
Naruto: The Uchiha Prodigy

===DISLCLAIMER=== THIS NOVEL IS NOT MINE!!! I only uploaded this here for personal reasons as I want to read it using webnovel as the platform Read the orginal at Fanfiction.net "Naruto: The Uchiha Prodigy" By: Rifat =============== Naruto (OC) was born in the Uchiha Clan and is the younger brother of Obito and Shisui. Witnessing and later finding out about the truth of the Clan Massacre, he instead chooses to protect the Leaf. Meanwhile he tries to resist the Curse of Hatred just like his family had done. Ship/Pairing: Naruto (OC) x Kasumi (Fem Naruto) Words: 223,356 [Normal Chapter at Webnovel usually is at 1-2k words per chapter. With that this novel is at leat 223 chapters long.]

Evelena21 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 13: The Wolves Are Here

DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine!! Read the original at fanfiction.net "Naruto: The Uchiha Prodigy" by Rifat


Ten Days Later, Zabuza's Hideout, Nami no Kuni.

Zabuza Momochi was many things.

He was ruthless.

He was a seasoned killer.

Above all, he had his pride as a shinobi. A master of the silent killing technique, Zabuza had often prided himself over the fact that he was one of the better shinobi of his generation. As a child, he had a peaceful life, if one could call a mass murdering child a normal one.

However, ever since the Bloodline Purges began Zabuza had been put in a bind. Several of his comrades had been killed because of the Yondaime Mizukage Yagura's growing madness. He too had killed several Kekkei Genkai users. He had even killed a large number of Yuki Clan members.

During one of his missions, his unit had killed a pregnant woman and her seven year old son. There was a witness to all this. A girl no older than three had seen her mother and brother cut down in front of her eyes. Instead of killing the child, Zabuza took her in and raised her to be his 'tool', while getting rid of the others who were with him. For reasons known to himself, Zabuza like many other of his peers revolted against the Yondaime Mizukage and had attempted several assassinations on his life.

It had failed. He then went rogue, collecting funds for the Rebellion. For years to come he would take any wet work, no matter what the situation was. No ideals, no greater glory. Simply blood and the payment he got for it. He had worked for many a scum and didn't complain. He had taken in the girl named Haku and made her keep up the ruse of the Hunter nin. All was going well, if things at the pace it was he would soon be joining the war.

However that pride over his skills that he had built through all those years with blood, sweat and tears had been scarrred ten days ago.

Kakashi Hatake was famous for a reason. His mastery with the Sharingan was such that his skills would shame many pure blooded Uchiha. In a single battle, Kakashi had defeated him and showed that Zabuza's skills had diminished over the years. The Demon of the Hidden Mist had lost his devilish drive. Zabuza could've swallowed the defeat at the hands of Kakashi. The man had over a thousand jutsu in his arsenal and was one of the people responsible for the destruction of the Kannabi Bridge, the event that was a major turning point in the Third Great Ninja War.

No, Zabuza was furious that he had been one upped... by a genin.

"That Uchiha brat." Zabuza scowled as he slashed the air around him in fury as he remembered the genin.

True he was an Uchiha, an Uchiha with a fully matured Sharingan. The last time this happened those shinobi came to be known as Shisui the Teleporter and Itachi the Clan Slayer. Both were shinobi who had earned the respect of the zanbatou wielding ex-Kiri shinobi.

But to think that a brat had outsmarted him and then caught him in a genjutsu, that had caused him to use a significant amount of chakra during his battle with Kakashi, was appalling to him.

A genin ensuring the defeat of a shinobi who was a part of the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Mist?




The only conclusion that any rational minded shinobi could come to. But Zabuza knew better. The brat was the younger brother of Shisui and had proved that to some extent. But that did not stop Zabuza from blowing a gasket as he remembered the Gunbai wielding genin. He didn't even learn the brat's name. Zabuza had to kill Gato. He needed the money. So Zabuza knew that while he took care of Kakashi, Haku would have to take care of the genin brats. The only pain in this ordeal was said Uchiha brat who was a wild card in this situation.

A five man cell certainly changed things.

Zabuza knew that the brat would meddle with the upcoming battle. Zabuza was healed but he needed three or four more days before he could be back in proper shape. He needed someone else to keep the brat busy as he would carry out his dirty deeds. And soon enough, that someone had arrived.

"So Zabuza san" the person in the shadows sitting idly said. "How much more time do you need?"

