
Chapter 17:

Moving on, he then showed him the actual barracks where the unseated and seated officers-excluding himself and Sui-Feng-slept, then directed their attention to the main building where the administrative offices were located. Their tour was cut a little short when Yoruichi reappeared in a burst of shuno, dressed in her shihakushou and white haori, but Naruto wasn't complaining.

"Having fun you two?"

Omaeda saluted the woman as Sui-Feng appeared next to her, standing at her shoulder dutifully. "I was just giving Namikaze-sama a tour of the facilities, Taichou.


Yoruichi smirked and turned her attention to Naruto, who had hung his head and placed a hand to his forehead in exasperation. "How do you like it Naruto?"

Naruto looked up again, dragging his hand down his face. "It's nice, but aren't we supposed to be somewhere Yoruichi?"

Yoruichi frowned, then pouted childishly. "Did you just call my amazing barracks, 'nice'? Not awesome, or amazing, or awe inspiring.

Just nice?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's nice; and we have an appointment correct? We should get moving before we end up emulating an old friend of mine.


Yoruichi snorted after a moment of thought, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Kami-sama bless that man for providing her with endless hours of amusement at the expense of those he always managed to catch flat footed.

After a moment or two quietly snickering to herself, Yoruichi nodded and ordered Omaeda along as well since this meeting would require the presence of both the Taichou's and their Fuku-Taichou's. Sui-Feng would have to remain behind as she wasn't even a seated officer yet, even though she was nearly as strong as Omaeda.

When the three of them were finished saying their goodbyes to Sui-Feng, leaving her to train in the yard with the other members of the Onmitsukidou, they left the Niban-tai barracks and made their way deeper into Seireitei.

It only took them another twenty minutes to arrive at the Ichiban-tai barracks, and when they did they were greeted by Sasakibe Chojiro, the squad's Fuku-Taichou; he was a tall man with hair that had gone silver with age, apparently being one of the oldest Fuku-Taichou still on active duty. He immediately directed Naruto through a set of shoji doors which Naruto quickly realized upon entry led into the office of a short old man with a very long white beard and large eyebrows.

Looking back at Yoruichi, she nodded and then left for the far end of the hall with Chojiro and Omaeda following behind her.

Closing the door behind him, Naruto made his way over to the desk, standing in front of it and submitting himself to the older man's closed eyed scrutiny. After several moments, the old man opened one of his eyes only slightly and spoke.

"Your reiatsu is being actively suppressed, masterfully as well if I might add Namikaze-san. " Yamamoto stated calmly.

"I believe it has something to do with those symbols on your wrists?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow, surprised by the elderly man's ability to see passed the seals he had placed on the 'vents' on his wrist, which were the source of the outward flow of reiryoku that produced a being's reiatsu. With a nod, Naruto remained silent, waiting for the older man to continue.

"Very interesting Namikaze-san; those symbols create some sort of extremely complicated kido unlike any I've seen. Derived from your time living in District Thirteen I presume?" Another nod, and Yamamoto's eye closed once more.

"I would like to introduce you to the Captains in a moment, since you will undoubtedly be working with them in the near future; but first I would like to ask how you have been faring here in Soul Society?"

Naruto scratched at his cheek as he attempted to formulate a proper response. "Better than can be expected actually, I've been to some of the outer districts of the Rukongai, and I'm lucky I was placed where I was.

It took me quite a few weeks to adapt to using reiryoku after all, so for those first few weeks I was essentially powerless. " Pausing for a moment and taking in the elderly man's lack of reaction, Naruto cleared his throat and continued on.

"I managed to build myself a compound out in Hokutan, and have been living off the land for the most part ever since. Other than that, it hasn't been too bad.

. .

other than the boredom that quite regularly sets in on me. "

An odd sound, almost like chuckling met his ears then. "Perhaps we can fix that.

You have quite the vast reserves of reiryoku, quite a bit greater than any I've sensed in my many years. Perhaps the title the Shihouin Clan Elders have bestowed upon you was more accurate than we had originally assumed.


"'God-Slayer' huh?" Naruto muttered distastefully.

Yamamoto nodded before standing from his seat and picking up his cane from where it had been leaning against his desk. "You did after all slay a primordial demon god known as the Juubi, and the Goddess Kaguya while you were alive, and barely seventeen years old, so the title itself holds merit.

" Walking around his desk, Yamamoto stood next to Naruto, his presence actually making the hair on the back of his next stand on end at the proximity. "Never-the-less, for the time being I see great potential in you Namikaze-san.

Please do not betray the trust I am placing in you by allowing you to join the Goteijusantai. "

Naruto nodded, and the two were off for the meeting hall where the Taichou of the Goteijusantai were waiting for them to arrive.

When they did arrive, the other Captains were standing in two rows on either side of the door, leading up to a raised platform where Naruto assumed Yamamoto would stand. When he was proven right, Naruto was directed to stand in the very center of the room, with Captains on both sides and Yamamoto in front of him.

Tapping the bottom of his cane on the floor, the sound it produced being like a hammer striking stone, Yamamoto peered out at the Captains from beneath his brows. "I hereby call this meeting to order; we are here to discuss the Official In-statement