
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · アニメ·コミックス
242 Chs

Chapter 9: Past Meets Present 1

Summary: Tsunade meets Narutos new family. The Konoha delegation is subjected to several more paradigm shifts about Naruto, Itachi, and the Uchiha clan. And Naruto draws the line.


...ooO Past meets Present 1 Ooo...

Naruto grinned; he was practically bouncing on his feet. The Third Stage was done. Officially the winner was Kioshi but there had been very little leeway. It could have just as easily gone to Sakama. He had already prepared and handed in his recommendations regarding all the candidates. All he had left was to do the polite small-talk and a quick circuit then he was free! At least until the end of the week and his official inauguration. He had time to spare since he had largely handed over his old responsibilities and Hiroshi insisted on handling the Ceremonial details.

"Naruto! There are people who want to meet you!"

Naruto stomped on chibi-Naruto who wanted to throw a tantrum and dutifully made his way over to Hiroshi. He would have to do this a lot more in the future and it was best he got used to it.

Hiroshi was surrounded by the visiting kages and daimyos. Carefully Naruto did the usual greetings and polite small talk moving around the circle until he came to a particular trio of familiar faces. A more natural open smile broke out.

"Hello Baa-chan." And quickly dodged Tsunades fists.

"What did you call me?!" Tsunade couldn't help the relief that flooded her system at the familiar nickname.

Naruto grinned. "Baa-chan. Because that's what you are." He teased dodging her wild swings until she finally gave up and stopped but Naruto kept a careful distance before turning his attention to the other two.

"Shizune-nee-chan." A quick brief hug to the lightly blushing medic-nin.

"Ero-Sensei." A more taunting greeting for Jiraiya.

"You are never going to stop calling me that are you." It was more of a statement from the exasperated Gama Sannin.

Naruto considered the words and smiled cheerfully. "Nope. You'll always be Ero-sensei. Or Ero-sennin. Or-."

"Just stop it gaki!"

"When you stop your research." Naruto countered. "Which will be never since you have no self-control." He grinned at all the kages. "If you aren't very familiar Jiraiya writes a particular series of popular literature. If any of you are Icha Icha fans get him to autograph your copies."

The male kages and nobility looked at the Sannin who was grumbling. Each and every one of them were closet fans of Icha Icha Paradise. Each made private resolutions to get their volumes autographed by the author before leaving Kumo.

Jiraiya was torn between laughter and horror at the brat. "You know I was planning on giving you a pre-release copy of my newest book."

Naruto shrugged. "If you don't I'll buy it like everyone else."

Tsunade was horrified. "Naruto!"

Naruto refused to flinch. "Baa-chan, ninety-five percent of all heterosexual males read Ero-Sennins books even if they don't admit it. Hell, I blackmailed Sandaime jii-jii often enough when I was little by using his copies as hostage material."

Everyone choked at that tidbit of information, the revered shinobi known as The Professor, the longest reigning Hokage read smut and had been blackmailed by a child who probably threatened to destroy it.

Tsunade heaved an exasperated sigh. Naruto was destroying Sarutobi-senseis mystique, his reputation! But then again he was a dirty old man and a pervert just like most other males. Then something struck her.

"Naruto, when did you start reading Jiraiyas books?"

Naruto pursed his lips trying to recall the details. "He managed to corrupt me during my second training trip. When things were slow I'd critique and edit his material for him. I stopped shortly before I left Konoha. After I was too busy."

All the males blinked at that bit of information. That explained why there had been quite a few new Icha Icha books in a three-year period about ten-twelve years back. After that Icha Icha books were published between longer intervals.

"But I thought you hated perverts!" Tsunade was aghast. Her beloved little brother had been corrupted by her old teammate.

Naruto smiled softly at the closest thing he had to a grandmother.

"Baa-chan, all guys are perverts. I think it is something genetic to make sure the human race doesn't go extinct. I am more honest about it and I definitely don't chase every single female out there! One is enough for me and she is my wife. The books are a bit of spice for our private time."

Tsunade brightened at that confession.

Jiraiya snickered. "I don't know why you read my books for inspiration when you have definitely been the source of my inspiration."

Naruto glowered. "I swear Ero-sensei you have no idea how lucky you are to still have your balls. If she succeeded in tracking you down after she caught you spying on us..." He trailed off ominously.

Jiraiya tittered. "Tee hee hee! You forget Naruto, I am a Sannin! An expert at espionage and escape!"

"And she is an S-class kunoichi on the trail of a self-proclaimed super pervert and writer of porn who peeked on her during an intimate encounter for the sole purpose of getting inspiration for his next book." Naruto replied deadpan.

The male shinobis with one exception shuddered as one.