"Shut up." Zabuza said. He was trying his best to keep his cool. "I don't see what you're complaining about you only arrived a few hours ago. Yet, you already act like you're tired."

"Sorry." the voice replied back as the owner of the calm voice lied down. His bandaged sword lying beside him. "It's just I really want to see the kid who gave you a hard time."

"Keep talking like that and I might just do you in." Zabuza said.

"Perhaps we shouldn't have called him Zabuza sama." Haku said. "He is careless at times."

"I can hear that." the person in opinion replied. "Besides you shouldn't underestimate me like that Haku chan. I am one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen after all." The man said as he closed his eyes. He was completely calm. He knew that Zabuza wouldn't have contacted him unless it was absolutely necessary. He was a bit perked up by this. He had to avoid a fight with a certain snake a few days ago and this seemed like a good way to relax a bit.

Tazuna's House, Nami no Kuni.

Eight people were sitting at a table. They were peacefully enjoying their meal. Well as peacefully as they could. The risk of death had been looming over their heads. Kakashi had been monitoring the progress of his genin so far.

Naruto was by far the most unnatural genin he had ever seen. He almost reminded him of Itachi and Shisui too much. A true genius. He had hidden his skills long enough and was a true ninja. He had employed deception and convinced the entire world, he was merely a member of the Uchiha Clan's branch side.

Though when Kakashi thought about it, the branch clan itself had boasted quite a large amount of great shinobi themselves.

Kagami Uchiha, the Heir of Fire, one of the most revered shinobi from the First Great Ninja war was considered to be the most powerful Uchiha to come into the clan since the days of Madara Uchiha. He was considered to be the one of the finest squadron killing shinobi that ever came to be and was generally regarded to be one of the few who rivaled Hiruzen Sarutobi along with Hanzo the Salamander, the Ei the Third Raikage and Ohnoki the Fence Sitter.

As such he was considered a living legend, however his status as a branch member was something that cause the Main House to even feel more insecure about them to create a greater divide between the two houses.

Then his own son Genjuro Uchiha proved that he was a strong shinobi that should never be trifled with. His fire affinity was considered borderline insane and was appropriately dubbed the Lord Of Cinder, leaving nothing but ashes in his wake and the charred bodies of his enemies if you had invoked his wrath. His power was such that Hiruzen Sarutobi had considered making him one of the possible candidates for the position of the Fourth Hokage to not only improve clan relations with the village but also to dissipate the invisible border of prejudice between the Main and Branch houses.

His wife Satsuki was called the Queen of Cruelty. Her genjutsu abilities were thought to be impossible sometimes. The thin line between reality and illusions became blurred once she activated her Sharingan. Many a shinobi avoided her due to the fact that one could not stare away from her face which exuded a natural drawing beauty, and by extension people would stare at her eyes...the last sight so many dead shinobi had seen. Of course, it was a shame that she had contracted a incurable disease that caused her to die leaving behind two sons that would grow up beautifully.

Then the sons of Genjuro and Satsuki Uchiha.

Obito, considered a dead last in every term, had surprised everyone after him becoming a genin. His growth was commendable, but his chakra control was horrible. But still, Obito had proven he was worthy of the blood in his veins, even in his dying moments. He was a manifestation of the Will of Fire and even now his comrades toast a drink to his immortalized act of selflessness that triggered the beginning of the end of the Third Great Ninja War. While there would be no songs about him, he would be remembered by those who were there in the war.

His younger brother Shisui Uchiha, the Teleporter. A prodigy that rivaled Itachi, or perhaps even surpassed him in ways that could not be measured by normal shinobi skills, he was considered to be one of the next possible elite shinobi that would usher in a new era, however his untimely and mysterious death had halted that as well. His proficiency with the Body Flicker Technique was such that people assumed he used a jutsu similar to the Hiraishin. Shisui could leave afterimages in his wake with his speed. He could cast genjutsu at a long range and had a larger than normal fire affinity. He was considered a balance between his parents and a true prodigy.

Naruto however had hidden his skills for years.

Kakashi himself was mentally slapping himself to even think that Naruto would not turn out to be a genius.

It was clear by now that Naruto was easily a chunnin level shinobi. Jounin level once he used his Sharingan. Then there was the Gunbai he used. He himself had never seen such a weapon before and from the few moments he watched Naruto using it, he understood that it was not easy to control. The Gunbai itself consumed chakra because of the properties it was made from. Naruto also had a large fire affinity if the orange flames were any indication. He had also managed to catch Zabuza in a genjutsu, during his fight with the masked jounin.

