
Naruto: Tobirama Senju

How will Tobirama cope in this new ninja world? note: Naruto is not mine and this fanfic is also not mine The Naruto anime and manga series were created by Masashi Kishimoto. The manga was first published in 1999 and the anime adaptation followed in 2002. The Naruto franchise is owned by the Japanese company Shueisha, which publishes the manga, and the animation studio Pierrot, which produced the anime. The series has been licensed and distributed worldwide by various companies, including Viz Media and Crunchyroll. Naruto: I was reincarnated into the dirty land Tobirama 火影:我转生了秽土扉间 https://ko-fi.com/ilovefanfics

ilovefanfics · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs


"Demon fox, you're spouting nonsense again!"

"Shut it you brat! thinking of being a Hokage? Look at yourself first before talking!"

Naruto's inappropriate comments quickly drew ridicule and accusations from those nearby.

Accustomed to such insults, the whiskered young man paid them no mind, focusing his gaze directly on Tobirama atop the platform.

He had already caught wind of the disturbance below and glanced down at the destined child.

With golden hair, three distinctive whisker marks adorning each cheek, an orange training outfit, and a few bandages wrapped around his body, Naruto stood out in the crowd.

As Naruto gazed up at Tobirama, the Kyuubi within him suddenly stirred.

Sensing Tobirama's presence, the Kyuubi roared within Naruto's consciousness.

Tobirama's smile widened as he met Naruto's eyes, prompting louder cheers from the crowd.

"Keep smiling, huh? Your brother's dead, yet here you are, slithering out of your hole," the Kyuubi snarled inwardly.

In the outskirts of Konoha, during its battle with Ichibi Shukaku, the Kyuubi had sensed a familiar aura emanating from the Hokage.

And now, as it looked into Tobirama's eyes, it felt a sense of recognition, a deep-seated animosity from its past encounters with the white-haired shinobi.

In its memories, Tobirama had often drained chakra from it through the Uzumaki Mito's seal, leaving him weakened and confined within its cage.

The improvements made to the seal by Tobirama had made it even more difficult for the Kyuubi to break free, fostering a deep hatred toward the Second Hokage.

As Tobirama gazed into the spiritual realm, the system's mechanical voice echoed in his mind once more.

Mission: Collect all tailed beasts

Reward: Complete Resurrection, Six Paths Senjutsu 

"Well, that's something," he muttered, a smile tugging at his lips. Meeting Kyuubi had triggered a long-term mission for him, and the reward caught his interest.

The prospect of complete resurrection was undoubtedly appealing. And as for Sage Mode...

Considering the system's explanation, it seemed similar to his brother's.

However, the system's details intrigued him.

Sage Mode enhanced various aspects: physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability. Moreover, it boosted ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu, and it granted the ability to manipulate natural energy.

What did this mean?

In other words, as a member of the Senju, he might be able to harness a Sharingan! Tobirama would eventually become what he hated the most.

Putting aside these thoughts, he addressed Kyuubi in the cage.

"Hey, Kurama."

"Tobirama! Where are you going with this?" Kyuubi's tone was unfriendly. "Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Kurama, actually, I met the Sage of Six Paths in the underworld, and he told me about the tailed beasts. He instructed me to communicate with you and the other tailed beasts to end the wars plaguing the Ninja World," Tobirama fabricated.

"Nonsense! The Sage is long gone. And if anyone can bring peace, it's your brother, not you!" Kyuubi retorted with a roar.

Tobirama's expression shifted, and the spiritual realm dissolved, plunging Naruto into darkness.

Driven out by Kyuubi, Tobirama mused, "This fox is quite stubborn. He needs to be dealt with someday."

As Naruto emerged from the inner world, his expression was filled with excitement. Tobirama suspected that Kyuubi had been filling Naruto's head with negativity.

Stepping off the high platform, Tobirama approached Naruto.

Onlookers speculated about Tobirama's intentions, fearing he might harm Naruto.

Several of Naruto's friends looked worried.

Without a word, Tobirama touched Naruto's head before turning away.

He was very sympathetic to Naruto who was looked down upon with cold eyes but he could still be so optimistic despite being treated like this by people from the same village for more than ten years, Tobirama couldn't help but wonder if Naruto's optimism was genuine or a facade.