"But you distracted her just fine my deshi." Jiraiya giggled perversely.

Naruto shook his head and looked at Tsunade. "Just keep an eye on him Baa-chan. She might have put it behind but not if he continues to act like this."

Hiroshi looked peculiarly at his successor. "Do you mean to tell me Jiraiya actually used you in his books?"

Naruto shrugged, a fluid movement. "Yeah, but I'm not telling you which ones."

Tsunade looked intrigued. "Naruto, is it possible to meet your wife?"

The blonde looked around. "She isn't here yet. Probably running late."

"Tell me a little about her." Tsunade urged.

Narutos expression softened, a warm glow filled his being. "She is Mine Baa-chan. She completes me in a way I've never felt before. With her I feel I can do Anything! She doesn't hit me or ignore me like Sakura. She doesn't follow public opinion like most women in Konoha. She would never blindly obey orders from someone higher in the command-chain like Hinata. She is iron-willed enough to create and follow her own path. She is strong, in heart mind body and soul. With her by my side I Know I can do Anything."

"And you have." Hiroshi chuckled softly. He caught Tsunades eye. "His wife is also his old field partner."

Understanding dawned. "Hanashin."

Hiroshi hummed his assent. "Aka Arashi and Hanashin. Hammer and scalpel. Power and Elegance. The perfect team. On and off the field."

The Mizukage looked intrigued. "Is it possible to meet her?"

Narutos head perked. "She'll be here in fifteen minutes." He smiled at Hiroshi. "She is doing a circuit and moving in slowly."

Several Konoha jounins froze from their spot behind a screen of potted plants. The old adage eavesdroppers hear nothing good about themselves was definitely true.

Sakura blinked rapidly to stop the tears. She could not shout and say it was a lie because it was true, she hit and yelled at Naruto practically every day during their years as genin teammates and even after.

Sasuke wanted to know if she really as strong as Naruto described, as the reports and analysts extrapolated. He wanted to know so much. Did Naruto hold back when they were genin? Chuunin? After Sasukes return to Konoha? How much power and skill did he really have to be so openly desired to be Kage to a village that he was not born to? Sasuke had heard of Aka Arashi like most shinobis but he had never seen the shinobi. Only the remnants of his battle sites. What kind of jutsus did Naruto create to have wrecked such havoc?

Neji shook his head sadly about the harsh truth concerning his cousin. His cousin had admired and claimed to love Naruto but in the end she bowed down to the demands of the clan she wished to change. And nothing changed. Perhaps if she stayed true to her heart things would have changed. For the better. For everyone. But now it was too late, that chance was gone.

Shikamaru wondered if Narutos wife Hanashin as troublesome as Ino and Temari. All women were. But then again Naruto was the sort to enjoy chaos. Hell, he created plenty of it when they were younger.

Shino was certain there were more bombshells to come; always were when Naruto was involved. He wondered if Narutos wife shared some of his abilities; Aburames and Inuzukas were able to bestow a gift, share some of their abilities with truly compatible spouses from outside the clan. Did Naruto share such a tie with the one he had chosen?

Kurenai struggled to form a counter to undermine the accusation about Konohan women being weak-willed and failed. All of them gave way to public opinion. The only females who stood by Naruto were perhaps the Godaime, her assistant, and the ramen stands daughter Ichiraku Ayame.

Kakashi wanted to laugh and cry. The student he ignored, the son of his sensei and Hokage, had earned the respect of an entire village to be named Kage. He had created his own legend in the shinobi world by creating his own unique techniques that earned him the name of Aka Arashi. And Jiraiya had used him and his wife as inspirations. He made a resolution to read his old volumes and figure out in which ones the Sannin used Naruto and his wife.

Inochi wondered what sort of woman would marry a jinchuuriki. What sort of woman would be willing to trust a jinchuuriki in the heat of passion? Did she desire the status and power he had accumulated or did she truly care for him? It would not be easy to live a lie and maintain that façade around one with the preternatural senses and abilities of a bijuu.

Shikaku considered the possibility of co-opting Narutos wife and discarded the idea. A kunoichi as renowned as Hanashin would be ruthless in handling any assassins or attempts at blackmail.

Naruto turned to the screen of plants and spoke in louder tones.

"Hokage-sama, I think I have to make things clear about Kumos future relationship with Konoha. It would help to have those who could each make independent reports to Konohas Council so there are no misassumptions. Please ask your nins to step forward and hear me."

Blue eyes were glacial as he watched his once friends and comrades, his supposed sensei emerge from the greenery. He refused to let compassion soften his words or blunt his resolve.

