
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

"First a car accident, and now a gunpoint?! Is this universe taking me as a joke?" The MC will look like a d*ck at the start but will have his character development and become a lot better so bear with him and give him a chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. It may seem rough the first 10 chapters but my readers said it got a lot better afterwards which I think you should read most of it then decide if it's good or not. 2. many were confused about the timeline... so the timeline is AU and Tobirama is already dead but Hashirama is alive and very sick, also Hiruzen is the Hokage. mc is reborn the same age as the sannins but the OG naruto canon events will still be the same if no butterflies caused a storm. 3. My writing was not that good first because english is not my first language but some kind hearted souls corrected and taught me to be better which I am so thankful for and much appreciated, so when you read I know many will be annoyed but I assure you I became better with 35th chapter onwards until I can say that literature is my bit--cough cough anyways, you got the point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Garou from one punch man FF btw. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he'll have no system, only status. AU !! I am a proud member of the Non-Harem sect, so you know what that means. I write this myself and it's not Chinese or mtl, so no worries there. enjoy ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cover photo and the OG naruto don't belong to me .

The_Zen_Boy · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

Chapter 80: Sun

{I changed the style of writing and mixed the POVs, if you didn't like it, tell me}


"From now on, your name shall be...Caesar!" I announced to the ape in front of me.

The ape who looked exactly at what I imagined him to be in my memories of a certain movie trembled for a second before he reluctantly raised his head to look at me with a confused gaze.

The intelligence in his eyes was intriguing. He is trying too hard to understand me and process what I said, so with a low grunt, he started to let out.

"Aww Aww Aww? [Me...what...monkey?]"

"Interesting, you are already questioning what's happening to you!" I said with a hand on my chin as I looked at the innocent gaze of Caesar who was patiently waiting to what I will say.

"Well you see dear Caesar, it has been sometime since I decided to look for some subordinates to work for me and become my disciples, and you my ape friend will be in for a long training arc!" With a smirk I told the ape who was making difficult expressions and moving his hands to scratch his head, as sign that he didn't understood much.

But I am a patient guy and will try to teach him about languages slowly...Ok who am I kidding, I ain't patient but at least this guy should help me cope with the boredom of travelling, and I am glad I will have a punching bag along the way.

I crouch down until I was near his height and put my arm on his shoulder which made him tremble at my action, I turned him around, then I put my face beside his head and together, our gaze fell on the crowd of animals.

"You see those people little Caesar?" With one hand on his shoulder and the other pointed at the frightened monkeys, I asked.

Caesar's gaze turned a little sharp and serious as his eyes fell on the big bad gorilla who was looking back at him with vigilance and surprise as he didn't understand how was this little monkey alive and well even after going through his and this new Monster's beating, not realizing the Monster actually helped the little ape.

"Those are your people that one day you must lead them all and become their absolute King, you hear?"

"Now! You see that Gorilla over there?" I asked with my eyes narrowed as I pointed at the now again frightened gorilla who didn't like my attention pointed at him.

I grin and clench my hand as a sign for Caesar to see that I mean for the gorilla to be crushed.

"Go and kill him!" I ordered.

This time Caesar seemed to understand what I meant as he looked at my clenched hand with his eyes slightly widening.

"Aww Aww Aww? [me...Hunt?]" With his hands waving around Caesar chittered but I still understood what he was saying.

It was around some days ago that something in me changed again and I felt that I could slightly understand what the animals were saying now.

"He was the one who nearly killed you, aren't you going to have your revenge?" I asked with my eyes narrowed which made Caesar slightly tense up under my gaze.

"Go" I said and pushed the ape forward which made him stagger a little but he balanced himself, he looked back at me to see my commanding eyes which made him to turn forward the gorilla again quickly, not wanting to meet my gaze in fear.

It didn't take long for him to reluctantly knuckle-walk towards the gorilla with his head lowered in sadness. His limited thoughts were all about how the gorilla leader will beat him again with him being completely helpless.

"So why did you turn that pitiful monkey into a monster?" Katsuyu asked while watching the back of Caesar in interest.

