
Chapter: 9

Sword Qi: Creates of an Aura around your sword allowing one to strike faster and continuously. Flame Qi burns hot, Lightning Qi strikes faster, Water Qi strikes fluidly, Earth Qi strikes harder, Wind Qi strikes sharper.

Martial Qi: Fist of the Heavens: Fist of the Moon, Fist of Mars, Fist of Jupiter, Fist of Mercury, Fist of Neptune, Fist of Pluto, Fist of Saturn.

#Skies over Amaraki Sea#

Naruto looks over both sword and martial qi with both skills being very interesting bonuses, especially fist of the heavens that can make his other martial arts stronger. It has been a week since he left konoha as he heads north, stopping for dailies, food and dealing with some bandits but also buying some winter clothes. He is currently wearing black cargo pants with some seals to keep him warm, combat boots with slip resistance. A fitted long sleeve shirt, black gloves, a heavy dark jacket, a half mask on his face and goggles over his eyes.

"You'll have to test them out on appropriate opponents" musashi says.

"Yeah" naruto muses and begins to see large glacier ice sheets but also a large ship near one the ice sheets.

Optional Quest Received! Yes/No

Save Princess Koyuki Kazahana and Free Snow Country from Tyranny!


1) 100000EXP

2) 500 Rep Koyuki Kazahana

3) 750 Rep Snow Country

"Seriously?!.. A Optional Quest out here" naruto says, halting in the sky.

"Perhaps but who is Koyuki Kazahana" musashi says and naruto accepts the quest, flying down as fighting is going on. He uses observe and sees snow ninjas Fubuki, Mizore and Roga fighting kumo ninja Samui, Karui, Omoi and Yugito Nii as she happens to be a fellow jinchuriki. Naruto crashes on the ice sheet and this stops the fighting but he sees a film crew filming, "Who are you?!" mizore says, a fairly large man.

"Kitten.. That Boy.. He houses the Kyubi" a feminine voice says, to yugito nii and her dark purple eyes narrow.

"The Kyubi is in Konoha.. Why is he here Matatabi" yugito thought.

"I do not know but he can be of help to us" matatabi says.

"If you won't talk.. Then die" fubuki says and weaves signs, "Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki" she declares, creating ice needles that form swallows. Naruto avoids each and they follow him as mizore rushes him on a snowboard but the redhead cracks him with a dropkick to the face, shattering the swallows with a few energy blasts.

"He was able to bypass our Chakra Armor?!" roga thought and leaps down from a high ice pillar, "Fubuki.. Mizore.. Deal with Kumo Ninja and get the Princess.. He's mine" roga shouts. Naruto rushes roga as they meet with several blows while moving back up the ice wall, "He Is bypassing the barrier created by the chakra armor.. How?!" roga thought and weaves signs to dog, "Hyōton: Haryū Mōko" he declares. A tiger made from the pre-existing ice forms and charges naruto as he clenches his left fist, "Martial Qi: Fist of Mars" naruto says, punching forward and fiery fist slams into it. To roga's shock the tiger melts and shatters as he avoids the fiery fist into another series of signs ending in dog, "Hyōton: Ikkaku Hakugei" roga declares and creates a large one-horn whale, as it splits part of the glacier as it breeches and lands.

"Nice Jutsu" naruto shouts, seeing the kumo team fleeing towards the boat. Roga prepares another one-horn whale as naruto clenches his right fist, "Destructive Second Bullet" naruto roars, punching down full force and creating a near city block amount of destruction. This forces roga and his compatriots flee while the ice glacier sinks below the waves as the film crew films with cheers, "Cut" the director crows. Naruto lands on the deck as the kumo team look him over with weary looks on their faces and omoi begins a very long ramble before karui shuts him up.

"Why aid us" samui says.

"Seems like you needed help" naruto says.

"What are you doing here Konoha Shinobi" yugito says and her team looks at naruto with different eyes.

"I'm heading further North towards the Northern Continent" naruto says.

"Maybe he can help us before he does.. We can use all the help we can" a man named Sandayu says.

"We don't need some Konoha Shinobi to help us" karui says, indignation in her tone.

"What happened on that Glacier says otherwise.. I'll simply do the right thing and help where I can" naruto says.

"Maybe but we're from rival nations.. However we can use your power.. So we'll work together for now.. What's your name" yugito says.

"Naruto Uzumaki" naruto says, lifting his goggles and pulling down his mask as yugito narrows her eyes.

"Well I'm Yugito Nii and this is my team.. Samui.. Karui and Omoi" yugito says.

"Thank you aiding the Princess" sandayu says.

"Speaking of that.. Why did you call Yukie Princess" karui says and sandayu rubs his hands.

"Lady Yukie is actually Princess Koyuki Kazahana.. The True Daimyo of Snow Country" sandayu says, beginning to explain how koyuki's father was killed by his brother Doto and plunged the country into civil war. How koyuki was spirited away by konoha and given a new identity as yukie fujikaze but the princess used her skills as an actress to garner support for snow's ravaged citizens.

"Why keep this from the Raikage" yugito says.

"I believed he would not aid us" sandayu says.

"Which we shouldn't" karui says, under her breath.

"Regardless.. You should have properly informed the Raikage of things but we won't abandon you" yugito says and sandayu sighs in relief, "You three go check on the princess and make sure the others are ok" she adds. Karui shoots a look to naruto but follows her teammates as yugito beckons for naruto to follow her to the rear deck.

"Why is Konoha's Jinchuriki heading North Alone" yugito says.

"I'm on a Training Trip to the Northern Continent.. That's all I'll say" naruto says and yugito narrows her eyes.

"Just don't get in our way Uzumaki" yugito says and naruto nods. About two hours later koyuki would awaken from her fainting spell and seek out naruto after sandayu told her about him.

"I hear I owe you my life" koyuki says, finding naruto on the deck and looking at the cold ocean.

"I did what was right as you are doing for your home" naruto says and koyuki slowly nods, thumbing a crystal around her neck.