This raised another question.

Why did Naruto Uchiha hide his skills?

What was the purpose?

Did he have more secrets?

These were among the many questions said masked jounin had in his head. Naruto could've easily been rookie of the year, though once he thought about it the title didn't mean anything. He also remembered Naruto being a bit distant and cold with everyone. Though he would have a polite outlook covering that stoic visage. It wasn't until Kasumi came into the shared picture with him, that Naruto was becoming a bit more lighter and social with everyone else.

He didn't have that emotionless look in his face anymore. Kakashi was glad and ashamed, to an extent. Glad that the younger brother of his former teammate had come out of his reclusive shell. Shame that he was never there to be a shoulder to lean on. Kakashi could tell that Naruto held no grudges towards anyone. Kakashi was proud at seeing a shinobi like this in this generation.

"Sensei," Naruto spoke up. He had a neutral look on his face. "There's something I'd like to speak to you about."

"What is it Naruto?" Kakashi asked. Usually the raven haired enigma never made such a statement before, so it was all the more intriguing to the man who knew over a thousand jutsu.

"In private, if you don't mind." Naruto said and he watched Kakashi get up. The silver haired jounin then proceeded to move out of the house. Naruto had gotten up himself. Lunch had gone uneventful and the shift for the day was done. Naruto and Kasumi's shadow clones had immensely helped Tazuna increase the progress and decrease the workload. Naruto then went out. He was sure that if Kakashi gave permission, he'd be able to get Kasumi a gift. A gift she deserved and had every right to keep it.

"Well Naruto what is it?" Kakashi asked. Naruto seemed a bit anxious if the look in his face was anything.

"Sensei." Naruto said. "This may sound weird and this is definitely the wrong time. But... I wanted to take Kasumi out on a date. So I decided to come ask you." Naruto was looking down and berating himself for even saying such a thing.

"Hmmm" Kakashi thought deeply as he put a hand on his chin. He knew that Naruto wasn't lying and people have gone more astray than usual on missions. "Okay."

"I understand. It wasn't- Wait what?" Naruto broke the sentence and blurted out the question. "You're actually allowing me to do that?"

"Well, normally I wouldn't. But since even I haven't seen the true level of your strength, I guess you can fend both for yourself and your girlfriend." Kakashi said with a perverse giggle. Naruto had the decency to blush but the former part of that sentence struck the chords of his attention.

"Hn." Naruto grunted, much against his better judgement. "I guess there's no point in hiding it. Is there?"

"Nope. Though I shouldn't be surprised." Kakashi said. "Everyone in your family was just as strong."

"That's true. But I want to be stronger." Naruto said as he looked at the pier beside Tazuna's house. He knew that Kakashi would sooner or later figure out his true battle capacity. It was always just a question of how long. "Aren't you going to ask why I hid my strength?"

"Aren't you going to ask why I hide my face with the mask?" Kakashi replied cheekily. "Relax Naruto. We all have our secrets. Honestly, at first I was worried. I even considered you a flight risk after I saw your Sharingan during the bell test. But later on I realized something. You were willing to break away the walls you so carefully crafted when it came to Kasumi's life. I know for a fact that if a fraction of a second passed more, you truly would've killed yourself then and there."

"I don't mean to sound cheesy sensei. But... Kasumi is... well... for the lack of a better term, my life's goal right now." Naruto replied as he smiled. He could freely admit that. He didn't want to hide that.

"That's true. A few years ago, Naruto Uchiha had just ignored everyone. He went about his own business. He wasn't even seen leaving the Uchiha Compound at times. He just stayed in the empty clan compound. Even Sasuke moved away from there, to get suppress the memories. You however, steeled your resolve. You took care of the compound and you weren't affected by it as much as he was. That really is something some shinobi should take out of your page." Kakashi said.

"Yeah. But sensei I would appreciate if you kept my strength a secret for now." Naruto humbly requested.

"Don't worry I will. But I need you and Sasuke to cooperate more." Kakashi said.

"I try sensei. But the boy won't listen." Naruto said followed by a sigh. "I can understand why he wants to get stronger. It's just his personality could use a serious adjustment. He was always glary, even before the massacre. And ever since, Tachi nii ... you know, he refuses to accept the fact that he needs people."

