
it’s a cruel world we live in

Infact izanagi was adding pressure on her yeah it might be a scummy move but in this world morality isn't a thing a lot of traffic is attractive to this small village at first she wasn't discovered now with nobles and rich people coming to escape ninjas will come to investigate as they are hired by the rival nation state and seeing such a person consciously using chakra that's like walking outside and going to work and your boss gives you a free dinner at a restaurant these ninjas will waste no time in forcing her to theyre clans and the rest is easy to know 'only by being strong can I force morality on others like in my previous life it was beneficial ofcourse but with our Strengh you can't enforce it just look at the history of the world back then wars, genocides you name it they committed it at the same time it became a tool for the strong used to shackle while breaking this tool on repeated occasions afterall why would one be shackled by theyre on rules' said izanagi in his heart more and more determined to be a benevolent tyrant if that's even a thing he wanted to bring his people happiness yet bring fear into others so they won't dare to commit atrocities exploitation wasn't in his intentions he had a system and powers beyond human comprehension worldly desires wasn't as affective to him 'plus if I do become corrupt it'll be for power and keeping power afterall people in power want power in my previous world money was power in here your Strengh is power as long as I become power hungry the better it would allow me to crave more powerful Strengh to lead my world into the sea of stars and conquer this way I could guarantee stable life's economically to my future citizens they shall live good as I won't touch theyre lively hood just strive for my power as I sit at the top and strive to further us that's if I become corrupt which is highly possible afterall everyone in power gets corrupted by it atleast my form won't harm my peoples lively hood as money is meaningless to me' said izanagi in his mind the more he talked the more it sounded like he was convincing his 'modern' half and the more excited he got afterall he is a teenager with over 100 kills by the time he turned 15 with numerous near death encounters to judge someone like this in a narrow minded way and judge him by the basis of modern world will only leave you disappointed

As izanagi was having his little internal monologue a vicious smile was unknowingly glued on his face for mizu who was already scared about the unknown future became terrified to the point that she almost had a mental breakdown and started crying at the thought of her grim future with a slap from tomoe who was glaring at him that woke him up, getting out my inner fantasy's first thing that I see is mizu on the verge of tears and shaking turning my head to look behind me tomoe just gave me a pretty vicious side eye and continued her study 'oh boy it seems the warring states Socrates has once again fucked up' thought izanagi as he stood up slowly to give tomoe a chance to back away but to his suprise she leaned in on his back and wrapped her legs on his waist standing up izanagi could only be helpless who would of thought a uzumaki was so passionate about fuinjutsu that she refused to even stop studying paying no mind to tomoe and treating her like a backpack izanagi walked around the table to mizus side who was already thinking of terrible scenarios and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings seeing her shaking and having a hard time controlling her emotions izanagi sighed he really fucked up this time getting these thoughts out his head he hesitated for a moment as if to calculate his next move soon he moved his arm and put his hand on her head which could almost palm her entire head afterall mizu was only 5'7 meanwhile mizu feeling the giant hand on her head was almost given a huge freak the controller crying she managed to stop threatened to come out as wailing as she thought izanagi was gonna kill her but feeling the big hand rub her head gently gave her a feeling of warmth she hasn't felt in years afterall during these times children and kids are seen as free labor many parents during these days would not hesitate to abandoned theyre kid at any slightest trouble and choose to just have another she even heard her parents making plans on bethroving her to an escaping noble in hopes of fleeing with them