"Sandayu tells me you are from Konoha.. Do you know Kakashi Hatake.. Is he doing well" koyuki says.

"He was my Teacher for awhile.. He's doing well.. Married and has a Daughter on the way" naruto says and koyuki gains a smile.

"I see.. Then it is fortunate timing.. Someone trained by Kakashi Hatake would aid me" koyuki says.

"I will do my best Princess Koyuki" naruto says and koyuki nods as their ship continues towards snow country.


In unknown location and deep underground is a giant, earthen humanoid entity with a mummified appearance and eight of its nine eyes closed, a body shaped similar to a robe and a number of spike-like protrusions on its back. On nine of the bounded ten fingers were members of the akatsuki being aki, yakumo, Deidara the Artiste, Sasori of the Red Sand, the Mad Priest of Jashin Hidan, Kakuzu of the Five Hearts, the Angel Konan, Zetsu and their leader Yahiko or Pein but also hidden is the Architect Tobi.

"Things have nearly spiraled out of control due some of our members" yahiko says, his stolen Rinnegan eyes looking through some of them.

"It wasn't my fault.. I needed to do my Ritual!" hidan says.

"A Ritual that nearly killed the Nanabi Jinchuriki" kakuzu says.

"Unlike the Sanbi who was killed.. We managed to seal it away in the Gedo Mazo" sasori says.

"Regardless.. Our plans are now pushed back at least Two years minimum for the Sanbi to reform.. The Great Nations know of our Existence and believe we are simply Mercenaries.. See that remains that way" yahiko says.

"Konoha most likely knows we are hunting Jinchuriki.. Especially with the Spy Master Jiraiya" yakumo says, as a wrinkle of remembrance happens on the face of yahiko and konan.

"That brings me to my Next Point... Aki" yahiko says, as his tone makes veins bulge on aki's body in anger.

"Your actions were most Egregious as You nearly killed the Kyubi Jinchuriki" yahiko says.

"He survived and will grow stronger.. Especially when he finds Katsumi Kaioh" aki says.

"Your lust for Fighting has aided Akatsuki well.. However it nearly cost us the Kyubi" yahiko says, his unblinking eyes glaring a hole through aki.

"You always go to far" sasori says and aki grits his teeth.

"Remember and this goes for All of you.. Power without a purpose is meaningless and worthless.. A purpose that is firm can change the impossible to the possible.. That is the power of our cause... Now continue to earn Money for Akatsuki and lulling the Great Nations into a False sense of our power" yahiko says and each projection slowly leaves.

"I'll going to Kill you Pein.. If it is the last thing I do" aki says.

"I wish you luck on it" yahiko says. In the Land of Rain and the village of Amegakure no Sato is where yahiko resides as the god known as pein. Once the village was ruled by the infamous Hanzo the Salamander, now it is ruled by the living god pein and his avatars but also Lady Angel his once friend but now his unwitting prisoner.

"Aki's declaration is laughable.. He may come from the far north but he can not defeat a Living God" yahiko says, looking to konan. He has short spiky orange hair and is handsome, wearing a long-sleeve white button-up shirt with a black, lavender and silver from behind waistcoat, a white cravat, black pants with calf length boots and a silver pocket watch chain attached to his waistcoat.

"You are not a God.. A God would not plot to Kill scores of innocents" konan says. She is an angelic beauty with short, straight blue hair with a bun and kind amber eyes. She wears a revealing navy blue robe with a large hemline on the front and exposing her arms, her back, the lateral part of her breasts and her belly, with her navel being surrounded by four more piercings. A pair of fitted black pants and white kunoichi heels but doesn't wear her akatsuki cloak unless absolutely necessary as it no longer holds its once meaning. Yahiko clenches his gloved right hand and konan seizes to clutch her chest as she falls to her knees, "Peace will Reign once I am finished.. The World will Acknowledge Me as their Living God" he says. Konan holds her chest in pain as she glares at the man she once loved but he changed after acquiring an accursed mark and killing their friend Nagato for his Rinnegan eyes.

"Someday someone will stop you Yahiko" konan thought, praying to kami.


Back in snow naruto and company were in a convoy heading to a shooting location but also to meet up with resistance. It has been two days since naruto met up on the kumo team and koyuki, while the latter is cordial with him the former is being terse with him especially karui. Currently the convoy is passing through a long tunnel with a few paths and sandayu told him about a railroad passing through as well, "Using their movie can bring awareness to their situation" musashi says.

"True.. Roga and his two comrades are comparable to normal Jonin.. So it would be a challenge to Yugito's team but they have me here" naruto says. Soon they reach the exit and the area has a steep incline up towards the forest. The director and his crew start setting up for the scenes needed to be filmed as naruto watches the film crew while the kumo team guard koyuki. However sandayu notices something as the train tracks along their path have now been infused with chakra and melting the ice, "Could this be?!" he thought.

"Everyone.. A train is coming.. I believe it could be Doto" sandayu shouts and looks to the director, "You all need to run away.. I'll alert our forces" he adds, running up the hill to the crews shock. Naruto makes a dozen clones to aid the film crew while team yugito help koyuki as well. The loud train horn echoes and soon a long train formation bursts from the tunnel, knocking several the trucks out of the way and causing everyone to scatter. It slowly screeches to a halt about a mile from them, "Long time no see... Koyuki" a voice says, on a loudspeaker and koyuki knows this voice well. Doto stands on the railing in a black and blue chakra armor with a light blue cape, "Give me the crystal and I'll spare your life" he declares.

"Never" koyuki shouts.

"Then I'll take it from your corpse!" doto declares but numerous logs smash into his train, courtesy of naruto, sandayu and his forces.

"Annoy Pests... Kill them" doto shouts. Several of the boxcars open to reveal several kunai launchers with yuki ninja manning them, "Open Fire" one shouts. Koyuki gasps in horror as time seems to slow as the kunai launch and a smirk forms on doto's face but three naruto clones appear and creates walls of earth to block the kunai.

