
Naruto: The Ghost of the Senju

Sohum_karmaker · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Graduation exam.

Madara Pov:

After convincing dad about taking an early graduation all that was left to do was convince my friends to take it early as well.

Well Tsuna was a given she practically threatened to disown me if I didn't put her name in the list.

Geez ... For crying out loud!

Doesn't she understand that after her grandfather it's going be me who would be the leader of the senju !

So if anyone is gonna disown anyone than it would be me disowning her and not the other way around!

God that girl can be unbelievable!

Hashirama, Sakumo, Jiraya, Orochimaru and Halena didn't need any convincing to begin with.

All of us were just biding our time in the academy anyways, so when dad allowed for an early graduation everyone just leapt at the opportunity in front of them.

Everyone except Might Duy that is....

To be honest it was depressing, the amount of inferiority complex that he had regarding himself.

Like the guy was the developed and mastered the eight gates technique! And if still if he thinks that he is not good enough and lacks talent ,then according to his logic only Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama deserve to be called Ninja...

Are you fucking kidding me!!!

But it was nothing that a good old fashioned ass kicking couldn't fix.

And a good old fashioned ass kicking is what he got courtesy of yours truly...

After all that was settled all of us took the graduation on the very next day and as expected all of us passed..

I was initially interested in how the team grouping would be and who would be in my team?

Next week the teams were announced and they were:

"Team 7

Joinin teacher : Kagami Uchiha.


Madara Senju

Hashirama Uchiha

Sakumo Hatake.

Team 8

Jonin teacher : Hiruzen Sarutobi.


Tsunade Senju



Team 9

Jonin teacher: Kurenai Uchiha


Halena Uzumaki

Might Duy

Ren Hyuga. "

What the fuck me, Hashirama and Sakumo are I the same team???

Screw team 7 we should just call ourselves team Domination lol cause we were freaking over powered!

Heck we even Got uncle Kagami as our teacher!!!

Seems like Dad went all out when it came to deciding a team for me lol...

Tsuna, Jiraya and Orochimaru were in the same team with Hiruzen being their teacher, well no surprises there I guess.

Though it was kinda funny seeing Hiruzen's face after finding out that I was not in his team.

Yea no thank you , you brainwashing Hypocrite I would rather not be a Ninja at all then learn from you Hiruzen Sarutobi!

I thought to myself.

It was interesting to see aunty Kurenai as a jonin teacher. But I guess she was there to ensure the safety of Halena Uzumaki.

It would be intresting how things turn out for them, an Uzumaki along with a civilian and a Hyuga Ninja being trained by the wife of the current patriarch of the Uchiha Kagami Uchiha.