"You will return to Konoha and give your reports so there is no doubt. Kumo will Never ally with Konoha. We will not sign any neutrality or trade treaty with Konoha. Our only contact will be when our shinobis are on opposite sides during a mission or during the Chuunin exams. Tell your Council if Konoha dares to attack Kumo we Will retaliate with Full Force.

"I accepted and tolerated your scorn, hatred, and attacks when it was just me involved but now I am no longer alone. I have a family and a village full of shinobis and civilians to protect. I will not tolerate anyone that threatens me and mine. If you send one assassin I will send five. If your ANBU take out one Kumo patrol I will order my shinobi to wipe out five of your patrols. Any attempts at espionage and infiltration will not be tolerated; do not expect us to return the corpses. If you wish to manipulate other villages against Kumo feel free. If you can." Blue eyes were coldly amused. "The tactics of the Sandaime Hokage are very common knowledge today and none of the fools in Konoha have the intellect or subtlety to carry out a similar misinformation strategy on the necessary grand scale."

The jounins recoiled with a few exceptions, those who had freely accepted their complicity in the whole mess, Shikamaru, Neji and Shino.

Shikamaru waved his hand idly. "Don't worry about the Council. The Daimyo is pissed enough with them. He's already cut a lot of funding and Tsunade-sama has passed the debit by slashing a lot of their pet projects and private campaigns." He smirked. "Nice job on Ne."

Naruto smiled, a fractional bit warmer. "Thank you Shikamaru. The shogi lessons and strategy games Ero-sennin insisted on kind of grew on me. I had hoped to play a few games with you but never could get in touch."

Shikamaru stilled. It had been a busy time in his life. He had received his jounin rank and been pushed into field duty by his usually laid-back father. He barely had anytime or energy to stay in touch with his friends. It had been too easy to put it off...

Naruto smirked. Shikamaru was connecting the dots. The usually placid strategist was glaring at his cringing father.

Neji bowed his head. "I feel I must apologize for Hinata-sama."

Naruto shook his head. "Never apologize for another. It is something They should do; it isn't something to be delegated. Hinata made her choice. She chose her Clan. I still don't think it was the best decision she could have made."

Shino sighed and nodded his assent. "For a time it seemed she had reconciled with her father and passed the jounin exam... but it was for nothing. A few years after you left her sister was declared Heiress. Tsunade-sama refused to let the Elders use the Bird Cage Seal since she was too old. She's trained as a medic-nin but she never takes assignments outside Konoha."

Naruto snorted. "Figures." He shook his head. "Clans like that are control freaks. They'd rather break their children than risk changing status quo. If the Uchihas originated from the Hyuuga it is no wonder Itachi rebelled."

Sasuke stiffened. "Itachi was a mad man."

"Itachi had very good reason." Naruto countered mildly.

"You are just stirring up trouble! Like you always do!" Sakura accused wildly.

Everyone stared at the new Raikage. "What do you mean?" Tsunade asked hesitantly looking at Jiraiya who looked away pointedly. A sinking feeling filled her gut. Jiraiya knew about it and he had not told her. Probably because Naruto asked him not to. What other secrets, little bombshells, did Jiraiya keep mum about?

Naruto hesitated before he answered. His eyes were level with Sasuke.

"I'm not lying here. I'm only telling you what I've been told. Your Clan Elders... they… they did... they did Things… to Itachi."

Everyone stiffened. Uchiha Itachi was a prodigy. Was it because of an illegal experiment? Something based on Orochimarus philosophies?

Naruto chewed on his lower lip. "I met Itachi a few years after I left Konoha and we talked a bit. I don't know the full details about the mess but honestly it makes me very happy the Raikage has more freedom to interfere in Clan Matters than the Hokage." Blue eyes were open. "You can choose to disbelieve me but as far as I'm concerned your clan got what was coming to them. It was unfortunate, the way Itachi chose to accomplish that… Killing everyone including the civilians and torturing you psychologically. I would have settled for killing the elders and adult nins, blinding all the adults and sealing the chakra vessels of every single Uchiha." He smiled faintly. "In another world and another time we would have been the best of friends… brothers. I hope you find the peace you are looking for."

Tsunade frowned. "Can you give us any details Naruto?"

Naruto snorted. "If you want proof go digging for it yourself. There should be records in the Uchiha District and the ANBU archives. What Itachi told me was strictly in confidence and I will not betray that trust. You are not my Kage and I owe you Nothing."

Tsunade stilled her recoil and nodded. What he said was the honest truth.

Naruto closed his eyes briefly. "If you find out what I'm talking about feel free to visit Kumo. Depending on my mood we may or may not talk." Then he turned to his old jounin-sensei. "Kakashi, I have nothing to say to you. You are less than scum to me." He snorted. "See underneath the underneath... Never abandon your comrades… Too bad you never follow your own advice."

