
Naruto: The Grey King

Ray died while saving his friends and due to some divine intervention got transmigrated into Naruto's Body. what maelstrom will this change bring? let's find out. Pairing: Naruto/Hinata A/N: In this novel, the world will be much more realistic and dangerous. A/N: hey guys previously I was known as bloodycake and published a fanfic by the name 'Naruto Saga'. for some reasons, I can't access that account anymore. and since I was not happy with 'Naruto Saga', I am rewriting it with the title Naruto: The Grey King' with a more realistic and brutal world.

MohitGOD · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

[Naruto's Apartment] [Next Morning]

Naruto with a groan opened his eyes. He then checked his body. The physical damage his body suffered last night has already been healed probably because of Kyuubi's healing factor. But his head was still pounding, he then looked around and his eyes landed on the now dry patch of blood. Just as he saw blood, all the memories from last night came crashing down on his being like a tsunami.

His face then turned green and his stomach churned. He hurried toward the toilet and vomited his guts out. Ten minutes later he stumbled into the room and collapsed on the nearby chair. He then started analyzing his memories of the last night and a lone tear escaped from his eyes. "No, I didn't do anything wrong, it was either them or Hinata Chan." He consoled himself. It was not easy to cope with the feeling of murder.

Murder … he was a murderer now, he thought with a dark look. He then remembered Hinata and a small smile appeared on his face which soon turned into a sigh. "sigh, at least she is safe."

He pondered over going to his morning training but decided not to. He was too tired to focus. Naruto then drank a glass of water to soothe his stomach and went to take a shower. He then ate some Light breakfast and started preparing his lunch.


While Naruto was preparing his lunch, the entire Hyuuga compound was in a state of panic. Their grand elder was found dead in his room along with an anbu with a black anbu mask. Hiashi examined the crime scene, others might not be able to realize but it was clear to him that it was a setup.

He looked at Hirohito's corpse and remembered his conversation with Naruto. Just thinking about the possibility of killing an elder and root anbu all alone made him shivered. He wasn't bothered by the death but with the swiftness, it was carried out. In the end, a sigh escaped from his mouth 'What have I gotten myself into?'


[one hour later]

A transformed Naruto appeared some distance away from Hyuuga's compound. He moved toward the entrance and before he could enter two Hyuuga appeared in his path and stopped him. "Apologies sir, but no one is allowed to enter the compound for the time being".

"What's the matter?" pretended Naruto. "there was an assassination incident" explained one of the Hyuuga. Hearing this our blonde hero nodded and walked away. Turning to a corner he made a series of hand seals and transformed into a sea eagle he then took off and flew past the guards.


Looking at the open window, naruto flew in and perched on a nearby chair. Naruto looked around and saw Hiashi behind the table looking back at him with a frown. Seeing this Naruto smirked and with a puff of smoke transformed back into his real self. Hiashi was about to attack when he saw the smoke but stopped himself in time.

Naruto then came closer and sat opposite to his future Father in law. "greetings Hiashi san, I heard you had a rough morning". The Hyuuga head narrowed his eyes at this. "well, I guess it is all thanks to you."

Naruto smiled innocently and replied, "I don't know what you are talking about Hiashi san." Hiashi's eyes narrowed at this "Cut to the chase Naruto and tell me what happened" he asked again.

Feeling the tension in the room Naruto sighed and started his explanation of last night's events. At the end of his story hiashi had a serious yet angry look on his face. "Damn! You Danzo" he mumbled. He then looked at Naruto with a grateful look. "Thanks, Naruto for what you have done for my daughter and Hyuuga clan as a whole. If in future you need any help, do tell me."

"well, you can help me right now," said naruto with an embarrassed look. Hiashi smiled at this "what do you need?"

"Soon, I will be writing some books and novels in different fields. So, if you can help me in publishing them it would be a great help" Said naruto. 'Well that's surprisingly easy' thought Hiashi. He then nodded toward Naruto who smiled in return. Then a "Knock" was heard.

Hearing the knock Hiashi looked at Naruto who transformed into a pillow on the chair. "Come in" Hiashi ordered. The door was slowly pushed and Hinata walked in with a nervous look on her face. "Do you need something Hinata?" asked Hiashi. Realizing that it was Hinata Naruto was about to change back when he heard.

"Father I want to talk to you about Naruto Kun," said Hinata in a nervous tone.

After hearing this Naruto decided to wait while on the other hand, an amused glint appeared in Hiashi's eyes. He then motioned Hinata to take a seat. Which turned out to be a mistake.

Hinata looked down and sat down on the chair that had a comfortable looking pillow on top of it. "Muff". realizing what was about to happen Hiashi opened his mouth to speak but it was already too late.

'hmm why does this pillow smells like Naruto Kun and Oh my god it is so soft.' thought Hinata. She then remembered what she was here for and spoke nervously. "Father I just wanted to let you know that I have become Naruto Kun's girlf… I mean friend." Hiashi looked at all this with a twitching eye. "I know you wouldn't approve of our friendship but don't be angry at him, you can be angry at m…" her rambling was stopped by Hiashi who then spoke in a calm tone, "It is fine Hinata".

"It's fine?" questioned a shocked Hinata. Hiashi sighed at this and said "Yes, Naruto and I Had a rather fruitful conversation yesterday. One thing led to another and he convinced me to let you train with him for the rest of the year."

Hinata stilled at this and then started jumping on the Chair. "Ah" 'What was that' thought Hinata to herself. She then thought of something and asked. "But what about the academy?"

"That has already been taken care of by Naruto. He will explain to you later, now if I remember correctly he should be arriving at the front gate in about 10 minutes, just remem…" before he could finish Hinata stood up with a start and ran out toward the compound's entrance. Seeing this Hiashi rubbed his forehead.

Moments later, a blushing Naruto transformed back to his real self and mumbled quietly "That was kinda … heavy". But Hiashi heard this. He then took out a black box from his table, from the box he retrieved an execution blade and then looked at Naruto with an evil grin, "So, you think she is fat huh" stating this he unsheathed his blade.

Seeing this Naruto's body acted on its own and went into hyperdrive and he disappeared with lightning 'Body flicker'.

"Get back here you bastard"

(A/N: A 9-month time skip is coming in the next chapter so be prepared.)

(A/N: Hey Guys, there are 14 advance Chapters from 19 to 32 on my patre0n page. So if you are interested, check them out on:

patre0n.c0m/MohitGOD )

Thanks; Jayden, lachlan Howells, Anonymous, Max Buckner, Whitewolf and Mary Gomez for supporting me on parte0n. I really appreciate your help guys.

MohitGODcreators' thoughts