not be inferior!

  Check out this template...

  If there is no accident, Zhang Wuji will most likely be the lucky son of Zongwu Continent!

  "Hahaha, I didn't expect that although I was born in the wasteland, I found the child of luck so quickly!"

  Jiang Ye was so excited that he used the only chance of [Wheel of Fortune] without hesitation!

  "Exchange fate!"

  next second...

  Jiang Ye's panel has completely changed!

  [Name: Jiang Ye]

  [Age: 0]

  [Identity: Refuge]

  [Boundary: None]

  [Martial Arts Cheats: None]

  [Root bone: SSS]

  [Perception: SSS]

  [Reputation: 0]

  [Halo: Full Level Luck (SSS Level)]

  [Current Rating: None]

  The opportunity seems to be only for such a short moment.

  Since that day, Zhang Wuji seemed to have disappeared and never appeared.

  Most of the remaining refugees are gray and white, and people die of hunger every day.

  Jiang Ye sighed, there was nothing he could do now, he could only close his eyes and sleep, and grow up quickly.

  It seems that the halo of full-level luck has played a role in the dark...

  During this year, Jiang Ye's parents could always find fruit that would satisfy their hunger, and occasionally they could hunt meat from the wilderness.

  And the SSS-level roots made Jiang Ye's physique different from ordinary people, and his growth rate far exceeded that of his peers.

  Even if the environment is harsh, I never get sick or catch a cold.

  The fate of dying from the wind and cold was avoided.

  one year later.

  Jiang Ye's family of three arrived in Nancheng safely.

  Arriving at the city gate, a passing beggar suddenly put his hand on Jiang Ye.

  "Where is the neuropathy, get out of here!"

  Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were shocked, and quickly snatched Jiang Ye over, hugging him behind him like a calf.


  However, Jiang Ye noticed the aura of luck emerging from the beggar's body, showing a golden color!

  He suddenly realized that this beggar was the martial arts myth of the previous generation - the sweeping monk! *