
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · アニメ·コミックス
181 Chs

Chapter 8: Explosive Returns

" The difficulty of this Ninjutsu lies in compressing a large amount of Chakra into the shape of a fire dragon in an instant," Mutsuki demonstrated while explaining the Ninjutsu release techniques to Shisui.

Coincidentally, Mutsuki had recently achieved a proficient level of Chakra transformation, and took the opportunity to share many insights into the operation of Chakra transformation with Shisui.

"I see, I think I understand a bit now," Shisui nodded and prepared to give it a try.

Shisui's hands swiftly moved through hand seals, Chakra surged within him, and then he compressed it to shape the form.

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!"

Shisui opened his mouth and spat out a one-meter-high fire dragon soaring into the sky, spinning once in the air before diving into the water.

Clap, clap.

Mutsuki smiled, applauding Shisui, and said, "I thought you might need a few tries to succeed, but it seems I underestimated your talent."

Mutsuki was genuinely surprised. Without activating the Sharingan for replication, Shisui had quickly learned a B-rank Ninjutsu. Could this be the true value of the Double S-rank talent?

"It's because of your excellent teaching, Mutsuki-sensei," Shisui modestly said.

He didn't deny that he learned things a bit faster than ordinary people, but he genuinely felt that Mutsuki taught with great dedication and effectiveness.

During the demonstrations, Mutsuki, except for the first time when showing off, used a complete set of hand seals, slowing down the pace to explain the process.

"Moreover, I can't say I've mastered it now; I can just use it," Shisui thought. Reflecting on Mutsuki's Great Dragon Fire, he felt there was still a considerable distance to go, both in terms of the size and quantity of the fire dragons.

"Let me demonstrate the mastered Great Dragon Fire Jutsu for you a few more times," Mutsuki smiled.

He was satisfied with Shisui's humility and diligence. Seeing the Chakra constantly increasing on the panel, he knew Shisui hadn't been idle when he returned home.


When Shisui immersed himself in Mutsuki's teachings, time seemed to pass quickly, and the sky had quietly darkened.

As Shisui unleashed the Great Dragon Fire, he noticed the flames were unusually bright. It was then he realized that evening had fallen upon them.

A curious thought crossed his mind – could Mutsuki-sensei's gentle voice be some kind of Ninjutsu technique, capable of making people forget the passage of time?

"Sensei, I'm going home," Shisui bid farewell to Mutsuki, preparing to leave.

"I've recently summarized my experiences in practicing Chakra transformation. Take a look when you get home," Mutsuki handed Shisui a small booklet.

Shisui hesitated for a moment, then accepted the booklet Mutsuki offered, bowing in gratitude.

Although he didn't express many eloquent words, Shisui now held a greater respect for Mutsuki. He felt that Mutsuki, as a sensei, was exceptionally outstanding. Despite only knowing each other for four days as master and disciple, Mutsuki never held back. The more important the knowledge, the sooner Mutsuki taught it, never keeping anything to himself

Watching Shisui's departing figure, Mutsuki's lips curled into a smile, revealing satisfaction. Truly, he was a rich source of talent, always bringing in good things.

[You have gifted your disciple a manual on Chakra transformation. Due to the disciple's deep appreciation, a critical hit reward has been triggered. Obtained Ninjutsu: Wind Release - Pressure Damage (Proficient Level)]

In Mutsuki's mind, numerous experiences for using Wind Release: Pressure Damage instantly appeared, along with some knowledge of Chakra nature changes related to the wind attribute.

Mutsuki was quite pleased with this reward. Wind Release: Pressure Damage was a formidable Ninjutsu, considered top-tier in Wind Style, boasting wide-ranging destructive power. It could also be synergized with his Fire Release Ninjutsu.

Furthermore, the system's gift of the wind attribute nature change was advantageous for his development of nature changes in Rasengan.

Originally planning to develop the fire attribute Chakra nature change for Rasengan on his own, he now intended to focus on incorporating wind, starting with the RasenShuriken.

After these days of exploration, Mutsuki had likely figured out the mechanism for returning rewards from teaching disciples.

The rewards were influenced by two factors: the quality of the gifts he gave and the disciple's level of gratitude for the gifts, with the latter carrying more weight.

On the second day, he gifted Shisui a string of snacks, and the system rewarded him with ten Shuriken.

On the third day, Mutsuki personally made and gave Shisui some food, and the system rewarded him with fifty Chakra points. Both gifts were related to food, but the reward on the third day was noticeably better, apparently because the third day had a more "meaningful" touch, and Shisui liked it more.

Having figured out the mechanism, Mutsuki began planning for a bigger reward for Shisui. He intended to check Shisui's information when he went to school tomorrow, specifically looking for Shisui's birthday.


On the fifth day in the Naruto world,

Mutsuki originally had only one class today, but an issue came up with a third-year sensei in the office, who needed someone to substitute. Given the chance to help others, Mutsuki naturally didn't miss it.

For teaching two classes, he gained twenty Chakra points and received the Great Fireball Jutsu as reward.

This was Mutsuki's first time obtaining a Ninjutsu that he knew. However, what surprised him was that the Repeat Ninjutsu system directly increased the experience of practicing that Ninjutsu.

In a gaming context, it would be something like a "Level 1 Great Fireball" or a "Level 2 Great Fireball."

"Yumi-sensei, you're too kind. If you keep this up, other sensei will surely ask you to substitute for them," Ueda Aya expressed some concern.

Mutsuki thought to himself that this was also a good thing, and he quite liked it.

"We're colleagues; it's no big deal. Besides, I really enjoy teaching students," Mutsuki smiled.

Ueda Aya was momentarily at a loss for words because, judging by Mutsuki's expression, she felt that he genuinely meant what he said.

She found it quite surreal. Could there really be such good people in the world? Substituting without extra pay was like working for free.

The weekend quickly arrived. The Academy was similar to his previous life, with classes from Monday to Friday and weekends off.

Due to the prior agreement, at 8 a.m., Mutsuki brought Obito and Might Guy to the training area he shared with Shisui, starting their "special training."

"Why do we have to get up so early even on a day off?" Obito moaned, leaning on the desk that Mutsuki had prepared in advance.

"Early? I think it's fine," Might Guy scratched his head, unable to empathize with Obito's complaints.

Mutsuki handed them the prepared test papers. These were tests Mutsuki had created based on their learning progress, considering that they had only been in class for five days. It wouldn't be fair to give them last year's exam right away.

Moreover, given the circumstances of Obito and Might Guy, Mutsuki didn't plan on having them tackle difficult problems. Getting some easy points would be sufficient for them; passing was enough.

"Mutsuki-sensei, what is this?"

Before long, Shisui, who was ready for practice, arrived. Seeing Obito and Guy struggling with the test papers, he looked puzzled.

"They are fourth-grade students. I'm giving them extra lessons. You focus on your training; it won't interfere," Mutsuki explained.

Shisui's arrival wasn't a coincidence; Mutsuki had invited him last night.

As for the purpose, Mutsuki thought that it would be interesting for the senior students to engage in the mundane task of solving test papers while observing the junior students practicing Ninjutsu.


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