
Naruto : The War Hero

Volume-1 Synopsis What would happen if Sasuke had actually killed Sakura instead of putting her in a genjutsu after resealing Kaguya. Watch as Naruto's life is transformed by this one traumatic event NaruSaku & Harem. Mainly a R-18 fic with somewhat of a plot tying everything together. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ Volume-2 Synopsis Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny ... ~(^з^)-♡ Volume-3 Synopsis Naruto is hated by the village. He is sad and leaves. He is not alone. He has Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune with him. Tsunade tries to comfort Naruto. Everyone goes to Iwa. Can an impossible love happen? Tsunade X Naruto (๑♡∀♡๑) Volume-4 Synopsis Naruto starts to build a Harem, Will he be able to control all the women or will they over run him? This is a R-18 story so stay out if you don't like reading naughtiness. As a note. there is little to no plot in this..... ( ◜‿◝ )♡(灬º‿º灬)♡ Volume -5 Synopsis soon.... I'll be uploading Some of Best FanFictions Here Found this on online Posting it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · アニメ·コミックス
129 Chs

Chapter 14: Bond Of Brothers

Chapter 14: Bond Of Brothers

Naruto viciously ate his bowl of miso ramen much to the disdain and disgust of his mentor who was trying his hardest to avoid being sprayed by bits of food. "Take it easy Naruto."

The jinchuuriki looked up from his eating endeavour with noodles dangling from his mouth. Swallowing them he turned to his teacher, "I am taking it easy. I've only ate 4 bowls so far."

Jiraiya slapped his head at the lack of understanding shown by the leaf-nin, "Nevermind." The sannin began to stare at the ramen chef's daughter with his prying eyes as she worked.

Naruto finishing his bowl of ramen put his chopsticks down and ordered another bowl. "Hey, Ero-sennin…" Ayame's ears twitched when she heard Naruto utter the peculiar words.

Jiraiya, noticing the change in mood, slammed his hand over the unsuspecting genin's mouth preventing him from speaking further. He leaned in to whisper to him, "Ero-sennin, Ero-sennin. How many times have I told you not to call me that in public? You're going to get me in trouble and ruin my reputation."

Naruto removed the older ninja's hand of his mouth, "People deserve to know the truth." He paused for a moment, "…and what reputation?"

Jiraiya ignoring his words looked at Ayame who was staring at him, "Heh, don't mind us. You continue with your work." He chuckled nervously.

Naruto took off his jacket and placed it on the stool next to him leaving him in a black t-shirt. He looked on as Ayame began to prepare his next bowl of ramen. Having satisfied the majority of his hunger he decided to talk to Jiraiya, "So, how far have I come?"

Jiraiya folded his arms and closed his eyes, effectively entering his lecture mode, "Well…you are near enough at my level."

Naruto began to laugh punching his fist in the air. He was extremely happy with the words the legendary sannin had spoken. He was broken from his celebrating when the frog hermit continued.

"But…" Naruto turned to look at the author of the Icha Icha Paradise series.

"But what?" He awaited his answer anxiously.

"There are still a few things you have to improve on. You manipulation of the elements you used was quite good. Nonetheless the techniques aren't as effective as they could be." Jiraiya nodded his head in a knowing manner.

Naruto scratched the back of his head, "I don't understand. What's wrong with them?"

"When your clones used the Katon Gokakyu No Jutsu, it wasn't as powerful as it should have been. The defence I raised should have realistically crumbled before 5 attacks of that calibre even if I did reinforce the wall with my chakra."

Naruto understood what the hermit was implying, "So I need to practice them more?"

Jiraiya had a smile across his face, "Hai, practice makes perfect. It's quite obvious that you don't need to train with the Futon techniques since you've mastered that element. However for the others, keep performing the techniques and your execution of them will improve."

Naruto had a determined look across his face, "I'll make sure that I know them to the best of my ability."

Jiraiya rested his arms on the counter, "How are you doing with the Hiraishin No Jutsu?"

Jiraiya recognised the change in demeanour of the blonde upon his question. He took the silence as a sign that he wasn't doing very well. Deciding to motivate him a little he talked, "Don't worry too much about it. You've got a whole month ahead of you to learn it. If this training raised you from the level of Kakashi to my own in such a short time…then there is no doubt in my mind that you'll be ready to take on Akatsuki by the time they arrive."

Naruto smiled, hearing the shinobi's words, "I won't fail."