He checked for genjutsu but found nothing amiss.

"It must be Kurama's influence," he concluded silently.

"Forget it, let's go see how Sasuke is doing," Naruto dashed off after Tobirama touched his head.

At that moment, right after Tobirama finished his Hokage inauguration speech, an ANBU operative donning a fox mask appeared before him.

"Hokage-sama, the elders of the council wish to speak with you!"

The anbu half-knelt before Tobirama, delivering the message and then waiting silently for the Hokage's decision.

"The elders? Homura and Koharu," Tobirama muttered, contemplating their summons. Their absence from his inauguration ceremony left him wondering if they harbored objections to his actions against Danzo.

Looking up, Tobirama instructed, "Bring them here."

With that, he turned and entered the Hokage building, taking his seat at the helm.

Soon after, accompanied by heavy footsteps, two elders, Koharu and Homura, followed by Hiruzen, approached Tobirama.

Speaking of Hiruzen, since resigning as Hokage, he'd been living a quiet life at home. He hadn't expected to be summoned by his former teammates.

"Sensei," the three greeted Tobirama respectfully.

"Why are you looking for me?" Tobirama asked bluntly, dispelling any notions of a sentimental reunion.

The elders appeared stunned by Tobirama's cold demeanor, evidently not expecting such indifference from their former sensei.

Homura stepped forward, attempting to address Tobirama respectfully. "Sensei, your return as Hokage has brought great joy to Konoha. Under your wise leadership, our village will surely thrive."

"No need for flattery," Tobirama interjected sharply, unwilling to indulge in pleasantries. "Get to the point."

Homura glanced at Tobirama, conceding. "Very well, Sensei. We have concerns about your recent actions, particularly regarding Danzo's demise. He was your student and has served Konoha faithfully for years. Killing him tarnishes his legacy and risks discord among the clans."

"That's enough!" Tobirama slammed his hand on the table, cutting Homura off mid-sentence. He scoffed at Homura's attempt to manipulate him. "Do you think Danzo deserves recognition? Do you forget his attempt to assassinate me on my way to the Land of Fire? Or perhaps you had a hand in it too?"

Tobirama's questions sent Homura and Koharu retreating, their faces pale with fear.

"Sensei, please, it was all Danzo's doing! We are loyal to you, it's absolutely impossible!" they protested, their voices trembling.

"Arrest them," Tobirama ordered abruptly, his gaze unwavering.

In an instant, anbu subdued the two elders, ready to escort them away.

"Take them to the Interrogation Department. Let the Yamanaka clan ascertain their involvement with Danzo," Tobirama commanded calmly.

Following his order, the two were swiftly taken away by ANBU ninjas.

Hiruzen remained alone in the office, watching the scene unfold. He wasn't surprised by the elders' arrest; their involvement with Danzo was undeniable.

Moreover, Tobirama's resurrection had evidently transformed him in ways unforeseen.

"Sensei, you seem a bit hasty... Even if we made mistakes, this isn't the way to handle it," Hiruzen interjected cautiously.

In his mind, Tobirama likely aimed to reclaim the Hokage's authority, and they, the elders, were likely targets for removal. But he hadn't anticipated his teacher's ruthlessness.

"Monkey," Tobirama began, pivoting without acknowledging Hiruzen's question. Instead, he confronted Hiruzen with a stark revelation. "I've heard that after my passing, the Senju clan suffered under those in power."

Hiruzen's thin face beaded with sweat; he struggled to provide an adequate response. "Well, Sensei, the members of the Senju clan, they embody the Will of Fire. They willingly take on the most S-rank missions. I attempted to dissuade them, but their dedication to Konoha prevailed..."

"What nonsense!" Tobirama retorted sharply. "Are all Senju ninja? Were civilians sent to the battlefield by you!?"

His outburst sent waves of blue chakra rippling from his body, causing Hiruzen's legs to tremble under the pressure.

"Sensei, I confess! It was all Danzo's scheme! He sought to replicate the First Hokage's wood release, using the Senju civilians for experiments!" Hiruzen hastily deflected blame onto the deceased Danzo, fearing for his own life.

"And where were you when all this occurred?" Tobirama demanded, his tone unwavering.

