
Naruto : White Fox

Naruto, now a god of war, has to deal with the growing chaos in the world, the disappearances of the jinchurikis, uprisings, political and social conflicts all over the world; everyone is looking for a leader or a savior. To make matters worse, Akatsuki is on the move. Naruto has a harem

Daoist_Gg · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter no.1

On October 10, everything in the village of Konoha gakure changed. That day to the death of the Jinchuriki Kushina Uzumaki at the hands of Uchiha madara the terrible Kyubi no Yoku, a demonic fox capable of destroying mountains just by moving their queues. It was a day to the death of the Jinchuriki Kushina Uzumaki at the hands of Uchiha madara the terrible Kyubi no Yoku.

In order to save his own life, the Yondaime Hokage was able to vanquish that terrible demon.

That night, hundreds of people passed away.

The night that a boy who would later be known as Naruto Uzumaki was born.

Since Naruto was a child, he has always been aware that everyone is trying to avoid him.

It makes no difference how many times I put in an effort.

The smiles I painted on everyone's faces caused them to flee from him.

He never had any company in the room he occupied at the orphanage, which was always freezing, even in the summer, and even more so in the winter.

The day was cold and wintry.

The administrator of the orphanage yelled at the man as he shut the door in his face and told him to "Get out of here."

Naruto was dressed in a buffalo, pants, sandals, and a shirt at the same time. He had absolutely nothing else to wear.

It was eight o'clock in the evening, and a steady snowfall had started by that point.

Naruto saw his own breath, did not attempt to touch the door, and even if he tried all night to talk to the woman, she did not open the door for him.

He made the decision to head out on foot in the hope of finding some sort of refuge.

I stroll around and look between the short and long streets. The vagues yelled at each one of them individually.

I give it a shot in the parks.

Get out of here, baby, and go back to your house. He was threatened by a Uchiha officer who was working for the police.

As I made my way through the village's main street, the falling snow became steadily heavier.

It was difficult to navigate between the two of them.

I have made it to the entrance to the village.

Because of the snow, we were unable to see more than a few metres in any direction.

He made the decision to keep evolving; perhaps there was a safe haven somewhere.

He had no idea where he was; he couldn't feel his feet, but he knew he was still moving them; and at some point, he became aware that he was close to a river. The snow had driven him away. He couldn't feel his feet.

Then he passed out suddenly.

Shadows cast by some trees observed him with interest as he passed beneath them.

Three of them descended from the trees and immediately began poking it with branches as they attacked.

As soon as they saw that he was still breathing, they started dragging him.

When Naruto realised he was drowning, he took action.

He yelled, "Ahhh!" as he woke up in the steamy water that had produced a thick haze around him.

As the boy moved his legs and arms to keep himself from drowning, he was able to see the location.

In the midst of the thick mist, some shadowy figures started to emerge; many of these figures were carrying other shadowy figures on their backs.

They got themselves into a lot of trouble.

And Naruto was able to get a good look at them; they were monkeys, white apes, without tails; their backs, faces, and fingers were very red; their hair was white as snow; and many mothers were seen carrying their babies and assisting them in swimming.

One of them approached Naruto and requested that he look through his hair for any parasites that might be hiding there.

Also, see here. The boy expressed feeling somewhat suffocated by the behaviour.

Another more senior woman offered him a bite to eat of half an apple.

Naruto witnessed her being strangled, and the girl insisted that he do so.

While he was chewing on the apple, Naruto mumbled, "Thank you."

Other figures ran towards the water and dove in.

These were additional monkeys, and this time it was the males who were the ones who approached first to investigate and get used to the environment.

Naruto was able to determine who should take the role of leader.

It was almost twice as tall as him, had powerful arms, a blue face covered in scars, and a menacing expression on its face.

He then handed the oil over to Naruto before jumping into the water himself.

He made a hand gesture towards me.

I reached out and touched him as Naruto observed that he appeared confused.

The monkey gave him a pat on the head and appeared to be enjoying himself.

as well as GRUAA! The monkey stated, as he emerged from the water and headed towards a waterfall, that he had crossed this waterfall after letting this hot water out.

More monkeys emerged from the jungle as time passed.

Naruto noticed that they were befuddled.

and decided to follow them.

Due to the weight of the water, her clothes were difficult to carry, so I deposited them to the side of the waterfall before proceeding.

A sizable cavern containing a great deal of fruit, a few small animals such as rabbits and rats, insects, and various other items arranged in the shape of a mountain could be found inside. The monkeys started to congregate around a peculiar rock formation that had the appearance of stairs, and eventually each monkey was placed on a ladder and allowed to go to sleep.

Naruto was thrown to the ground by a number of females and left lying on the stairwell's lowest level while the more experienced females flogged him.

He did not leave the location for the entire duration of the storm, which was six days.

During those days, it appeared as though the monkeys were beginning to adjust to him; the youngest of them climbed on him and had fun playing with his clothes.

They stayed in the cave through the night and until dawn, and then spent the rest of the day exploring the thermal waters outside. Naruto recalled that he had heard that Konoha had two large springs of thermal water, so he was expecting to find them there.

One in the east and another in the west, but after seeing the sun and the village, he realised that they were to the northeast of the village, which was quite a distance from the river that supplied the village with water; this was supposed to be another.

There were a number of swimming pools, some of which were only a few inches deep, while others were so deep that I could not see the bottom and contained heavy objects.

The younger ones were always with their mother, and while the younger ones went looking for fruits or animals or other things that caught their attention, Naruto discovered some kunais, parchments, and money in the cave. It appeared that because they were unable to consume it, they left it for him because he was the only one who could eat it.