
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Ch-37 Sasuke showing his strength.

You can read 16 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




As soon as Jugram moved away from his position, the attack of the ninja with horns landed on the spot where Jugram had stood just moments before.

"Where did he go?" the ninja with horns exclaimed, his eyes darting frantically around the area in a desperate attempt to locate Jugram amidst the chaos of battle. Finally, his gaze settled on the ninja with spikes, and a shadow obscured the figure. The ninja with horns looked up towards the sky, and there, Jugram was in the air. But as soon as he spotted Jugram, Jugram descended from the sky with incredible speed and stabbed the ninja with spikes in the head, pinning him to the ground. Jugram then stood up and withdrew his sword from the head of the ninja with spikes.

Now, only one lone ninja remained with horns, his resolve shaken by the sudden demise of his companion. Sensing the impending danger, he turned to flee from Jugram, fully aware that he stood no chance against such a formidable opponent.

Jugram pursued the fleeing ninja with unwavering determination, his every movement calculated and precise. With effortless grace, he soared through the air, swiftly navigating through the dense foliage without hindrance, his eyes locked firmly on his target.

As Jugram closed the distance, he unleashed a barrage of arrows towards the fleeing ninja. The first arrow sailed through the air, narrowly missing its mark as the ninja agilely dodged to the side. However, Jugram's second arrow found its mark, piercing the ninja's leg with unerring accuracy. Undeterred, the relentless pursuit continued, culminating in a final, fatal shot that struck the ninja squarely in the head, pinning him to a nearby tree trunk.

With the threat neutralized, Jugram wasted no time, swiftly retrieving the bodies of the fallen ninjas adorned with the cursed mark. With a sense of purpose, he departed from the scene, leaving behind only the echoes of his swift and decisive actions.


A few minutes earlier, Zabuza trapped Kakashi in a water prison, leaving Kakashi unable to break free. Soon after, Zabuza created a water clone of himself and dispatched it to eliminate Tazuna and the other members of Team 7.

The first to confront Zabuza was none other than Naruto, but he was swiftly overwhelmed by Zabuza's brutal prowess.

Upon witnessing Naruto's struggle, Sasuke activated his Sharingan, preparing to obliterate Zabuza's water clone. Aware of his limitations against a seasoned Jonin, Sasuke's objective was clear: he aimed to dismantle the water clone and free Kakashi from his aquatic confinement, thus enabling Kakashi to take on Zabuza.

Sasuke unsheathed his sword and conjured his shadow clone. His main body launched an attack on Zabuza with the sword, while Zabuza retaliated with his own blade. Sasuke observed the entirety of Zabuza's water clone sword technique, enabling him to effortlessly counter Zabuza's assault. Utilizing a swift movement technique, Sasuke maneuvered behind Zabuza, astonishing him with his speed. However, Zabuza's surprise was short-lived; he quickly pivoted, deflecting Sasuke's attack and delivering a forceful kick to Sasuke's abdomen, sending him airborne.

While Sasuke's main body engaged in combat with Zabuza, his shadow clone approached Naruto and whispered something in his ear. After hearing Sasuke's instructions, Naruto nodded and began advancing toward Zabuza alongside Sasuke.

Sasuke's main body spotted Naruto approaching and promptly evaded, creating distance. Without delay, Naruto initiated the 'Shadow Clone Technique,' generating over 50 shadow clones that encircled Zabuza in a ring formation.

All of Naruto's shadow clones brandished kunai and swiftly attacked Zabuza's water clone, quickly engulfing it in their midst.

While Zabuza's water clone found itself ensnared by Naruto's shadow clones, Sasuke's shadow clone targeted it, employing 'Burning Finger 1.'

Simultaneously, as Sasuke unleashed 'Burning Finger 1,' Zabuza's water clone swung its sword in a circular arc, obliterating several of Naruto's shadow clones and sending the rest hurtling backward.

The 'Burning Finger 1' technique, known for its unparalleled speed and precision, surged forward with unstoppable force. As Zabuza's water clone focused on repelling the onslaught of Naruto's shadow clones, its attention was diverted, leaving it susceptible to Sasuke's decisive strike.

In the split second that followed, the 'Burning Finger' pierced through the defense of Zabuza's water clone, its scorching energy tearing through the watery form with ease. The clone shattered into droplets, dispersing into nothingness under the overwhelming power of Sasuke's attack.

As the remnants of the water clone dissolved into the air, Sasuke's shadow clone, having fulfilled its purpose, gradually dissipated, its transient existence coming to an end.

Zabuza stood in stunned disbelief, his eyes wide with astonishment. Never had he imagined that a group of newly graduated shinobi would possess such skill and coordination to overcome his formidable water clone. The realization dawned on him that these young ninja were more capable than he had initially perceived.

Sasuke glanced at Zabuza and, while forming hand seals, declared, "Though I may not have full mastery over this technique, it should suffice to end you." With those words, he expelled a stream of flames from his mouth, shaping them into the form of a dragon before unleashing it toward Zabuza.

Zabuza exclaimed, "Damn, I never expected a ninja fresh out of the academy to wield such potent ninjutsu." With resignation, he realized he had no choice but to retreat from his position, which meant he had to release Kakashi.

Once Kakashi was liberated, he turned to Sasuke and stated, "Now, leave everything to me." With that assurance, Kakashi engaged Zabuza in combat, showcasing the prowess that earned him the title of Copy Ninja.

Every move Zabuza executed was meticulously replicated by Kakashi, whether it was the water dragon technique or the water vortex technique with which he defeated Zabuza. Following Zabuza's defeat, the hunter-nin from Kirigakure apprehended him, ostensibly killing him with needles.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)