
Hello It's me Muffin

Hello everyone. It is I, Muffin_Time, lol. Welp I know that this may sound weird after putting down my pencil and practically killing my creativity. I finally have it in me restart writing. I have taught of some pretty funny mechanisms to use that can either be OP or just meh depending on the world setting.

Other than that, I was amazed at how much writing helped me advance and grow my English skills. I advanced by a lot and after rereading (which is really narcissistic). I found some parts cringy. I even had to fight the urge to change the titles of some chapies just for shits and giggles.

Now getting back on track, I just want your opinion of the world to use for this story. I will give suggestions and you can add comments besides them. I'm open to suggestions my only rule is for gods sake don't tell me to do DXD because my first reaction will be to show a dark world that will make you lose all hope in that story.

I personally feel that 90% of the cast is just there to become Issei's harem and issei isn't the most likable character. In a world that doesn't revolve about stupid power ups revolving around breasts, he wouldn't survive a day in society.

I respect peoples tastes and this is by no means an attack on people who love DxD and all it's fanfics. Hell from time to time I find them a good and refreshing read to get away from binge reading other genres. I like everyone like to escape from time to time ( unleashing my inner Subaru ) and reading a story with a hero that has op shit and can get the girls ( like a pokemon master * Ahhhh Muffin is a misogynist lol* ). But at some point the stories hit a wall because in the end there is no room for growth when the hero is handed everything on a silver platter. It is one of the reasons why the OC I created wasn't some marrystu with the power of rainbow farts that can kill gods.

I tried using a system to reward his actions but ended up creating a messed up power-up. And as many of you said the end was rushed and that is true I was running out of ideas and I couldn't go back on my words and not finish the story so in a final bout of creativity I tried to give the best end I can think of. I truly loved the story and the readers the where nice and there encouragement really helped me.

Welp now back to the story I hope to write these are the worlds I taught of and as you know me I suck at romance and I'm not doing Harems :

1- Shin Megami Tensei (power and risk is high and hero doesn't need ROB gift pack aka Wishs<= Hate them) this includes Persona So I might do that.

2- Harry Potter (A normal magical person or a squib who will shake the world and I prefer avoiding the HP story line)

3- Fate/Stay Night (A normal Magus = no Shirou reincarnation = no UBW * I know everyone is gar for Archer and people die when they are killed {not always}* )

4- Original ( I know this sounds weird but I found a guilty pleasure in reading Villainess mangas especially ones done right but my idea was to focus on the aspect of how stupid it is for important Male leads [princes and knights of high social standing to throw everything for one girl without thinking about the implications and effects of there actions] So i tough why not write one where our MC is a minor noble who watches from the side as the country crumbles while he is making contingency plans to save his and his family's life, LOL)

I'm open to suggestions and I'm ready to discuss it in the comment section just add a response to my comment.

Welp If you are reading this, I thank you for putting up with my Bullshit and as always have a nice day.

Muffin Out (^_^)'/