"What?!" doto shouts. The real naruto fires several explosive kunai to disable the launchers before they could fire another volley, "For Lord Sosetsu and Lady Koyuki" sandayu shouts, as his men rush down the hill and yuki ninja engage them. The director and his crew were watching but also filming as koyuki reaches the top of the hill and grabs a bow to take shots. Team yugito guard her while yugito herself joins the fighting, forcing doto to unhitch the boxcars and move further down the tracks across a wooden bridge before it explodes from yugito's explosive kunai but he manages to escape.

"What's that?!" omoi says, seeing a large airship. Koyuki turns as mizore fires his grappling hand to grab her, while fubuki tosses dozens of kunai having blue orbs attached. When they land create jagged but thin ice pillars that spread to pierce the trucks and force team yugito away from koyuki.

"Everyone alright?!" yugito shouts, checking on her team.

"Not cool.. Lady Koyuki was taken" samui says.

"How do we find her" omoi says and goes on another long ramble.

"Doto will take her to his castle" sandayu says.

"Where that Konoha Shinobi.. Did he run off" karui says.

"No He Flew after the airship.. I got it on camera" the director says, shocking team yugito before getting his crew ready to follow and film. Meanwhile naruto catches up with the airship but fubuki impedes him by tossing ice creating kunai, "Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki" she shouts, creating the ice swallows form.

"Her Hyōton isn't natural like Esdeath or Haku" naruto says, firing his machine gun blows to destroy the swallows. One goes through fubuki's wing and sends her crashing presumably to her death while naruto flies after and reaches the airship. He punches through a door and dispatches a few snow ninja but mizore comes lumbering towards naruto. He spears naruto but the redhead manages to halt them and slam several forearm blows to his back, "Bastard" mizore says, as naruto knees him back up and punches the power source of armor. Mizore's demeanor changes to horror as he tries to remove it but naruto kicks him back, for him to explode and cause damage to the airship.

"What is going on?!" doto snaps, as the airship lurches.

"I do not know Doto-sama" roga says, as the airships lists. Doto tosses off his cape and quickly grabs koyuki, "We need to go" he says, as roga opens one of the side hatches at the moment naruto reaches them.

"Naruto!" koyuki shouts, as doto leaps out with roga following. Naruto rushes out the hatch and dives after them but roga uses ice creating kunai as he weaves signs to create the ice tiger once again, while doto and koyuki fly across the forest which by luck catches the attention of the film crew and team yugito.

"We need to follow them.. The Finale is about to begin" the director says and his crew nods, using some snow mobiles. Koyuki struggles in doto's grip as they fly over the forest, "Stop struggling or I will drop you to your death" he hisses.

"Where you taking me" koyuki hisses.

"The Rainbow Valley and with the Hexagonal Crystal.. I will gain the Treasure of Snow" doto says and koyuki wanted to struggle once again but doesn't. Roga lands and weaves more signs to dog, "Hyōton: Rōga Nadare no Jutsu" he shouts, as naruto lands and sees a wave of ice wolves.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Jupiter" naruto shouts and punches forward, creating a fist of lightning to deal with the wolves to roga's shock.

"Vigorous Right Fist Fukuryu" naruto declares, appearing front of roga and sending the concussive punch to his chest. The force of the punch sends roga into a tree as his power source fractures and explodes as naruto races after doto. The forest soon gives way to a glacial formation with several ice slabs surrounding a small altar. Doto lands and drops koyuki to quickly rip the necklace from her neck but koyuki tries to fight back with a strike to his face but starts dodging his counters.

"Hyōton: Kokuryū Bōfūsetsu" doto shouts, punching forward after weaving sign to dog. A black dragon of ice erupts from the snow with red eyes and forces koyuki to avoid it. Doto uses this moment to rush to the altar and places the crystal into the slot, it glows pink and the crystal slabs glow a light green or reflect the sun as the area starts to heat up.

"Where's the Treasure?!" doto shouts, looking around.

"Koyuki" a voice shouts and koyuki's eyes widen to see naruto flying towards her.

"Naruto?!" koyuki shouts but sees ice melting and sees the area is warming up, "A Generator.. Could this be the Treasure Father left behind" she says. Doto weaves signs once again to dog and shoots both his fists forward, "Hyōton: Sōryū Bōfūsetsu" he roars. Naruto avoids the two black ice dragons and lands with a crack of ice to rush doto, "Annoying Insect" doto shouts, into a leap and bringing his fist down. Naruto dodges doto as the ground shatters from his punch but lands and closes the gap to slam a body-blow.

"W-what?!" doto says, skipping back and clutches his side in shock.

"Your armors are not invincible" naruto says and doto grits his teeth in a rage, charging the blond in a rage and his moves sloppy. Naruto punches doto several times and hits the power source of his armor, also keeping his attention on him and not koyuki. She is weaves signs to dog and slams her hands into the ice, "Hyōton: Hakuryū Bōfūsetsu" she shouts. A white dragon with ice blue eyes erupts from the ground and twists into the air before it crashes into doto, sending him to the frozen depths below and ending his tyranny. Koyuki falls to her knees to catch her breath as the area continues to warm and she sees an image of her father but also her younger self, causing her to cry and remember the good times.

"Cut!.. That was a spectacular Finale!" the director shouts, as team yugito arrive with them.

"The Raikage won't be too happy that someone from Konoha got involved" yugito says.

"Not cool" samui says. Yugito makes her way towards naruto and koyuki, "Seems you overstepped Uzumaki" yugito says.

"Sorry but she needed help" naruto says.

"Maybe but it was our Mission to escort her to Snow country" yugito says.

"If your mission is your worry I will pay it but I won't begrudge Naruto for simply helping me" koyuki says.

"Maybe but I'll need to inform the Raikage about this.. Even if he was simply passing by.. He's a Konoha Shinobi" yugito says.

"Do what you need to do" naruto says. It would be another two months to flush out doto's supporters and properly install koyuki as the rightful daimyo of snow country with team yugito leaving after a week, having completed their mission and heading back kumo to inform the raikage.