"I don't know. I felt bored and decided to turn him. I am also curious about the effects and what powers will Caesar have now, it has been sometime since I wanted to experiment on the effects of monsterification" I replied with a hand on my chin.

"Hmm, well it seems the ape is like your dog and unlike you, they have energies running inside of them" Katsuyu said with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Yeah I felt it too, but the energy inside Caesar and Rover are different it seems. Rover's energy is blue and feels destructive but Caesar is golden and the energy feels warm and peaceful" I replied while trying to feel the fluctuations of energy inside Caesar.

"The ape had chakra and chakra coils previously but it seems they are no more, and in their place, there is this energy that doesn't need pathways to move inside the body and it's mostly concentrated on his stomach, maybe it's like your Hado?" Katsuyu analysed with nothing being able to hide from her eyes.

"I have pictured a great individual in my mind, but I didn't expect for him to have that energy in him, though a welcoming surprise!" I said with a wide grin as I thought about the potential of Caesar and his future achievements.

"So you can turn people into something else entirely and also give them powers based on your imagination?" Katsuyu asked in surprise as she already understood what I mean by picturing a great individual.

I nodded "I can but it seems I can only influence the transformation greatly and don't really have complete control over it, the evidence is Caesar here as he shouldn't have any energy and should have turned out just like me"

"What about your control over them, are they loyal?" She asked.

"They are loyal but it seems the more intelligent they are the more they are more of an individual to themselves which is great as I don't want all the monsters to be mindless and without a clear personality to them" I replied with a smirk at the end, feeling excited that maybe soon I will have a legion composed of different array of monsters following me everywhere.

After that we became quite and looked at Caesar who stood in front of the gorilla 10 metres away with both of their knuckles touching the ground.

Caesar was slightly trembling and his head lowered, he still could remember the painful beating he went through and the torture his now owner gave him, so it greatly traumatised him.

His body itched as phantom pain went through his body as a remembrance to what he went through. He didn't know what his fate will be in case he survived now but at least he knew that he can't give up as the orders of his owner felt absolute to him.

Even though he didn't understand his owner fully, but the gesture of crushing this gorilla was a clear sign of what he wanted, so he took a deep breath and with a slight use of his hands, he stood on his legs and stared at the gorilla with a resolute and serious face.

The gorilla even though vigilant of the being behind this monkey he beat previously, he still saw the interaction between the being and the monkey, and the look the monkey gave him now made him understand what this meant and this gesture didn't sit quite well with him.

He was being challenged.

"Grr Aww Aww Aww" The gorilla chittered in anger at Caesar who only became more quiet and serious by the second, readying his body for the confrontation.

*Badum Badum Badum*

The gorilla hit his chest many times like a drum and dashed towards Caesar with normal genin speeds.

As he got closer to Caesar who didn't know what to do in this situation, his mind worked overdrive and the only solution in this situation that came to his mind was to raise his arms and protect his head from gorilla who was already upon him and was slamming both his gigantic fists on him with a roar. 


The fists hit Caesar's forearms which made his forearms to move away from the recoil and body to bent.


With another roar the gorilla swatted Caesar and hit his side catching him off guard and making him fly away and hit the ground many times until stopping.

Caesar all this time was wide eyed as he absorbed and thought about what happened to him. He went through too much because of this gorilla before and the only thing he knew to do in this situation was shielding himself from his hits like he always did.

He was the weakest in the tribe and was always a target to bully and starvation, sometimes he retaliated and sometimes he couldn't even do that because of injuries.

There were times the gorilla didn't let him eat and drink for days which made him angry but fearful. He couldn't do anything about it because of weakness and he feared he will be beaten again.

So now he was really surprised and very confused.

He expected the strikes to hurt like it always did but it didn't, he barely even felt it. And now that he registered his surroundings while his back layed on the ground, he could see how the world seemed slower and the angry huffes of the gorilla played in slow motion in his eyes, but above all else...

How could he be this self-aware? 

