
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 10- Basic Ninjutsu 2

After successfully performing the transformation jutsu and thinking about it's possible uses in future I then learned the rope escape technique.

It was a simple jutsu. It is, as the name implies, a method of escaping from bindings. As the saying goes, a good ninja must be able to escape from any scenario.

Although the technique is simple, it is quite painful to execute. You must dislocate your joints and twist your body in order to free yourself from the bonds. You can unbind yourself by channeling your chakra into the rope and moving it, it was a more controlled approach that required more precise chakra control.

And, before you start picturing me as a contortionist or masochist, let me inform you that was not the case. I didn't do any kind of self-inflicted binding or joint dislocation. Who in their right mind would willingly undertake such a thing? Certainly not me.

Instead, I just wrapped a rope around a strong tree and channeled my chakra into it to simulate unbinding - much less spectacular and far more practical.

To be honest, I'm not sure this is really a proper technique. Why is there even a specific scroll for something like this? It struck me as more of a foundational skill rather than an intricate jutsu, unlike the transformation technique which offered numerous possibilities.

But, oh well, I guess I'll just add it to my list of strange ninja skills.

I didn't rush off to my father for the next set of scrolls once I learned the transformation and rope escape jutsus. Instead, I chose to dig my heels in and really get to know these techniques, to make them a part of me.

My training became a series of fine-tuning exercises. I spent time pushing myself to see how long I could hold the transformation for. I experimented with transforming sticks into improvised swords, attempting to grasp the sensations of each form and how they moved. I even got courageous and tried to multitask while maintaining the transition - you know, like a multitasking jutsu.

Of course, my motivation for the rigorous training was once again the 'Anime' where 'Tsunade Senju.' The famous kunoichi with the twin mountain had managed to keep her transformation active even during life-or-death battle. If she could do it in the heat of battle, certainly I could learn the technique of long-term transformation with focused practice. Right?!

But then again, sometimes I just think too highly of myself.

As expected I did not succeed. My chakra control was good, but not "Tsunade Senju" good. Pulling off something that advanced was a bit out of my league at that point.

To be honest, if I had miraculously pulled it off, I think I would have begun to question the nature of reality. Not that I needed more questions in that department; I'm already the poster child for the "reincarnated human" gig.

I mean, expecting to master that kind of chakra control in just a couple of weeks? Yeah, that's a bit like hoping to become the Hokage after a few ninja classes. Sometimes, you've got to give yourself a reality check.

After a few of weeks of practicing and honing these jutsus, I thought it was time to ask my father for the remaining scrolls.

After reading the scroll fot the body flicker and the substitution jutsu, I must say it was not what I expected.

The 'Body Flicker' jutsu, It's a D-rank high-speed movement method that involves infusing chakra into your body to exceed your limitations and move at remarkable speeds. It's usually utilized for quickly traversing great distances, rather than actual combat scenarios.

The body flicker jutsu was not as ground-breaking as shown in the anime; this technique just allows you to move quickly but not at such a rate that you become untraceable to the human eye.

This was the technique's safe form, which can be used by anyone.

There is another variant of this technique that should only be used in extreme circumstances.

This version was designed for surprise attacks when there was barely any time to react. By unleashing a sudden surge of chakra throughout the body, one could propel themselves a short distance away at incredible speed akin to teleportation, effectively dodging an incoming strike.

However, the quick burst of chakra places a significant strain on your body and chakra coils, rendering you unable to use any ninjutsu for the next 10 seconds. You are effectively rendered vulnerable and defenseless. In a high calibre battle it was nothing sort of sucidal.

Given the consequences, it was best to avoid resorting to this technique during a battle scenario.

With this, I was once again convinced that I should not blindly believe in the things that I saw in the anime series.

In the anime, it was shown that 'Shisui Uchiha' was able to master this technique to the point where he could successfully use it in a battle, he was so lethal with it that other nations feared him, earning him the moniker 'Shisui the teleporter'.

Then there comes the substitution jutsu, as father had previously said, it was a blend of three basic ninjutsu, 'summoning' 'transformation' and 'body flicker'.

The more I read about the jutsu, the more it started to make sense.

I used to wonder how the hell that worked while watching the anime. Replacing yourself with a log? And where do they acquire such perfectly cut logs? It just didn't make sense. Not to mention,The Author also did a poor job of explaining the technique's mechanics.

The only explanation we received was that "the user of this jutsu can swap places with any nearby object, primarily a log." But, if that's true, doesn't it make this jutsu a space time technique? After all, it was very similar to Sasuke's rinne-sharinngan ability.

And that was merely an E rank ninjutsu; consider how any ninja could simply spam this technique and evade any lethal assaults, rendering them meaningless.

And that was confirmed correct when the Author realised how broken this jutsu was. The use of this jutsu became nearly non-existent in the later half of the series.

But the damage had already been done. There were multiple videos on YouTube stating that the jutsu was broken and that you could solo the entire verse. Using this technique, you could effectively render all attacks worthless. And that was just inconsistent writing for plot convenience.

"Poor Neji, cursing Kishimoto for not letting him use this jutsu."

The good news is that there is a plausible explanation for this technique.

To execute this method smoothly, you must first be aware of an approaching attack before summoning a log from the storage scroll. Yes, you must carry a log or something similar in your storage scroll, then transform the log and flicker away under the cover of smoke.

It can be used as a distraction but it's a one time thing, the next time your opponent will be aware.

~As expected reality might be disappointing but it is reasonable.~


A/N: You can read about the jutsu in the fandom and it is kinda broken ngl.

Don't forget the precious stones.
