
Naruto: Villain Craft System

Shin is reincarnated in the world of Naruto as a 11-year-old boy in the Konoha Village after a mysterious death. During his reincarnation, Shin discovers that he has been blessed with a power enhancement system with villainous goals, but his goal with the system would make him the villain of many and the hero of others. Sasuke's Eye... Nagato's Eye... Indra and Ashura's Chakra ALL WILL BE MINE! Danzo... Orochimaru... you'll never hurt anyone again... Hiruzen, you will pay... The 5 nations will have only ONE KAGE.

PerSiMa · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

12 - Broken Limit

Kakashi jumps down and lands next to Zabuza and checks his vital signs after a while Kakashi gives his verdict.

"Hm... no vital signs" Kakashi says and turns to Haku.

"Thank you I've been looking for an opportunity to kill Zabuza for a long time" Haku said and bowed to Kakashi.

"I can see from your mask that you're a ninja tracker from Mist Village."

"Ninja tracker ?" Naruto exclaimed.

Tracker ninjas are ninjas who are responsible for tracking down executing and disposing of the bodies of renegade ninjas in order to preserve the secrets of their village or clan they are highly trained elite ninjas with this one super special purpose.

After Sakura explains this out loud to Naruto and all her companions Haku replies.

"You're right... I'm a member of the Mist Village's elite tracker unit and it was my duty to stop Zabuza."

"WHAT?" Naruto said shocked at the reality of being a ninja when he saw Zabuza 'dead'.

Naruto continued to complain about the fact that it wasn't necessary to kill a ninja until Kakashi cut him off by saying that it was reality whether he accepted it or not.

After calming down Haku lands next to Zabuza's 'body' looks in my direction and asks.

"Could you give me my village's sword?"


I hesitated for a moment but for the sake of my plans I handed the sword to Haku.

Carrying Zabuza's body on his shoulders Haku said.

"Your work is done for now I'll take care of the rest" Haku said to Kakashi.

"There are many secrets in this body that must not fall into the wrong hands... excuse me goodbye" Haku said and left on a breeze.

"Hm... I thought that was strange" I said to the team.

Kakashi and the rest of the team looked at me strangely until Kakashi approached me and said.

"Shin you disrespected me as your Sensei your attitude could have caused some deaths you really have great potential but you need to have discipline" Kakashi said.

"Hmmm" I mumbled.

"We're a team and I'm your... capit..."


Kakashi falls to the ground.

Everyone is worried about the unconscious Kakashi.

I take the lead and ask for Sasuke's help. He and I each lean on a shoulder to carry Kakashi to Tazuna's quarters where Kakashi lies in bed.

in Tazuna's house

After a few hours I hear Sakura calling from the next room.

"Kakahi Sensei you're awake! ! !"

Arriving in Kakashi's room in the presence of everyone after everyone has expressed their concern for Kakashi's health he decides to talk about his suspicion of Haku.

"Normally a tracker ninja works on his target's body in exactly the same place after execution so there is no doubt that it was the target" Kakashi said.

Complementing Kakashi's speech I say.

"So Haku wasn't a tracking ninja he was an accomplice."

"WHAT?" Naruto and Sakura exclaim.

"Well... Sensei" I catch Kakashi's attention complementing.

"Hm" Kakashi mumbles and looks at me.

"Zabuza is still alive." I say.

"WHAT?" Everyone shouts in surprise except for Kakashi.


Everyone is in shock for a moment.

"I know I said his heart stopped but it was only a temporary state to simulate his death... Haku probably brought him back to life already" Kakashi adds.


"We must train you guys must be stronger for the next fight" Kakashi said.

"Tonight I will give you a new training lesson we don't know how long we have until he returns until then I want you to be better prepared" Kakashi finished.

At dusk of that day

Kakashi appeared on his crutch in front of the flower bed of the house where I Sasuke Naruto and Sakura were standing.

"All right the training will begin now."

"You need to improve your chakra control so I'll teach you to walk along walls trees or any steep surfaces I need you to control the flow of chakra in your feet and keep it constant."

"Ahhh how cool that I'm finally going to learn that!" Naruto said.

Following his explanation Kakashi climbed up one of the trees even on crutches.

"Climb the trees and mark the height you can reach with this kunai and if you fail try again and again until you reach the top" Kakashi added.

"Ah? WHAT?" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed.

I was right next to Kakashi who was already attached to the tree.

"HEY SHINN HOW COULD YOU?" Naruto asked in shock.

"Well guys... I have a shinobi mother and when I was a child I also trained with my father so I already know the basic concepts not that I don't still need to improve of course but I already have some skills" I said explaining myself.

"Urghhhhhhh" Naruto muttered angrily feeling outclassed.

"I'M GOING TO BE BETTER THAN YOU! ! !" Naruto said pointing his finger at me.

"Oh my... at least these rivalries here in the world of Naruto have good results..." I thought.

"NARUTO!" I said loud and clear.

"Huh?" Naruto reacted in confusion.

"I doubt very much that you will ever surpass me I challenge you even if it costs us our lives" I said to Naruto making my promise right then and there.

"UURRRRRGHHHHHHH" Naruto got angrier and angrier and picked up a kunai from the ground and went to the nearest tree to practice.

As I watched Naruto climb and fall from the tree I said to Kakashi.

"This will give him a boost" I muttered laughing.

Out of the corner of his eye Kakashi replied by climbing down the tree and walking away from me.

"You have a lot to improve as well Shin."

"Huh? ..." I was a little confused.

At that moment I realized that I had to control my ego a bit. The knowledge of this world filled me with confidence and rightly so because I knew how powerful I was compared to the other ninjas at work but even with such knowledge I had to preserve my image as a ninja before I wanted to be respected for my strength both to avoid problems and to guarantee some opportunities.

Together with Naruto and Sasuke I practiced my chakra control that day to break his limit which I was very close to achieving.


[ Results of the Day]

Strength: 90/100

Agility: 93/100

Speed: 86/100

Endurance: 71>72/100

Stamina: 92/100

Chakra: 95>100/100.

Level : Rank A / 1.2x

Value of the day : 56 coins

[ First limit break achieved]

[ Select a chakra type to upgrade to Tier I Prestige]


"Tier I Prestige?" I thought to myself.

Despite my doubts I decided to use my water nature bonus instead of lightning to see if I could buy new water jutsus from the shop that would go well with my lightning nature jutsus especially since my lightning nature was already almost at prestige I so using this bonus to save 6% is not really a smart choice.


[ Improved Water Nature for Level I]

[ New Jutsus Unlocked in the Jutsu Shop].

[ Welcome to the Jutsu Shop]

[ Raiton]

[ Raiton: Rairyu no Tatsumaki (S) = 550 PC]

[ Raiton]

[ Suigadan (Water Tooth) (B) = 100 CP]

[ Suijinheki (Water Barrier) (B) = 100 CP]

[ Daibakufu no Jutsu (Great Waterfall) (A) = 150 CP]


I didn't have enough money yet but I was very interested in acquiring one of these jutsus in the next few days.


Author note 

If we hit 100 power stones by Saturday, I'll post 1 extra chapter

Chapter 13 is already released on Patreon!


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