Jiraiya was proud of Naruto's determination and resolve but gave him a final piece of advice, "Remember one important thing Naruto. Power doesn't always determine the victor in battle. The location of where you are fighting as well as your understanding and experience can determine who has the advantage. The Akatsuki has a lot more experience in battle situations than you but you have determination as well as the heart to never give up. Let them be your driving force."

The jinchuuriki nodded before answering, "Yeah…"

Ayame placed Naruto's bowl of ramen in front of him giving a smile. Naruto picked up his chopsticks to begin eating but was interrupted by a recognizable voice. "Why didn't I come here in the first place?"

Naruto turned to see the Hokage of Konoha staring down at him, "Tsunade-baachan?"

Tsunade picked up the ninja's jacket and sat on the stool. Naruto began to eat his ramen at a speed only capable of him and the clan of the Akimichis. Tsunade observed the two shinobi's dirty clothes, "What have you been doing?"

Naruto stopped eating his ramen to answer, "I fought Ero-sennin."

Tsunade had to stop herself from falling off the stool, "Eh? What do you mean fought?"

Jiraiya introduced himself into the conversation to make sure there wasn't a misunderstanding, "He means I tested him on his abilities."

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, "And how did he do?"

Naruto finished his ramen, pointing his chopsticks in the face of the Godaime making her lean back in order to not get poked in the eye, "I'm at the level of a sannin now."

Tsunade quickly slapped him across his head, "Baka! You nearly took my eye out!"

Naruto rubbed his head which had been hit more times than he could remember, "Gomen."

Jiraiya, interrupting the little scene created by the two blondes, spoke, "Why are you here?"

Tsunade folded Naruto's jacket placing it on her lap, "I'm here to talk to Naruto."

Naruto had a confused expression, "You are? Why?"

Tsunade cleared her throat knowing of the sensitive topic she was bringing up, "I wanted to talk to you about Sakura."

Realisation dawned on Naruto, "Oh…"

"You're breaking her heart Naruto." She could see the pain in the genin's eyes.

Naruto sighed, "This is for the best."

Tsunade continued, "I understand your reasoning…but she doesn't know why you're doing this. Tell her and let her make her own decision."

Naruto stared at the dull counter in front of him contemplating and dwelling on his thoughts.

Tsunade's voice turned soft like that of a caring mother, "I know you don't want to hurt her…but she's hurting right now…and she'll continue hurting until you tell her."

Naruto got up from his seat, "I need time…to think."

He reached for the jacket in Tsunade's lap with his left arm. However the gambling addict noticed the peculiar seal on his left forearm and grabbed his arm before he could pull away. She inspected the pattern; she had never seen anything like it before, "What's this?"

Naruto pulled his hand back and began to laugh loudly. The legendary sucker stared at him unaware of what was so funny. Naruto turned to Jiraiya, still laughing, to see the super pervert looking at him awkwardly. Coughing slightly, he raised a finger as if to explain. Waiting a few moments he ran out of the ramen stand. Tsunade quickly shouted behind him, "Oi, Naruto!" She glared at Jiraiya daring him to make a similar move. "Explain."

Jiraiya began to sweat, "First, you're going to want something to drink." Ordering some sake he picked up two cups and gave one to the Hokage. 'Baka, Naruto! Why do you always leave me in these situations?'


Sasuke was sitting on the wooden pier he had always come to when he was a child to find solace. The sun was setting leaving a tinge of red in the sky and the clear lake, in front of him, was making soft soothing sounds as it calmly moved.

The Uchiha rested his elbows on his thighs whiles his legs hanged off the end. He reflected over what he had been told by Kakashi. Letting his mind drift back to thoughts of this morning; he closed his eyes.


Sasuke and Kakashi had ended up at their teams meeting place. The Uchiha went to lean against the railing as he waited for an answer from the jounin.

Kakashi pocketed his precious orange book adopting a more serious tone. "Why do you think there is something wrong with Naruto?"

Sasuke sighed as Kakashi didn't directly answer his question, opting instead to ask one of his own, "His recent behaviour. Not to mention what happened between him and Sakura…he would never hurt her…so this makes me think he had a significant reason to do so. Is that good enough?"

Kakashi had a smirk underneath his mask, "Very perceptive. But why do you think I know the reason?"

Sasuke folded his arms, "At the party…after his dance. I saw you two talking on the balcony. I also noted how, for a period of time after that, you seemed disturbed."