Optional Quest Complete!


1) 100000EXP

2) 500 Rep Koyuki Kazahana

3) 750 Rep Snow Country

"So you'll be leaving Naruto" koyuki says, sitting in her study.

"Yes.. I need to cross the Tundra to reach the Northern Continent" naruto says, wearing a heavy white parka over his clothes.

"Be careful.. Even for those who reside there.. It is perilous and before you go... Are you sure you'll be alright concerning Kumogakure" koyuki says, rising from her desk.

"I've sent a detailed report to the Hokage" naruto says.

"Well Thank you for your inadvertent aid and helping free Snow" koyuki says and gives naruto a hug.

"No problem and send the Hokage a copy of your Movie.. I can't wait to see it" naruto says and koyuki laughs.

"I will" koyuki says, as she releases her hug and naruto heads for her balcony to leap from it and flies off. Naruto continues his trek north and passes the Land of Glaciers before leaving the normal behind as frozen land will be his scenery. The land is white for all to see with nearly no trees for vegetation unless covered by ice, seals and penguins were numerous with sea lions and whales. The days were cold but the nights were colder as temperatures dropped below zero, luckily he found a jutsu to make an igloo and seals to keep it warm for him to rest. He managed to find his first settlement on his second day and they were a friendly people called the Entei. They will give him information on other settlements in exchange for aiding in killing a very large bull walrus. He told them about his journey to the northern continent, what they called Land Kraftaverka or Land of Miracles.

"So this Walrus has killed a few villagers" naruto asks, the village chief Mako.

"Yes.. Even several Polar Bears" mako says, a muscular man in heavy clothes. Naruto is among about three dozen others with mako and a pack of wolves as they search for the bull known as One Tusk or Ein Tuska.

"How do you deal with him" naruto asks.

"We avoid his territory but he has moving closer to our fishing grounds" mako explains. the wolves with them become agitated and their hackles raise with growls as mako makes a fist to stop everyone as they raise spears or prepare arrows. Naruto sees some cracked ice pieces about a quarter mile away before a massive walrus, weighing nearly six tons with one tusk breeches the ice and lands before them as it roars. The wolves run towards it as the hunting party let loose arrows while the walrus swats at a few wolves and arrows. A few men rush the walrus with spears but one is tossed aside into a piece of ice while naruto rushes to him but the man is already dead.

"Take this" naruto shouts, grabbing the spear and aiming for the walrus' eye. It roars in pain as the spear finds the mark and thrashes about while mako tosses naruto another spear as he rushes towards the thrashing animal, taking a few arrows but sees naruto to bring one its tusk down. Naruto avoids it as the walrus crashes down to crack the ice and he slams the spear into its other eye, before bringing down an azure dragon sword into its head. The bull releases one last roar as it crashes down while mako and the others look on in shock but slowly start cheering.

"Amazing Naruto.. You are indeed powerful" mako says.

"There are those stronger than me" naruto muses and hops down, "So.. What do we do with him" he adds.

"We'll take him back to the village and honor Matoi" mako says. Ropes are soon tied to the giant walrus as naruto helps them pulling it back the village. People cheer but also mourn matoi and wolves as a funeral pyre is made. One tusk would be fully used and keep the settlement thriving for several months, even naruto is given some to trade with other settlements if needed. One of elders even gave him a tattoo of a necklace of fangs around his neck to show him as honorary member of their tribe and give him the name Stormsveifla for his oni tattoo. Naruto would spend a week in the settlement and trained with mako's men to acclimate to the harsh climate.

"You can make friends wherever you go" musashi says, as naruto flies across the tundra.

"Compared to Konoha.. Yes.. Most there are blind" naruto says, seeing the sun on the verge of setting. He flies down to a open area with a slope and makes his igloo, then fire and seals for the night but a noise catches his ears. Naruto looks to see a polar bear as it rises on its back legs with roar but he flexes his KI and the bear freezes. It comes back down as naruto slowly approaches and is more docile, "I bet you're hungry" he says and goes to unseal some tusk's meat. The bear is cautious at first and takes a bite but naruto also sees two cubs coming the slope, "Protecting your cubs huh" he muses. He watches from his igloo as the bears eat their fill and soon make their off to their hiding place.

"Well I better turn in" naruto says but looks up and there is a beautiful dancing waves of light, "Is that the Aurora Borealis Mako told me about" he says, finding his camera and begins taking a few pictures to send to the girls.

"Quite beautiful" musashi says and naruto nods, taking nearly a dozen or so photos. He finishes and heads inside before unsealing his sleeping bag to slip in as he stokes the flames before getting some sleep. Morning soon comes and naruto feels something on top of him, slowly opening his eyes he finds one of the polar bears cubs on him with the other near the entrance.

"Perhaps they hope you have more food" musashi says and naruto mutters maybe. He continues to lay there as the cub shifts and its twin moves outside, before long the other cub moves and heads outside as naruto finally moves. He secures his sleeping bag and brings down his igloo as the bears are gone, "Guess not" naruto says, fixing his goggles and hood. He begins a run for his dailies and makes some clones for the rest before taking off to continue flying, seeing the bears eating on a seal as he chuckles. Naruto continues on across the barren tundra, taking some pictures of whales, seals and penguins but also a large group walruses.

"None like One Tusk" naruto muses. Two more weeks pass and naruto reaches a mountainous area and the map says he has reached the mountain range separating the tundra from the northern continent. The mountains are high and snowcapped with not much wildlife but soon thick forests appear before finding a road. Naruto lands near the road to remove his goggles, mask and his parka to pull out a faded black, 3/4-length, hooded coat with a grey interior lining. He heads along the road for a few miles until people were coming into view, some wearing armor and carrying weapons. Wagons pass ever so often some with goods, some with people or animals as naruto uses observe. Many were close level 80 and stats close to 200. However a few were pass level 100 but they were elves or non-humans. He also sees ranks of Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Orichalcum and Adamantite.

