
Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

After dying and being reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a few perks to set him apart, the young man now going by Yoriichi Uchiha decides to live his new life as a leaf ninja to the fullest. If being inserted into the story as Sasuke's older cousin didn't provide enough drama for him to deal with, he gets a little brother with a secret of his own... Benimaru reincarnated from the days of the ancient ninja sect almost one thousand years ago! Can they make the most their new lives in the Naruto world, or will new developments derail their plans completely? ...... This is a story of two brothers one Reincarnated from the era only a couple hundred years after Indra and Asura lived, having been a proud member of the Shinobi sect, how will he handle the will of fire and what is this weird flower he died with and why is it branded on his soul?! His elder brother a transmigrator born with a birth defect never to walk even breathing caused pain in his previous life, awakens too a new life in Konoha as the eldest son of Fugako 's younger brother, with his transmigrator knowledge and a few perks how will he fare now that he can experience the world? How will the brothers interact ? How does the brothers very existence change the world ? "For every action, there is a reaction positive or negative." #NoHarem (Bleach powers may be nerfed slightly too fit world scaling/ if you believe some fans scaling if not then nothing to worry about)

The_11th_Division · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

ch. 23 Let's play Game of Thrones

Yoriichi and Benimaru's conversation began with a genjutsu that showed Benimaru a crash course in all major things Naruto up until Kaguya. That was probably more than enough for Beni to think about right now, he should have some surprises down the line. Yoriichi waits patiently for Benimaru to process all of the information. Patient may have been a bit generous, as he was giddy to have someone who he can fanboy with about the story.

"Naruto and Sasuke walked truly horrendous paths…yet they overcame every obstacle…" Benimaru was filled with respect and awe of what they would go on to accomplish. Though he has a head start, those two are fated to be powerful as well. He didn't have to say it but a proud smirk crossed his face for a brief moment.

"So, you've acknowledged them huh? Pretty badass story, right?" Yo says ready to get started but Benimaru's face sours. "What?" He asks with an annoyed sigh.

"While I commend the trials that Naruto and Sasuke endured, that means that there are a great number of threats that are coming for us. Warring villages, the Akatsuki, Madara, Orochimaru, even members of the hidden leaf's own council." Benimaru's fists clench thinking about the number of enemies who hailed from this village, that upset him more than anything else on the list. "…they are conspiring in the darkness as we speak. For whatever reason, you and I were brought into this 'story' at a time when all the world's chaos reaches it's peak…"

"We get front row seats! Isn't it exciting?" Yoriichi beams ready to go forward.

"Exciting is one way to put it…" Benimaru says with much less energy.

"What? Don't tell me you're scared."

"As if being told the entire history of my world is a figment of someone's imagination wasn't enough to take in… I'm learning this tragic yet fictional history is a long conspiracy by a plant, to revive a goddess who wants to harvest all of the chakra in the world… I need a moment to come to terms with all of this."

"There are infinite omniverses and more beings than countable. Kishimoto probably wrote a story of another world. Maybe he dreamt it, or received a divine impartation, but the deity that sent me here didn't say the Naruto world he said to the elemental nations. Hence Naruto could be Kishimoto seeing through the veil, not fiction. Maybe that's why this world has at least three giant continents and not just one?" Yo ponders trying to reach Benimaru.

Yo sighed a little in his heart realizing that even Benimaru couldn't see the artistry of the story. As this was always the world he's lived in, Benimaru can't see it outside of that. Yo had hoped an extra life would afford Benimaru some more universal insights, but he was still a resident of the 'Naruto' world after all. It made him feel a little lonely being the only person to know his Earth… His melancholic spiral was disrupted when Benimaru smacks himself in the face hard and exhales a deep breath.

"Alright! I've accepted it. We must simply defeat everyone. Then an era of peace will finally come into fruition."

"Now you're sounding like the protagonist! This is a world! No matter what I saw it's a world! Steal the spotlight, be the star! That's the second best role after the Sun!" Yo says applauding Benimaru's resolve. He wouldn't tell Benimaru that era of peace really only lasted about a decade though. It can be much longer if they're good enough.

"I assume you're ready for all of Naruto and Sasuke's future enemies, but one uncertainty does bother me." Benimaru says.

"That would be?"

"Us… how can the future you know come to pass if we are here? Our every breath forces the story to deviate from the plot you know." Yo actually listens patiently this time as Benimaru explains his entire theory. "Kushina is a key example, she should have died with lord fourth. Now Naruto gets to experience parental love. He and Sasuke are already closer friends than their mothers are. Surely that will have a powerful impact on his character? That's just one reason we will never see that future."