He remembers that in his entire life, he couldn't even come close to how much he thought and felt in just this few moments. He felt as if he was born again and his consciousness awakened now!

The only answer right now that came to his mind has to do with the weird creature that did something to him and how he felt the invincible shackles binding his being to that creature.

Back to the battle.

It didn't take long for Caesar to stand up and look at his body that was unscathed and except some dust and small bruises he didn't have any other injuries.

He gazed at his hands in a thoughtful and curious way before he clenched hard and looked up with a serious and sharp expression.

He had power now.

His actions although confused the gorilla as he thought that those blows should put him down but he felt angrier when he stood up and again ran towards Caesar like before and slammed both his hands on Caesar's small stature again.


The sound of the contact resounded in the area and the impact made dust disperse under their feet. Nearby creatures observed from a safe distance, wary of the commotion.

It didn't take long for the both animals to come into view and to the surprised eyes of who were enough intelligent, Caesar was holding the giant hands of the gorilla with his small ones and not letting it hit him with no visible sign of struggle on his serious face.

Caesar quickly pushed the hands upwards rather easily and this made the chest of the gorilla wide open to strike.


Caesar punched the gorilla's chest which made the giant gorilla fly away much to the shock of Caesar as he didn't expect to be this strong to casually make his bully fly away.

The gorilla landed 5 meters away from him and it immediately made painful groans as he patted his slightly bloody chest to ease the pain 

It didn't take long for the gorilla to stand up groggily with a hand on his chest, breathing haggardly and warily looking at Caesar, a tiny bit of fear evident in his eyes.

Not far away from them, two pair pf eyes were looking at the fight with great interest.

"The boost in strength is great" Katsuyu said to which I nodded at.

"The boost seems to depend greatly on what they previously had before becoming a monster, for example Caesar was too weak but even with that weakness he was two times stronger than a civilian human which is normal for an ape but now he went from civilian level to peak genin, a little bit away from becoming a chunin" I explained.

"If that's the case, then stronger people will get tremendous boosts in their strength!" Katsuyu remarked with a little excitement hidden in her eyes and was already thinking about something only known to her.

I just nodded and focused back on the fight where Caesar composed himself and started to run towards the gorilla with a new light in his eyes.

The gorilla became nervous and swung his arms everywhere frantically as he couldn't see the approaching chimp as one moment he was there and another moment he disappeared.

Without being noticed, Caesar was already facing the back of the unaware gorilla and again like before, he punched with all his might and sent the gorilla flying forward 6 metres away which made him land head first.

Caesar smiled at the scene while looking at laying gorilla having difficulty standing up because of some broken bones and internal injuries.

Caesar was feeling liberated and...strong. The feeling of being weak gone from his mind and body.

Now, after having sometime to thinkhe wanted to do something his body screamed at him to do from the moment he woke up from that torture. His mind was preoccupied with what was happening in the small amount of time and couldn't think straight.

So he closed his eyes and focused on the abundant and golden energy inside his body.

It didn't take long and his mind immediately transferred to a wide place with a golden sky and white milky clouds, the ground made of golden brown grass and at the centre of the place was a huge white castle lined with gold and a series of complex but beautiful patterns.

He was mesmerized by the foreign view as it was his first time seeing something as beautiful as this, especially when he felt that this place was inside his body.

The peaceful scene, the fresh air hitting his body and soft grass, He wa in a daze but for the first time, he breathed.

He breathed the air and this action made the wide place tremble and humm in joy before a calm and majestic voice resonated in the area which made all the hair on Caesar's body to stand on end.

" No frowning at destiny

   No blaming shall I do,


   Integrity I nurture

   Steadfast and true "

*Badumm Badummm Badummm!*


Like the place that was beating in excitement and letting out beautiful voices all around, Caesar's heart started to beat like a drum.

He closed his eyes to feel the energy enveloping him which made him calm down and become peaceful.

Even though he couldn't understand most of what was happening but the words of the voice triggered something in him, something the energy was whispering to him all this time.

The voice again rang out all around and Caesar at that moment opened his eyes to reveal a heavenly golden light emitting from it, hiding his sclera, pupils and iris.



