

Naruto and his team of Devil Slayers were tasked to hunt Stray Devil in Kuoh, however, he experienced something much greater than a simple task.

TricksterDrasvel · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Konoha, Narrow Alley.

A 24-year-old woman hustled along the maze, her eyes glancing over her shoulder several times.

Empty bottles and dumpsters had not impeded her pace, even with bare lighting.

She worked her legs for quite some time, but she was dry and steady.

The woman wore the standard white and black uniform, her Gucci heels clucked and loud.

The terrified beauty took a sharp turn, but she froze, not only because she met a dead end, but because a pair of red eyes stood between them.

"Disgusting wench…"

Then a fireball almost swallowed her.

She leaped to the wall on her right, the exotic nails sharpened, the cute toes pushed through. She latched on to the hard brick and began to climb.

"Can't fly? Tch, a fly is worthier."

Another fireball ensued, she was hit and crashed, her suit tattered and burned.

"Please… let me go, I promise not again…" she begged.

"Say no more, it ends now!"

A third Fireball shouted out, scorching her.


"Hmph," Red eyes snorted. In a blink, a blonde landed beside him.

"Goddamnit!" Blonde shouted to the sky.

Red eyes smirked, "Go home, loser."

"Shut your trap, I ain't gonna lose next time!" Blonde pointed his finger at him.

Within the flame, they saw a twisting silhouette, waiting for her to die, but…

"Aaaah… Haha… Hahaha!!!"

"The shit?" Blonde and Red eyes startled.

"Damn brat… you dare… my precious Gucci…"

"How long have I been wanting it… how many perverts have I sacrificed…"

The flame expired; an alluring silhouette, skin smooth like a baby, but her face, a snake was more fitting.

"You'll pay for it!" she struck, closing in double quick, and the ground then smashed apart.

The blonde and red eyes jumped, and they landed on the wall next to each other.

"Ha, you blew it!" Blonde laughed.

"Focus, you moron!" Red eyes took out his nodachi.

The she-devil rushed at Red eyes, clashing her claws with his blade.

"I'm gonna skin your face and hang it on my wall!" she banged her claws at him.

"Tch," Red eyes dropped a sweat and grit his teeth.

"Relax, here comes the Hero!" Blonde struck She-devil on her back, but his sword got stuck.

"Aw, not again!"

"Raah!" She-devil slapped him. Blonde crashed against the bricks.

"Nice distraction," Red eyes turned and climbed toward the roof.

"It wasn't the plan!"

She-devil chased after Red eyes, the latter tried to burn her, but she burst through it like a piece of paper.

"She's tough!" Blonde pursued them, he shot out five shurikens, imbued with blue-like force, out of five, she got two stuck onto her back.

However, She-devil didn't budge, her pace reduced the distance with Red eyes, and he parried her claws with his Nodachi.


The battle continued on the roof, Blonde and Red eyes were puffing and huffing, while She-devil was laughing.

"Hahaha die! Die! Die! Die!"

"Die you fuckers!!!"

Hatred empowered her claws, madness under the moon.

"Die… huh?"

A hand, wrapped in lightning veins, tore through her chest, ripping her heart apart.

"Sasuke-Kun, are you hurt?!" a young woman appeared.

"I'm okay too, thanks for asking!" Blonde gave a thumb.

"Shut up, Naruto, who told you to run off?!" she punched his guts.

"Urgh, now I'm not okay…"

"..." Red eyes stared, both at She-devil and a person behind her.

"You two went after her regardless of the plan and safety, again, is this a joke?" that person glared.

"Um, Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke-Kun is strong, I believe he could have handled this…" the young woman declared.

"And yet he couldn't," Kakashi blurted.

"Well, Sasuke-kun is…"

"Quiet, Sakura," Sasuke shifted his gaze.

Kakashi pulled his hand out of the She-devil's body, she dropped to her knees and then lay on the roof.

"You two sure are confident as hell," Kakashi said.

"Well, if Sasuke isn't here," Naruto crossed his arms.

"Yeah, no thanks to the junk you called a sword," Sasuke shrugged.

"What the fuck did you say?!"

"This is your fault, Naruto, why did you run off like that?! Sasuke-kun had to rescue you!" Sakura pinched Naruto's cheek.

"Aw, Aw, Aw, rescue me?! Haha, funniest joke ever!"

"Heh, he could get killed for all I care," Sasuke started to walk away.

"Did you wish me dead?!" Naruto brandished his sword.

"Everyone did!" Sakura grabbed Naruto's back shirt.

Watching their antics, Kakashi sighed.

Two missions, all were the same.

Failing the third, they weren't gonna pass the test.

And his score was going to be bad, which would affect his salary.

A bad salary meant less money, and yet Icha Icha's latest series would publish next month.

Kakashi felt like crying at the moment.