"So you get the butterfly effect to some degree, nice. My knowledge is only a cheat sheet for us to get ahead, but we're not the only ones shaking the script up. Plus Naruto and Sasuke are even worse rivals now more then ever since Naruto has talent and a teacher, maybe. It's possible you will be the one to break the curse as their middle man." Yoriichi says. 'Well you are the man who will be the first king of the land of fire, Sasuke will run the shinsengumi, and Naruto may end up being a hero since the hokage won't be the only shadow in the land of fire now, the village hidden in the flames will appeear soon hehehe but let's just keep that to myself.'

"Toph, Yami, and Kojiro are all absent in the story you've shown me also." Benimaru continues. "You mentioned they all are essentially copies of people from other world- stories you've witnessed?"

"Yup." Yo answers.

"Did they have kekkei genkai there as well?"

"How? There wasn't chakra in their worlds…" Yo looks at Beni, he knows he told him this before.

"Well, I am sure I have seen their abilities before, and none of them were something just anyone could do. I have fought with and against members of the Hagoromo clan in my last life. They may not have been descended from the great sage, but they received his chakra directly and refined it amongst themselves. Eventually they became a group who's unique chakra allowed them to manipulate the elements with great ease. Toph's mastery over earth is just like one of them."

"Oh really? The story never said what the Hagoromo clan actually did," Yo says thinking back. " Pretty cool. Ok what about the others?"

"Yami, his darkness release it's rather unique…I had only seen it a few times before, but there was a person from a clan called the Yomi clan in the sect who could use it, he was also a genjutsu expert. Not even my sharingan wielding relatives could copy it so I could only assume it to be a kekkei genkai as well. As rare as it was, I would not be surprised if their clansmen simply survived the years in secret." Benimaru surmises. Yo simply nods rolling his hand as to say, 'go on.'

"Lastly Kojiro's talent with a sword is truly horrifying. I'm not sure if I could call it a kekkei genkai like the others though, it was more like an adaptation."

"An adaptation?"

"Yes, an adaptation. A group of swordsmen called the Sasaki clan once lived in a region-"

"The land of iron?"

"No, the land of iron was always bigger and more developed, but they worshipped the Sasaki as they were true sword savants, the ancestors of the land of iron would go learn from them along with the Hatake clan that kakshi is from, and anyone who used swords in that era. Born without chakra, as their ancestors turned down chakra, instead they cultivated their technique's with natural energy. Their physiques ever evolving. Over the generations their bodies become more and more naturally acclimated to the sword. However, their lust for battle led to their eventual demise…"

"Huh, so all of my fellow world travelers were modified for this world. I wonder what else they can do. I'll have to go see them when they wake up, you can help me identify some of the zodiacs abilities." Yo plots. "And not only them, but my good friend Masamune is also out there. I owe him a visit too. He and his plague of hollows add some extra difficulty to our goals."

"I could not have possibly forgotten about the hollows, they have been a growing menace throughout the elemental nations since that night." Benimaru says remembering almost dying as a baby.

"Speaking of Masamune, he better not have nine different hollow forms. That would be a pain in the ass…and a rip-off.

"As your antithesis it seems likely he has nine forms as well. Nine rebels to oppose the nine kings, doesn't that sound poetic in a sense? I don't understand you two entirely, it is like you and your powers reside in a sphere all your own." Benimaru says.

"You're one to talk, Masamune said his real partner would be along next time too. I think he meant your rival from last time." Yo responds.

"Suijin…he is not one to sit idly by, and I doubt death did much to dampen his ambitions. He wants to rule, and will do whatever it takes to make that happen. No doubt Suijin is amassing resources already, his knowledge of the old world may run more deeply than mine. With the support of a powerhouse like Masamune? They will undoubtedly be a powerful force…"

"Ehh I figured as much, but Masamune is my problem. Suijin wants revenge on you badly I bet," Yo adds. "You did kind of blow him up right when he thought he had succeeded in said ambitions."

"He betrayed the sect, I would do it again without a second thought." Benimaru says deathly serious. "We must start capitalizing on these 'cheats' of ours if we don't want to be bested by them. While we can roughly gauge Suijin's knowledge of the past, we don't know what Masamune knows."

"I bet he's an idiot." Yo guesses. "He struck me as more of the instinctual type, I got that much when we fought. I could feel his emotions through his chakra. He probably learns and adapts mid battle, which makes fighting him pretty fun. Who knows how much experience it took for him to become that level of being? Sooo Let's assume Suijin is the brains here. It will all work out. Besides I already have a few arrows of my own nocked and ready."

"It will work out? You're enjoying this aren't you?" Benimaru says glaring at Yo.

"Of course! Anything is better than a hospital bed," Yo refers to his last life. "I wished for this remember?"

"Hmm, I suppose that's true. You have a rather extreme sense of fun." Benimaru chuckles.

"Arms race with my brother, whooo!" Yoriichi yells excitedly. "Lets kick ass!"

