
Naruto: The Shinobi Traverser

Toru is reincarnated into the Narutoverse. Although he started from the rungs of society, watch as he step-by-step progresses through the levels of shinobi. [No system/cheats] [No romance] [Male Gray? OC] [Power Fantasy/Progression] ------------------------------------------------------------------- I beg, I just want to write! Do not expect a regular schedule update! Somewhat quality writing IDK, fucking read the book...

Anonrite · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

The Genin Corps

Being a part of the Genin Corps was quite different from what Toru expected. Granted, the anime never went over the finer details of Konoha's bureaucracy, and the lives of common cannon fodder, yet the Genin Corps, and by extension, Chunin Corps were probably the best representation of the more modern militaristic side to the hidden village.

For those that failed the Jonin-sensei team test, after a taking few more remedial courses back at the academy, they were to join the ranks of the Genin Corps.

Both the Genin and Chunin Corps were structured the same. A collaborative team of Jonins and Special Jonins overlooked the entire program. Each Jonin had their own team of 10 to 15 Chunins directly under them, and an even larger team of 30 to 50 Genin under each Chunin. This allowed for a more direct and efficient method of communication between the ranks.

Genin to Chunin. Chunin to Jonin. Jonin to Hokage.

For referencing purposes one group under a Chunin will be referred to as a Genin unit, and respectively for Chunins, a Chunin unit.

On the first day of the new Genins joining rank, every unit was arranged properly and divided by the time of day: dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight.

Toru was assigned to a dusk Genin unit. It was explained to them that every day, spare one selected off-day, they were to sign-in at the Mission Center where their Chunin leader would give them task. If one were to complete a task before their end of the workday, then they were to continue taking task. Alongside the missions assigned, there was a group within a unit assigned to basic tasks, such as gate patrol, administrative assistance, and other such roles ordinary Genin could take up. Of course, to emphasize teamwork, and adaptability, Genin were expected to team up with one another to complete assignments, switching up every few weeks. Simply to get used to working alongside future battleground comrades.

All such work were rewarded with contribution points, which could be later redeemed at the Mission Center for exclusive ranked jutsus, one-day Jonin guidance, vacation days, and chances to take their ranks' following Chunin or Jonin exam. Thus, the missions assigned were of great motivation for both Genin and Chunin to contribute more and improve their status in the village.

Off-duty shinobi were given liberal freedoms to continue honing their powers, either through their access to the Konoha Library, public training grounds, or on their own time.


Now an official Genin, Toru was allowed to specialize in certain fields in the Konoha Hospital. It was possible to remain general, and continue expanding one's overall knowledge, but that did not meet Toru specific goals. He chose to specialize in prosthetics and minor surgery. He would need to know in the future how to connect the nervous system and chakra pathway with foreign objects in the body, and it was best if he could gain experience without having to carry out live-human experiments so early-on, potentially exposing himself.

Only now there was no risk of being under the direct gaze of a Jonin-sensei, Toru began to show more signs of his "genius" and quickly adjusted in his new roles in the Hospital and Genin Corps.

'I thought there would be more practices' Toru huffed. He recently asked around the hospital for the chakra control exercises that were specific to medical-nin. Tsunade, before her departure, left behind various exercises to give the doctors more meticulous chakra control especially for precise operations like surgery.

'If various you mean 3 exercises' Toru rolled his eyes. The practices consisted of a chakra malleable ball, that's goal is to make the user mold and bend the ball into different shape explicitly using chakra. Another was a starkly similar jutsu to the Sand Villages own puppet chakra strings, only the goal was to continue making the strings smaller and longer to pick up light weight objects. Toru was not privy to know of the last practice, the head nurse argued that it was only for someone exclusively permitted by Tsunade herself.

'Probably her Strength of a Hundred Seal.' Toru mused, 'Not that I'll need it for my plans, and it's draining life force side effect is an unnecessary risk'

He busied himself in chakra control exercise while completing the majority of his assigned mission from the corps.

Today, Toru was on gate patrol. He had the time to fix his mind on other task as he knew the only big occurrence that would occur next would-be Kurama's release, alongside Minato and Kushina's death.

So, he was walking around playing around with the malleable chakra ball in his hands.

It was fairly easy for him to make different basic shapes and structures, so he moved on to more defined, detailed, ornate smaller objects. The small clay-like ball was stained a light blue as his chakra flowed within it. He continued to compress his chakra on the outside and inside of the clay, molding it into a key-like shape. Next, he worked on the grooves and creating dents on the side.

Soon a small blue key rested in his hands, inscribed with small lettering and designs. He pulled out his original key and compared the two.

'It's stupidly hard to compress chakra to this degree, I can understand why the third step of the Rasengan would be so difficult to achieve with all the rapidly moving chakra inside.'

He suddenly looked up, placing both keys back into his pocket and pretended to be on guard as a supervising Chunin, not from his unit passed by.

In his pockets he released the chakra contained within the blue key and it returned back to its tan colored, spherical shape.

'Training and Training, that's all I can do before the real action starts to pick-up'

Outside of working in the Hospital and his daily assignments given by his leading Chunin, Toru spent the rest of his time developing genjutsu. It was almost time for him to make a move against one of the Yamanaka clan members. However, because of their talents in Yin chakra and mind jutsus, it would prove especially hard to place one of their core members who would have learned their clan jutsu under his illusions. They did not have a natural resistance to genjutsu, as did the Hyuga clan's Byakugan, but it would be much more difficult to place them under a illusion than a normal shinobi.

In his arsenal now, he had Genjutsu: Gullible Command and Genjutsu: Imposing Aura.

They were to work in conjecture with one another. Gullible Command would make the user seem to be a higher-up in the eyes of the person under the illusion, while Imposing Aura would superimpose a feeling of suffocation and submission, subconsciously making the person comply to the others order.

The combo would work on normal civilians, however there was an issue, Toru found, with the physical presence and voice of the supposed superior of the victim. However, he planned to make a third audible Genjutsu, to complete the trio. Thus, Toru figured working towards an upgraded, more refined version to the basic academy Transformation jutsu his next play.

The basic transformation had a limitation in transformable size and was easily seen through by Byakugan and Sharingan.

It would be useful to begin the process of developing what would become one of his most reliable jutsu, for when he would be travelling between villages as a missing-nin. If Konoha ever placed a high enough importance on his disappearance.

It was this reason why Toru was practicing chakra shape transformation, so his future jutsu would have a more long-lasting effect.

'If Tobirama could create the Shadow Clone Jutsu based on the principals of the basic transformation and clone jutsu, why can't I do the same, with the greater amount of information at my disposal.'

Unlike Tobirama Senju, Toru was from a modern world, where problem solving was highly developed and emphasized.

Instead of casting an illusion over himself, Toru wanted to create a physical chakra construct, a small, more primitive version of the Susanoo, to act as his advanced Transformation jutsu. Hence, his focus on the earlier small decorative key. However, it would be much more arduous to mold his own chakra and subconsciously hold it for long periods of time. More training he needed.