
Chapter 13

"You're up quite early Naruto." Kakashi questioned curiously.

Outside of Tazuna's house, Naruto and his sensei sat by a narrow steam. The distinctive sound of seagulls rang across the sky which was by no means an uncommon sight when considering that this was the Land of the Waves.

"I didn't sleep at all." Naruto yawned out loud.

This statement was met by an empathetic sigh, Kakashi turned slightly and rubbed his hand on Naruto's head, stroking the blond strands of the boy next to him.

"I've always watched over you, always, even before you were born." Kakashi said bluntly.

A top secret mission, Kakashi was the Anbu that guarded a pregnant Kushina. Watching her every day and every night, his mission was to guard her child, the future son of Minato.

"So, I'll make you a deal, I'll show you my face... If you show me yours." Kakashi remarked with curiosity.

Naruto's demeanor abruptly changed as he stood up to his feat, Naruto raised both his arms behind his head as he stared on at his Sensei.

"I'm waiting!" Naruto said with a smile.

Sighing, Kakashi reluctantly pulled his mask down before removing his blue headband. Naruto stared on as his smile remained before raising his voice out.

"You're looking cool sensei!" Naruto said with a joking tone.

"Consider yourself lucky, Anko's the only person that's seen my face in...I don't even know how many years at this point." Kakashi huffed out.

"I get the honor of being second?" Naruto continued in a joking manner.

Kakashi chuckled before responding, "You're an enigma Naruto, but that's something that you shouldn't ever lose about yourself." Kakashi instilled a lesson of life into Naruto despite the tone of the conversation itself.

"Regardless, I'd like to see what you have going on now." 

Naruto pushed the bangs from his face out the way. The ray of sunlight shone directly on his face as a result, this lead to his rippled and violet eyes sparkling with brightness, hypnotizing his sensei with the view that came from those eyes.

That settles it...I need to inform the 3rd Hokage. Kakashi remarked.

Kakashi could not raise any actual questions because the screams of Sakura could be heard, all throughout the air. These screams were followed by the tall figure of Zabuza, opening Tazuna's front door.

"Where are you going?! You're a criminal! Where are you going!?" Sakura called out with rage.

"Shaddup." Zabuza was the only word he responded with.

Five minutes earlier.

Within the center of the kitchen, Sakura and Inari were quietly eating their food. Without warning, a shirtless Zabuza entered the room, exposing several of his scars across his chest, evidence of the many battles that he had dedicated himself towards throughout his life.

Grabbing a fresh cup of coffee, Zabuza walked over to the table and made his presence known by sitting down with urgency.

This coffee is going to hit the spot

Sliding down in front of the kitchen table, he rubbed his forehead, fighting off an irritating headache.

"Hello?! What do you think you're doing?!" Sakura complained out loud.

"You're a child, unworthy of being called shinobi." Zabuza grumbled his insult.

"Oh yeah?! I'll rip your head off!" Sakura yelled back out.

"No, you'll just sit there and watch like how you watched the blonde and the other shinobi do all the work for you." Zabuza pulled his mask down and began to take sips from his cup.

"I swear I'm gonna murder you!" Sakura pulled her fist out in anger as she continued to yell out.

Zabuza continued taking sips from the cup, as this pink-haired kunoichi continued to melt down, Zabuza finished up his cup and promptly stood up and left the spot he was just in.

The disrespect shown towards her infuriated her tremendously, Sakura instantly followed behind essentially chasing after Zabuza. Running downstairs, she was determined to scream and shout, Sakura was gonna make her presence felt one way or another.

Ten minutes later.

"I have no weapons on me, leave me alone." Zabuza said out loud while his headache continued to pain him.

Zabuza merely stared at Naruto and Kakashi who also stared back at the same time. Naruto and Kakashi who were both now standing were completely unsure of what was even happening at this point.

"Do you know who I am? I could destroy you!" Sakura screamed without end.

The shouting that seemed to never cease caught the attention of a certain assassin, Haku strolled into view, standing at the edge of Tazuna's balcony. Overlooking Team 7 and Zabuza himself, Haku waved out to everybody.

"Hello everyone!" Haku said politely.