Yoriichi's energy was a little infectious Benimaru got fired up so much he actually breathed a little fire when he spoke. "We will crush them!"

"Ok little dragon that was kinda cool."

"Elder brother I would like to propose a trade."

"A trade?" Yoriichi raises his brow.

"Give me a zanpakuto, and I will refine your body and soul. An easy first step for the both of us to get much stronger quickly."

"Don't do that…" Yo answers with an irritated look his eye even twitched a bit.

"Do what?" Benimaru asks genuinely puzzled.

"You and I are brothers, we don't do business deals like that between us." Yoriichi says.

"But you-"

"I charged Uncle to teach him a lesson. He's bad at business, something the patriarch should be able to do if he's going to lead our clan through these trying times." Yo explains. "If you wanted a zanpakuto all you had to do was ask, I'd have never had said no. Hell, I bet you would like to use flame breathing too? Again, I'd have said yes free of charge."

'He really does see me as his brother, no pretense or conditions…' Beni thinks ashamed of himself for trying to haggle with someone who gave openly to him. "Forgive my insolence elder brother…"

"Don't stress it, as long as you understand it's good." Yoriichi says dismissively. "Hey wait, you said refine my soul too. That hurts as much as refining my body, right?" Yo suddenly perks up.

"If not more," Benimaru confirms.

"Ok yeah do that, forget my body focus on refining my soul."

"Would it not be better to do both?" Benimaru asks confusedly before a sudden thought dawned on him. "Does this have anything to do with your zanpakuto constantly stabbing you?"

"Not just that, if those arrogant kings think they can look down on me they can all burn!" Yo exclaims. "We'll see how tough their wills are! Hahahahaha!"

"You do have some rather maniacal thoughts." Beni says trying to hide his concern. "I can also see what of the sect's treasures remain and you can have your pick of them," Benimaru suggests, considering Yo was already moving onto this shinjutsu he couldn't think of very many techniques he'd be interested in.

"Treasure hunt?! Yes. Lets do that for sure, we'll go after the zodiacs leave." Trekking through a desolate old fortress had to be a fun adventure. At this point entertainment was more valuable to Yo than any tools inferior to his zanpakuto. Boredom was his biggest enemy even before Masamune. "But I do want to see more ancient jutsu, I might get some good ideas."

Benimaru and Yoriichi continued to talk about their future plans in more detail for several hours. In Yo's pocket dimension the sky is always a clear, sunny day so they had no idea how much time had passed. The two of them would have talked all through the night if some foreign chakra hadn't appeared in the room with them. The both of them were instantly on guard ready to fight when an old incredibly pale man with a byakugan in white robes appears standing before them.

"Who are you?" Benimaru steps back.

"Hamura Otsutsuki, I did not expect to see you anytime soon." Yo answers for him. "but nice to meet you."

"H-Hamura Otsutsuki? As in Lord founder's uncle?" Benimaru had just learned who he is, and it was insane to already be meeting him…even though he is currently dead. Chakra is incredible.

"What brings you here?" Yoriichi asks casually compared to his stunned speechless brother.

"I came to visit you, but I could only come while you were here because of how dense the spiritual energy in this room is. I have watched over this world go on for many ages. As I promised my brother, Hagoromo, I would not intervene in the world his ideals brought about… However, this is the first time I have seen a chakra so similar to his walking this earth again. I wanted to confirm what kind of person you were for myself." The old man explains.

"Ummm a good person? I also like to think I'm charming, witty, passionate, handsome, kind of a genius-"

"Not to mention humble," Benimaru adds.

"Yes very humble, ooh and I'm super strong too." Yo continues thinking of more words he'd describe himself with.

Hamura just shakes his head. "You are vastly different from my brother, but I can tell you are a pure hearted person at the least. However, mind that arrogance, you are not the most powerful being living…it will come back to bite you."

"I know I'm not the strongest living, but I will be. Then it won't be arrogance but simply a fact. Right?" Yo responds to the warning. "No offense, but I hope that wasn't all you went through such lengths to tell me?"

"No, I came to ask of you a request." Hamura corrects him putting hand up. "If anyone is to truly lead earth against the Otsutsuki it would be you. Humanity barely stands a chance, and with hollows back on earth the future is more uncertain… You too are aware of this are you not?"

"True, that's kinda what we were just talking about. It's going to be one hell of a fight." Yoriichi agrees.

"Will you be able to rise to the occasion?" Hamura asks. "It will be an arduous road. Your allies aren't as powerful as you, and you bear my brother's eyes… can you promise me you won't let the darkness consume you when tragedy occurs?"

"Don't worry. Whoever is on my side will not lose, it's as simple as that. What is your request now?" Yo asks trying to get to the point, questioning his resolve was unnecessary Yo would dive headfirst into any challenge.