"Maybe humans will have a Level Cap to 100 but their stats can continue to rise.. However these other races have a higher Cap" musashi says.

"Maybe.. The ranks must be Adventurers with Adamantite being the highest rank" naruto thought, crossing a bridge and sees a line of people waiting at a guard shack. The line moves slowly and takes about a half hour for him to reach it, "Where you from kid" one guard says, looking too fat for his armor.

"From the South.. Namely Konohagakure no Sato" naruto says and the other guard gasps.

"Seriously?!.. One of those Shi.. Nobi" the second says and naruto nods, "Did you cross No-man's land" he adds and again naruto nods, showing his entei tattoo.

"Wow.. So what brings you here" the second guard named Eddard says.

"I would like to explore" naruto says.

"If you want to explore.. It's best to become an Adventurer.. You can head to the Adventurer's Guild down the road" the fat guard Bobby-B says.

"I will" naruto says and bobby-b tells him its three silver coins or three thousand ryo. Naruto pays and heads into the town of Kingsland which is a frontier city, buildings were made from brick and mortar with various shops, smithy, weapon or armor shops, even places of pleasure. Naruto soon arrives at a large building with a shield crossed by two swords for a sign above a pair of doors, "Must be the place" he thought, pushing open the door. A few people see him enter with a few whispering and a few looking to scam him, while many were milling about or checking the board for jobs. The interior is made of grey stone with arch style windows to let in light, a wooden staircase to the second level. It has a long desk with numerous bookcases and several guild workers speaking with various people.

"Seems fairly busy" musashi comments, as naruto sees many more were wearing armor of various types and weapons of various types as well. Numerous wooden tables with chairs were scattered about to allow people to eat or drink. Naruto reaches the desk that has several vases with fresh flowers, "Hello and Welcome to the Adventurers Guild of Kingsland.. My name is Deila" a young woman greets. She has silver eyes and red hair woven into braids, wearing a uniform similar to many others of a yellow jabot, white dress shirt with a navy vest, a long black pencil skirt, a three-strap black belt, black stockings and matching shoes.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm looking to register as Adventurer" naruto says.

"I see.. Are you new to the area" delia asks and naruto nods.

"Yes.. I'm from the Southern Continent" naruto says and delia's eyes widen.

"I-I see.. Well to register is 30,000 ryo or 30 silver coins.. I'll need to check your strength" delia says and naruto pays before she beckons for him to follow her. She leads him up to the second floor of the guild to a room with a two long sofa, a desk, bookcase with numerous books and full-length mirror.

"There are Eight ranks.. Copper the lowest.. Iron.. Silver.. Gold.. Platinum.. Mithril.. Orichalcum and Adamantite the highest.. This mirror will measure your strength and determine your rank... The better the mirror reflects you.. The higher your rank" delia explains. Naruto approaches the mirror and slips off his black glove to place it on the mirror with his eyes closed, slowly the mirror become more and more clear until his upperbody to his knees were visible.

"A-a-amazing.. He's Mithril level or maybe high.. Is he a non-human" delia thought and clears her throat, "Let me get the Guildmaster.. Please take a seat" she says and naruto nods. He takes a seat and looks around, "I wonder what Rank I'll get.. The lowest probably as a newbie" naruto thought.

"We will see" musashi says. A few minutes later the door opens and a woman enters, having white bob-length hair with bangs that cover the right side of her face and amethyst eyes. She wears a dark suit over a white shirt and tie, and a pair of dark pants and shoes.

"Hello I am Morgana the Guildmaster and it seems we have an unheard-of situation" the woman says and naruto arches an eyebrow, "You're from the Southern Continent and your strength possibly surpasses Mithril as a rookie" she adds.

"Is that bad" naruto says but morgana shakes her head.

"No.. You're an injection of new blood.. You will be given Mithril Rank to start and I look forward to what you do" morgana says and nods to delia, as she heads to get his guild card and his dog tag plate.

"So what brings you here.. It is no easy feat to reach here" morgana says.

"Well.. In the Land of Water I was Horai Island.. Where I found the weapons of The Four War Gods" naruto says and morgana's eyes widen to flicker.

"Truly?!" morgana says and her breath hitches, as naruto brings out one of ryura's swords.

"Hahaha.. You will truly bring an injection of new blood.. I can buy them from you but one of our Best weapon appraisers is not in town.. It will be two months before they return" morgana says.

"That's fine.. I want to make a name for myself.. Though I wonder if you've heard of Katsumi Kaioh" naruto says. Morgana pulls a kiseru from her desk with some tobacco and stuffs a little to light it, "Can't say that I have but I'll reach out to my counterparts at other adventurer guilds" she says and naruto nods, as delia returns with his guild card and his dog tag plate which is turquoise green.

"If you're looking for a good place to say.. Head to the Unicorn.. They have good rates.. When you leave here head to the left for about Four blocks.. Their sign is a unicorn or horse with a horn" morgana says, as naruto takes his things and seals ryura's sword away.

"He'll definitely make Adamantite in no time" morgana muses, after naruto was gone. Naruto slips on his dog tags as he reaches the first floor and many were gawking about a rookie getting mithril, this deters many from scamming the redhead as he leaves.


"So this is the Unicorn" naruto thought, staring at the three story building. He enters as a bell on the door rings and sees a counter to a kichen, several tables and stairs leading to the higher floors.

"Welcome to the Unicorn.. I'm Bella" a woman says, her brownish hair tied up by a white bandanna and wearing a gray dress with a white apron.

"I'm Naruto and looking to rent a room for awhile.. I'm new in town" naruto says and bella sees his dog tags.

"Of course.. I charge by the Month of Twenty Silver coins.. Breakfast is a 8am.. Lunch at Noon.. Dinner at 6pm.. Just need your Signature" bella says, grabbing a book.

Covert Money into Copper, Silver and Gold coins Yes/No

Naruto does and pulls twenty silver from his inventory as he signs his name, "Each floor has a Shower.. So you'll have share.. Knock thrice to see if anyone inside" bella says and takes his coins, before leading him to the floor.

