
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

What to do?

Fuck Fuck Fuck!

This shouldn't be happening right now. I thought there would still be a month or two left.

But after reading what that scroll entailed I can't help but rush to Kirigakure as fast as I can.

The time when Rin is killed by Kakashi has already arrived. I just hope that I make it tin time.

I wasn't able to save Obito before and I thought maybe I wouldn't feel that bad if something like that were to happen but it fucking sucked.

Believe it or not even after just a few interactions with them, they are pretty close to me. They are after all the first bonds I have created by myself and not from this boy's past experience.

They are my friends. And now I am about to lose another one.

I refuse to let that happen.

Right now I have a chance. I can either lose Rin or save both Rin and Obito.

He should be on his way there as well right?

Only after he witnesses this, will he truly become Madara's pawn. I need to stop that from happening at all costs.


Several shinobis clad in black robes and white mask arrived at a particular location in the middle of the forest.

"According to the information provided by Lord Danzo this is the last known location of our enemy. Find a trail at all costs. Leave no stone unturned."

"Yes" The rest of the group replied.

After giving his order Mantis walked up to the corpse of his fellow root member closest to him to inspect his body.

The body's upper half was completely blown away meaning that he died of some kind of explosion.

He continued to go to the located dead body's one by one in order to extract as much information he can about the enemy's abilities as well as his purpose.

He already knew that the enemy is being provided information about their schemes from someone inside the village. Of course it has to be someone from the Hokage faction or from their spy within the root.

Danzo is too stupid to write it off as an enemy ambush, but not him. He isn't so overconfident as to not even consider a possibility of there being a spy inside the root.

He continued on his investigation to find that all the injuries suffered by his fellow subordinates were cut wounds. Meaning the enemy uses bukijutsu as his main weapon. Which is why he could tell that the enemy must also be good at stealth and speed making him fit for assassination.

If the enemy is a speed type, the trail marks left by them will be much further apart and irregular since those type of shinobis can travel much larger distances with a single step.

after sometime he arrived at a place filled with dormant traps. due to his experience, he could tell instantly that this is the way a root shinobi sets up a camp. He used that as the centre point and instructed everyone else to search for the enemy's trail with 30 meter radius.

After an hour or two, and consistently increasing the search radius and finding nothing, they finally found it. A broken tree branch with scorched marks having footprints.

'At last a clue.' Mantis sighed in relief


Okay so what should I do now?

Arriving at the border of the Land of Fire, I couldn't help but curse at myself for not thinking things through.

How should I go about crossing this sea?

One might say 'Hey just take a ship dumbass'

But that won't cut it. a ship is too slow. The events of Rin being kidnapped has already happened. Meaning that she could die at Kakashi's hands at anytime. Most probably today only.

Also taking a ship is like a death wish right now.

The only way to travel from Land of Fire to Land of Water are the ships docked at the ports. But there is too much security over there.

Konoha ninjas wouldn't allow anyone to go if not for a mission and the boats going to the Land of Water will be inspected by Kiri ninjas not only while reaching there but they have also posted quite a lot of shinobis to travel in the middle to inspect the incoming ships.

The only way to there safely is by being a merchant but forging an identity like that requires too much time and preparation.

I have nothing on me to prove that I am a konoha ninja either so I can't even put up a case of going on an extremely secret mission. I can't use transformation jutsu because there are bound to be many sensory ninjas here who can tell in an instant whether or not someone is using a disguise.

Should I just make a run for it?

I can obviously run on water but I can't create too much disturbance on the surface of water since that will become obvious to anyone's eyes meaning that I can't go at my full speed which isn't very productive either.

Not to mention by the time I get there I would have also tired myself out. Making me unfit for combat.

'I need to create a distraction.'

There is no other way.

I will disguise my shadow clones to look like a Konoha shinobi and attack Kiri ninjas patrolling in the middle of the sea and make a few other shadow clones to pose as Kiri ninja and attack the Konoha ninjas.

The tension between the two villages is still very high even after the cease fire and peace treaty.

This is a huge gamble because if I get caught I will be branded as a criminal in both countries basically making me an international criminal who attempted to start another war.

If I don't get caught, I will increase the chances of me rescuing Rin, Kakashi and Obito to 30%. But I would successfully cause another war meaning.....I will be directly responsible for causing thousands of deaths.

I would also be causing my own country and it's people to further suffer and spend more and more resources.

In what way will I be different from Danzo?