Naruto and Kakashi then heard yells coming out of the house. He then saw Inari rushing out of the house, fresh tears flew like dew in the wind. Naruto sighed.

The previous day he had heard the story about Kaiza. A person considered a local hero of Nami no Kuni. He was the closest thing to a father figure the boy had. Then Gato had executed him in the main town as if a show was going on. The boy's mind became warped after that and Naruto concluded that he lost hope that they would ever be free. He then saw Kasumi dash out of the house, in a rage mode. Naruto could only shiver at the sight.

Her eyes had become white and her hair was dangerously flowing up, forming the shape of nine very dangerous hair bangs that resembled a scene of great pain and furious anger. Kakashi too had a sweat drop.

"I... should probably try to save a few people." Naruto said as he followed the orange target in his eyes. Kakashi left alone sighed.

"Goodness. Kasumi is too much like Kushina san. Even their rage induced states are similar." Kakashi then took out his book. "Come to think of it. Naruto does act like sensei a bit. Calm and collected all the time, figuring out what the enemy will try to do and always making sure to hide you full capabilities. I wonder if it's a genetic thing thing going on."

A Little Bit Away from the House.

"Where are you you pint sized, toothless-" Kasumi was saying before Naruto cut her off.

"Sumi." Naruto said with a little bit of fear in his voice. "Is something wrong?"

"That kid!" Kasumi all but yelled. "How dare he?! I get that his hero died... but that doesn't give him the right to say that heroes don't exist-ttebayo! When I free this country I'm gonna make sure that kid bites his own tongue!"

Before she could continue, she felt Naruto's lips press against her and his arms snaked across her waist. They wrapped themselves around her and pulled her deeper into the kiss. Soon, their tongues entered the fray as both of them ravished each other's mouths. Suddenly, Naruto pulled away and Kasumi pouted with pinks staining her cheeks.

"Mou... why'd you stop?"

"Well." Naruto said as lightly pecked her on the lips once more "To calm you down of course."

"Cheater." Kasumi said before grabbed one of his arms and was walking with him. "Wait shouldn't we go back to the house?"

"Nope." Naruto said. "The shift is done for the day, courtesy of Naruto & Kasumi Shadow Clone Service. Tazuna san said that from now on we should make more clones as they speed up the process."

"Yay!" Kasumi cheered herself on. "Wait where are we going then?"

"Well I told Kakashi sensei that I'm taking you on a date and he allowed it." Naruto said as Kasumi grinned in joy. "But we're not going on a date."

"Mou... then where are we going?" Kasumi asked.

"Kasumi... do you know what the name of this country was called before it was named Nami no Kuni?" Naruto asked as he had an all-knowing smile on his face.

"No..." Kasumi said with a deadpan expression. "You know I don't like history that much Naru."

"True." Naruto said. "Before Nami no Kuni, this country used to be surrounded by whirlpools all the time. The name of this country was Uzu no Kuni."

"Uzu no Kuni? Land of Eddys?" Kasumi asked.

"Yes." Naruto replied as they went south in the direction of the main town. "This country did have a ninja village when it used to be called Uzu no Kuni. The village was known as Uzushiogakure. The Hidden Eddy Village. They were large allies of Konoha. But they also had a lot of enemies. In particular, Kumogakure and Iwagakure. They had combined their forces and wiped the Hidden Eddy. They were afraid of them and their main clan." Naruto finished.

"Who were the main clan of Uzu?" Kasumi asked and Naruto chuckled. "What's so funny Naru?"

"I thought you would've figured it out by now." Naruto said and Kasumi tilted her head in confusion. "The main clan of that village was the Uzumaki Clan."

Two Hours Later, The Remains of Uzushiogakure, Nami no Kuni.

"That's!" Kasumi gasped as she saw the spiral symbol every chunnin and jounin flak jacket had on it's back.

"Yes. The same swirl that all of us bear on our backs once we are promoted from genin. The symbol of Uzushiogakure. This is the original village of your clan Kasumi." Naruto said. It was nothing but a barren skeleton of itself. Most of the structures were destroyed and lying in the waters.

Naruto and Kasumi then kept walking until they arrived at a broken tower. It was scarred by time itself. The green moss covered the infrastructure and the red paint of the tower had become a blood clot brown. Yet there was a certain aura about the tower. Both of them entered and surprisingly found it much better maintained than the external features.