"I see you're a Mithril.. Do you have a Party" bella asks.

"Not at the moment.. I've just arrived and Morgana recommened this place" naruto says.

"Ahh.. I see.. Well here you are.. I need to get started on Lunch" bella says and naruto bows a little as she leaves. Naruto opens the door and the room with it having a desk and chair, a fireplace and a bed with a window. He slips off his coat and begins unsealing a few things like his sword with its new chest harness, a journal book, fuinjutsu kit, scrolls on Genjutsu and some jerky. He chews on some jerky as he places a few seals to keep out certain individuals just in case.

"So I take job" naruto thought, laying on a very comfortable bed compared to his sleeping bag.

Adventurers receive and solve requests accepted by the Adventurer's Guild. The main roles of adventurers involve hunting down monsters, providing protection for important figures, collecting rare materials, etc. Adventurers are allowed to take jobs below their rank but one rank above current rank. Adventurers are neutral but may work exclusively for High-ranking noble of various countries.


Copper-rank Jobs) 10000EXP

Iron-rank Jobs) 25000EXP

Silver-rank Jobs) 50000EXP

Platinum-rank Jobs) 100000EXP

Mithril-rank Jobs) 250000EXP

Orichalcum-rank Job) 500000EXP

Adamantite-rank Jobs) 750000EXP

"Oh.. EXP is higher here.. Must be why non-humans have high levels.. I may be able reach SSJ2 or even SSJ3" naruto says.

"And better use my chakra" musashi says. Naruto slips on his boots then secures his chest harness and sword, lastly his coat as he polishes off his jerky and heads downstairs. A few people were eating lunch as naruto heads back to the guild building, this time around they were whispering about him being a mithril plate. Naruto makes his way to the job wall with numerous jobs of various levels as other adventurers were looking as well, though his gaze drifts to a goblin job which is iron rank but people would talk about a mithril taking such a low rank job.

"Hey.. You the Shinobi" a voice says and naruto looks back to see a brown skin woman with braided hair tied to a bunch in a ponytail. She wears tan pants and a brown belt having a large buckle with knee high boots having a small heel, a dark red sweater but shows off her belly, lastly light armor pieces on her chest, around her elbows and forearm length brown gloves.

"Yes.. How did you know" naruto says.

"My team and I saw you in line and heard you talking.. I'm Suzanna by the way" he woman says.

"Naruto" naruto says and they shake hands, "Can I help you" he asks.

"Well my Team and I wish to try our hands at Mithril Quest but we're only Platinum" suzanna says.

"So you want me to join your Party and you'll be able take a Mithril Quest" naruto says and suzanna nods, patting his shoulder and beckons for him to follow.

"Yes.. We'll compensate you accordingly of course" suzanna says, leading him upstairs to her team. The five were sitting at a table with some drinks and talking amongst themselves but they see suzanna coming with naruto.

"Everyone this is Naruto... Naruto this is my Team Cross Hurricane.. Tim our leader" szanna says.

"Co-leader.. I let my lovely wife lead.. I'm a magician.. My specialty is offensive magic and I fight on the backline" tim says. He has long shoulder-length blond hair, wearing a gray scarf and brownish-red robes.

"Patric" suzanna says and he waves. Patris has dark short hair with a crew cut hair style and has a short goatee on his chin. He also has a muscular body and wears black pants, a blue and black top, metal armor on his body, arms and feet.

"Mir" suzanna continues.

"I'm our Team's Healer" mir says, wearing plain white robes having brown trim.

"Lastly Sera our Archer" suzanna finishes. Sera has light blue eyes and short blond hair, wearing brown shorts, white stockings and knee high brown boots, a black one piece top and a short white with gold trim jacket.

"So Naruto since you are Shinobi.. You must know Jutsu from what I've heard.. So what is your speciality" suzanna says.

"I can use All Five Elements.. Long and Short range.. I can make soild copies and very good at sealing.. I'm a bit of a Shinobi of all trades" naruto says.

"Good.. Let's finish planning and you can meet us at the North Gate tomorrow morning at six" suzanna says and naruto slowly nods. Naruto bids them goodbye and heads back down, "They don't seem bad" he thought.

"Seems to be but keep a little distance" musashi says. Naruto reaches the first floor and head back to the job board to take the goblin job, "Well time to slay some goblins" he thought.


Naruto sees the supposed nest of goblins about a hour away from kingsland to the east, "A cave.. Meaning my sword may not have enogh clearance" he says, seeing a totem made of animal bones and cloth. He grabs a branch from a tree and pulls some cloth from his pouch to tie it around as he nears the entrance, lighting it to guide him in the darkness. The path is linear but finds another totem with a another path one could miss in passing as he makes a clone to watch his back.

"This is recent" naruto says, seeing the stabbed body of a young woman.

"One can get turned around and ambushed" the clone says, seeing the body of young man with a long sword.

"Indeed" naruto says and hears noises, as both erase their presence. They move forward as they hear screaming and they pick up speed to find a large goblin rutting a girl with another girl on the verge of being attacked, "Let's go" naruto says, both revealing themselves as the goblins see them.

"Kage Kunai no Jutsu" both declare, tossing kunai and they multiple to strike the goblins. The hob leaves the barely living girl and charges naruto but the redhead slices off its head with his violent god slicer, while the clone checks on the scared but injured girl and naruto makes a few more clones to check. He goes to the barely alive girl and she has this thousand yard stare as naruto waves his hand over her eyes.

"W-we made a m-mistake.. We weren't prepared" the girl says and her name is rei, seeing she is a iron plate.

"Are you new" naruto asks and rei nods, "So am I but taking a mission without proper planning can get one killed" he adds.

"I-I tried to tell them but they didn't listen" rei says and sees that her former teammate has died. Naruto unseals a blanket and covers he body, "You're lucky I came.. Otherwise you would be dead" he says.

"Y-yes.. Thank you.. I'm Rei" rei says.

