
Naruto: The Honoured One

A Naruto with six eyes Who can travel the multiverse

SDOxGENESIS · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

The Start of Academy Life

After talking with Hiruzen for sometime he proposed to eat outside, and I readily since I at least want to empty his wallet, since he and his friends devoured all the belonging of my parents for their so called 'village reimburesment'. 

We arrived at the Ichiraku's and don't want to brag but sell some heveanly stuff. After that bowl over bowl I ate a total of 17 bowls of ramen. The hokage was crying anime tears while looking at his wallet. While eating he also told me that he was the hokage, and for conformation he also told me to remember the faces on the hokage monument. 

Then I asked him the most prized question, "then Jiji why don't you tell the villagers to stop calling me the demon fox ". Then he looked at me started to rant about how I should work to gain their acknowledgement and earn their respect and started to blabber about the will of fire bullshit. I complied with him and said "Ok jiji make sure they acknowledge me and I will earn their respect". He smiled while looking at me, I know what he must be monologueing in his head like 'Yes, Brainwashing mission accomplished'.

Then he gave me a subsidy of 5000 Ryos and provided with an apartment where Naruto lived in the canon. I accepted it since I don't want to live in the wilderness, as for the subsidy I knew it was too low for a growing Uzumaki but what can I say , I don't want to make suspicious movement since I don't want to meet his 'boyfriend'.

After everything He was about to go but stopped him and said " I wanted to buy some clothes and some bandages, since they won't sell me anything".

He looked at with a wavering gaze and said to follow him to the clothing store. I entered a clothing store, the owner was about to lash out me but he stopped when his gaze fell on the hokage. I bought only three pairs of clothing since the subsidy will only arrive the next month. The shopkeeper didn't try to take extra money since the hokage was nearby, after that I went a to a weapon shop and bought a pair of long bandages. The hokage asked why me why did I bought the bandages, I told him " I don't jiji whenever I keep my eyes open for a longer It starts to hurt a little". He looked at my eyes trying to inspect to inspect if anything is wrong with them. I also gave him a hint by saying " It doesn't matter if I keep my eyes open or close I can still tell if anything is nearby me". He looked at me with shock in his face but he quickly composed himself and said "Well Naruto if anything happens please tell me immediately ok?". I nodded and we headed our seperate ways. 

(A\N: for the curious readers I would say I still haven't given him the classical gojo uniform since I can't think of a chubby little boy with wearing that type clothes but don't worry I change it around graduation or chunnin exams)

2 years later

Just Like that 2 years passed by and here I was standing in front of the academy listening to the hokage who standing at podium again rant about the will of fire and what not. I was getting hella bored and after an eternity later the hokage stopped and got assigned to our classes. I was assigned to the A-1 class same as the canon. After arriving at the class I decided to take the last bench near the window. A little while later the class started to fill up and everyone one the rookie 9 arrived one by one shikamaru and choji came first and shino, kiba, and hinata came one by one and how can we forget about the emo man with him also arrived the banshee and ino. When they arrived the class noise doubled because of the both of them.

Everything was like the canon girls were drooling over the emo man and there was kiba who voiced out thoughts against him and got his ass beaten by the girls. Suddenly the classroom door opened and came the classroom teacher of A-1 class Iruka umino and he came near his desk shouted with his big mouth jutsu " SILENCE". The whole class quited down and he continued " hello everyone my name is Iruka Umino and I will be your classroom teacher for the next 6 years. For starters why don't we start introducing ourselves, from the front desk right corner". Just like that the cannon fodders started to introduce themselves. 

"My name is Shino Aburame, and I like bugs."

"My name is kiba Inuzuka, and this is akamaru, and I like dogs."

"My name Ino Yamanaka, and like flowers."

"My name is Sakura Haruno, and I like........." (Author and readers: we don't fucking care)

"M-M-My name is H-H-Hinata Hyuuga, I like to press Flowers" and then she looked at naruto's direction and didn't say anything more

"Hn My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I like training with my brother".(the massacre didn't happen yet:)).

" My nom nom name Is nom nom is Choji Akimichi, And I like eating nom nom". A vein was trying to pop out from Iruka's head.

"What a drag, my name is Shikamaru Nara, and I like cloud watching".

And at last my turn came, I stood up started to introduce myself " My name is Naruto uzumaki, and I like to run around the village". While I was introducing myself some students were looking at me with curiosity and some were looking at me weirdly since I had bandaged my eyes.

Meanwhile Iruka had a complicated face since he didn't want to look at the infamous demon fox of the village. After sometime he said, well the introductions are complete I will provide the materials for this semester and we will start our lecture right away". 

This semester we don't any ninja related stuff since we are still 6 years old. Next year we will unlock our chakra. The lecture started and a little while later I was thrown out of the class, while him saying that I wasn't paying attention to his class, and I didn't bother to clarify since I knew he wouldn't budge. 

And just like that my academic year started.

(A\N: I dodn't know in naruto when the academic year started so I just add it myself).