"Look after him," with a wave of his hand a white-haired boy with similarly pale skin appears behind him. He seems to be about Benimaru's age, sporting a byakugan. "Toneri is the last of my descendants who dwelled on the moon. I would like for you to look after him."

"Yeah, I'll do it. Being raised by a bunch of puppets and being stuck with irrational outdated ideals can be nasty on a growing boy's psyche. He might even become a little psychotic and have to be beaten up for doing something he probably wouldn't do but saw no other option…I wouldn't want my super distant cousin to get done like that." Yo says casually.

"What are you implying?" Hamura asks.

"I was planning to go get him regardless if you came here or not. Why should he be up there alone? You fossils failed a lot of people in the past so there are some corrections that will be made in this era." Yo states seriously, he did have respect for Hamura but he too was just a man. And no man is perfect, he made mistakes too.

"Yo," Benimaru was shocked Yo was able to say that so brazenly to someone like Hamura Otsutsuki.

The old spirit could not refute what Yo said, he simply old man grunts his acknowledgement. Yoriichi had earned his respect just then. "You are right. I see that you are fully prepared for what it is you must do and then some. Do not waver on your path Yoriichi."

"Duh, I'm me. There was a time when willpower was all I had." Yo says seriously and Hamura smiles.

"That goes for you two as well Benimaru and Toneri. Grow strong for the burden of this world's future is not Yoriichi's alone to carry…"

"I appreciate that part," Yo says.

"Understood," Benimaru nods.

"Y-yes, I will," Toneri also agrees.

"Good," Hamura pats Toneri's head and the boy's eyes to start glowing a brilliant but pale blue before fading back to normal.

"His eyes, what just happened?" Benimaru points out the change.

"Oh he awakened Toneri's tenseigan. An evolution of the byakugan." Yoriichi explains. "But it looks like they turned off?"

"Hoh, you are aware of the tenseigan?" Hamura asks pleasantly surprised. "You are full of surprises Yoriichi Uchiha. Do you also know of the rinnegan?"

"I do," Yo answers. "Apparently both the byakugan and sharingan can potentially evolve into a rinnegan."

"Yes, but those aren't the only evolutions of those eyes," Hamura says. "There are other stimulus that can cause them to change. Toneri is not yet ready for those eyes, I merely unlocked his potential to reach the tenseigan or something like it in the future. It all depends on how diligently he trains, and how well his new master teaches him." Hamura smirks looking at Yoriichi, pushing Toneri forward. "Go on, greet your new master."

The boy takes a few small steps before using all of his willpower to properly bow and shout "I-I greet master Yoriichi!"

"You sly old man, I can't possibly turn down this request." Yo says with an excited grin of his own.

"Although you have taught many people, you have yet to formally take a disciple. With the current course of the world, is it not time to change that?" Hamura asks.

"There is no denying that," Yo did in fact look forward to seeing how a properly guided Toneri would grow.

"Also take this," he held out an orb of chakra. "This the last of my chakra, your eyes will surely evolve taking it in."

"Can I get that to go?" Yo asks pulling out a sealing scroll to store the chakra. Hamura looks at him with a confused expression wondering why he didn't just take it then and there. "There is someone else who could probably awaken the tenseigan or something similar among your terrestrial descendants."

That shocked Hamura more than Yo turning his power down, who is this other candidate for these eyes? Activating his eyes, he scanned the entire village with one look. "Impossible…such a pure byakugan… Yes you are right, I will give them to that boy." He stops for a moment. "What is this seal upon the Hyuga clan members heads?"

"Seal? Wait a minute you guys are five right? That means Hinata is too…No…Hizashi sensei! I was asleep when that bullshit happened? Dammit!!" Yo just realized he missed his chance to stop Hinata's kidnapping attempt. Something definitely on his to do list. Now he could only go and pay his respects.

"Yoriichi, give me some of your spiritual energy. Enough to manifest outside of this room. I wish to speak with this pigheaded fool who calls himself clan head and deliver this chakra myself." Since he was interfering anyways, he may as well set his own house in order before he left.

"right," Yo cooperated without really even thinking about it.

"Good luck children, for the future is now in your hands…" as he finishes his last words he fades away and vanishes. Everyone sat there silently for a moment taking in what happens until Benimaru's stomach growled.

"Way to ruin the moment man." Yo says snapping out of his trance. Benimaru just looked kind of embarrassed. "I think that's a good indication we've been here long enough. You guys want to go get food?"

"Most definitely," Benimaru says regaining his composure.

"O-ok," Toneri answers almost inaudibly.

"Hey man no need to be all scared and stuff, you're going to have lots of fun on Earth you'll see." Yo says putting a hand on both of their shoulders as they vanish leaving the training room.

Like it ? Add to library! my bad I was late

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