Kakashi, looked at the Uchiha amazed by the fact that he had been observing them so much, "It would be best if you asked Naruto for yourself."

Sasuke closed his eyes, "I would…but it's near enough impossible to find him."

Kakashi turned away from his student staring across the river, sighing he decided to answer the persistent Uchiha, "When he fought the resurrected Yondaime. You saw his transformation."

Sasuke, opened his eyes, absorbing the information "Yeah."

"The Kyuubi's chakra is something which can't be controlled. It is toxic by nature and damages Naruto every time he uses it." Kakashi put his hands on the railing pausing for a few moments.

Sasuke looked at the jounins back trying to figure out where he could be heading with this. His attention returned to Kakashi as he spoke again, "Out of desperation, he used too much of the Kyuubi's chakra, two thirds to be exact if the number of tails was an indication. You saw the shroud surrounding his body but there is also chakra rushing inside of him at the same time. He has no control when in such a state and will remain in it until his body can't take it anymore or if someone stops him. Out of all the people there, Jiraiya-sama was the only one who was capable of calming him… but he was too busy with Orochimaru at the time. You saw his state after the battle."

Sasuke stood straight as he addressed the ex-Anbu, "What does this have to do with anything? Hokage-sama cured him right after."

Kakashi turned to face the Uchiha, the sorrow showing in his exposed eye, "No Sasuke…she just delayed the inevitable."

End Flashback

Sasuke opened his eyes as the memorable pain of loss entered his heart. These past few weeks, he was slowly getting accustomed to being back in Konoha. He knew that things would never return to normal as they had been in the past because of his betrayal. Nonetheless he still had the trust of his friends.

He looked across the lake remembering his blonde companion. He couldn't understand how this could have happened. His remaining hope for things to turn out well had crumbled upon hearing of his coming death.

He felt the familiar feeling of loneliness once again creep up on him and leave him broken. He couldn't explain it but the torturing pain of losing his family once again clouded his senses as he felt his heart aching.

His mind was drawn back to his encounter with the jinchuuriki at the Valley Of The End. He had released his frustration when Naruto had tried to change his mind about leaving.

"What do you know about me, with no siblings and parents! You were alone from the start! What the hell do you know!"

Remembering the words he had said to the genin made him feel a wave of regret and guilt rush over him. He felt a watery substance cloud his vision as he attempted to hold it from escaping. The jinchuuriki's reply invaded his thoughts.

"It's true that I don't know anything about parents or siblings, but…when I'm with Iruka-sensei, I wonder…if this is what it's like having a dad…"

Sasuke looked at the sparkling water below him not seeing his own reflection but the face of Naruto from 3 years prior. He stared, taken aback at the image; the normally blue eyes were replaced with a fierce crimson colour as they stared back. But behind them was the pain of solitude and sorrow. His hands moved to the side of the wooden pier supporting him as he leaned forward looking into the eyes of his friend.

"…and when I'm with you…if this is what it's like having a brother."

Sasuke gritted his teeth as his grip around the pier tightened; his nails digging into the wood. His vision was completely obscured as he let two tears fall from his eyes to the water below. He saw the cheerless face of his friend disappear as the droplets of grief landed in his crimson eyes sending a ripple through the water.

Letting go of his emotions his arms shook as he fully understood what was going to happen. Realising, that if he hadn't gone to Orochimaru this wouldn't have happened, he felt angry with himself. Naruto had sacrificed his life just to bring him back from darkness. Rising from his position he headed off to confront the dying ninja.


Sakura walked up the stairs which led to Naruto's apartment. The sun had set leaving the night sky as well as the bright stars. She had decided to talk with the leaf-nin and tell him how she felt. Thinking about her mentor's words throughout the morning, she realised the best course of action would be to talk to the hyperactive ninja. Reaching the top she walked forward towards his apartment door. There was no light from the inside as far as she could tell.

She knocked on the door awaiting a response. Nobody answered and she knew that he wasn't home at the moment. She didn't know what to do. It had taken her all her courage to come here and talk to him but there was no one here. Knowing it would be a mistake if she left now, she decided to wait for his arrival since he had to come home sooner or later.


Naruto whistled as he walked with his hands folded across the back of his head. He looked around and found himself at Team 7's meeting place. He walked onto the bridge as the night sky covered the area in darkness, the only light being given from the glittering stars shining elegantly. He reached the middle of the bridge looking over the rail into the water below. It was quite dark but he could make the outlines of the fish swimming in the shallow river. He let a smile dawn his face as he enjoyed the undisturbed atmosphere.

