
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Ch-34 I like stability in my life.

You can read 16 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




Kakashi looked at Jugram with a furrowed brow. "Are they your enemies?"

"No," Jugram responded, his tone calm yet resolute. "They can't be my enemies. I'm someone who cherishes stability in life. I've never spared any of my enemies."

The surrounding fell into a tense silence as Jugram's words hung in the air. The disbelief was palpable, evident in the twitching of everyone's faces. What kind of twisted logic was this? How could stability in life be attained by eliminating all adversaries?

Jugram's gaze shifted towards Zabuza, seeking confirmation. "Are they working for Gato?"

Zabuza shook his head slowly. "Not to my knowledge," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

The individual who appeared to be leading the group of black-clad ninjas addressed Zabuza, stating, "Our target is Jugram, and we have no intention of interfering with your mission. Let's refrain from getting in each other's way. Agreed?"

"No problem on my end," replied Zabuza. He acknowledged Kakashi's formidable prowess, understanding that facing him would require unleashing his full strength. Despite this, victory over Kakashi remained uncertain. Additionally, the sheer number of individuals assembled to confront Jugram hinted at his considerable strength.

Jugram turned his gaze toward the black-clad ninjas. While he was confident that none of his enemies remained alive, he was aware that his actions—establishing the 'Sternritter' and entering Konoha—had piqued the interest of certain parties, likely either Danzo or Orochimaru, represented by these ninjas.

Jugram turned to the group of ninjas clad in black, his gaze piercing. "I may not know who sent you, but rest assured, I will soon uncover the truth. Let's relocate to a quieter spot."

With determined strides, Jugram began to move away, but Sasuke's voice cut through the air, stopping him in his tracks. "I'll come too," Sasuke declared, his tone resolute.

Pausing, Jugram raised a hand to halt Sasuke's advance. "There's no need for you to accompany me. I can handle these individuals on my own. Your duty lies here, protecting Naruto and Sakura."

With a nod of understanding, Jugram proceeded to depart, his steps purposeful. The ninjas in black followed closely behind him, their movements calculated and synchronized. Despite their willingness to comply, a subtle tension lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the potential complications that could arise from encountering Zabuza and the formidable presence of Kakashi, the legendary copy ninja. Nonetheless, driven by their unwavering commitment to their mission, they trailed after Jugram, their resolve unyielding.

After traveling 100 meters, Jugram came to a sudden stop, his movements calculated and deliberate. With a swift yet fluid motion, he reached for his weapon of choice—a bow crafted from Reishi. Despite his back still turned to the ninjas in black, his stance exuded a quiet confidence.

As Jugram swiftly turned to face his adversaries, his bow at the ready, tension hung thick in the air. Without hesitation, he notched an arrow and released it in the direction of the ninjas.

The lead ninja reacted with lightning reflexes, dodging the projectile with agile precision. However, the ninja behind him wasn't as fortunate; caught off guard by the unexpected attack, the arrow found its mark, piercing his chest with lethal force. A gasp of pain escaped the unfortunate ninja's lips as he crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished in an instant.

Though a surge of anger welled within them at the loss of their comrade, the remaining ninjas held their tongues. They begrudgingly acknowledged their own oversight in underestimating Jugram's prowess. In the world of shinobi, stealth and opportunism were virtues revered above all else—qualities Jugram had demonstrated with deadly efficiency.

"Why are you all so angry? You're here to kill me, not to spar with me. So it's reasonable for me to reduce your numbers however I see fit, isn't it?" Jugram remarked.

"You're absolutely right, and it's our fault for being careless," the leading ninja admitted.

"The mistakes of the past shall not be repeated," declared the foremost ninja, determination etched into every word.

Three ninjas, led by their formidable leader, converged with synchronized movements, unleashing torrents of fire from their mouths. The flames coalesced, forming a colossal avian figure ablaze with infernal intensity—a manifestation of their mastery over Fire Style: Synergy Jutsu Karura. With relentless speed, the fiery bird hurtled towards Jugram, its scorching beak poised for destruction.

Aware of the imminent danger, Jugram swiftly sidestepped the oncoming assault, his keen eyes fixed on his adversaries. Drawing his sword with fluid grace, he surged towards the trio of ninjas, undaunted by their fiery onslaught.

With the flaming bird looming overhead, Jugram surged forward, his blade slicing through the searing inferno. Though the intense heat threatened to sear his skin, the protective barrier of 'Blut Vene' fortified his defenses, shielding him from harm.

With a deft stroke, Jugram cleaved through the flaming avian, dispersing its fiery form with a single, decisive blow. Without hesitation, he closed the distance to the three ninjas, poised for retaliation.

Before he could fully engage them, another trio of assailants descended upon him, their weapons poised for the kill. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Jugram conjured a shield in his left hand, intercepting the brunt of their assault.

With calculated precision, he parried the strikes of two ninjas, his shield absorbing the impact with resolute strength. Meanwhile, his sword danced with deadly grace, intercepting the third ninja's blade with a resounding clash.

Seizing the opportunity, Jugram surged forward, driving back his adversaries with a powerful shove. With a deft twist of his wrist, he disarmed the third ninja, sending their weapon spiraling into a nearby tree trunk.

Without pause, Jugram pressed his advantage, his blade arcing through the air with lethal intent. In a swift, fluid motion, he delivered a fatal blow, killing his foe with ruthless efficiency.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)