Hiruzen struggled to find words, his silence betraying his guilt.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Third Hokage, you have grown complacent," Tobirama declared sternly. "Though you've yet to fully act, I'll spare your life. You will be confined to your home until your passing. Your status as a former Hokage will remain untouched."

With that, Tobirama sentenced Hiruzen, who bowed in gratitude, appearing aged beyond his years.

And thus, the era of Konoha's elder generation came to a close, marking the dawn of a new era.

One week passed, and the events in Konoha had already spread throughout the ninja world.

Senju Tobirama's resurrection, the removal of the Elder Council, Sarutobi Hiruzen stepping down, the Fourth Kazekage's demise at Orochimaru's hands, the capture of the sand jinchūriki, and Jiraiya's return to the village—all these news swiftly circulated among the five great villages and neighboring countries, stirring shock and speculation.

Senju Tobirama may not be as well-known as his brother Senju Hashirama, revered as the God of Shinobi who founded the Ninja Villages, but his legacy is significant. As Hashirama's younger brother, Tobirama earned the title of "creator" in the ninja world. He developed numerous jutsus and established key institutions like the Ninja Academy and Konoha Military Police Force, leaving an indelible mark on history.

His infamous shadow clone technique became a staple across all ninja villages.

The swift actions of the resurrected Second Hokage surprised many. He dismantled the hierarchy, dealt with his former students harshly, and instilled fear in other forces. This prompted a cautious approach from other villages, who refrained from provoking Konoha until they understood Tobirama's intentions.

Meanwhile, envoys were dispatched to Konoha, eager to uncover the secret behind Tobirama's resurrection.



At present, shadowy figures materialized in the conference room, utilizing a body through the chakra-infused rings they wore.

Among them, an individual with distinctive orange hair stood in his true form, awaiting the assembly of all members.

Promptly, a pair of alert eyes sparked to life.

As everyone gathered, a member addressed the orange-haired figure, "Pain, why have you summoned us? I'm in the midst of pursuing a bounty worth 50 million ryo and don't have time to spare."

"This Kakuzu has been dragging me around all day for his filthy money, shaking my faith in Lord Evil Jashin. Leader, I request a change of teammates!"

The second voice carried a wild and uninhibited tone, injecting a lively energy into the room.

"I'm in the middle of developing a new art; my schedule's packed," added a third member.

"Understood," Pain responded calmly, accustomed to the complaints and requests of his organization's members.

After these brief exchanges, Pain, expressionless, listened to the members' grievances. Such complaints were common among the Akatsuki, and he was accustomed to them.

Observing the room's silence, Pain turned towards a figure resembling a pitcher plant and instructed, "Zetsu, please brief them on the situation."

"The Second Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama, has been resurrected with all the strength he possessed during his lifetime. He has also eliminated Danzo and reassumed the position of Hokage."

Zetsu provided this information before falling silent.

A heavy hush enveloped the conference room.

At a particular moment, the figure with the Sharingan displayed a subtle tremor upon hearing of Danzo's demise.

"What's the big deal?" a large, shadowy figure with a wide grin remarked.

Zetsu interjected, "Senju Tobirama is exceptionally formidable, surpassing the Kage of the five great villages in strength. I propose to temporarily stop the tasks related to Konoha and avoiding any provocation."

Among the assembly, both Hidan and Deidara with the distinctive yellow ponytail dismissed the notion. After all, everyone present was as powerful as a Kage. Regardless of Tobirama's strength, could he truly defeat them all?

Kakuzu's pupils contracted slightly, no longer emphasizing the importance of money. Having been active in the ninja world since the Warring States Period, he had witnessed Tobirama's strength firsthand. As a candidate sent by Takigakure to assassinate Hashirama, he had once faced a wooden clone with a mere tenth of Senju Hashirama's power. Despite his defeat, Kakuzu knew the potency of these figures from the Warring States Period.

Pain broke the silence, addressing the group, "As Zetsu mentioned, we will suspend all tasks related to Konoha and dispatch ninjas to investigate the situation there. Currently, our focus is on accumulating funds and preparing for our ultimate plan."

With those words, Pain vanished in a flash, leaving the remaining figures to gradually disperse.

The Sharingan, now disappeared, had briefly gleamed with light in its eyes.



Conference room in the high-rise building

The body of the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, has been found deceased and his whereabouts remain unknown. All affairs in Sunagakure Village are currently managed by the elders, led by Chiyo.