His attention was aroused as he felt a presence. Turning, his eyes landed on the figure of his friend, "Sasuke?" He looked at the usually unperturbed ninja who seemed different. Glancing at his eyes he saw the disturbance behind them. Walking forwards a little he spoke, "Are you alri…"

He was stopped from finishing as the sharingan wielder charged forwards throwing a punch at his face. Naruto saw the strike approaching but made no attempt at blocking it, taking the hard hit head on. He fell on his back at the force of the blow leaving him staring at the stars above. Sasuke looked at his blonde friend as he calmly lay on his back, "…Were you even going to tell me?"

Naruto realised that the Uchiha knew. He closed his eyes as he thought of an appropriate response. "…We suffer because of our bonds."

Sasuke stepped back upon hearing his words since that was the exact thing he had said to the jinchuuriki when they fought at the Valley Of The End. Sasuke shook his head, "You were planning on dying…without even letting me know."

Naruto opened his eyes as he sat up. He brought one of his knees towards himself as he rested his arm on it. "…yeah."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, feeling desolate inside, "Why?"

Naruto looked towards the floor of the bridge they were situated on, "…You were right…"

Sasuke looked at the sitting shinobi, "Right?"

Naruto continued in a calm voice, "…at that time…I didn't know what it felt like to lose someone...but after, I understood." He was talking about their encounter at the Valley Of The End.

Sasuke realised what the genin was saying as he remembered his words from a few weeks ago.

"When you left…so did a part of me."

Naruto raised his face to look at the black haired teenager, the tears suppressed within his eyes and his voice broken, "…the pain of being alone hurts…but the pain of losing someone…slowly kills you inside." The tears fell from his whiskered visage on to the floor, "…that's what it felt like didn't it…Sasuke…when you lost your family?"

Sasuke tore away his face from looking at Naruto, now fully understanding how Naruto felt when he had left. He couldn't handle seeing the sorrow within his eyes. His own tears trickled down his face before he spoke, "Is this why you were willing to sacrifice yourself…just to save me."

Naruto had a heart-warming smile across his face as he stared at the Uchiha's downcast form, "…Everyone deserves some peace…a break from the darkness…an embrace from the light."

Sasuke looked at his friend, his hair no longer covering his mourning face as the unforgiving wave of sorrow crept up his back, "…So you sacrificed your own happiness…to bring me peace." He felt anger build within him, "You think that's right? You think I deserved that?" He stared at the unresponsive form of his friend, "ANSWER ME NARUTO!"

Naruto kept on smiling as he looked at the panting Uchiha, "…The people who suffer…they all deserve a chance for contentment."

Sasuke looked on disbelievingly, "What about your happiness Naruto?"

Naruto eyes showed distress but fortitude also, "A good Hokage puts the benefit of his people before himself…but a great Hokage…puts the benefits of everyone before himself…I find happiness in knowing I haven't failed those who needed me."

Sasuke fell back on to the wood below him. He couldn't believe what was happening. The same pain and heartache from the day he lost his family threatened to choke him. Speaking in a wrecked voice he asked the shinobi a simple question, "How long?"

Naruto gave a poignant sigh, "6 or 7 months…a year if I get lucky."

Sasuke punched the floor causing it to break a little, "Why! The Kyuubi should have enough chakra to keep you alive longer than that!"

Naruto looked at the stars as they sparkled, "He has enough chakra to keep me alive for over a hundred years."

The sharingan wielder spoke in a penitent tone, "How do you have so little time left then?"

Naruto closed his eyes inhaling the scent of the air, "His chakra is toxic. Right now it's surrounding all the chakra coils in my body keeping them in one piece. The only problem is that my coils haven't developed to take his chakra at a continuous rate. Having him give me a small amount of chakra constantly over a long period of time is the same as him giving me a lot of chakra at once…it'll damage me…eventually his chakra will begin to do the opposite of what it's doing now."

Naruto rose from his position and rubbed his jaw. He walked past the Uchiha before looking back with a genuine smile across his countenance, "You've got another chance…a new beginning…make the most of it."

Sasuke looked at the disappearing form of his friend; his eyes dropped to the ground. 'Yeah…but it came at a cost.'

Katon Gokakyu No Jutsu - Fire Release Great Fireball Technique

Hiraishin No Jutsu - Flying Thunder God Technique