"Good morning." Naruto immediately said back in response, waving both hands at Haku.

"Is Sasuke up?!" Sakura yelled out rudely.

"He should wake up soon, I didn't strike any of his fatal points in our battle." Haku spoke out with a bright smile.

"That's great to hear-" Naruto's sentence was abruptly cut off by a loud rumbling of his stomach.

"Oh..." Naruto said bluntly as he knew he hadn't ate anything in quite some time.

"Hey kid, I can make you some ramen." Zabuza suddenly cut in.

"Wait...really...?" Naruto asked with a face of curiosity.

"Heh.. Just come in I have you covered." Zabuza said with a smile as he turned around and head back inside. Naruto followed instantly as Kakashi merely shook his head while Sakura returned back to screaming about the presence of Zabuza.

Two days later.

Laid out on the comfy grass beneath him, Sasuke was resting his eyes, halfway asleep. A fishing pole was tied to his ankle, propped next to a cloned copy of his grass-cutter blade.

"Listen up brats, you've had a week to recover." Zabuza leapt from a tree-line.

"You're all going to train." Inspired by this sadistic voice, Sakura flew into panic.

Startled by the sudden appearance of Haku and Kakashi, Sakura faceplanted the ground. Gagging on a mouthful of wet grass, she took several minutes to regain her composure.

"We're going to test your nature affinity. Then we'll move on from there." As his demonic tone fiiled the air, Zabuza popped his own neck with ease.

Pulling a bundle of chakra paper from his satchel, Kakashi handed these out to each of his students. Dampened by the distant sound of seagulls, Kakashi raised one hand into the air.

Instead of waiting for a proper explanation, Sakura grabbed a bundle of paper from her teacher. Holding these thin sheets up to the sun, she fueled and poured green chakra into the page.

Hardening under her display, this page instantly turned to dust before crumbling away. Denoting her affinity for Earth Style, she specialized in the same technique and affinity as her sensei.

"What exactly will happen?" Sasuke asked, finally got up from his nap as he yawned out.

Met with silence, Sasuke was gifted a plain piece of white paper, grinding his teeth in anticipation. Wrinkled and seared under pale fingertips, this crumpled up and crooked, an affinity for lighting.

Shifting all attention and focus onto Naruto, Zabuza was curious at the display this particular blond was about to give, crossing both arms. Naruto held a thin sheet between his hands, he funneled a remarkable amount of chakra through his fingers.

Abruptly cut into four pieces, one was soggy and wet, while another erupted into flames. Also, one piece became hardened into ash-like dirt while the final became wrinkled and stiff.

"..." A stunned Zabuza quietly glanced at Kakashi. 

Kakashi just shrugged.

"Can't say I'm surprised at this point." Kakashi laughed.

"Uh...Does that mean I'm...water?" Naruto was utterly confused at what had just happened. 

Those eyes of his...They have to be the reason for all this... Sasuke concluded.

"That means you have an affinity for all five chakra natures boy." Zabuza said with a hint of shock.

This realization completely broke open Sasuke, as his jawline fell open, magnified by his twitching black eyes. Unable to speak, he briefly stared at Naruto's back, defined by those trembling pupils within those rippled, violet eyes.

Sakura on the other hand stared out briefly in shock before muttering to herself about how Sasuke was probably still better despite the clear differences in chakra range.

"Looks like you're lucky, I can teach you Water Style." Speaking with twisted joy, Zabuza gripped his chin with amusement.

"Guess this is just my lucky day huh..." Naruto laughed while scratching his head.

Five chakra natures...Those eyes...Naruto...What are you...? Sasuke could not wrap his head around what he was witnessing with this blonde enigma that was in front of him.

"Sasuke, come with me." Let's begin our training. Kakashi broke Sasuke out of his daze as he ushered him to another place within the greenery.

"Sakura, Let us go together." Haku said with a bright smile as she also would usher out Sakura who surprisingly followed without a single complaint.

As Sasuke trained with Kakashi, Naruto went alongside Zabuza to an isolated grove. Sakura initially didn't complain about going alongside Haku, but she was now after Haku began throwing several senbon at Sakura who simply ran around in fear of getting hit by just a single senbon strike.