{what's black myth wukong ----> Here}

In the outside world, in the tranquil natural arena where many eyes were looking at a chimpanzee that was standing with eyes closed and a gorilla that already stood up and was rushing towards the chimpanzee with red murderous eyes.

Moments before the gorilla could even strike, a huge wave of golden and calm energy spread out all around the area with Caesar at the centre which made the forest tremble for a second and all the spectators to get wide eyed and shocked as their instincts were telling them to immediately bow in front of this being that has been awakened.

After moments of the energy being released in waves, it all disappeared in an instant and turned to a cloud of smoke.

The gorilla didn't even have time to register what was happening as he was thrust and sent flying again by the head of a long staff and hitting a tree that made cracks all over it.

The smoke dispersed to reveal a furry man that was wearing some unique clothes with a staff that had to golden ends and all red in the middle...

{Picture as I ain't that good at describing this dude ---->}

Now Caesar stood there and looked at his hands that turned more humanoid and how his height increased with some weird fabric covering him.

His mind was constantly whispering about Wukong in his ears and the staff in his hand seemed to tell him its name that he didn't quietly understand.

He felt and sensed the entire forest for around half a kilometre. His strength surged and he felt that he could destroy a mountain with a punch, and above all else, he felt a very weird sensation around his body as if he could transform into something else.

After being lost in this euphoria of feelings, he came out of his daze and slowly approached the gorilla leader, he still didn't forget the orders of the terrifying being that even from here, the aura he was oozing out alone was sending shivers down his spine, especially how he was looking at him like a maniac who found a new toy.

All the animals were sweating and shivering in the presence of this new individual, one was not enough and another came that made them want to kneel in submission again.

They all watched as he stepped towards the exhausted gorilla who was leaning on a tree with severe injuries in 3 different places of his body.

The shadow of Caesar made the gorilla to look up at him, not even recognizing the human-like figure in front of him, his mind couldn't even understand how the chimpanzee turned to this humanoid creature that looked like a monke.

But he understood one thing, this creature was his king now and any kind of resistance is futile, the instinctual sensations he was getting from this creature already broke his animalistic will and now, he was ready to die.

Caesar raised the staff in his hand and was ready to deal the final blow. He swung the staff downwards but before the head of the staff hit the gorilla and turning him into mush, he stopped.

He contemplated about what to do before with a wave of his hand the staff disappeared into a follicle of black hair that fell down to the ground and his transformation got undone, his height decreased and body changed, turning back to his usual monkey self.

He stayed there for a moment while looking at the confused eyes of the gorilla before Caesar turned back and reluctantly walked towards the creature that gave him power and turned into something he himself barely recognized.

After a little bit of walking, he stood before Garou who had his arms crossed and was looking at him in irritation, but he already decided on what to do.

"Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww [Me...can't...kill...me...kin...sorry...me...die]" Caesar let out with a serious face which made the pressure that Garou released unknowingly to increase.

Caesar kneeled on the ground with his head touching the ground, ready to die.

Garou just stared at the chimp without much emotion evident on his face. After a long bit of silence, he extended his hand towards the head of the chimp which shivered but unexpected to him, instead of dying he got a head pat and heard after sometime.

"Good job. now, let's go"

Caesar immediately looked up to see the back of the creature that was already retreating in surprise, already beginning to understand what his was owner was saying little by little.

He stood up and looked back at the crowd of the different arrays of monkeys until his gaze met the gorilla who was still leaning on the tree.

"Aww Aww Aww Aww Aww [me...go...you...stay...me...back...someday...promise]" Caesar chittered to the crowd for the last time because he knew how the traditions worked here, who beat the leader becomes the leader but he can't stay here without the permission from his owner, so he has to go.

"Aww Aww Aww [You...leader...until...me...comeback]" Caesar chittered to the gorilla and turned around then followed Garou.

And with this, Garou got a new subordinate and both made their way towards the capital until two days later, they were now in front of two heavily armoured samurai guards that were guarding a huge gate.

The End.