
Naruto: Untapped potential

Naruto A depressed girl, with a nihilistic view on life wins the ROBs lottery getting the untapped potential system. With this power she will quickly rise to the top! Set after The twin brothers seal their mother... There will be omniverse traveling... Just later on.

Lily0_0 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Broken seals... Freedom and mixed signals!

'Wait! Hagoromo is an old man? And Asura and Indura are currently at their respective places to prove they're worthy of being heirs?! How long was I for sleep?'

After using magic to check the time she cursed inwardly... 'Damn... A 1000 years? I could've done so much more but no! I used all my mana and fell into a deep sleep...'

But it wasn't all bad for Yue now she can save Kaguya from her sealed state and save her... Teleporting to the moon she could feel signs of life inside it...

'It's probably Hamura and his descendants...' Also, she felt a faint but powerful and dark presence in the core... Trying to teleport she met spatial resistance... The seals strained trying to keep her out but broke... She spotted a giant statue with a grayish-white woman in the middle bound by it...

Walking to her, her steps echoed before she heard yelling from an old man behind her... "The seals have broken! We must seal the ten tails again! You! Go get brother Hagaromo, tell him it's an emergency!"

But alas they were too late. Yue was in front of the woman who had tears trailing down her eyes while whimpering as the demonic statue was stabbed into her back...

"You poor women... Betrayed by your loved one's time and time again... Corrupted by the ten tails... Ultimately your misunderstood... let me help save you from your fate..."

*Crack* Pulling out the demonic statue branches from the woman's back it became hostile with branches shooting towards her but it couldn't pierce her instead it started to dissolve once it touched her... Finally, the woman was free from her bounds... She fell forward stopping as Yue caught her before teleporting back to her planet...


Kaguya felt at peace for once... No longer did she feel the compulsion to do stuff against her will... She... Felt free... Kaguya silently cried remembering how she turned against her family...

Not the Otsutsuki's, or her backstabbing husband Tenji, no... Her true family... Her baby boys... She knew she was in the wrong... What made her want to build a white Zetsu army when it wouldn't do anything against the Otsutsukis powerhouses?

'That's right... It all started after I ate the chakra fruit... It developed a conscience and sent compulsions, I resisted but lost after having it for thousands of years... It grew too strong...'


A beautiful woman wearing a long white robe while laying on a comfy bed that felt like clouds, eyes fluttered opened... Looking at the unfamiliar sealing she become confused before feeling the weight on top of her...

A small girl... No, small woman was sleeping on top of her with her head on her breast... The more she looked the more confused she became... Finally, her curiosity got the best out of her before she activated her byakugan...

Kaguya gasped at the energy that felt infinite, concentrated in the small woman's body... 'What type of energy is this?! Is it chakra?... No... It's much more powerful!...' Looking around the area she saw she was on a metallic planet with things she's never seen before...

But it felt dull without life... Feeling movement she watched the small women wake up sleepily while rubbing her eyes... "Ehh? Your awake already?"

Yue seeing Kaguya awake watched her cutely blush... Looking down she realized the position she was in before tilting her head in confusion...

'Ain't this lewd? Good thing I have [No more horny spell] activated but... That blush was cute!' Getting off the poor woman who she somehow ended up on top she introduced herself to her... "Hi, I'm Yue Asanagi will you be my girlfriend?..." Kaguya just looked confused before saying her name... "I'm Kaguya Otsutsuki..."


Kaguya just kept getting mixed signals from the woman named Yue Asanagi... One second she's sad another she's overly happy while openly trying to make her, her girlfriend...

While Kaguya is no stranger to same-sex relationships but she didn't know if she wanted to be in a relationship with her... Not yet at least... But she'll admit she is falling... But the last time she fallen for someone it didn't end well...