
Naruto: Unlocked the Mangekyō because I was afraid of death

My name is Uchiha Waku, I am a time traveler, I am a coward, I am very afraid of death. When I learned that I traveled to the Uchiha clan, I was always worried about when that filial son would exterminate the clan. For this reason, I became the first licker of Konoha, licking Uchiha Itachi crazily, and was often bullied by other clansmen, but I endured it. Compared with death, what is this? But why are you still unwilling to let me go? I have become a running dog of the village like you, why do you still want to kill me? Uchiha Itachi: Because of your cowardice, you are not worthy of the glory of the Uchiha clan! When Uchiha Itachi inserted the cold knife into my body, my Mangekyo finally awakened…

relaxing_melody · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 5

My patreon members will get 15 chapter in advance if they buy the WAKU WAKU tier.




Chapter 5: Kakashi Attracted by the Sound of Snoring

Two lonely individuals without families became each other's family. As a result, Uchiha Waku grew fonder of Stitch the more he got to know him.

He still had one lucky draw ticket left, and Uchiha Waku wondered whether he should use it.

After some consideration, he decided to go ahead. Tonight was crucial, and he needed to navigate it successfully. Perhaps he could draw something useful.

Uchiha Waku glanced at the prize pool in the system, which included a summoning card (X1), Rinnegan, Sharingan, 100,000 gold coins, Turtle Breath Pill, and four "Thanks for Participating" tokens.

Nine slots in total, and four were already taken by the participation tokens. "System, you're quite stingy," Uchiha Waku quipped.

[To draw or not to draw? Idiot]

Who hasn't lost their temper? How many times had he questioned the system's fairness in such a short span?

[Friendly reminder: The prize pool refreshes monthly.]

Uchiha Waku realized he'd better not mess with this system.

"System, use the lucky draw ticket."

[Ding, the ticket has been used.]

[Congratulations, host! You've received the Turtle Breath Pill.]

**Turtle Breath Pill:** After consumption, vital signs will drop to a minimum. Heart rate and pulse occur once per hour, and body temperature decreases to match the environment.

"Although I didn't win the big prizes, this will do. It's exactly what I need right now."

Next, Uchiha Waku instructed Stitch: "Stitch, I'll pretend to stab myself with a knife later to fake my death and deceive others. Can you hide somewhere?"

"Stitch will take care of Waku," Stitch replied, blinking those gem-like eyes with determination.

Seeing Stitch's expression, Uchiha Waku decided not to force him. Stitch's current appearance resembled that of a spirit beast, and others probably wouldn't pay much attention to it.

Resolved, Uchiha Waku agreed: "Alright, but try to act inconspicuous. At least get through tonight without revealing anything special."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Stitch sat on the ground like an ordinary dog, nodding repeatedly.

"Let's go home," Uchiha Waku said.


Soon, Uchiha Waku returned to his small house with Stitch. He still held a short knife in his hand.

Back in his dwelling, Uchiha Waku positioned the knife slightly off-center from his heart and stabbed himself fiercely.

"Ah, ahhhh~"

Uchiha Waku gritted his teeth, blood flowing along the blade, as he let out a low roar.

Uchiha Waku dared to take such drastic action because he had a secret weapon: the Izanagi bug¹. Following that, he took out the Turtle Breath Pill and consumed it. Stitch, watching this scene with concern, drooped his long ears—a behavior he exhibited only when feeling extremely down. Clearly, Stitch had come to consider Waku as his true family.

"Stitch, don't worry. Everything will be fine. You also need to pretend to be unconscious. Go ahead and collapse," Uchiha Waku instructed, enduring the intense pain.

Simultaneously, he activated the Clear Mind Scriptures to lessen the memory of pain.


Stitch then swayed as if acting, eventually falling to the ground. But for some inexplicable reason, he extended his paw and scratched his own rear end! Uchiha Waku couldn't help but find it amusing. Even though it was all an act, couldn't Stitch be a bit more subtle?

Observing this scene, Uchiha Waku wondered, "Who are you performing for? There's no one else here except me. Quite the little drama king."

Nevertheless, he remained silent, lying motionless on the ground.


After an unknown amount of time, as expected, two masked ninja arrived at Uchiha Waku's home.

"This guy seems to be Uchiha Fugaku's illegitimate child. Rumor has it that he has poor talent and still hasn't awakened the Sharingan," one Root ninja remarked.

The other ninja added, "True, and they say he's extremely cowardly and afraid of death. He was Uchiha Itachi's number one fan, but in the end, he died by Itachi's hand."

"Should we take his eyes?" the first ninja asked.

Hearing this, Uchiha Waku felt nervous. If he were discovered, defection might be his only option. But he hoped to avoid that—while Konoha had its dark side, it was still more stable than other parts of the ninja world, making it suitable for his development.

"Forget it. He's a worthless guy without an awakened Sharingan. Taking a pair of ordinary eyes back might even earn us a scolding from Lord Danzo," the second ninja replied.

"True. But let's verify if he's really dead first."

Approaching Uchiha Waku, the Root ninja touched his nose and checked his body temperature.

"Confirmed. He's truly dead. Let's go," the ninja declared².

"Wait, what's with this blue dog?" Another Root ninja intercepted him, pointing at Stitch.

"Don't be suspicious. It's probably his pet or a spirit beast. But it's unrelated to our mission. What powerful spirit beast could a worthless guy have?"


"Let's go. We've wasted enough time on this useless guy!"

Under the pressure, the two ninja quickly left.


Only then did Uchiha Waku breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he still couldn't move. He had to wait for Kakashi Hatake's team to find him!


After an unknown amount of time, Uchiha Waku felt that Kakashi Hatake wasn't coming. He was bleeding profusely and close to death.

As for Stitch... well, he had started snoring! Sprawled on the ground, a big bubble of snot formed on his nose.

At that moment, a silver-haired ANBU with a mask entered Uchiha Waku's house. His hair gave him away—it was none other than Kakashi Hatake!

And he had been drawn by the sound of snoring.

Kakashi had come to the Uchiha clan compound on a mission—to check for any survivors. If there were any, he was to send them to the hospital. He had already taken Uchiha Sasuke to the hospital.

Returning after a round, just as he was about to complete the mission, he was lured by the snoring.

"Hmm, what's this thing? A spirit beast? How can it sleep at a time like this?" Kakashi observed Stitch curiously.

Stitch woke up at Kakashi's voice, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Seeing Kakashi, he immediately became alert, baring his teeth and standing on all fours.

"Little guy, are you a spirit beast?" Kakashi asked.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Stitch sensed something different about him compared to the previous visitors. He also remembered Uchiha Waku's plan.

Quickly, Stitch ran to Uchiha Waku's side, then looked back at Kakashi, pointing at Waku and blurting out a few words.

"Help, Waku."

Uchiha Waku, at the right moment, leaked some life signs, recovering slightly in heart rate and body temperature.

"Is this really a spirit beast? And this guy isn't dead?" Kakashi examined him, thinking, "Lucky break—he was just a hair's breadth away from piercing his heart."

"I'll take him to the hospital."

With that, Kakashi carried Uchiha Waku and hurried toward Konoha Hospital.