
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

"First a car accident, and now a gunpoint?! Is this universe taking me as a joke?" The MC will look like a d*ck at the start but will have his character development and become a lot better so bear with him and give him a chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. It may seem rough the first 10 chapters but my readers said it got a lot better afterwards which I think you should read most of it then decide if it's good or not. 2. many were confused about the timeline... so the timeline is AU and Tobirama is already dead but Hashirama is alive and very sick, also Hiruzen is the Hokage. mc is reborn the same age as the sannins but the OG naruto canon events will still be the same if no butterflies caused a storm. 3. My writing was not that good first because english is not my first language but some kind hearted souls corrected and taught me to be better which I am so thankful for and much appreciated, so when you read I know many will be annoyed but I assure you I became better with 35th chapter onwards until I can say that literature is my bit--cough cough anyways, you got the point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Garou from one punch man FF btw. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he'll have no system, only status. AU !! I am a proud member of the Non-Harem sect, so you know what that means. I write this myself and it's not Chinese or mtl, so no worries there. enjoy ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cover photo and the OG naruto don't belong to me .

The_Zen_Boy · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

Chapter 21 : Nope

" And, who do you think you are ?! " someone said .

I turn to the source of the voice to see who said that, all the students turn to the voice too as they slowly make way for the person until i could see a boy .

A medium length black hair that flows down to his shoulder, some hair tied up in a small ponytail at the back of his head and black eyes.

I look at him in disinterest and ask " AND, who the hell are you ? "

He looks at me before he puffs his chest up and said in pride " I am Kanna, Shimura Kanna from the shimura clan "

" you are here for only a few hours and now trying to boss us around, so let me ask you again, who do you think you are ?! " kanna continued .

" he is right ! " a kid on the back said .

" Ye... " the yeah kid who was now on the back immediately shut up because of my stare .

I look back at the shimura kid but didn't say anything .

" Also ... " he said with a grin and continued "tell me,  why should we be afraid of someone who can't use chakra ?! "

" WHAT ?! "

" HE can't use chakra ?!  "

" how can that be ?! "

" that's impossible  ! "

The kids were stunned the moment they knew i that i am unable to use chakra and all had different reactions .

I look at Yuji and satoshi who were wide eyed and had surprised expression .

Then i turn to look at tsunade who was with 2 more individuals that i have an idea of who they were. she looked at me shocked with a mix of pity in her eyes .

I feel my own veins bulging under my black sleeved shirt because of how angry i was feeling right now .

I turn to look back at the shimura kid to see his smirking face with shadows on my eyes .

" What's so impossible about this ? " he said as he looked at the other kids .

" I even heard that he didn't come to the academy in the first place because he was scared " he said while shrugging his shoulder .

" No way ! "

" So what was that all about him shouting ? "

" probably just showing off "

" Yeah !! " the yeah kid said and that was last straw for my patience .

* step step step *

I move forward the shimura kid slowly while looking at him without much emotion .

All the kids turn silent while watching me moving forward while thinking what i will do now after they ' humiliated ' me according to them even though i was angry for a different reason .

I stop right in front of kanna who was still smug and had a grin on his face as if mocking me .

"Maybe you are deaf or something to not hear what i just said BUT i will repeat myself just this once so..." i said indifferently much to his annoyance if those tick marks go by any indication .

I lower my head a little because of the difference in height and " Don't get in my way or else... " i said in a threatening tone .

" HOW DARE YOU !! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?!! " he spits out angrily while pointing at me .

" No " i replied calmly while inside i was thinking in panic if this naruto universe was a cultivation version of it .

" i am the cousin of the great hero DANZO SHIMURA , how DARE  a chakra less and useless person like you order me around !! " he angrily said again .

I clench my fists and narrow my eyes further while looking around to see that except some who were whispering and looking at me in pity, all the kids were looking at me coldly .

I know what type of person this kid is, and if the shimura in his name goes by any indication then it's more so for me to expect him to be like this.