Soon both of them came to a door, but the door wouldn't open. Naruto tried several times but it wouldn't budge. As soon as Kasumi touched it though, it opened. Naruto whistled in awe.

"The beauties of Fuuinjutsu." Naruto said. "Looks like this is a Blood Recognition Seal like the one Shisui made. Only this one can identify your genes as an Uzumaki."

"Sugoi." Kasumi said and noticed that once she stepped into the room, Naruto couldn't.

"It's because of the seal Kasumi." Naruto said. "You have sealing scrolls with you right Kasumi?"

"Yeah I do." Kasumi said.

"How many?" Naruto asked.

"About five large." Kasumi replied. "Do you want me to do something?"

"Well it's about our fuuinjutsu." Naruto said. "I have knowledge and books that pertain knowledge upto Level Six. If you find the ones above Level Six make sure you seal it and bring it. After all, you are the heiress of the Uzumaki Clan."

"Baka!" Kasumi said as her cheeks flushed red. She had never even thought she would be a part of a clan. Much less be the heiress and visit the place which housed her clan. All this was nearly too much to take for her. She knew that Naruto brought her here to make her happy. "Fine. Anything else?"

"If you see anything you like, seal it and bring it. It's all yours anyway." Naruto said as Kasumi grinned like a mad scientist and disappeared into the room.

Two Hours Later, Outside the Tower.

"She must be sealing a lot of things." Naruto said. His ears then picked up some noises. He went forward to the Forest section and saw a baby wolf cub. A large wild boar was chasing it. Naruto saw the cub and immediately rushed to save it from the hog.

Placing the cub on a tree branch, Naruto threw his kunai and multiplied it with Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. One kunai became nine as it pierced the hog and killed it. Naruto got near the wolf cub and gently patted it on it's head.

"There we go little guy. I hope you're fine." Naruto said with a smile. The little wolf was a ebony black in color with some shade of blue around it's eyes. It's irides were a striking grey that sunk into you.

"Thanks." A child like voice came from the wolf cub.

"Yes you're- WHAT THE FUCK?!" Naruto jumped back as he realized the wolf cub had spoken. "Y-Y-You can talk?!"

"Of course I can. Name's Garoujin. Pleased to meet ya." The cub replied while raising one of it's paws. Naruto brought his hand in the ram seal and released some chakra while saying 'Kai.' He opened his eyes to see the cub looking at him strangely. "Something wrong buddy?"

"Oh...nothing." Naruto sighed. "How can you talk and where are you from?"

"I'm from Kabe no Kita. I can talk because I'm a direwolf." Garoujin said.

"Kabe no Kita? Sorry but I never heard of that place before." Naruto said. "Wait ... are you summon?"

"Well we are but we've never had a summoner before." Garoujin said. "Wait... OH CRAP... Dad's gonna kill me?"

"What do you mea-" Naruto didn't get to finish as a large puff of smoke appeared next to them.

It towered the forest. Far above the heights of a tree a mighty beast stood. It was pure white in color and had a red tail swinging in the air. The jaws of the beast were massive and it's eyes were a steel grey color. It had red markings around it's eyes. Finally the mouth of the beast opened.

"Human..." the beast spoke. The voice was deep and loud. It commanded respect. "What are you doing beside my cub... May I ask?"

"I found him here." Naruto said as he had instinctively activated his Sharingan. The beast looked at him somewhat impressed. Naruto wasn't afraid, even if he was he wasn't showing it.

"Yeah Tou san. He even saved me from that wild hog." Garoujin said as he pointed to the dead boar.

"Is that so?" the loud voice of the wolf asked.

"Yes." Naruto replied as he took Garoujin into his hands. and was going near the large wolf. He placed the cub near his father's paw. "Your dad's here now Jin. See you around."

"What's your name ningen?" the wolf asked.

"Naruto Uchiha." Naruto replied and the wolf sat down.

"You're different from most Uchiha." the wolf said.

"I've heard that too many times to be honest." Naruto replied. He then took out a something from his pouch before going over to Garoujin. It was a vial containing a pain relief liquid. "Stick out your arm Jin."

"Eh?" Garoujin asked in confusion as the large wolf stared at the two. "What for?" Naruto pointed out to a bruise on his leg and the wolf seemed surprised that Naruto noticed a scrape like that.

"Here this should help. You probably didn't even realize that you were injured." Naruto said as he finished covering the area with the pain reducing fluid.

