an otaku unfortunately or fortunately dies and gets reincarnated in Naruto the warring states era he is born 30 years before hashirama and Madara our lucky fella came through with a system [strongest family system] to be exact. as you may know not a lot is known about the warring states so some clans will be made to fill the void in the world a lot of original characters from myself and the show will be included in this novel
With the light drizzling of the rain hitting the roof and embraced by two beauties it can be said that right this moment izanagi is very happy so happy infact that instead of doing his normal morning training he just laid on the bed with a goofy smile as he looked at the ceiling for a few minutes straight, finally izanagi stopped being lazy and went to train he gently moved both tomoe and mizu from his body afraid they'll wake up and gently got off the bed making sure to not make much noise or movement Tomoe who always had a habit to sleep with an "eye open" clearly sensed all of this and with a smile on her face she fell back to sleep
First thing izanagi did when he stood in the room was to take out the scroll for the super added weight rock technique with a vortex from his eye a scroll appeared in his hand opening the scroll he knew all he had to do was understand the jutsu and his seals will do the rest after studying it for a couple minutes izanagi put down the scroll with an excited face as he said "with this technique I might be able to get into jonin levels when we get back from the trip to the uzumaki clan then I'll finally be able to start my clan with confidences although I won't be the strongest I won't be easy to bully" said izanagi with excitement izanagi instantly used the jutsu on his self's instantly about 70% of his chakra was gone and a lot was being consumed every second luckily his bodies absorption just about covered it, feeling his extremely sluggish body izanagi couldn't help but but want to move his movements were stiff and more than 50% slower than before checking his body he could tell he was doubled the weight "well time to train" said izanagi as he instantly started doing his workouts although with the added weight he couldn't do as many but the soreness and pain of his muscles made him excited this is progression
2 hours later both tomoe and mizu finally woke up and seeing izanagi working out with such struggle got both of them intrigued they have seen izanagi workout a lot although he would sweat it looked easy for him they even wondered if it did anything for him but now seeing him struggle so much on so little sets as well as the creaking wooden floor made them wonder mizu unable to hold back her curiosity asked "why are you struggling so much izanagi?" Hearing this question izanagi who was in a trance working out woke up he couldn't be blamed he was really struggling he put all his focus to it "I learned a new jutsu that can add weight depending on the amount of chakra used, you should also use it if you grow your physical fitness your chakra storage will also expand rapidly" said izanagi while also telling her to come over mizu seeing izanagi calling her over instantly got up with a big smile on her face as she excitedly said "really? I can explain my chakra storage like this?" Asked mizu as she stood beside "ofcourse chakra is a mixture of your mind and body so from now on you will meditate whenever you can and workout with me" said izanagi
Meanwhile tomoe had an interesting face on the bed she heard what izanagi said about chakra and got into thought of mental energy and physical energy make chakra this theory is huge to her she never heard it not even her dad talked about it the training never included it they just trained to survive but thinking about it more it made sense the uzumaki have strong body's with strong physical energies and they live longer combined with what she thinks increases mental energy such as experience, meditation and studying it all made sense to her, her clan studied a lot of fuinjutsu they live longer as they barely participate in wars due to theyre mastery of fuinjutsu and living longer that's a lot more experience than the average ninja bringing all this together tomoe full heartedly believes in izanagis words all of the uzumakis traits can perfectly describe why they have such huge chakra storage, while Tomoe was thinking with smoke coming out of her head mizu and izanagi already started training together mizu couldn't even do a push up currently just walking around with the added weight can already bring a huge boost to her physical fitness so izanagi had her walk around the room