Chiyo stood tall and spoke firmly:

"We'll set aside Orochimaru's attack on the Fourth Kazekage for now and address it later."

"Now, let's focus on Senju Tobirama's resurrection. Our plan to destabilize Konoha with Orochimaru has failed, and it's bound to provoke a strong response from Konoha."

"What can we do to appease the Hokage's anger?"

Having experienced the Warring States Period and three Shinobi Wars, Chiyo understood the threat Senju Tobirama posed.

"Our village has lost its Kazekage, and even our Jinchuriki has been detained by Konoha. But now, with Konoha having a formidable Hokage, it's crucial we handle this situation delicately. It's a significant blow to Sunagakure."

After Chiyo finished, her younger brother Ebizō also rose to speak:

"At this point, Sunagakure can't afford to antagonize Konoha. We must first prevent Konoha from seeking retribution. If we want to avoid Senju Tobirama's wrath, we'll need to negotiate with Konoha."

"To negotiate peace, we may need to meet Konoha's demands, even if it means offering compensation for our captured ninjas and Jinchuriki."

"But our village lacks resources, and if Konoha demands too much..."

Before Ebizō could finish, some radicals in Sunagakure Village interjected:

"Senju Tobirama may be strong, but Konoha doesn't necessarily have a surplus of strong ninjas. If he's unreasonable, we can ally with Iwagakure, who also fear Konoha, and even other major villages, to pressure Konoha. If necessary, we'll resort to the ultimate option: initiating the Fourth Shinobi War!"

"I agree!" The other elders of Suna echoed their support as the old man resumed his seat.


Hokage's Office

Tobirama finished signing a document and stretched, feeling a bit mentally drained despite his reincarnated body not experiencing fatigue.

Being Hokage meant dealing with all matters, big and small, in Konoha. Even a task as trivial as approving a publication required his signature, which he found tiresome.

"Don't bring these matters to me in the future," he said to Shikaku, gesturing to the documents on the table.

"Yeah, it's not fitting to burden the Hokage with such things," Shikaku agreed.

"Speaking of which, any news from Suna about Gaara, their Jinchuuriki?" Tobirama inquired.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Elder Chiyo of Sunagakure has proposed sending an envoy to Konoha in two weeks to discuss peace talks. They're willing to offer satisfactory compensation in exchange for Gaara," Shikaku explained, flipping through the documents.

In the past, he might have considered Suna's request, but now that he aimed to gather all tailed beasts for his resurrection and Six Paths Senjutsu , agreeing wasn't an option.

'I'm afraid I can't agree to Sunagakure's request. Let's see if they'll be in a hurry to make demands.' he thought mischievously.

"Shikaku, I'll leave the rest to you. I need some fresh air. It's been a while since my resurrection, and I haven't had a proper look at Konoha," Tobirama said, waving his hand as he headed out.

"Wait, what?" Shikaku exclaimed, staring at the pile of documents left behind.

With a heavy sigh, Shikaku wondered whether having such a carefree Hokage was a blessing or a curse for Konoho.

Strolling through the streets of Konoha, Tobirama observed the reconstruction efforts. Despite the recent destruction caused by Suna and Oto, the village had swiftly recovered, thanks to the skilled ninja and earth release techniques mending the broken structures.

As he walked, Tobirama received warm greetings from villagers, responding with a faint smile. Unbeknownst to him, the villagers started spreading rumors about their Hokage's kindness.

However, his attention shifted when he spotted a familiar figure – a kid with hands in his pockets, exuding a emo aura.

Mission: Prevent Uchiha Sasuke from defecting

Reward: Sage mode

New mission triggered?

Encountering Naruto and Sasuke had led to a new mission. Was it a mere coincidence? Or did it involve the legacy of Indra and Asura, or perhaps their roles as protagonists? The conditions for mission triggers remained unclear to Tobirama, adding a layer of confusion.

Regardless, the reward intrigued him. Sage mode was a significant boon – something Orochimaru spent a lifetime pursuing but never attained. Now, Tobirama had the chance to acquire it simply by preventing Sasuke from defecting.

With determination in his eyes, Tobirama accepted the mission. Sasuke wouldn't be allowed to escape; it was his responsibility to handle this task and save the world.

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