
sleeping beauty

Obviously mizu didn't know about strong or weak ninjas to her ninjas were like immortals in a cultivation world they can breath fire cause massive tsunamis, hurricanes they can manipulate all the elements and to her that's unreachable and god like powers but she doesn't care either she just wants to finish cleaning this female ninja and hide in her room thought mizu to herself but not even a second later a question interrupted her thoughts "if you could would you want to be a ninja" asked tomoe as mizu was taken a back by such a question to her it was a no brainer seeing tomoes injuries brought her an understanding of how cruel the ninja world can be but at the end of the day isn't hers just as or more dangerous atleast ninjas can Fight for survival while most of them have no chance once they step foot outside the walls especially a good looking woman like her it's a death sentence "well yeah it might be hard but I think I'll like to be a ninja if I could" responded mizu to tomoes question as she cleaned her body with a rag meanwhile tomoe stopped talking making this cleaning many times more enjoyable for mizu the less questions the less chances she gets at offending a ninja soon mizu was done cleaning as she looked at tomoe who was naked she frowned a bit and asked "should I put clothes on without your bandages?" Mizu was conflicted because her bandages were dirty and should be changed now that her wounds were cleaned putting them on again could lead to infection for normal people atleast but putting her clothes on without bandages could also lead to infection afterall these are open wounds "it's fine just put on some under garments and put a blanket over me when your done" said tomoe as her groin region was the only thing not injured for reason stated before

Soon enough mizu was finished with her cleaning she also took the dirty bandages and bucket and left through the door to only run into izanagi who just came back from showering "hey mizu sorry for taking up your time" said izanagi as soon as he saw her with the best smile he could muster seems mizu was still a bit naive as she fell for it and said "sir it's not a problem not a problem" hearing her hurried reply and and exaggerated hand gestures izanagi just shook his head as he said "well thank you mizu" as he went into the room before mizu could even say anything and closed the door leaving a flustered mizu, when izanagi enter the room who saw tomoe with her eyes shut so with a joking tone he said "hello sleeping beauty" unbeknownst to him this term was not a thing here so to tomoe it just sounded like flirty so tomoe who looked at izanagi just said "I need to change my bandages" it was just now that izanagi realized his mistake he knew she didn't get it but it didn't matter to him as he made his way to the bed while taking bandages from his little sack he carry's on his waist

Taking off the blanket izanagi almost whizzeled although he has seen her many times he still enjoyed it after all he was just an otaku before with no girls now he is a battle hardened ninja both on the bed and on the field so he could keep a straight and calm face 'man chakra really matures people faster because tomoe standing at 5'8 and extremely well proportioned isn't the body of a 13 year old' said izanagi on his head but his hands weren't idle as he instantly went ro bandage her up once the blanket was off soon enough he looked satisfied at his work she almost looked like a mummy with bandages all over luckily her wounds were already starting to close so she wasn't bleeding as much meanwhile tomoe was staring at him the entire time well not exactly him but his seals "you said you would let me see them" said tomoe as she looked at izanagi prompting him to just want to sigh it turns out he is not handsome to tomoe only his seals are so with profound sadness he picked up a table and chair brought them to the side of the bed where tomoe was sat down and took of his fishnet chainmail as he took it off he could here a small gasp followed by "this looks to be new seals I've never seen these ones before" hearing this izanagi just smiled meanwhile tomoe practically had stars in her eyes and she stared at izanagis back those dense and beautiful seals and those unknown fuinjutsu really captivated her