"Thanks man. Wait I should give you something... I know! Hey tou san?" Garoujin spoke up. "He could be a summoner of dire wolves you know."

"Oi oi Jin!" Naruto said as he looked at the little cub. "Don't say things like that."

"Actually he's right." the large wolf spoke. "We've never had a summoner before. I don't see the harm in having one. Plus for an Uchiha, you really are quite different. You also helped save my idiot son when he was told not to come to these lands. Consider this my way of thanking you." The wolf then made some hand seals with his hand like paws and a large scroll appeared. It landed right in front of Naruto. The scroll was opened by the wolf and he looked at Naruto. "Sign your name here with your blood ningen. Do not refuse this offer. No human has ever had the pleasure of summoning direwolves to their aid. Plus, we'll get to see if you humans are worthy of summoning direwolves to aid them in combat."

"Okay." Naruto bit his finger and signed his name in one of the empty columns. The name glowed for a bit and then turned black. "Honestly speaking I'm kind of glad how this turned out. But where is exactly is Kabe no Kita?"

"Have you heard of Mt. Myoboku?" the wolf asked and Naruto nodded. Naruto had read extensively about the sannin Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze. Both were toad summoners of Mt. Myoboku "Figures. You humans hear about toads but you don't hear about dire wolves. It is an area similar to the Sage Regions. The only difference is that we live on gigantic island. The island is called Kabe no Kita because there is a large wall separating it from the rest of the world. Anyways, my name is Garougenki, the Boss of the Wolves. You saved my cub, for which I gave you the honor of being a summoner of our kind. We shall see just how far you can go Naruto Uchiha."

Before Naruto could say something, the duo of father and son disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Nice to meet you too." Naruto muttered to no one. He was inwardly smiling. He got his summoning contract today. He went to the abandoned tower and saw that Kasumi had just come out of the room.

"What were you doing in there?" Naruto asked.

"I found hundreds of high quality storage scrolls. I took them all." Kasumi said as she was grinning madly and had a strange look on her face. "Guess what Naru? I also found scrolls on a taijutsu style, suiton, doton and the remaining volumes of Uzumaki Fuuinjutsu."

"Great work Sumi." Naruto said. "We should go back now. We're going to have to lie you know?'

"Yeah." Kasumi replied. "By the way I noticed you came into the chamber after I came out of the room. What were you doing out there?"

"*sigh* It's complicated." Naruto replied.

"So you can summon wolves now?" Kasumi asked as she and Naruto were on top of Tazuna's house. Both were sitting and gazing into the endless sky which housed the stars.

"Yeah." Naruto replied. "It's kind of weird really. I did not expect to get much a summoning contract and that too in a manner like this."

Both then silently sat still. Their bodies were leaned against each other.

"Naru." Kasumi spoke up. "What do you think will happen when Zabuza shows up?"

"The same like last time. I think I can handle the hunter nin. You and the others should help Kakashi sensei when the time comes."

"Will you be alright?" Kasumi asked. She did not the know the full extent of Naruto's power but she knew he was the strongest of their age group. That didn't stop her from worrying about him though.

"Don't worry. I am going to be perfectly fine." Naruto replied. Both then headed downstairs to get some sleep. They'd have three to four days more before Zabuza and the Hunter would hypothetically show up.

Four Days Later, The Pier near Tazuna's House.

"And that takes care of that." Kasumi replied as she kicked the wanna be samurai unconscious. Gato had sent two grunts to kill or capture Tsunami and Inari. Luckily, both Kasumi and Naruto had gone out during their training session and Kasumi was a bit tired, so she overslept. Naruto opted to stay back and bring her with him to the Bridge. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise as they swiftly took care of the would be kidnappers.

"Thank you." Tsunami said as she hugged Naruto. Kasumi's eyebrow twitched. She hated that. When women would try to get close to her man. Why couldn't she just say it without hugging him? Would it kill her?

"It's alright Tsunami san." Naruto replied as he was released from the hug, and felt a chill going down his spine. Kasumi had an all too sweet smile on her face. He paled a bit. He then saw Inari crying silently. Naruto put a hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry Inari. Today... you'll see that heroes do exist. Ike Sumi." Naruto said as he dashed off.

"Inari." Kasumi said as she gave her foxy grin. "Remember what I said. I'm gonna prove my words and make you eat yours." Kasumi then chased behind Naruto.

