
Naruto What if: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Useless Pink Banshe

I was a 20 year old male whit brown hair and gray eyes whit a good paying Office job that I hated and a big Naruto fan but I died and got reincarnated in the Naruto universe but not as someone usefull like Kakashi or Naruto,Saske,Kiba or someone instead I got reincarnated as a useless pink banshe named Sakura Haruno. I was reborn as the trashcan of a kunoichi but at least I remember my past life where I know nealy everything about the naruto universe.

DanteDHero · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Death and Rebirth

By Dante see you on Monday. said my cooworker as I left the Office for the weekend.

Where did i park my car? i asked myself.

But than i remamberd ,its in parkinglot 69b i just have to cross the road .

Oh its green i can go.

As i steped out on the road a big truck apeard from nowhere and did not slow down even tho i was on the midle of the road and it was red light for it.

It hit me, I became a red jelly on the midle of the road 10m from my car... wait how am I still conscious i died. and at this moment i lost my consciousness .

Some time later i regained my consciouseness but I see nothing just darkness and I hear some muffled noises, than I saw the light, wait ... did i just got reborn?

A female voice sayed its a girl.

I taught :What? What the fuck?

Wait whay do I understand Japanise?

The female voice asked what will her name be?

Another exausted female voice sayed Sakura.

A mans happy voice saied Sakura Haruno , my litle cherry flower .

I taught: Shit Im a pink trashcan.

And I felt some one slap my backside, i wanted to curse them out but nothing came out just a loud cry and after some time crying and being put in a flufy fabric and being handed ower to a women who I remember is Sakuras mother from the anime i blacked out.

Some time later I awoke in a pink crib and I started thinking , Im Sakura now and if I remember correctly than Sakura was born in Year 65 after Konohas founding on March 28th and Naruto is born on October 10th the same year and on that day Kuramas chakra permiated the whole village, if Im lucky I could absorb some of its chakra into my body like senjutsu chakra but its dangerous,

but first I have to unlock my chakra ,I have 6 months and 12 days to unlock my chakra, learn how to absorb chakra and how to purify it so that the corrosive chakra of the kyūbi doen not kill me.

Okay than lets get started. I have to meditate

and try to sense my chakra to unlock it.

3 days later,its 1th of April. After mom fed me I was put back to my crib and mom left me I started maditating again in the past few days I had no progress, I couldn't sense enything.

A month passed . Yesterday I was able to sense something faintly in my body i think that was my chakra but after I was able to sense that energy inside me I blacked out and onely awoke now. I heard my mother aproaching , seems like its time to get fed.

I want selective memory loss like right now.

After I was fed mom left becouse she has work to do around the house but she usually keeps a watchfull eye on me and takes care of me but not today whitch means I have more time to maditate.

Another month pases . Today I will unlock my chakra, yesterday I was able to sense my chakra ,it wasnt mutch but it was there,if a jounins chakra pool is a big lake ,a chunins is a pool and a fresh out of academy genins is a big pudle, my chakra was a small drop of rain not even enough for the weakest E-rak jutsu.Mom is in the kitchen cooking food for father becouse after he comes home from gate guard dootie, yes he is a shinobi, a chinin,but that does not mether right now, now i have to meditate and unlock my chakra. I closed my eyes ,emptied my mind of stray taughts, I evened out my breathing and concentrated on my chakra ,that tiny blue drop of energy , I founid mutch mutch easyer than the first time. I touched it and I started to gently guide it through my body.

I did it, I just unlocked my chakra, I made a cycle whit it thtough my chakra netwerk onece and than a second time , when I was done whit it I was exhausted mentally but more phisically, I blacked out and fell asleep.

Another month has passed ,i was abel to double my chakra amount in this past month whitch is still a laughabel amount but yesterday I found a way to increas my chakra reserves faster namely enhancing my body whit chakra,but thanks to my frail body that is onely 3 months old it is really hard to do and exausting to ,but today mom took me whit her to grocery shopping and I saw a pregnant redhead woman talking whit a pregnant Uchiha woman , the redhead was Uzumaki Kushina ,Narutos mother end the Uchiha was Mikoto Uchiha Sasukes mother ,if I remember correctly Sasuke is due to July 23rd whitch is next month.

