
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 12- First day at the Academy

After the admission exam, those of us who had passed were quickly divided into our assigned classrooms, we also received a round badge with the uzumaki symbol engraved on it. But before we could get to our classes, we were all directed to the magnificent Auditorium, a space that appeared to contain the weight of innumerable stories and dreams.

The air hummed with relief and enthusiasm as the students excitedly anticipated the next stage of their academy journey.

Cheerful smiles and passionate discussion filled the air, the scene resembled a carnival of achievement. Excitement buzzed around like a tangible force, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sheer excitement on display. It was almost as if they were collecting lifetime achievement awards instead of beginning on a journey that could very well claim their lives.

When I saw how happy their faces were, I couldn't help but smirk at the irony.

Here they were, ready to dive headfirst into a world of danger, missions that bordered on suicidal, and the intricate art of avoiding death by the skin of their teeth. Yet, they smiled as if they had just won the shinobi lottery. It was impressive, to say the least.

I leaned back, my skepticism growing as laughter echoed around me. They appeared to be on the verge of a fantastic adventure, fully unaware of the lurking shadows that awaited them. But who could blame them? To them, being a ninja was the pinnacle of cool, a ticket to a life of great deeds and courage, A life like those Heroes in legends.

Heroes, indeed. The very notion seemed almost laughable, considering the grim reality that awaited us. I couldn't help but wonder if they had any inkling of the battles that would demand their strength, the decisions that would test their mettle, and the sacrifices that might be required.

As I saw the joyous celebration unfold, I realized that perhaps their optimism, their bold excitement, was what kept them going. They were embracing the image of the heroic shinobi, the saviors who fought against unimaginable odds. Maybe the allure was worth the dangers to them.

So, in the midst of the auditorium's excitement, I couldn't help but notice the irony. The same excitement that made them happy could turn out to be the source of their biggest difficulties. But who was I to pass judgment? After all, they were following goals, living out their lives.

"But, now that I think about it, wouldn't I be just like them if I didn't have those memories from my previous life?" If I had grown up like any other kid, hearing those fantastic ninja stories, wouldn't I have aspired to be like them, becoming a hero and protecting the village?.

Although I still want to become a powerful ninja, it's not for the sake of gaining people's attention or respect, nor do I have a noble heart to save everyone.

In my previous life, I tried to save someone, and look where it got me – right here. I'm not complaining, though; my old life was pretty dull anyway. Still, the memory of dying isn't exactly a pleasant experience, and if I have a choice, I'd rather avoid a repeat performance anytime soon.

So, please excuse me if I don't want to experience that dreadful sensation again.The last thing I want to do is risk my life to save someone who isn't even worth a second thought.

Honor?! Seriously, respect?! I could do without it all. Childhood fantasies of becoming a hero? Not my cup of tea. And, to be honest, who wants to be the focus of attention? No, thank you. My objective is considerably simpler: I simply want to get stronger.

After all, there are so many possibilities in this world that dying like any random mob character would be a big waste of this second chance.

"Attention Everyone".

My musings were cut short as a commanding voice pierced through the buzzing crowd.

I shifted my gaze ahead, my attention now fixed on a tall man with fiery red hair, the village's forehead protector proudly displaying his status as one of its seasoned ninjas. His expression was solemn, and his mere presence commanded undivided attention.

'Must be a Jonin,' I reasoned, recognizing the undeniable aura of authority that enveloped him.

"Every single one of you who managed to pass the test," his voice contained a gravity that immediately drew our attention, "gather around and listen closely."

His words carried a weight that was impossible to ignore, an intensity that silenced the room, leaving only the suspense of expectation.

As the stillness settled, he continued, "As you stand here today, keep in mind that this is only the first step in a much larger journey."

"Our commitment in this academy is to provide each of you with a thorough understanding of the Shinobi arts."

"Our curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, from combat techniques and strategy to mastering chakra control and honing your mental acuity."

"As you progress, understand that each lesson, each challenge, and every piece of wisdom shared is an investment in your growth as skilled, disciplined ninjas."

"Also, in the same vein of commitment, just as we are dedicated to imparting comprehensive knowledge of the Shinobi arts, we expect an equal commitment from each of you to embrace and absorb this knowledge.

"Passing this initial test does not grant you license to act recklessly within these academy walls."

"Let it be known that a code of conduct exists here, and transgressions will not be tolerated." There are rules in place, and there are penalties for breaking those rules. Take heed of this fact.

"Now, I'll outline these rules, and I expect you to engrave them in your mind, never crossing their boundaries."

• Respect: Treat your fellow students, instructors, and all within the academy with respect and courtesy. Disrespect will not be tolerated.

• Discipline: Uphold a sense of discipline in all your actions. Disorderly behavior disrupts not only your own growth but that of your peers as well.

• Integrity: Act with honesty and integrity. Deception erodes the trust upon which our village is built.

• Cooperation: Collaboration and teamwork are essential. Shinobi rarely stand alone; your ability to collaborate is crucial.

• Conflict: Engaging in conflicts without authorization is strictly prohibited. The spirit of a shinobi is not measured in petty skirmishes.

• Chakra Usage: Chakra should not be used carelessly. It may only be used under the supervision of your instructors.

• Curfew: Follow the academy's curfew times. Rest is necessary for both growth and vigilance.

• Academic Diligence: Dedicate yourself to your studies as well as your training. Neglecting your education weakens the foundation of your growth.

• Confidentiality: Matters discussed within these walls are to remain confidential. Loose lips can jeopardize not just your own safety, but that of the entire village.

• Village First: Always remember, the village's well-being comes before your personal ambitions. Loyalty to the village is non-negotiable.

"When you enter this academy, you are bound not only by a physical space, but also by a shared responsibility." These rules are not just a formality; they represent the essence of discipline that will transform you into the shinobi you wish to be."

"Let this understanding guide your actions and decisions. Disregard these rules at your own peril."

"With these words, I urge you to approach your training with unwavering commitment, respect for tradition, and an unyielding dedication to our village."

"Oh!... one more thing: do not lose those badges."

'Huh? The badges? I thought they were only given as a reward for passing the test. Could it also be a test to teach us about value?'



A/N: End of another boring chapter. 🙄🙄

>> Hit me with some power stones.

>> Hint: nxt chap Clone jutsu and 🧐🧐

>> Nothing noteworthy happened in this chapter, A hint about his character. Some rules that are important in their line of work.

>> I won't write his academic life (I don't want to bruh🥴🥴), I will just skip to the graduation ( High chance, not sure though).
