
Naruto: Swarm System

After transmigrating to the Naruto world, Zhixiang becomes a member of the Aburame Clan and awakens the Swarm System. This system allows him to upgrade and evolve insects, including the epic phosphorus bugs that can devour and feedback energy. With these powers, Zhixiang embarks on a journey to master all bloodline abilities and pursue immortality during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Uchiha Obito declares, "I want to create a world where Rin exists!" Uchiha Madara asserts, "I will activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a peaceful world." "Wow, you guys are amazing," Zhixiang remarks. "But I'm different. I just want to devour the Otsutsuki clan and achieve immortality with my harem of beauties." With a wave of his hand, a massive swarm of insects emerges, devouring Obito's army of one hundred thousand White Zetsu instantly. "Obito, this offering is too small. Can you add a bit more?" -:Warning:- Please be aware that this novel is darker than what you might typically expect. -:This translation:- Author: 第五青莲著 Original: 火影:忍界绝色,我全要!

Betek · アニメ·コミックス
83 Chs

Chapter 7: The Uchiha Massacre


Uchiha Clan Grounds.

The Uchiha massacre orchestrated by Konoha was proceeding smoothly, with two participants and one staff member working in perfect coordination.

With the help of the masked man, Uchiha Madara (Obito), Itachi Uchiha slaughtered his clan members within three hours.

The bodies of the massacred Uchiha clan members bled profusely, eventually pooling into a bloodbath that reflected the moon, turning it into a blood moon.

Outside the Uchiha Clan Leader's house.

After a moment of silence, Itachi Uchiha finally pushed open the door and entered.

Not far from him, the masked man was tossing a pair of Sharingan eyes in his hand, watching with interest.

Unseen by them, outside the Uchiha grounds,

Zhixiang was hiding in a tree, remotely controlling the dormant Phosphorus Devourers inside the bodies of the Uchiha clan members, rapidly devouring their corpses.

The Phosphorus Devourers, having consumed the bodies, discreetly returned to Zhixiang with the help of the healing insects.

After transferring all the absorbed energy back to Zhixiang, the healing insects returned with the Phosphorus Devourers to begin their next task.


The immense and pure energy coursed through Zhixiang's body, making him tremble all over.

Under the influence of this energy, Zhixiang's body continued to grow and strengthen.

As his muscle strength and bone density rapidly increased, so did his chakra reserves.

At the same time, the world through Zhixiang's eyes became clearer and brighter.

Even at night, he could see distant objects with clarity.

Feeling the rapid growth of chakra and the changes in his body, Zhixiang was thrilled. The blackness in his eyes gradually faded, turning into a crimson color...

With the continuous nourishment from the Phosphorus Devourers, Zhixiang finally acquired the Uchiha clan's bloodline power, successfully awakening the Sharingan.

First a single tomoe, then two tomoe, and finally three tomoe...


Before long, after finishing his shuriken training, Uchiha Sasuke, eager to go home and eat with his brother, was subjected to Itachi's "massacre animation."

After enduring prolonged torment, Sasuke nearly turned into a drooling idiot.

Half an hour after Itachi and the masked man left, the game staff member, Danzo Shimura, made his entrance.

Leading members of the Root and ANBU, he began transporting the bodies of the Uchiha clan.

According to Itachi's agreement with the mysterious man, the mysterious man could only take the Sharingan from the Uchiha clan members he killed.

Those killed by Itachi were left behind.

These leftover Sharingan were Danzo's targets.

"Konoha, come and clean up!" Zhixiang sarcastically thought to himself. Using the Transformation Jutsu to disguise himself as an ANBU member, he blended into the large group transporting the bodies, successfully infiltrating the Uchiha grounds.

Amidst the crowd, he wasn't worried about being recognized.

Rushing ahead of the others, Zhixiang was the first to reach Fugaku Uchiha's house.

Seeing the unconscious Sasuke, Zhixiang shook his head sympathetically.

Such a young child, bearing such a heavy burden.

After directing the Phosphorus Devourers to devour Fugaku, Zhixiang used a secret technique, 'Insect Transformation,' to disguise the seemingly dead Mikoto as another person. He then carried her "body" out.

After hiding Uchiha Mikoto's "body," Zhixiang returned several more times, carrying out the "bodies" of some children and a young girl.

When he finished this,

Zhixiang used the rapidly breeding Phosphorus Devourers to wrap the bodies and followed him to the Forest of Death.

Although Zhixiang had been controlling the Phosphorus Devourers to devour the Uchiha corpses, those devoured were just a small fraction compared to the large Uchiha population.

Danzo would likely assume that the missing Uchiha were taken by the mysterious man with space-time ninjutsu.

Because of this, Zhixiang dared to blatantly devour the dead Uchiha clan members and take Uchiha Mikoto.

Of course, even if discovered, Zhixiang wasn't afraid.

With the Uchiha clan, masters of ocular genjutsu, annihilated, having the Phosphorus Devourers made Zhixiang almost invincible in Konoha. If he wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

Now, not only had Zhixiang obtained the three-tomoe Sharingan, but he had also grown significantly taller due to the energy nourishment, appearing more like a teenager than a child.

Moreover, Zhixiang's chakra reserves had increased substantially.

Worst case, I'll become a rogue ninja, Zhixiang thought indifferently.

As long as he possessed great power, staying in Konoha or not didn't matter to him.



Danzo Shimura frowned at the Root member reporting to him, asking in a stern voice:

"You're saying Fugaku and Mikoto's bodies weren't found at home, only an unconscious Sasuke?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo!"

Itachi Uchiha, it seems you couldn't bring yourself to kill your parents and let someone else do it.

What a pity.

Danzo waved his hand, dismissing his subordinates, understanding the situation.

Danzo believed that Fugaku and Mikoto were killed by the mysterious man and their bodies taken.

After all, Root had just tallied the numbers; over a hundred Uchiha were missing...

Danzo was convinced that only someone with space-time ninjutsu could make so many people disappear without a trace in an instant.

As for the unconscious Sasuke, Danzo had no intention of intervening.

This was part of his deal with the Third Hokage.

The eyes left by Itachi were for Danzo, while Sasuke was under the Third Hokage's protection.