Yoruichi sighed, ignoring Omaeda's scandalized expression. "It was.
He will be unable to enter Soul Society for the next six hundred years, which means he will be instantly reincarnated upon death until that time is up. The full deal included another two clauses as well, the first was that a competent shinigami be sent to watch over his son and ensure that he didn't die before his time.
" At that Naruto raised an eyebrow. He hadn't expected that, but he could make the connection pretty easily.
"As you have probably just figured out, I was that Shinigami. It was my mission to keep you safe from the more supernatural elements.
Demons, spirits and the like who would want to absorb your power and that of the demon who had been sealed inside of you. It was a relatively easy gig, since hollows don't actually enter District Thirteen because the inhabitants are so dangerous.
" Yoruichi paused to sip her sake and Naruto nodded, having figured as much; before he could ask what the second clause was however, Yoruichi reached into her kimono and pulled something from within the many folds, most likely from her cleavage. "This is the second clause of the agreement.
" What she had pulled out from within her kimono was a small piece of paper, it was colored a bright gold and had writing on one side. "Congratulations Naruto, by Order of Central 46 and Yamamoto Sou-Taichou, you are hereby the First Generational Head of the Namikaze lesser Noble House.
" Tossing the rigid tag over towards him, it landed on his end of the table with a dull thump to accompany the sound of Omaeda choking on his sake.
Naruto wasn't much better off, he had literally just been handed a golden ticket. Named as Nobility when he'd done nothing to deserve the title.
. .
well, at least he didn't think so anyway.
Many others would have looked at Naruto at this point in a full out dead-pan. Stupid Naruto, never changes.
Yoruichi wasn't finished though. "I've asked the Hachiban-tai-Taichou to have his men keep a close eye on your family in District Thirteen as well.
" At this Naruto's head snapped up, and he locked eyes with her. She was wearing a gentle smile now, and her golden eyes filled with warmth.
"They're doing well; last I heard your kids had children of their own and have made it their mission to restore the Uzumaki and Namikaze Clans in District Thirteen. You are now the Grandfather of four girls and three boys, most of them look like you.
Carbon copies almost. " Reaching into her Kimono again, Yoruichi pulled out a small folder before picking up her sake, bottle and all, and moving around the table until she was sitting on his left.
She set the folder down between them along with her sake, and opened it.
Naruto immediately reached down and picked up the first item that caught his eye. It was a photograph of an elderly woman whom he assumed to be Shion standing with four adults, two on either side.
He recognized two of them immediately.
To her left, was a beautiful woman with short blonde hair a shade lighter than his own but just as wild, with eyes a shade of blue so clear they resembled the cloudless sky. She had his nose, but her mothers face, and standing next to her was a man who looked a great deal like Shikamaru.
He even had the same lazy expression on his face and a similar pineapple styled hair-do. To her right there was a blonde man with purple eyes like Naruto's mother Kushina, he was tall, maybe about as tall as Naruto himself, and he was standing next to a slender young woman with short black hair and gentle green eyes.
Sitting at their feet and posing rather childishly for the camera were seven children only about six or seven years old at the most; four of them girls and three boys, three of them possessing black hair in various styles and the others all blonde haired and blue eyed. In the centre of them all was an old photo of Naruto from just before the war.
He had a charming smile on his face and was giving a thumbs-up to the camera.
Kami he looked so young in that picture.
When his vision began to blur, he raised a hand and wiped at his eyes, his fingers coming away moist. He sniffed and set the photo back down on the folder and picked up the handkerchief next to a bowl in front of him.
"Sorry bout this, must have something in my eye. "
Omaeda scoffed, receiving a harsh glare from Sui-Feng who had at some point moved over to Naruto's other side and was now looking at the various photographs attached to the folder. There were papers within as well, all with various information about his children; occupations, education, bank accounts, everything they could possibly want to know.
"They're beautiful Naruto-sama; is that your wife?" Sui-Feng asked, indicating the elderly woman in the photo standing next to his photograph.
Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat, dabbing at the corner of his eye with a cloth. "We never married, though we were going to when the war ended.
Mind you, I had probably close to six fiances before I died. " Yoruichi merely chuckled, while Sui-Feng looked scandalized at that admission.
Seeing her look Naruto waved his hand dismissively. "There are certain laws about restoring clans in the Elemental Nations that are shared throughout the villages.
As the last living member of two clans it was my responsibility to repopulate them. This usually meant marrying more than one woman in an attempt to produce as many offspring as possible.
Shion and I were successful, but I never had a chance to settle down with her and the others before the war started in earnest. "
Sifting through the photo's on the table he saw a variety of different items. His son and daughter playing in a large sand-box in a park at five years old or so.