
Naruto: The Bloody Mist

Transmigrated into the body of a Kiri orphan, Xavier had a simple game plan; sticking around for a long haul. But the minute he decided on that, things started going south. Now, the big question looms—can he clock in till his 80s? Or is he doomed to die early, just like every other shinobi that ever lived? ************************************************************************************* My English isn't the best, and this is my first attempt at writing a book, so... yeah, don't expect too much from me. I would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes I may make in my writing, though. Also, this is more like a pet project for me, so the stability of the chapter updates may not be as consistent... Thanks! Will be uploading on RR as well. P.S. This will be an AU as most of the things about Kiri in the cannon are too vague and the timeline for Kiri is kinda messed up as well.

Hello_Hi_Goodbye · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 1: Generic Entry

A/N: Rewritten on 12/15/2023


"...inner, Zabuza Momochi."

The stern voice of a man was the first sound buzzing through Xavier's ears as he struggled to wake up, his head throbbing with pain and his body sore. Unable to think or move, he lay helpless and afraid on what felt like a cold concrete floor.

"Carry him to the infirmary; we will begin the next match soon." The same voice echoed once more.

In response, Xavier could hear a deliberate footstep approaching, its intensity growing with each passing moment. Suddenly, the footfall ceased at its zenith, and he felt his collar being tugged. Helpless and cold, he could only let his body be dragged across the floor as he began losing sense of his surroundings once more. His destination—unknown.


Shit, why does my head hurts so much??

Fuck, it hurts.

Once again waking up, the first sensation hitting Xavier's nerves was the same throbbing headache.

Ahh!! What's happening ?? Am I dying or something???

This time he could form coherent thoughts, but his body still refused to hear his calling.

Not being able to move while asleep was not that unfamiliar to him. But the pain was unnatural. It was sharp as if someone was drilling right into his brain.

Fuck, I just have to scream or something. Someone should be calling the ambulance after hearing that.

Despite being in constant pain and agony, Xavier desperately tried moving his body or at least his throat to make some noise. But all his efforts remained futile.

Helpless and filled with dread, Xavier could only keep cursing and bear the pain, the area under his eyes slightly moistening.

As the seconds passed, the pain slowly started to grow dull, and within what felt like a few hours to Xavier, the pain finally became bearable, but his body remained immovable.

Now I just need to try and move a bit. I should shout for help as soon as I can. Sigh… I hope it's not some brain tumor that's causing the pain.

Imagining all the deadly scenarios he may be in, Xavier tried desperately to move around until finally after what felt like another hour or two, he could snap open his eyes.

Just as his throat was about to move, trying to scream out loud, he stopped. Confusion etched on his face.

Where the fuck am I now?

The ceiling above him was not the same as the one he remembered. It was white, too white in fact, with a few rays of yellow; clinging to the ceiling.

Sitting up, he looked around him, not noticing that the body he couldn't even move a second ago now seamlessly followed his commands, it wasn't even sore.

Xavier observed several small beds adorned with white sheets, a few occupied by children, all appearing to be below 10 years of age. Most of them seemed weak and malnourished, peacefully sleeping under their covers.

Is this the infirmary that the voice mentioned? And why am I the only adult here? 

Uncomfortably shifting under the covers, he looked at his own bed which for some reason looked equally small, if not smaller.


Confused he raised his own hands to uncover his body, only to freeze upon finding it unfamiliar.

"What the-"

And before he could curse out loud, he felt everything around him starting to swirl. Trying to recover from the sudden bout of dizziness, he felt his mind overwhelmed with unfamiliar memory.

Ryota Chinoiki? Orphan? in Kirigakure? four years of age? admitted to Ninja Academy? k-killed by Zabuza Momochi? 

This... Is this real?

Asking the question in his head, he slowly uncovered his body, only to see 'his' bony legs and body 'adorned' by a thin and worn-out pair of tracksuits.

"No, this..."

Confirming his suspicion, Xavier seemed even more desperate than he previously was. He at least had some chance of surviving through the pain, but what was the cure for transmigration?

This... This shou—No, this must be a dream, right?

But the memory he gained had already crumbled the illusion. Not knowing what to do next, Xavier just crawled inside the blanket and closed his eyes, trying to not think of anything for a moment. He could suddenly 'feel' a few stares at him.

Feel? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Unwilling to pay attention to anything, he tried his best to keep his mind blank. After a few minutes, he silently peeked out of the blanket, trying to find and see if anything had changed. Desperately moving his head, around only to see a few kids waking up and weirdly looking at him.

Unbothered by any of this, Xavier covered himself once again and just stared blankly for a moment before muttering to himself, his voice trembling.

"S-shit, t-this is real."

Although he did fantasize a lot about transmigration and whatnot, he hadn't fallen so low as to really wanna move to another world. Especially if the said world was all about constant bloodshed and gore.

And the guy in my fantasies was a giga-chad version of me, no way I'm surviving any of those shits.

Finally managing to recover from his shock, Xavier tried assessing his situation.

So, now I have to somehow survive this bullshit huh? This is literally the worst place to start in the Narutoverse. 

From what he could tell, he was currently in the infirmary of the Kirigakure Ninja Academy, famously known as the Bloody Mist Academy.

Sounds dope on paper at least, I guess.

Chuckling at his misery, he continued thinking.

And since I'm an orphan and living in the era of Third Mizukage at that, I will most likely have to participate in their infamous graduation ceremony. So at least one kill, that too killing a child if I really want to survive this hell hole.

Gulping down at my own thoughts, he decided to put this issue at the back of my mind.

All I can rely on right now is the future knowledge of the Narutoverse and this body which can potentially be talentless.

He stopped his thoughts as a memory suddenly brushed his mind.

Heck, the name of this body is Ryota Chinoiki. Is it THAT Chinoiki clan? The Ketsuryugan? Fuck, maybe do some blood-bending and shit? It was overpowered as hell.

A bit excited about such a prospect, Ryota immediately started searching the original body's memory for anything regarding the eyes and the clan, but he could find nothing.

Not discouraged, he tried moving his eyes around, squinting them, rolling his head around, or even repeatedly opening or closing them. Unfortunately, no changes took place.

I think you need to transfer chakra into your eyes or something to activate the doujutsu. And that chakra thingy should be around your belly, right? Let's try that.

Once again, making his full focus land on his naval region this time, he tried concentrating. He could feel something mildly warm in there, like a small water-filled balloon, but the water was warm. He tried moving the metamorphic balloon a bit, which he found pretty easy. Excited, he tried leading the entire thing towards his eyes, which immediately caused his head another bout of pain. All he could see was red before everything became dark… once again.

 ====>Chapter 1: Generic Exit<====< p>


A/N: Hope you enjoyed it!