Another montha has passed and I figured out that I have "perfect" chakracontrol like original Sakura but the so called "Inner Sakura" is nowhere but it might show up sometime before graduation but that is more than 10 years from now .I figured out that I can chanel my chakra into someone else and guide a miniscule amounth of thair chakra back to me but I hace to convert it to my own and the more chakra I have the more I can drain from others, well actually I onely used this new found ability on mom and if my calculations are correct then when the kyūbi attack happens my chakra reservs should be equal to a small cup of whater or maybe more becouse thanks to my chakra draining ability my chakra reseves are growing exponentialli and I still have roughly 3 months whit this one included and 9 days til Narutos birth and the kyūbi's attack and the more I refine forren chakra the faster the refinemant procces becomes, this month and the next 2 I will just drai and refine forren chakra and in the future I thik I will be imune to moust genjutsus bicouse it works by introduceing the casters chakra into the targets chakra flow and by that time I will be able to purify it automatically or if not than I hope I will get my "inner sakura" by than so that she can do this process if it works like i think it works .

Another month has pssed like whispered words in the wind. Yesterday I saw the Yelow flesh , the 4th Hokage when mom ad dad went out to Ichirakus for ramen and thay took me whit them and Kushina was there as well ,its a shame that im not older and I can't talk to them , also my mother was a shinobi to ,a chunin and thay were on the same genin team under Rōjin Hyūga and thair third teammate was Hizashi Hyūga Nejis father and the twin brother of Hiashi Hyūga who is the Hyūga clan head now.

Today I leached off a lot of chakra from mom and dad , well a lot for me not for them , and my refinement rate is almoust instantanious if I drain onely a litle chakra but the more I absorb the more time the refinement takes. My chakra reservs are now the half of a small cup of water whitch means I underestimated my growth rate and at the end of this month I will have double the chakra that I have now and im also enhancing my body whit chakra from time to time moustly my eyes and brain and it has some rather interesting effects like I can think faster and I can think about two things at the same time and i can remamber stuf more clearly ,also I can see bether and I also have some rudamentary nightwision. Today was August 1th ... In my previous life I had my birthday on August 15th, I miss them... my family and friends.. Forget about that you are now Sakura Haruno and deal whit the present and the future, theres no time to think about the past of a different life .I onely have 2 months including this one and 9 days to gain as mutch chakra as posible so that I can absorb the kyūbis chakra and maybe even get a healingfactor and more potent chakra witch will halp me becoming a stronger ninja , I will be an equal to the godlike Naruto and Sasuke from the war arc.

The month of August passed by like falling leafs in the wind , its September 1th, onely a month till the kyūbi incident I have to prepare a place for the kyūbi chakra im going to absorb but for now I dont know how, seals are not an option becouse im like 5 months old and I can't create them and I don't know how to make tham ,yes I can copy them from my memory but that is just it's looks but I will learn fūinjutsu but maybe if I create a hollow chakra cocoon somewhere in my body ,than I can store it there, il trie to crate the cocoon in my stomach where narutos seal is and if it doen not work than il trie to itnegrate the kyūbi chakra into my chakra system when the time comes, and it seams that enhancing my body whit chakra has some permanent benefits like now I can see bether in the dark even whitout chaneling chakra into my eyes and I can remember stuff easier but I cant test out all the benefits now becouse im to young and I can't walk but I trie from time to time ,now lets maditate and trie out the chakra cocoon creation. Also I can now create something like chakra strings and connect whit it to people to absorb thair chakra from a distance but that way the absorption is harder and slower and I can absorb residual chakra from the air ,but its not nature chakra but at the end of the month I will quadruple my current chakrareserves .

September passed, like the Iwa army that the 4th slaughtered.

My chakra reseves are comparable to a 2l botel of water and its October 1st , 8 days till the kyūbi's attack orchastrated by "Madara Uchiha" the masked man who's real identity is Obito Uchiha and it turns out that I can create a chakra cocoon where I will be able to store the kyūbi's chakra and its almoust complete, I onely need 2 more days.