Someone who is rich, strong, popular, someone who never tasted failure and pain that the poor and weak go through, but above all else that disgusts me the most is that, many people who are like him, take advantage of the weak and poor, hurt them, bully them.

' The popular will win, The hated will lose ' i thought about one of OG Garou's quotes .

I didn't like bullies in my previous life as a common Japanese man, and now, i hate them with PASSION .

I could be everything but a bully . i know i looked like a bully a moment ago but my intention was only for them to get away and not pester or annoy me .

And if by some of the students expression around this boy could mean anything then he is probably a bully .

I don't know where he knew about me being unable to use chakra or who told him, maybe i know, but i don't really give a shit about that, sooner or later they will know about it .

I look at him with a maniacal grin which made him uncomfortable " if you don't like to be bossed around by me then in the next class we will fight " i said as i slowly got closer to him until i was face to face with him .

The students started to whisper among themselves while looking at me as if i was stupid or something,  challenging someone like Kanna .

" He is crazy ! " a boy said .

" doesn't he know that kanna is one of the top 10 students here ?! " a girl said .

" Maybe he really is oblivious to that " another girl said .

" kanna is really brutal, he will kill him " a boy said scared .

" but look at those muscles he has, maybe he is strong " a boy said with thoughtful look .

" bro, no amount of muscles could defeat someone who can use chakra " another boy retorted while the other kids nodded .

I heard what they said but didn't give a dam  about what they said, actions speak louder than words, they will know soon enough . so i just look at kanna with my grin still plastered on my face .

" Hmph, you're challenging me to a fight ?! A weak person like you ? " he said with disdain .

* swishhh *

Before anyone could react i deliver a side circular taekwondo kick ( Mikey style ) aimed at his head but before it hits, i stop, because of the force i put in that kick, a small air pressure hits him and he backs away quickly .

All the students look at me and my extended leg surprised but no one said anything, they probably didn't expect me to attack .

I pull back my leg and look at kanna who had a bewildered look, i grin at him again and use one of most used taunts that work to every young master and 3rd rate villians .

" You scared ? " i ask .

His face gets contorted and tick marks and some veins appear on his head, he points at me ...

" HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME !! " he spits out angrily and he gets ready to attack me . I see some blue chakra covers his fists and feet, he gets ready to launch at me but i just stayed in my place without moving but before he comes ...

" STOP !! " tsunade shouted as she appeared between us out of nowhere .

Kanna looks at her aggressively and ask " What do you want ?! .

" THIS is a classroom and fighting is forbidden here so back away right now ! " she said in a commanding tone .

" it's not your business tsunade, so don't stick your nose  " kanna said while gritting his teeth .

" I said... back away , didn't i kanna ? " tsunade replied slowly as she narrowed her eyes at kanna .

Kanna stared at tsunade for a while before 'tsk' clicking his tongue and went away .

" AND what are you looking at ?! " she said to the students who were looking and they immediately dispersed .

She looked at me for a moment .

" you haven't changed much you know that ? " she said with small smile on her face .

I put a hand on my chin as if i was thinking about something then look at her up and down checking her out to see the changes...

" honestly, You have changed a lot, you were cute when we were a child bu... " i suddenly felt a hand on my mouth .

" WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU IDIOT ?!! " she said blushing mad while all the students were looking .

" sighhh, troublesome " a lazy someone said behind me .

" Well, i was saying that you were cute back th..." i pause because i felt my danger senses that i honed for years coupled with the experiences i got from OG garou go haywire.

i tilt my head to the side real fast as a punch passed by my shoulder dodging it.

I grab the wrist and deliver an elbow strike toward the face of ... tsunade .

Before my elbow hits her face ruining it, i stop ...

" it will hit next time if you do that again ! " i said with anger in my eyes . does she thinks i am naruto to accept getting punched like that ?

If i am anything then i ain't a bully or a simp .

I slowly get away and step out of the class leaving a very bewildered tsunade and slam the door when i go out .

The End.