"I'm Naruto" naruto says, making another clone to carry the body out and the original clone escorts rei out. Naruto makes his way further into the cave to find his clones finishing off the goblins and beginning to cut off their ears, "There were some little goblins but we dealt with them" one says.

"Right" naruto says and sends two to gather from the other area, also gathering the other two bodies. About twenty minutes later naruto exits the cave after placing a few explosive notes as rei is saying a prayer for the deceased.

"Do you want to bury them somewhere or find someone to bring them back to kingsland" naruto asks.

"No need" rei says and raises with a few words, as fire sets the bodies on fire.

"Magican" naruto asks and rei nods.

"I am more of a Healer mainly but know some offensive spells" rei says. Naruto secures his pouch of goblin ears and escorts rei to the main road as a wagon happens to pass after twenty minutes of walking.

"Why would a Mithril plate take a job this low and how did you know" rei asks, as they were sitting in back of a wagon.

"This was my First Job.. I wanted to get a feel of things.. Finding your team was a coincidence.. How long ago did you leave" naruto asks.

"Hours but why would the Guild put it back up" rei says but naruto shrugs. The trip back to kingslands takes about three hours by wagon as once back rei and naruto report to the guild. Rei reports a party wipe and naruto reports a finished job as rei thanks him for saving her. Naruto recieves his pay of 100 copper coins as delia pulls him aside to reveal that many goblin jobs end in TPK or total party kills as many underestimate goblins. The guild uses it as teaching experience but many fail and higher rank adventurer ignore. She also gives him advice if he takes any goblin jobs is to kill every goblin as they hold grudges for life and learn.

"So the Guild uses Goblin Quest as a way to weed out the weak and foolish" musashi says.

"Seems so" naruto thought, finishing his first day in kingsland with dinner and preparing for his first job with counter hurricane. Naruto wakes arond 4am and begins on his dailies with a few clones under a henge to do the running but also to gain a layout of the city. He dresses the same as yesterday but goes with thicker sweater and a normal hooded winter coat and his waist harness for his sword. He arrives at the north gate around ten to six as other teams are setting out on their jobs, some bragging about becoming one the elite thirteen.

"Oya.. You're early" suzanna says, with the rest of the group behind her in heavy cloaks.

"I'm a early riser" naruto says and without another word the group set off. They head north towards the mountains in search of blood grizzles and their job was to deal with very large group of them causing problems. Suzanna goes over their strategy along the way of naruto and tim using long range attacks to thin them out. While she and patric will move in as mir will heal on the fly and sera will snipe from a distance.

"Blood Grizzles have poor eyesight dring the night.. So we'll strike them then" tim says, as they were around the fire of their camp.

"Make sure not to get in our way" sera says and naruto nods. Soon they begin and head out to find the grizzles as sera spots them sleeping in a pit, "I see about Thirty to Forty" sera says.

"Let's begin" szanna says. Tim begins by casting a spell known as exa-flame which rains down a orb of fire which wakes the grizzles as a few are killed. Naruto weaves signs boar and tiger before he slamming his hands down, "Doton: Yomi Numa" he declares. The ground under the charging grizzles becomes mud to trap them as tim casts exa-flame several times but something caches naruto's attention. He kneels and places his ear to the ground, something mako taught him despite the icy conditions.

"Something is coming" naruto says and sera sees it.

"Black Grizzles" sera shouts, a dozen large bears covered are approaching.

"Retreat.. Retreat" tim shouts but naruto doesn't, instead makes two clones and all three weave signs.

"Fūton: Kami Oroshi.. Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu.. Doton: Doryūsō" all three declare. Everyone watches in shock as one expels wind while naruto spews fire and the last slams his hands down, creating flowing spears but the quickly has to engage several blood grizzles. Naruto and the clones quickly join the fray with their swords as the members of counter hurricance fight with their normal synergy, until all the grizzles were killed and everyone begins stripping the grizzles of their fur to show they completed the ob.

"We owe you one Naruto.. You proved you're a Mithril plate" suzanna says and naruto nods, shaking her hand.


Naruto sits at a table in the guild hall as everyone is drinking courtsey of counter hurricane to ingratiate themselves to everyone. The blood grizzle job paid them 75 silver coins on top of 50 for the black grizzles.

"I wonder what that Grizzle meat tastes like" naruto thought and musashi laughs.

"Hello Naruto" rei says, taking a seat a his table.

"Hey.. How are you feeling" naruto says, after drinking from his mug of cider.

"I am doing ok.. Still reeling but ok" rei says and explains she will remain as an adventurer but would take copper jobs until she can find a good party. Naruto said he would work with her to help her increase her rank and rei agrees to it. Two months would pass fairly quickly as naruto's routine is fairly simple of his dailies, a few jobs working solo with either counter hurricane or rei. His reputation is fairly well and his name is getting around kingslands but there are those disliked him, namely a mithril team lead by a man called Aslen.

"Hey Naruto" a few say, seeing naruto enter the guild hall. Naruto gives a few nods but sees aslen at the bar boasting about going to the Lienas caves to deal with snow drakes. Aslen sees naruto and shoots him a look as the redhead asses, "He really doesn't like you" musashi says.

"Of course.. My age.. The fact we're the same Rank and I've been here two months" naruto thought.

"Naruto.. The Guildmaster needs to see you" delia says and naruto nods, following her morgana's office. Naruto knocks and enters to see morgana at her desk but another young woman seated on a sofa, "Naruto meet Asami Hiroshi.. She's the one I told you about for the War God weapons" morgana says, cutting to the chase. Asami has long black that is slightly wavy and green eyes, wearing a black and red business suit.

"Hello Naruto.. Morgana tells me you found the Four War Gods' weapons" asami says and naruto nods, explaining he found them on horai island in the land of water.

"May I see them.. I'm willing to buy them today if they are indeed the Genuine article" asami adds. Naruto brings out each weapon and asami's eyes widen at each, "This is amazing.. Gora's Tortoise Shield.. Jura's Thunder Cannon.. Kyora's Crimson Demon Fan.. Ryura's Fujinga & Raijinga swords" she says and looks to naruto, "I'll give you 7500 gold right now for them" she adds, shocking morgana.

