
Chapter 4

(1 Hour Earlier Valley of the End)

"Kakashi-sensei I have an idea." Naruto said as he gently took the rinnegan out of Sasuke's right eye.

"Okay Naruto I'm all ears," Kakashi said.

"I want you to replace my left eye with Sasuke's rinnegan." Naruto said as he place the rinnegan in Kakashi's hand.

"What! I'm not a medic Naruto!" Kakashi said frantically.

"True, but I know you've copied some medical ninjutsu," Naruto said.

Kakashi looked at the rinnegan in his hand. True he knew medical ninjtusu, but he was in no way trained in it. He knew how to do the operation, but he was afraid he'd botch it. But he knew they had no other options. With a sigh he gave his answer.

"Fine we'll do this Naruto," Kakashi said laying Naruto on his back. "But I need you to stall still, and be quiet. I'll need the utmost concentration."

Seeing Naruto nod, Kakashi started the operation.

Now Naruto had been punched, kicked, stabbed, and blown up more times than he cared to remember. But the pain of having his eye pulled out was indescribable, and the fear he felt when he couldn't see out his left eye was almost as bad. He wanted scream as loud as his lungs allowed, but he forced it down, Kakashi needed to concentrate. As soon as the pain started it was over, and Naruto could see out of his left eye again. As soon as the operation was over Kakashi slumped forward, out of chakra.

The power he felt from the rinnegan was indescribable. He wanted to test out all the abilities his eye possessed. But he knew he had a task to accomplish. So Naruto stood on shaky legs, ready to perform the jutsus. He decided to undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi first.

Naruto channeled the bijuu chakra inside him into his rinnegan. Then Naruto flashed through some hand seals. There was a bright flash that illuminated the sky. Turning around Naruto and Kakashi saw that the moon had returned to normal. Knowing that everyone trapped in the genjutsu would wake up Naruto prepared himself for the next, more difficult jutsu.

"You do know how incredibly stupid and dangerous this is, right?" Kakashi said the worry in his voice obvious.

"Hey that's never stopped me before," Naruto said with his trademark grin. "Plus we Uzumaki are know for out stamina, vitality, and endurance. I mean if I can survive Kurama being extracted from me, I can live this."

But just as Naruto was about to perform the jutsu he felt Kakashi's hand on his shoulder.

"Please, please be careful Naruto. I don't think I can handle losing another student." Kakashi said the worry visible in his eyes.

"Don't worry sensei I promise everything will be alright." Naruto said with a soft smile.

Naruto slowly went through the hand seals he remembered Nagato using. Landing on the last seal, Naruto channeled chakra into his rinnegan.

"Rinne Tensei no Jutsu," Naruto said.

When Naruto opened his eyes he found himself in a pitch black area. Walking around Naruto saw a ghostly figure. As Naruto approached he noticed it was a shinobi. The ghostly shinobi appeared to be talking to another figure. Getting closer he recognized the shinobi's face, and his face lit up.

"Neji!" Naruto yelled as he approached the fallen Hyuuga.

But Neji didn't make any movements. Naruto tapped Neji on the shoulder, but when he did Neji turned into a green light and disappeared. Understanding what happened Naruto started to bring back every fallen shinobi and kunoichi he could. Naruto even managed to save a few additional people. Like Konan, who he was upset he couldn't save from Obito, and Ryuuzetsu, who had sacrificed her life to save his. But some of the shinobi couldn't be saved for some reason, like his master Jiraiya, which saddened him greatly.

As Kakashi watched Naruto, he noticed Naruto's hair start to turn white and he seemed to age rapidly.

"Naruto please don't overdo it." Kakashi thought just as the ground started to shake. Turning around Kakashi saw the same figure that appeared after Pein's attack. Suddenly the King of Hell opened its mouth and souls started to pour out of its mouth. Kakashi looked to his student who was starting to pant in exhaustion.

Naruto was almost ready to leave, he had saved as many shinobi as possible. He had enough chakra left for one more person, and he was still looking for her. Naruto wandered around the empty blackness for what seemed like hours. Just as he was about to give up and try again later, he spotted a light of in the distance.

Walking towards it Naruto saw three figures sitting around a fire. They seemed to be having a conversation. As he neared his eyes lit up. It was his parents and Sakura. Naruto ran towards them and immediately touched Sakura on shoulder. Instantly she started to glow and fade away, Naruto glanced once at his parents. His mother seemed to be yelling something at Sakura, and his dad was smiling. With his own smile Naruto cancelled the jutsu and returned to the real world.

Naruto opened his eyes, his features returning to normal, as he started panting lightly. He immediately ran over to Sakura, and took her in his arms. Naruto held Sakura close as she started to stir.

When she opened her eyes, Naruto was filled with more joy than he had ever felt in his entire life. He looked into her beautiful green eyes, and was almost brought to tears.

"Naruto," Sakura said as tears formed in her eyes. But she was filled with happiness as Naruto brought her into a crushing hug.

"Thank kami you're alright Sakura-chan!" Naruto said as he openly wept into her shoulder as he hugged her.

"Naruto you-you saved me again." Sakura said as she wrapped her arms around Naruto, her own tears falling as well.

"Of course Sakura-chan I'll always be there to save you," Naruto said as he hugged her tighter. "Because...because I love you, Sakura-chan."

Sakura's heart was filled with joy upon hearing those words. Now Sakura was prepared to finally return them. Lightly pushing Naruto off her, she looked him right in the eyes.

"Naruto, I..I love you too." Sakura said as she leaned in and kissed him passionately.

Naruto's eyes widened when he felt Sakura's lips on his. They were soft and they felt perfect on his lips. After a minute they both pulled away, each had a dreamy look on their face.

Kakashi looked on with an eye smile.

"Ahh so it finally happened." Kakashi thought as he saw his two students finally realize their feelings for each other.

"What changed your mind Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked surprised by her sudden change of heart.

"While I was... dead...I met your parents. They helped me recognize my feelings for you." Sakura said as she gave Naruto a chaste kiss.

"So that's what you were talking about," Naruto said what he saw making sense. "Because I saw you talking to my parents before I saved you."

Naruto pulled Sakura in for another hug.

"Sakura I always have, and always will love you." Naruto said as he held Sakura tightly.

"I know it took a long time for me to realize, but I love you too Naruto. I have for a long time." Sakura said as she returned the hug.

"Well I hate to break this beautiful moment, but we still have work to do." Kakashi said making all the both of them realize they still had a lot of work to do.

Naruto helped Sakura up and together all three of them made their way back to the battlefield.

Back on the battlefield thousands of shinobi were being released from their dreamworlds.

One of these shinobi was Hinata Hyuuga. When her pearl eyes slowly opened she immediately sprung out of her cocoon. She got her bearings, then immediately took of running towards where she sensed Naruto's chakra. But she was stopped in her tracks as she recognized a figure walking in front of her. When the figure turned around she gasped.

"Neji-niisan you're alive!"