
Naruto: The forgotten Senju's

Sukuna Senju strives to lead the Senju's back to their peak, no matter the cost. After Tsunade's departure, the Senju's had no qualified heir for their clan. Their last Elder was on death's door and only dozens of people were left. The clan was doomed to lose the battle of time, or so they thought. ---------- Cover was found online, I couldn't find the original author so if you know please tell me so I can give credit where it's due

Michaellll · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Chapter 14 - The Past Is A Lie

At the main square of the Senju's Compound, many people were gathered as they chatted away. Most of them had extremely excited and fanatical expression on their face regarding the crowning ceremony of the new Senju Patriarch since he had the complete bloodline.

Although they were skeptical about his ability because he was so young, his talent wasn't unknown in the Clan so they knew he had extreme potential. Although it wasn't on Hashirama's level, his bloodline hadn't completely restored either.

Marani sat in her wheelchair with a frown on her face while Akai stood next to her wheelchair as she held up an umbrella.

''Akai, where is that brat?'' Marani asked with slight anger in her voice, Akai remained silent and didn't say anything which confused her even more,

''Akai, tell me where he is''

''I'm sorry my lady, I promised not to'' Akai said in hesitation to which Marani squinted her eyes, ''What happened?''

Akai looked conflicted for a moment before she handed Marani a cloth bag on the ground next to her, Marani opened it and a foul stench assaulted her nose.

''So he did manage to catch the traitor, well done brat'' Marani complimented as she smiled lightly before asking once more, ''So where is he at?''

Akai looked conflicted for a moment before her eyes turned sad, ''He said that there were more than one traitor''

Marani's body shook as her mind spun, she looked around the area before her expression turned into horror.

'Don't tell me.....' Marani looked at Akai and yelled, ''Akai, go get him! NOW!''

Akai shook and hesitated slightly but still nodded her head and disappeared.


''Dear, are you ready? It's almost time!'' Julia yelled through their house as Arashi, Sukuna's father lazily came over while holding two umbrella's.

''Jeez, it's his big day yet you're so slow!'' Julia said with an angry expression as she pushed him outside the door, pulling him alone the rainy streets.

''You know I don't have any interest in Clan matters, why the hell do I have to attend?'' Arashi said with a cold expression.

''What would people think of him if his own father didn't attend! What kind of father are you?'' Julia said with slight anger.

Arashi wanted to retort but saw three figures standing in the rain in front of them. He stopped walking and stood still for a moment which caused Julia to look away from him and towards the three figures.

''Sukuna-chan? Did you come to pick us up because were late? Sorry, your father was being slow again'' Julia said with a warm smile and walked towards Sukuna who stood there alongside Sumure and Satori.

Satori and Sumure just looked emotionless while Sukuna wore a smile on his face, as he looked at them but didn't say much.

Julia looked at her child that was wearing wide pants and a belt that looked like a rope with a tight black shirt showing his well-defined physique which caused pride to swell up in her mind as she looked at him.

Arashi followed Julia and walked towards Sukuna aswell, he couldn't help but admit that his kid did a good job as well.

When he was Sukuna's age, he was still struggling at home to become a decent Genin.

''...Do you really not want us to do it'' Satori asked with a conflicted expression to which Sukuna looked at him, still wearing his smile but pain and sorrow filled his eyes as he shook his head.

Julia and Arashi were 10 meters away from him them as Sukuna suddenly kicked the ground and appeared before them in a flash.

Julia and Arashi's eyes shot open as they saw Sukuna's gaze that filled with coldness and killing intent as his sword moved at a fast speed towards their necks.

Arashi hastily jumped back while Julia's body disappeared and appeared a few meters backwards aswell.

''D...dear? What happened to you? Why are you attacking us?!'' Julia asked in surprise as Arashi's expression turned cold.

Sukuna looked at his father with a cold expression and said, ''Arashi Kamure, real name is Atsui Uchiha, survivor of the Uchiha massacre because you were exiled at the age of 14 because your father wanted to protect you from the war fanatics in the clan''

Sukuna turned towards his mother and started talking once more, ''Julia Senju. At the age of 13 you pledged your alliance to Danzo Shimura after he approached you, sharing insider information regarding the Senju's because you saw no hope in this clan after Tsunade Senju left. How pitiful''

Julia and Arashi, or Atsui as his original name trembled and looked at Sukuna with mixed expressions as Sukuna smiled at his mother with a bitter smile, ''Your Chakra Pathways were never destroyed, everything up until now has been a lie huh?''

''Sukuna-chan, it isn't like that!'' Julia said with horror on her face as she admitted, ''I did share information with Danzo-sama but that is-…..''