The Copy-Nin took the verbal blows stoically. It was what he deserved. He had betrayed his teacher, his own ideals, his students.

Naruto glanced at Sakura feeling completely indifferent towards the pink-haired kunoichi. It was hard to believe once upon a time he had been so desperately in love with her. His head tilted to one side as he studied the fidgeting kunoichi.

"Haruno Sakura... I have no idea what I ever saw in you. I'd say you are a bitch but you don't even have a bitchs loyalty. Except when it concerns your beloved 'Sasuke-kun!'" He mimed in a high-pitched falsetto. He ignored her flinch and fresh tears and Kurenais stilted motion to comfort the younger woman. "You know what? You should apply for a seat on Konohas Council; because you are definitely a parasitic leech like the rest of them."

He turned to Shino and smiled more warmly. "Do you know what you are going to tell your student?"

Shino sighed. "Everything. The more the Council lies and tries to hide the truth the more evident it will be. If things are to change it will start with the young ones."

Naruto chuckled. "Oh yeah. Talk to Konohamaru and his crew. He is young and a bit hot-headed but last I heard from him it looked like he was developing the same strategic mindsets like his uncle and grandfather." He grinned. "I sometimes send letters to him via Gamakichi."

Jiraiya blinked and chuckled. "I wondered why the brat begged to sign the Frog Contract when he had Sarutobi-senseis Ape contract. I was shocked when Gamabunta and Enma agreed in the first place. It is rare to have dual summons."

Naruto shrugged fluidly. "I talked to Gamabunta. Konohamaru agreed to never summon any frog higher than Gamakichi. Unlike the usual contracts this has a time limit of twenty years. At the end it will be renewed or expire."

"Tou-san!" A high pitched childish squeal cut through the conversational hum.

Naruto turned away a wide smile spreading across his face before he took two quick steps and crouched down arms open wide.

A small black-haired form clad in dark blue barreled through the crowd straight at the Rokudaime Raikage.

Naruto laughed as he easily adjusted for the impact rising from his crouch one arm braced behind the boys legs as he lifted him up so their faces were level.

"Got you Ryuuchi!"

Sasuke, Kurenai, and Shino froze seeing the familiar face of a particular little boy.

Sasukes mind went blank. The boy was an Uchiha, a born genius capable of using the Sharingan. His father was Naruto, who was given the title of the number-one unpredictable ninja by Kakashi. Naruto had gotten ahead of him in resurrecting his clan. But Ryuuchis clan was not Uchiha, it was Namikaze, the clan of his father the Rokudaime Raikage, and his grandfather the Yondaime Hokage.

Kurenai could have burst into tears and cried as she realized the full implications of the situation. But she didn't. She was a kunoichi and trained to control all displays of emotion so she did not make a sound as her psyche absorbed yet another blow. The Sharingen kekkai genkai was lost to Konoha unless Sasuke choose to have children. The Namikaze legacy of the Yondaime was lost, driven away by Konohas own actions.

"What have I told you about running at gatherings?" Naruto scolded the boy though his heart clearly wasn't in it.

"Don't run because shinobis have fast reflexes." The boy dutifully recited in a sing-song fashion before brightening. "But if they have good reflexes they can get out of the way!"

Naruto chuckled. "Like you did a few weeks ago? You depend too much on being able to predict others. If you don't stop I will seal your dojutsu."

Tsunade frowned. "Naruto! Stop threatening the poor boy! That's a job for his parents!"

The pair blinked mildly at the Hokage before the older one coughed discreetly. "Obaa-chan, you know how I said you really are an Obaa-chan?"

"Yes?" Tsunade was getting confused. What was the brat getting at?

Naruto patted the boys back. "This is one reason why you are an obaa-chan. This is my son, Namikaze Ryuuchi."

Pieces began to shift in Tsunades mind. Ryuuchi was not a very common name. The description fit. Sealing your dojutsu…

Ryuuchi peeked at the Hokage feeling a bit shy. "Tou-san, why do you call her obaa-chan?"

"Because she is really old. She was on the same genin team as Jiraiya-jii-san."

Ryuuchi blinked. Red bled into black irises and tomoes swirled in each eye.

Sakura hissed. "Sharingan!"

The boy blinked again deactivating the dojutsu. "Tou-san is right. You really are an obaa-chan."

Tsunade was torn between laughter and fits. Laughter won out. Figured the gakis son would be just as smart mouthed as him. Then something else clicked.

"Your wife-."




AN: There are hints of misleading in this chapter. Remember, at this point the Konohans don't know Hibara was known to them as Itachi. They are assuming she was a Kumo kunoichi who met Naruto and recruited him.