"Kaa chan." Inari spoke. "Will those two... really free us?"

"I don't know sochi." Tsunami replied. "But if they can't, no one will."

"Kaa chan let's go to the town." Inari said.

"Why?" Tsunami asked.

"We're going to fight... just like Kaiza."

The Unfinished Bridge.


Sasuke and the Hunter Nin clashed with their kunai. Sasuke's chakra reserve has increased along with his control over it. He is smirking not because of his arrogance, but because of his confidence. Ever since the confrontation with Naruto a few days ago he understood one thing. Naruto does not care about his authority. He does not care that Sasuke is from the Main House. The confrontation also gave Sasuke a new understanding.

He would have to take matters into his own hands if he wants to achieve his goals. Which at the moment, was catching up to Itachi and kill him to avenge the clan. He couldn't use any distractions and shoved the thoughts of clan restoration with Kasumi aside, for now.

Now he faces the masker hunter nin. The hunter who was identified as Haku was probably around their age, maybe a year older. He was also skilled, skilled enough to make him feel that riled up for a fight. Sasuke was enjoying the battle. His Uchiha blood trait was blooming in the face of worthy foe.

Kakashi was meanwhile fighting with Zabuza who had returned fully healed from his injuries. Zabuza had once more coated the bridge with his accursed Hidden Mist jutsu. His Executioner Blade was clashed with the two kunai that Kakashi was using as his defense. Sakura Haruno was shielding the bridge builder Tazuna from any other annoyance that may show up.

"Kakashi where's the Uchiha Brat?" Zabuza asked as he slashed at Kakashi once more, who ducked and tried to kick Zabuza who backed off at the last second.

"He overslept." Kakashi replied as he Sharingan eye tried to look for the Demon in the Hidden Mist. "Don't worry though he'll be here soon enough. Along with the last member of our team."

"The Uzumaki brat, huh?" Zabuza's voice said. "I'll be honest with you Kakashi. I never expected to see another Uzumaki. Not in my lifetime. The last time I saw one was the Crimson Death herself. Me and another comrade fled once we saw her cut down members of the Cypher Division like they were nothing."

"I don't blame you Zabuza. Facing Kushina Uzumaki in a sword fight is considered tantamount to suicide." Kakashi replied as dodged the zanbatou coming for his midsection.

"Isn't that the bitter truth?" A new voice said as a barrage of kunai were thrown at Zabuza who deflected and blocked with his mighty sword.

"So the Uchiha brat finally shows his face. And the Uzumaki brat is here too." Zabuza said as he saw the too appear on the bridge.

"Alright no brows oji-san!" Kasumi said as Zabuza's eyebrow twitched violently "It's time to put you down for good-ttebayo!"

"You said that the last time as well gaki." Zabuza said as he chuckled a bit. "Unfortunately for you all of you are going to die. Starting with the duckbutt Uchiha who's fighting Haku."

"I doubt that Zabuza Momochi." Naruto said. "I'll be taking care of that hunter nin and judging by the way she did one handed seals, she must be a Kekkei Genkai wielder."

"Well aren't you a sharp kunai?" Zabuza said. "Her Kekkei Genkai is something that most people can't escape and that boy is going to die."

"Not if I kill Haku first." Naruto said as he moved towards the section where Haku and Sasuke were fighting. Suddenly Naruto stopped and backed away. He felt another presence.

"You're really are sharper than I thought gaki." Zabuza said. "You might as well come out now. The kid's a sensor type."

"Aww man…. All that work for nothing." A voice said as it cut through the mist. The perpetrator then jumped out of the water and walked up the legs of the bridge. He came into the clearing.

He was taller than Naruto by at least half a foot. He had white smooth hair with a light blue tint, it came down to his shoulders. His eyes held black irides. He was smiling and his pointy, sharp teeth resembled something remnant of a shark. He wore a black, sleeveless shirt and light-purple colored pants, that had striped light blue leg-warmers. He also wore black, toeless shinobi sandals. Around his neck bandages were wrapped similar to Zabuza's. A water bottle was attached to the belt around his waist.

On his forehead was a Kirigakure headband scratched out. He had a large sword on his back. It was wrapped in bandages and he was knuckling his fists.

"So you're the gaki who kicked Zabuza san's ass fourteen ways to this day?" the guy asked.

"Why you?!" Zabuza growled.