"Seriously?!" morgana says.

"I am.. These weapons are Historical Artifacts.. I can go higher if needed" asami says.

"7500 is fine.. I have no use for them" naruto says.

"You are very noble Naruto" asami says and pulls out a sack of gold coins, "Thank you So much Naruto" she adds, as naruto takes the money.

"You're Welcome.. Well if you excuse me Guildmaster.. Ms. Asami" naruto says and excuses himself.

"This Gold goes on the pile" musashi comments, as naruto heads down.

"Naruto" sera says, standing near the job wall.

"Hey Sera" naruto says.

"We're taking a Job.. Wanna join us" sera says.

"Sure.. Why not" naruto says. Said job would take them to Galgos ruins, a former fortress built going into a mountain and underground with a waterfall heading down. The job being collecting snow drake scales and possibly dealing with snow drakes as well. They reach the bottom near a pooling lake from the minor waterfalls which is inside the snow drake's territory but it is empty.

"Don't go pass the statue and we'll be fine" suzanna says, as she, mir and patric begin collecting scales. About ten minutes in some noises begin to echo and get louder, before snow drakes emerge from a hole in the chest. Naruto quickly uses swamp of the underworld as everyone runs but it doesn't slow the drakes down.

"Naruto.. They aren't attacking us.. Deal with those that do" suzanna shouts. Naruto fires a few low power energy blasts to fell few as everyone fights but suddenly aslen's group appears and both sides deal with the drakes. Once done aslen approaches tim and is about to punch him but naruto catches his fist, "You guys tried to steal our prey" aslen says.

"No we didn't.. We didn't know you were here" suzanna shouts.

"I told the Whole Guild" aslen shouts, trying to pull his fist free.

"You said Lienas caves not Galgos Ruins where we are" naruto says, letting him go and aslen punches him but screams in pain from the hit.

"That is a day's journey from here" suzanna shouts and tim calms her down.

"It means Lienas caves and Galgos ruins are somehow connected" tim says.

"So you're here on another job" aslen says, glaring at naruto and tim nods.

"Che.. Fine.. You can have One snow drake" aslen says, walking off. Naruto hefts one of the drake's on his shoulder to the shock of aslen as counter hurricane collect their required scales, "How strong are Naruto" sera says.

"Pretty strong.. I workout everyday" naruto says.

"Still to carry a Snow Drake like one would a child is something" mir says, as they back up. A few hours later they were sitting at table a hot meal and drinks, "So Naruto.. Are you seeing anyone" suzanna asks and sera turns a little red.

"I am.. Five in fact" naruto says and the men blush, "Back home I am apart of a Clan and as the last male.. I am apart of the CRI or Clan Restoration Initiative.. So I am allowed to marry multiple women" he adds.

"So.. A harem" tim says and suzanna elbows him.

"Wow.. They must miss you then" suzanna says.

"They are Training Trip like me but are staying South" naruto says and explains about tsunade, sarada, kaguya, yor and esdeath.

"You even have a Harem" a drunk aslen says, behind them.

"And your point" naruto says.

"It just I don't like you.. You waltz in from nowhere and are given Mithril when it took me Five years to do it" aslen says, grabbing naruto's coat and trying to pulls him up but failing miserably. His party pulls him away as he complains about naruto, "Guys like him are annoyance at best" suzanna says.

"I've dealt with guys like" naruto says and explains about kiba and his actions.

"He tried to kidnap your Girlfriend" sera says and naruto nods.

"I took care of him and he's serving a hefty sentence" naruto says. They would eat or make small talk and part ways but it would be a week before naruto sees them again as tragedy would strike. Naruto is sitting at table looking at map of the continent and the major countries of the Azerlisia Kingdom, Tristram Empire, The Holy Kingdom of Kalinsha, The Demihuman Kingdom of Silvert, Elven Kingdom of Albion and several independent nations like kingslands but one has his interest known as Yukikaze. It supposed to have shinobi while bordering a few countries albion to the north, azerlisia to the west and tristram to the east.

"I wonder how I measure up to Northern Shinobi" naruto thought, rolling up his map and sealing it away.

"Makes you wonder where your wayward final Harem member is" musashi says.

"We'll find her" naruto thought, heading towards the door. It opens as suzanna, patric and tim enter but looking very haggard while nearly running into naruto.

"N-naruto" suzanna says.

"What happened" naruto asks.

"Mir and Sera are dead" patric says and naruto's breath hitches.

"Mir is indeed dead but Sera was separated from us.. If we head back now.. W-we can.." im says.

"In this Blizzard?!.. We would die as well" suzanna says.

"I shouldn't abandoned her" tim whispers and suzanna hugs her husband.

"We made the choice.. We're all guilty" suzanna says.

"Where did you lose her" naruto says.

"In the West.. Trinor Forest.. We were turned around by the blizzard and Snow Buffalo attacked" suzanna says and naruto slowly nods, before excusing himself.

"Will you go find her" musashi says.

"Sera is special to them and she's become a friend" naruto thought. He heads to his room at the unicorn and gets dressed in insulated cargo jeans, boots, insulated long sleeve shirt and a heavy coat with his half mask. He grabs his goggles and makes his way towards the gate, heading into whiteness to save one of his new friends.

/^#^*/#×^><^< p>

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 113: 347,000/900,000

Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin/Mithril Adventurer


HP: 210100

CP: 189900

CC: 90%

Str: 945

Spd: 860

Sta: 1490

Dex: 860

Vit: 1880

Chk: 3100

Wis: 420

Stat Points: 0

Skill List


Whirlpool and Hummingbird Taijutsu

Uzumaki-Ryu Style Kenjutsu

Killing Intent


Uzumaki Regeneration

Chakra Chains

Kyubi Regeneration


KI Blasts


Sword Qi

Martial Qi