Julia's expression soured as she fell silent, however, Sukuna continued, ''You can't talk because you have a cursed seal, right?''

Julia trembled and looked away in pain while Sukuna looked at his father who looked at him with a cold expression, ''Did you think Danzo would help you rebuild your clan?''

His father didn't respond but didn't deny it either to which Sukuna started laughing in madness, ''Fools! You all are absolute fools! You have no idea how foolish you are. You think Itachi Uchiha slaughtered your clan, his family, because he thought it was fun? You think he killed his lover, his friends, his parents because he merely wanted to?''

Atsui didn't say anything, but his eyes changed, his usual black eyes disappeared, and a pair of bright red eyes appeared with 3 Tomoes spinning inside of them.

''There you are, how cute. Are you finally angry? Think about it, your clan, your friends, family, all slaughtered by a single child'' Sukuna said with a maddened grin as he spread out his hands, inviting his father to attack who had tears in his eyes as he remembered the past.

Sukuna didn't look at his father's eyes as Julia tried holding Atsui back, but he had already disappeared and swung his fists at Sukuna who nimbly dodged the incoming blows as he continued talking,

''You serve Danzo to try and rebuild your clan, yet you know absolutely nothing of the reality of it all!'' Sukuna said with a crazed smile as his right leg acted like a whip, hitting his father straight in the jaw, launching him tens of meters away.

''Dear stop! I can explain!'' Julia appeared in front of Atsui and said desperately, but Sukuna's expression just turned cold while saying, ''You have nothing to explain, you two have one option now. Fight, kill me and you can escape without anyone chasing you or die at the hands of the creature you two created''

Julia trembled and said with a sad expression, ''Dear, although some things happened. I do truly love you as a mother! Please don't do this....''

Atsui crawled up with blood running down his mouth as his face had a wretched expression, ''Stop talking already, the kid doesn't hold any love towards you anymore. Don't you see? He always regarded the clan more important than his parents!''

Sukuna spread his hands and said coldly, ''Indeed, I have no feelings towards either of you anymore. Whether they are my parents, my children, my brothers, my wives.... I will slaughter all the same regardless of their position in my heart if they betray the clan, my family''

Julia looked at her child in sorrow, seeing him stand like that while rain pouring down his cold expression as he looked at her like she was a stranger made her heart ache. She gave birth to him, held him when he was small, his first steps, his first-time gathering Chakra, every milestone he had, he wanted her to be there....

Yet here he was, looking at her with such an expression and ready to kill her. Yet he wasn't completely to blame either. She felt there was no hope for the Senju's since young, yet instead of trying to become that hope she had selfishly tried to get an escape for her and her family which caused many Senju's to be hunted due to the information she shared.

Sukuna gave Atsui a pitiful look as he said,

''Atsui, the truth is that Itachi was merely ordered by the higher-ups of the village to slaughter the entire Uchiha clan. They wanted to start a Coup because they were exiled to the end of the village after the 9-tails incident. However, the one that initiated the thought of the Uchiha causing the 9-tails incident was Danzo Shimura, the one you serve to wholeheartedly'' Sukuna said with a sarcastic grin on his face as Atsui's eyes changed into horror.

''T...that's a lie! There is no way that that is true! Danzo promised me to help me kill Itachi, he gave me these eyes after my own never evolved into a 3-Tomoe, he made sure to bury my parents properly!'' Atsui finally lost his cool and screamed, clearly not believing Sukuna's words.

''Those are not your own eyes?'' Sukuna asked with a frown which made Atsui look away in shame, because his own talent was too inferior, he needed someone else's eyes to gain 3 Tomoes...

''I see, I see'' Sukuna laughed wildly as he sarcastically said, ''So not only you failed to get the child with the Senju Bloodline and Uchiha Bloodline because you were to weak, but your talent was also so terrible that you had to steal the eyes of your own clan! Hahaha, you're absolutely pathetic!''

Atsui's eyes grew redder as he charged at Sukuna once more, Julia's eyes looked hollow, but she also moved her trembling body towards Sukuna. His gaze alone made it obvious that he didn't regard them as family any longer.

Sumure looked at them and slowly moved forward, however, Satori put his hand in front of him to stop him and looked at him with eyes filled with sorrow, pain and pity yet still shook his head.

Sumure gritted his teeth and just stayed back, his hands gripping the umbrella tightly enough to break the handle.

Sukuna's face turned cold as he saw his parents charge at him, one with sheer killing intent while the other merely wanted to survive after realizing their broken bond.

He took a deep breath and grabbed the hilt of his sword before activating Wind Force on his blade, he couldn't forgive them, it seemed that his childhood had been a complete lie....