"Gomen Zabuza san. I know it was Kakashi who beat you. I'm just here to take care of the kid." The guy said as he looked at Naruto once more. "I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Mangetsu Hozuki. One of the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Mist and the guy whose going to have his hands stained in your blood."

Naruto was a bit shocked. To think that Zabuza would bring in another ninja from that group, was astounding and unnerving. That only proved that Zabuza saw Naruto as that much of a threat. Inwardly he felt a bit of pride, but kicked it aside while paying attention to Mangetsu in front of him. The man was smiling and completely relaxed. His sharp teeth gave off a grin that would send shivers down any man's spine.

"Mangetsu Hozuki." Kakashi spoke up. "The Second Coming of the Demon."

"Hey the Copy Ninja knows who I am! Well at least this day is going moderately well." Mangetsu said and then looked at Kasumi and whistled. "Who's the hottie?"

"Oi Jaws ripoff!" Kasumi yelled. "The name's Kasumi Uzumaki and don't you dare whistle again-ttebayo!"

"Geez what a temper." Mangetsu said with a sweat drop. "Uzumaki….. Haven't seen one before. Aren't all Uzumaki supposed to have red hair? Oh wait there is some red in your hair."

"Can we focus?!" Zabuza growled. "Mangetsu you take on the Uchiha brat. I'll take care of Zabuza and the others. Haku should be killing that other gaki soon." Naruto was about to move towards Sasuke but a sudden attempted slash stopped him from going any further. Mangetsu had tried to hit him with his bandaged sword.

"Ah ah ah…" Mangetsu said "We've got a fight to death Uchiha san. Let's not keep the Shinigami waiting."

"Sumi, go and help Sasuke." Naruto said as he put his hand on the handle of Hitokiri.

"Nani?!" Kasumi said. "But what about you and shark teeth here?"

"I have a name!" Mangetsu said.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him." Naruto said as he activated his three tomoe Sharingan. "Go and help him defeat Haku. He'll need your help."

"Fine!" Kasumi yelled. Then she went into menace mode as she made her threat. "You better win your fight Naru and come out in one piece…. Otherwise they'll be hell to play." She then headed towards the section the fight was going on.

"That was….. scary." Mangetsu said as a visible sweat drop formed on top of his head. "You are so whipped."

"Mangetsu san. I'd rather face you and Zabuza then stand in her path when she's angry." Naruto said.

"Tell me about it. Sometimes women get angry for no reason." Mangetsu said in a non chalant manner.

"Yes. And the worst part is all our defenses become virtually useless. They always get the last word." Naruto said accordingly, not believing that he was casually speaking with the person he was about to have a deathmatch with.

"Absolutely! Kami! Finally, someone who understands me. And when things don't go their way they just ye-"

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY!" the collected yells of everyone on the bridge came, directed towards the two soon to be combatants.

"Fine" both Mangetsu and Naruto said with a whine.

"You know Mangetsu san." Naruto said as a grin threatened to break on his face. He would be facing an elite shinobi on his own. "We could just walk away from this."

"Yeah we could" Mangetsu replied as his hands were twitching on the blade. "But where's the fun in that?"

"So do we do this as swordsman or ninjas?" Naruto said.

"Well…. Considering that both of us are here with our own different reasons to fight, there's no point in just locking blades." Mangetsu said as he took his stance with the blade. "We might as well go all out."

"Agreed." Naruto said as both he and Mangetsu jumped off from the bridge. Both shinobi landed on the surface of the water and stood away from each other.

"Before we fight I should introduce myself, seeing as you've done it as well." Naruto said. "Naruto Uchiha."

"Shisui Uchiha's little brother. Zabuza san told me about your bloodline. I guess that makes you Genjuro and Satsuki Uchiha's son. One day I'm gonna tell my kids how I beat their son." Mangetsu said.

"Or I'll tell my kids how I beat one of the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Mist." Naruto said with a smile.

"Well then are we just going to stand here?" Mangetsu said as he took the stance once more "or kill each other already?"

"Agreed" Naruto replied.

Both shinobi then dashed off towards each other. Mangetsu untapped all the bandages and revealed a blue blade that was large and Naruto unsheathed Hitokiri, the black blade gleamed with the red edge shining. Both have their own ideals and reasons to fight. However only one will survive.

As soon as they got near, Hitokiri met with the giant blade as the shockwave from the strikes sent miniature waves behind the sword wielders. Both had grins on their faces.

'This is going to be good.' Both shinobi thought at the same time.